That Butt Naked Godly Being H...

By Silent_Innocence

817K 20.5K 2.5K

Corinne Tyson and her boyfriend Seth are on a journey of love. Something neither of them have experienced bef... More

TBNGBHAB...Chapter One
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Three
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Four
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Five
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Six
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Seven
Important authors note
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Eight
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Nine
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Ten
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Eleven
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twelve
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Thirteen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Fourteen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Fifteen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Sixteen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Seventeen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Eighteen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Nineteen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twenty
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twenty One
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twenty Two
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twenty Three
TBNGBHAB....Chapter Twenty Four
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twenty Five
TBNGBHAB....Chapter Twenty Six

TBNGBHAB...Chapter Two

46.8K 1.1K 98
By Silent_Innocence

That Butt Naked Godly Being Has A Brother!

<<Thank you for all the comments so far, they all are wonderful! Keep them coming, I may just start choosing favorite comments like I did for the first book!>>

Previously in Chapter One

Feeling Seth lean into me, his lips against my ear, I held back the desire to shiver, “You know he’s going to want to see her now. Their mates, love,” He whispered softly.

I nodded in response to Seth’s soft words,  before drawing my attention back to Jeremy, “She doesn’t know you’re here, and I don’t plan on letting her know that you are, so no, we can not go back to the house.” I told him honestly, “Now I suggest you find comfort in talking in the woods, or there’s the way out of town,” I snapped, pointing my hand in the direction he had came from.

Seth laughed lightly, pressing his lips to my neck as I snapped at his brother, “I’d listen to her Jeremy, when she says something in that tone, she will see it through done her way,” Seth informed his brother.

Cringing ever so slightly, Jeremy nodded slowly, settling for my demand, "I got that feeling," Jeremy mentioned, laughing lightly under his breath. 

Rolling my eyes, I elbowed Seth in the stomach, wishing he would talk so we could leave quicker. Seth must have realized what I wanted him to do, and he let out a deep breath, "Jeremy we don't have all night...What'd you come here for?"  Seth asked his brother.

Jeremy shifted on his feet, and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I'm in trouble Seth...I thought I could handle it on my own, but uh, recently a friend told me I just can't do it alone. I need your help," He admitted softly, sounding truly embarrassed to be asking his younger brother for help.

Chapter Two

Seth seemed genuinely shocked at what came through Jeremy's lips from the way he couldn't seem to find words for the longest moment, and I'm sure that my face said it all, Jeremy didn't look like a person who would ask for help. "You what?" I spit out, truly still trying to grasp onto the fact that the guy before me, the guy I have heard so much stuff about is asking for help, and that just didn't seem to line up in my mind.

Jeremy let out a deep breath, and continued rubbing the back of his neck, bringing his other hand up, before standing there staring at us, "I need help, and I was talking to Seth, not you!" Jeremy snapped suddenly, making me flinch back further into Seth's hold.

Suddenly finding words, Seth obviously didn't like the way his brother spoke to me, and growled at Jeremy, "Talk to my mate like that, and see if I fucking help you," Seth spoke, not sounding like himself as he tightened his arms around me protectively.

"She's trying to get involved in something she doesn't understand!" Jeremy responded, his words sharp, not lightening in the slightest despite Seth's words, his sudden dislike towards me evident.

Seth laughed at his brothers words, a real deep unhumorous laugh rattling through his chest, "Then you make her understand, you don't raise your voice directed at her ever, or I won't think twice about the fact that you're my brother and your throat will be between my hands," He threatened, sending a fearful chill down my body although I knew the threat was in no way shape or form directed at me.

Jeremy let out a breath, a growl muffled softly, "I can't promise anything," He spoke softly, sounding defeated.

Taking this as the last straw, Seth unwrapped his arms form around my body and took my hand in his, tugging me towards him, "Then we're done here, I suggest you leave this town," Seth told him, his anger flooding his words, as he began walking away from where Jeremy stood, taking me along with him. Beginning to follow behind us, Seth heard Jeremy's steps and turned around quicker than I could follow, "Take one more step after us, I'd love to beat the shit out of you," Seth threatened.

