Two Types /=/ Four People

By Being_Delirious

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"I have fallen deeper than what I have originally plan..." What a Year! Everyone had changed... Didn't they? ... More

(1) Meet up
(2) The Discreet
(3) Crossed Paths
(4) The Cabin
(5) Last Year (Ohm)
(6) Last Year (Terroriser)
(7) Names for You
(8) First Mission
(9) What's Before? // Suspicion
(10) the Crazy guest
(11) Grand Entrance//Reunion
(13) Outlaw Charles
Stories and Pasts
(14) Back In The Team
(15) Ready up
(16) Game On
(17) Wake Up and Remember
(18) It All Came Down To This
(19) Down the Hill and Into the Ocean
(20) Missing You..

(12) Resolution and Isolation

203 7 0
By Being_Delirious

The following day, Evan and Tyler were nowhere to be found in school, although Marcel wanna badly know what happened, he have to focus on his own mission. He was currently in the cafeteria seating besides Craig, David and Lui. The three were silent, not much lively for the most popular group in school. Craig played around his food, he was so bumped out on why Tyler and Evan weren't at school. "Sorry Bud, the group isn't usually this quiet but... Our friends had gotten missing lately and well... It wasn't very good. Then now Evan and Tyler aren't at school!" Craig pushed his tray and crossed his arms, David sighed, "dude, it's just like that they're some kind of an agents or something.." Lui whined and leaned his head next to David. Marcel almost choke on his food when he said, 'agents'. Oh Lui... If only you knew... As Marcel took a sip, he saw the same blonde hair boy across the cafeteria, this is it. His chance, "guys, uhh... I may have to use the restroom." He excused himself and before the others could say anything else, he was already gone.
"Excuse me..." Marcel tap the person from behind, he only got two clues in searching for the ex-vigilante. Blonde hair and blue eyes. The boy swift around and faced himself towards Marcel, the boy smiled, "yes?" Marcel gulped and tried to look around, "uhh..." Goodness sake! He forgot an excuse!

"Bryce, Hey! Oh, why hello there," A boy in a brownish hair stood besides the blonde named 'Bryce'. Marcel faced the other boy, he quite have an accent there, "sup Scotty?" Bryce greeted, giving each other an high five, "Nothing man, so... Who's your friend?" Scott asked gesturing towards Marcel, Marcel just lightly tugged the straps on his backpack. "Actually, I don't know. May you introduce yourself? So you know, we could properly introduce to each other." Bryce shrugged as he spoke, still smiling of course. "I uhh... Marcel. A Junior student." He introduced himself, Scotty smiled, a friendly one. "Welp, nice to finally meet ya Marcel. Scotty, you could call me Scott." Scott spoke, shaking Marcel's hand. Bryce then came up next, "Bryce Mcquiad" and shook Marcel's hand. "You got a question?" Bryce asked then Marcel nodded, a bit hesitant. "W-where can I find the... Principal's office?" He excused, in fact, he's still wasn't sure if that is the target.

|O (- -) O|
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Gorilla and Satt were already inside the cabin along with Sark, they had heard about Brian and brought a lot of supplies as possible. They were currently aiding Brian from one of the rooms, Brock stayed in the living room, pacing around the room, Ryan was there trying to comfort him down. Outside was Luke and Jon, "I have to go now," Jon explained as Luke sighed, "It's alright man, go do your job." Jon sighed then smiled faintly, "Bro, I know you know that I tried to flirt with Ryan." Jon patted Luke on the shoulder, "Yeah, I saw that. It was a d**k move Jon." Luke retorted, lightly glaring at Jon, Jon chuckled, "Well... I was only doing that to help you out." He explained as Luke raised a brow, "How the hell does flirting with Ryan would help me out???" Luke crossed his arms, Jon let out a laugh, "See how jealous you are? I know why Ryan had been like that for the past few weeks.. you should finally ask him, because if not-" Jon paused then twirled around, now the back is facing Luke, he glanced his head sideways just to see Luke from behind, "-Someone else would take your bunny boy away~" Luke just rolled his eyes and growled, "whatever man, f*** you." Jonathan laughed again, "What I'm just trying to say is that, you might lose him. So waste no time, in getting that bunny a**," Jon chuckled as he left Luke a bit red.