Holding up his hands, Jeremy took a step backwards, "I didn't mean it, Seth! Just hear me out!" He called after us as Seth turned and continued pulling us through the trees, "I screwed up,  and I didn't leave Nicole because I didn't love her, I know what you think Seth, the reason I left her is the reason I need you help!" He called, drawing my attention completely.

"Seth maybe we should go back and listen to him," I mumbled softly, curious as to what Jeremy meant about the thing he's needing help with being the reason he left Nicole.

Seth stopped walking instantly upon hearing my words, and he turned around, his eyes locking with mine. "You don't understand how he's an compulsive liar Corinne, he's trying to get us in his trap so he can start blaming us for stuff, it's what he's always done." Seth told me truthfully, his eyes softening the longer he looked at me. Reaching out towards me, Seth ran his hand along my cheek softly, "I love you too much to listen to him act like a jerk towards you. If he would have watched his mouth, I would have let him talk, he should have never snapped at you like that," He pointed out.

Stepping towards Seth, I nodded, and reached up, wrapping my fingers tightly around the back of his neck, "I know, I was stupid suggesting that we listen to him. Let's just forget today happened and go back to your place," I spoke softly.

Taking a deep breath, Seth nodded, and within moments we were walking again, both obviously trying to forget that his brother had came ungracefully into our lives together, and even though I could hope he would disappear,  I had a strong feeling that he was going to be around for a while. Squeezing Seth's hand with mine, I walked closer to his body, feeling a smile take over my face when Seth leaned over and pressed his lips my forehead sweetly.

By the time we made it back to Seth's house, my feet were killing me and I couldn't wait to sit down. Walking into the front door, I paused suddenly with a gasp, and couldn't believe my eyes, "Nicole?" I spoke softy, drawing her attention almost instantly.

"Carter..." Seth mumbled, sounding truly as confused as I was.

Sitting up quickly, Nicole ran a hand through her hair, trying to tame the mess it was in, "It's not what it looks like...Carter just stopped by to see if you were here Seth, and we started talking," She stumbled over her words, obviously trying to come up for an excuse as to why her and Carter were full on lip locked on the living room couch.

Looking between the two of them, I suddenly burst out laughing, "I can't believe you two were about to get nasty on the couch...Wait! Where is Colton?" I suddenly panicked.

Nicole blushed at my blunt statement, and Carter cleared his throat, "He's upstairs napping," He informed us, trying to sound calmer than he obviously was as he ran his hand through his light brown hair, a nervous habit I had noticed he had.

I had gotten to know Carter in the last few weeks, he was a real sweet heart, a good friend to Seth, and amazing with Colton, but I never once imagined him and Nicole ever kissing, let alone what ever they were about to start doing if me and Seth hadn't walked in on them. 

"Well, I'm gonna go check on him..." I spoke softly, taking the hand that was holding Seth's hand and pulling him along with me, all but running up the steps. Wandering into what was now Nicole and Colton's room, I took a quick look at a sleeping Colton, "I can't believe what I just saw," I mumbled to Seth, leaning into him as he stood behind me watching Colton from across the room.

Seth leaned into me as well, and pressed his lips to the back of my head, "They obviously didn't think anyone was going to be home any time soon," He laughed.

Laughing myself, I knew that was most likely it. "But still, Nicole and Carter...The two people are complete opposites!" I spoke, trying to keep my voice low so I didn't wake Colton, but I couldn't help that it rose slightly.

Rubbing his hands up and down my arms Seth let out a deep breath, "Carter hasn't found his mate, Nicole has been rejected by hers...The only person I'm truly worried about with their arrangement is Nicole," Seth spoke softly, pulling me from the room we were in and leading me towards his just down the hall.

Staring at him curiously, I didn't quite grasp onto what he was saying, "What do you mean that you're worried about only Nicole?" I asked softly once we were behind his bedroom door.

Seth sighed softly, and moved away from where I stood, wandering around his room, before turning around and facing me from across the room. "When Carter finds his mate, he will leave Nicole. He's wanted to find his mate since I can remember, and when he does Nicole is going to be a small thought in the back of his mind," He explained, sitting down on his bed and holding his arms out for me.

Wandering towards him, I crawled into his lap, and laughed lightly when Seth laid down on his back, taking me with him wrapped in his arms, "You think he would?" I mumbled softly.

Nodding, Seth kissed my forehead, "And if his mate is half as beautiful and amazing as you he's going to be jumping at the chance to steal her heart..." He added.

Blushing, I hit his chest slightly, "Do you think Nicole realizes this?" I asked him, truly curious.

Seth took a deep breath, "It's possible, but not likely...because my brother left her so suddenly, she's looking for a replacement, and Carter is working as a good one for the time being. I highly doubt she'd thought as far as him finding his true mate," Seth spoke, running his hand along my cheek softly, and when he noticed the sad expression I must have had on my face thinking about Nicole being crushed is Carter found his mate, he began talking again, "Don't worry love, for all we know he may not find his mate until well in his twenties, maybe thirties, and hopefully by then what ever is going on between Nicole and Carter will be over." He added trying to lighten the conversation.

Letting out a deep breath, I nodded, and laid my head down on Seth's chest. Allowing silence to take over the room as I listened to the sound of Seth's beating heart, my eyes on the verge of fluttering closed as I felt completely safe in Seth's strong arms.

After nearly half an hour of just laying there, I finally let out a sigh, and pulled back form Seth, resting on my hands and knees as I looked down at Seth beneath me, "What do you think would happen if Nicole knew Jeremy was in town today?" I asked softly, watching Seth as his blue eyes looked up at me.

"I'm not sure love, I don't think she would have been going at it with Carter if she knew. Jeremy is and will always be Nicole's mate, a part of her heart belongs to him, and I don't know how she would react to knowing he was in town..." He told me truthfully.

I nodded, "Would you be mad at me if I said I was still curious about what he meant earlier?" I spoke softly, biting my bottom lip.

Reaching out, Seth wrapped his arms around me, and pulled my body back down onto his, "Yes. Corrine, I know him, he was lying trying to get us to stay around. He's an compulsive liar, he's a gang leader who has got away with raping a young girl, and he's trying to use me for most likely something stupid." He spoke, his voice raising slightly as he reached out and took hold of my cheeks in his hands, "Promise me that if he by chance didn't leave town that you will stay away from him. I will deal with him myself if I find out he didn't leave," Seth told me, staring directly in my eyes. "Promise me Corinne," He stated again.

Looking down at him, I nodded slowly, "I promise," I whispered.

"Thank you," He spoke softly, his body relaxing as he heard my words.

Staring at Seth, I smiled softly, and pressed my lips to his, "You worry to much, you know that right?" I told him honestly, laughing lightly.

Meeting my eyes, Seth shrugged, "I'd rather worry too much that not at all," He admitted, "Did you want to stay around for dinner?" Seth asked after a few moments, changing the topic.

Letting out a soft breath, I shook my head, "I would love to, but I can't, I promised my dad I'd be there tonight, he'd having Della over..." I told him truthfully, "I should probably head home soon too...Will you walk me?" I asked.

"I would never let you walk home alone," He admitted, his words bleeding truth.

Smiling at his words, I reached out and ran my fingers through his hair, "Now what  could we possibly do until I have to head home?" I whispered, biting my bottom lip pulling at it softly.

Seth watched me carefully as bit my lip, and raised his eyebrows at my question, "Asking me is useless by now,  you should know I always know one thing that we can do to pass time," He pointed out.

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head softly, "Is that all you think about?" I wondered, a smile forming as I looked down at Seth.

Shrugging, Seth smiled back at me, "When your cute little body is on top of mine it's hard not to think about it..." He told me, bringing a slight blush to my cheeks.

"Are you telling me that's the only time you think about it?" I asked, already having a feeling on what his answer would be.

Letting out a laugh, Seth shook his head, "Hell no," He laughed, "I'm a guy, I think about it all day, everyday!" He admitted,  pressing his lips to my jaw, as his hands slid down my back, stopping at my lower back.

Laughing, I shook my head softly, "Maybe I should start making you suffer a little bit," I suggested, feeling Seth practically stop breathing beneath me as he gasped over dramatically.

"You wouldn't dare!" He exclaimed, pulling my lips to his, and kissing me until I was completely out of breath, only pulling his lips away just enough to talk,  "You wouldn't be able to resist me..." He claimed, licking my lip. 