Not soon, Ryan came out of the door, his left arm wrapped around in bandage and he's leaning on a crutch. Ryan hobbled down the steps, Luke offered to help but Ryan rejected. Once Ryan got down, he looked around. "Huh, Delirious' is gone already?" Ryan asked, "he left a minute ago," He shrugged on himself, ignoring Luke's remark. Luke groaned and planned his strategy on how to make Ryan confess. "I know why you've been so distant to me for the last weeks.." he started, trying to read the smaller man's emotions. Right there is Ryan frozen in his place, holding on to his crutch, trying to steady himself, "Do You? Do you really know anything Luke?" He breathed out, Luke gulped and straightened his posture, he was tired of this. He wanted HIS Ryan back. "Why don't You Tell me Ry? Tell me because I had enough of this!" Luke raised his voice, going closer to Ryan, he then stop.

A few inches apart from Ryan, the shorter man glared up as Luke glared down, "this is why." Ryan's voice is a bit raspy, his mouth had already gone dry when Luke stood inches from him. "Because you think I'm weak. That I'm not good enough, Luke, that night at the party, you said those words loud and clear that you want to replace me with Delirious. You want to replace me for being weak, forgetful and clumsy. Luke, You could've just told me that You don't Like Me!" Ryan began to sob, he stared down at his foot. "That night, I thought you liked me back..." He whispered, just enough for Luke to hear, the flashback of Luke kissing Ryan on the cheek played, "but then you're actually just annoyed of me. You crushed my feelings Luke Patterson!" Ryan yelled, closing his eyes as tears seeped from the corners of it. Gripping on his crutch as he began to shake, letting all the bottled up emotions flow through.

Luke just stood there, stunned. Did he really just heard it right that he crushed his feelings?! "Listen up Ryan... I don't know what my dumba** self told you," Luke gently cupped Ryan's face into his hands and made him face Luke in the eyes, " but You know deep down that you are not weak. Ever since back in the dorm, You're the strongest person I've ever met. You've fought through your alcoholic mother and your abusive father!" Luke spoke, the truth about Ryan's parents, his parents got arrested when he was around twelve and his aunt took him in.
"You've been through a lot, and then? You're still here! Standing! Even covered with bandages and a crutch, you are still standing right in front of me. Do you think that's not strong enough?"

Luke held Ryan's hands tight and slowly bring them to his lips. "You're the toughest cookie to break." He spoke gently, looking deeply into Ryan's eyes. And finally, Ryan gave up, he let go of his crutch(the only thing that could make him stand) and leaned into Luke's body. His head buried in Luke's chest, breathing in and letting out a shaky breath, "that was the longest time I have ever been mad at someone..." Ryan spoke, still collapsed on Luke's arms. Luke let out a chuckle, "well... I did deserve it." He replied, wrapping his arms around Ryan, hugging him. Oh how much he missed his rabbit boy.

"Ryan, If I happened to hurt you again, just punch me in the face. Hard." Luke reminded and this made Ryan stare at him, "Wha-", "It's much better than holding a grudge." Luke finished and kissed Ryan on the forehead, The gray hoodied boy just blushed, oh, how he miss being himself.

At the window, Brock held the curtain slowly to see Luke hugging Ryan. He sighed, Ryan was able to forgive Luke so maybe... It's about time to forgive Brian. Brock sighed and sat back on the couch, he had few gashes right there and here, but that doesn't really matter, Brian on the other hand... Gorilla got out of the room, followed by Sattelizer and Sark. Luke and Ryan came back inside the cabin and all sat in the living room, "so, how is he?" Luke asked, Brock cautiously tapped his fingers on his knee, the three looked at each other and shook, "he's..." "What? Just tell us already!" Brock practically screamed as he got up, thankfully Ryan was there to keep him in control. "He's..."

"Fine, he's now recovering, although his face is badly injured." Sattelizer spoke and Gorilla placed on a dramatic dismay, "it's a tragedy, his handsome face is ruined!" He whined as Sark rolled his eyes, Satt just patted his partner, Brock was looking at them like, really? Gorilla saw that Brock's face was still serious and sighed, "just lighting up the mood man, the tension is killing me!" He complained, Ryan let out a sigh of relief as Luke shook his head at his friend's childishness. "Look, Brian's fine. You could even go in and see him for yourselves." Stated Sark, Brock immediately got up and walked past them and into the room.


Craig entered the building to check on his dad out. His dad is a worker of Tyler's company. And thank god, Tyler isn't somekind of an a**hole that blackmails you into getting what they want. "Hey Dad," Craig greeted, Mr. Thompson was a hardworking man and a loving father. "Craig! What makes you here?" He asked his son as he took out the papers he just printed, "Oh, just checking out on the most hardworking man alive," Craig shrugged and grinned, he and his dad were so close even when he was younger, same with his mother of course but, his mom died from cancer when he was fifteen. This led them to be poor and drowning in debts but not soon, Tyler's father saw his dad's hardworking and made him an employee. Mr. Thompson chuckled and patted Craig's head, "you sure? Because if this is about you wanting to see Tyler, he's up on the rooftop." His dad winked, Craig just stared at him, what did he meant by that? Then, "Daaad. You do know me and Tyler are just friends." Craig pouted but still confused, if Tyler was fine, why was he absent at school? "Sure son, you should get home soon. It's getting pretty late," his father reminded. Craig nodded but before heading outside, he decided to take a tour. On the rooftop.

Evan sat on the bench, facing the whole city, Tyler stood at the side, "what are we going to tell him Ty? We don't kill our friends but, we also can't let them get away from the crimes their committing." Evan spoke, his hand intertwined together. Tyler sighed, "maybe... For now, let's just not tell your father." He replied, sitting down besides him,"Tyler? Evan? What are you guys doing here?" A voice asked, the two turned to see their glasses friend. "Craig! What are You doing here?" Asked Tyler as he immediately got up, Craig shrugged and walked towards the two, "just taking a tour... Holy cow! Evan, what happened to your arm?!" He asked a bit surprised to see his CanAsian friend's arm wrapped in bandages on the forehead, same with Tyler who got a bandage on the nose, Tyler chuckled nervously rethinking about the time they crashed hard into the building. Evan actually have his whole back wrapped in bandage. "You guys are seriously making us worried, Brian and Brock had gone missing and you guys are getting beat up??Seriously, what's happening?" Craig asked in distress, he sat between Evan and Tyler, the two looked at each other, they are not sure of keeping it a secret. Tyler sat back down as Craig continued crying, he had been stress ever since Brian went missing. Along with Brock of course. He wrapped an arm around the sobbing male, "wherever they are, I'm sure they're fine..." Tyler whispered, Evan just smiled sadly at the view. Craig has been like a brother to him, and Tyler... Well... 'I'm not.' the two words Tyler spoke during the cafeteria. Ha, right. He's not...

Evan stood up, he's not sure why he's sad anymore. He walked towards the side of a Ventilation, trying to be alone for a sec, what would become of him now? What is he supposed to do once his ruthless father find out? All those thoughts plague his mind as he continued walking. He couldn't let emotions control him again.

"This is why Dad took you in Evan!"

Cody's voice spoke, Evan remembered that time, he knows exactly why his father took him even though he was supposed to be with his mother. His Father found out that Evan sometimes could get out of control, he could go crazy. 'Tyler knows his situation and that's exactly why Tyler stood in front of his gun, he was going through another yet once again.' at the time meeting with Brock and Brian, He turned mad. Good thing Tyler was there to stop him, or else... He imagined the sounds of gunshots and his friends lying on their own pool of blood. Evan covered his ears, he's afraid. He don't wanna lose the only family that made him feel belong, Evan finally snapped out of it, and as he was about to go back, a hand gripped his mouth and throat. Pushing him against the ventilation. A boy wearing a Jason mask hovered in front of him, Evan stayed calm, of course they'll send an assassin to kill the son of one of the greatest mastermind there is, the masked guy pressed a knife against Evan's throat, slightly drawing blood. "Evan Fong..." The guy hummed, a bit satisfied that he had found his target. "Go ahead, kill me." Evan stated, not fighting back. The guy laughed, a loud maniac laugh, "You think that it's so easy, Don't you?" The man breathed out his mask, "who are you?" Evan asked, keeping his voice quite stern. "They call me... Delirious.." The man called 'Delirious' spoke. Evan chuckled a bit, "Right, because you must've hit your head when your mom gave birth to you." He retorted, bad move. Delirious chuckled, "nice one." He said as he slowly drag the knife across Evan's skin. "But I guess you already heard to not anger the person holding the weapon." He continued, Evan glared at him as blood came out each slice of his skin. "Right now, I'll make it quick. Because I still got another Fong to kill." Evan's eyes widen, is he talking about Cody? "Don't you dare touch my brother." Evan warned but the grip on his throat tightened, "I'm thinking that you can't do anything about it since you're already dead." Delirious laughed bit stopped when he heard a gun recoiled from behind,