Letting out a breath, I looked down at Seth, and ran my tongue over the place he had just licked my lip, "Hm, you think so?" I asked him, a smile spreading across my lips.

Seth nodded, and instead of answering right away, he stared at me for a few moments, a smile slipping onto his lips, "I'm your mate as much as you are mine...And I don't believe for a minute that you don't have similar thoughts as mine, maybe not as often, but they're there." Seth pointed out, smiling as my cheeks heated slightly, "And your cheeks only prove my statement true," Seth whispered softly, leaning forward and kissing my lips softly.

Not bothering to deny his statement, knowing that I did indeed have occasional dirty thoughts about Seth, I didn't bother confirming it either, and instead leaned into Seth's kiss. Seth didn't bother protesting my lack of responding, and rolled us over so he was hovering over my body as he kissed my lips softly. 

Wrapping my legs around Seth, I pulled his body closer to mine, and sighed softly as my heart fluttered with happiness. If I could spend forever in Seth's arms, that's what I'd want to do.

Just as the shirts began to slide upwards, a soft knock came down on Seth's door that sent us out of our moment, and had Seth walking towards his bedroom door. 

Fixing my shirt as Seth pulled open the door, I smiled when I saw Amanda looking over Seth to meet my eyes, "Oh, I just knew you were here Corey! How are you dear?" Amanda wondered, seeing straight through her son to where I sat.

Smiling, I stood from where I was sitting, and wandered over to the doorway, taking Seth's hand in mine when I reached him, "I'm wonderful actually," I told her truthfully, my eyes wandering up and catching Seth's as he stared down at me.

Amanda smiled at my response, and nodded, "Gosh, I didn't interrupt anything, did I?" She worried, looking form me to Seth, before settling her eyes back on mine.

Speaking at the same moment, Seth said, "Yes." as I said, "Of course not." and Amanda looked between the two of us again with a smile across her lips.

"Seth was actually about to walk me home," I lied, deciding now would be a good time to head out.

Amanda's smile dropped at this, "You aren't staying for dinner then?" She spoke softly.

Seth shook his head, "She has to be home for her own family dinner tonight actually," Seth informed his mom, tightening his hold on my hand, obviously thinking leaving was a good idea to get away from his mom.

Sighing, Amanda put her hands on her hips and nodded, "Understandable..." She mumbled, before adding, "Next time you're over, which I'm assuming will be in the next few days, you have to stay for dinner, I haven't cooked for you in too long!" She told me, before stepping out of the door way, "I don't want you to be late for your dinner, hurry along and get her home on time Seth," Amanda told her son, shooing us towards the stairs.

Taking the option, Seth pulled us towards the stairs, leaving his mother watching behind us, "It was good seeing you Amanda!" I called to Amanda as Seth all but made us run down the stairs.

Amanda responded, but her voice was lost in out escape of the house, my eyes glancing over the now empty couch we'd seen Nicole and Carter on earlier as we slipped out the door.


A Little Note From The Author:

Each and every one of you are amazing, I hope you know that! Thank you so much for all the support of the last chapter, I am so excited for this sequel you have no idea, and I truly hope that you enjoy the journey!

I sure hope you enjoyed this chapter, it is NOT edited, but I think if you read my work, you'd know by now that everything I write is a first draft! Haha.

Okay, now this isn't related to the chapter at all, a few of you know, I recently met a guy who I called my real life Seth...and well if you didn't know that, now you do! He's sweet, adorable, and if I could pick anyone to fit my personal real life Seth it'd be this guy! He's three almost four years older than me, but age is just a number right? We actually met at the gym, so yes he's in shape. Oh, and to the person who asked, no I did NOT meet him when he was naked, although I have seen his abs... which are wonderful by the way! I'll keep you guys posted if anything happens, if you want...

OH YEAH..remember my dears, I'm not a person who has a set goal of votes or comments before I upload the next chapter, and honestly I don't ever see myself doing that, but being that this is a starting off new, and I don't know how many are going to join in for the sequel, the only thing I'm asking you to do if you want to see me continue to update this at a regular pace,  I would love to see a constant response coming from this... so, if you want the next chapter really soon....VOTE and COMMENT on this chapter! And if you want, maybe FAN me too;)




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All Rights Reserved


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