"And I think that that time would never come because I'll be the one to end your life first." Tyler's voice was heard behind, Delirious glanced back, he then grinned from under his mask, "so you're the well known WildCat. Ha, great first impression." Tyler just stood still, gun aimed at Delirious' head, "let go of my friend if you don't wanna die." Tyler warned, pressing the end of his gun against Delirious' head. The boy thought quick, he was actually pissed off that the pig masked called wildcat was getting on his way. Delirious immediately thought but it was too risky, although if he have no more choice... "I wouldn't do that if I were you," a familiar voice came that made his grip loosen, that voice... A giggle was heard from behind Tyler, the male smirked, as Evan could see, the boy have a blonde hair and a black mask. He was wearing a purple and black shirt and pants along with a cape. Evan noticed Delirious loosen his grip so he quickly snatched the knife on Delirious' hand and swiftly turned the masked guy around, now Evan was holding Delirious as hostage, quite proud of himself, his smug smirk disappeared when he saw the blonde boy did the same way to Tyler,

Even the male was shorter than Tyler, he was able to apprehend the tall man and placed a knife against Tyler's chest. Just above the heart. Tyler stared into Evan's eyes, Evan could see the smaller male plays only but his own game. "So why not a deal? Evan was it? I'll let go of your boyfriend right here while you let go of my friend." The blonde smirked, Evan glared but his face turned a bit red. "Number 1, he's not my boyfriend. Number 2, I'll only let him go once you give up your identity." He spoke, trying to keep Delirious in place, "hmm..." The short boy actually did a thinking gesture while holding Tyler hostage. "You know... You could call me, 'games'. I'm pretty sure you have noticed that I like games. Especially when I made it my own." 'Games' replied, laughing a bit. Tyler groaned in disgust, "you two are seriously deluded." He spoke, Games suddenly turned his head his way, a grin on his lips. "Oh, I'll show you deluded." He replied as he took out another knife with a weird blade, and out of nowhere he struck it inside Tyler's leg. Tyler let out a pain of agony. "Ughh..!!" Tyler began to pant and this sent Evan in a panic, "What The Heck are You doing?!" He called as Games let out an unnerving laugh, "you have until five seconds to let go of my friend and so that you could save your friend's life, the blade have a special formula placed on it~ so, five," Evan immediately let go, he ran towards Tyler's side who's still groaning in pain. "Ty, Ty, look at me.." you practically could see the concern on Evan's voice. With hands shaking, He held Tyler's face close to his chest,

Once Delirious were freed, he was bout to plunge a dagger behind Evan's head when he remembered about Games. He cursed but reluctantly followed the quick blonde who fled from the scene, "Bryce!" Delirious called out once they were isolated in an alleyway. The black masked boy slowed down, "Bryce, I know it's you." Delirious called as he got closer, "why did you come back?" He asked, Bryce turned and faced him, eyes a bit glossy, "so I could keep you safe. I left the society but that didn't mean I've abandoned our friendship." Bryce spoke, a bit low, "how could I find you? I wanna see you again, Bryce, please.." Bryce cut him off, "Jon, I think you already know why I left is the first place," he answered, avoiding the gaze of the ocean blue eyes. Delirious dropped down his head, he know... Bryce wanted- no, scratch that,-needed a normal life. This is why he cut off Delirious and left the society. "Don't worry Del, I might see you again. Once I graduate." Bryce finished. Delirious held the tears that threatened to go out. Ever since Bryce left, he had stayed loyal and never got another partner. He did missions on his own. "Till we meet again, adiós." And with that, Bryce f***ing Games left him all alone. Again.

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