Floral High #ProjectNigeria

By SweetPrincessGigi

21.1K 2.9K 611

Cover by ME! The world of highschool and teen life is shown in this story of a teen girl, Chioma. She meets... More

01//Chapter One
02//Chapter Two
03//Chapter Three
04//Chapter Four
05//Chapter Five
06//Chapter Six
07//Chapter Seven
09//Chapter Nine
10//Chapter Ten (Part One)
10//Chapter Ten (Part Two)
11//Chapter Eleven (The party)
11//Chapter Eleven (The Party)
12//Chapter Twelve - First Day Of School.
13//Chapter Thirteen - Desmond.
14//Chapter Fourteen - The Weekend.
15//Chapter Fifteen - Who is your Chioma?
16//Chapter Sixteen - At the mall
17//Chapter Seventeen - Agric Science.
18//Chapter Eighteen - Dinner

08//Chapter Eight

758 122 20
By SweetPrincessGigi

Chapter Eight


"Ah Ore mi I missed you o!" The woman screamed hugging my mom tightly.

"Long time no see how is everybody?" My mummy asked.

"Fine my sister wait, is this not Mama and Chioma, my children how are you people doing? See how big you people are " she said and smiled.

"We're fine ma" Mama replied and I just smiled.

"Come inside come and have a seat, Tessy! Tessy!" She called and a very beautiful young girl came out. I think she's around mama's age or so I don't know.

"Good afternoon ma" she greeted my mum and smiled at Mama and I.

"Tessy please bring something for our guests" the woman said and Tessy nodded and walked away.

I used the time to check out the living room. Not bad at all I mean it looked amazing from the walls to the couch to the side stools the size of the TV. Everything screamed wealth.

Tessy brought a tray that contained food and dropped it on a side stool.

"Tessy bring juice for Rita, Chioma do you want water or any soft drink" the woman asked.

Soft drink probably coke!

"Water will be fine" I said and Mama glared at me and I just smiled.

After eating and everything, my mom and her friend went outside to see her poultry farm. Who would ever think that there'll be a poultry in this building. Mama and I refused that Tessy would clean up after us, so she lead us to the kitchen to do the job ourselves.

"I can't believe you asked for water?" My sister said and cleaned her hand with a napkin.

"'What were you expecting me to say?, I just felt that it would be somehow if I said I wanted a drink, I didn't want to be too choosy. " I said.

"Choosy ke?" she asked looking confused. "She volunteered to give you a drink, so what's the big deal?"

"You wouldn't understand " I said and she just shook her head.

Just then a boy walked in singing loudly with headphones on. He literally walked passed us without realizing, opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of coke and some chocolates and was about to leave before noticing us and he stopped right in his tracks. The look on his face was freaking priceless and perfect if I may add.

He looked seventeen to me, he was tall and kinda cute. He was wearing a plain white top with shorts.

He looked at me, then mama and me again. He was as shocked as we were when he walked into the kitchen. I didn't know Aunty Temi, I found out her name. had a son.

"Hey! " he said. " What are you doing here?"

It still looked like a dream to him. Walking into your kitchen only to find strangers talking comfortably, I would have been scared if I was in his situation but luckily I'm not.

"We came here for a visit, who are you?" Mama questioned with a lot of authority.

"I'm Tobi, I live here. I guess you guys came here to visit my mom?" He said more like a question than a statement.

"Yeah" Mama said, I just stood frozen on a spot.

"Okay! " And with that he left the kitchen leaving mama and I.

I just stood there silent. No words could make its way out of my mouth. All my thoughts were about Tobi. He looked so..

"Chioma, let's go o! " Mama said bringing me back to earth. I was already in Mars.

I followed her out, back to the living room where Mom and Aunty Temi were gisting and laughing. We sat down quietly and I finally decided to bring out my phone.

All my messages flew in at the same time and my phone started hanging so I had to drop it down for a while so when all the messages are done entering, hopefully it'll stop hanging. Stupid Phone!

After a few minutes, it stopped hanging and I picked it up again to start replying to the messages. I went to my School's Group Chat first.

Class of 19'

Mitchii added you

Mitchii : Hey people!
Posi : Babe, how far?
Bisola: *inserts disgusted emoji*
Mitchii : about 300km far, u nko?
Posi : @Bisola wetin do you? @Mitchii Mtchewww
+234***4244580: Hey, I'm Daniel.
Mitchii: Hi, i'm Mitchell
Bisola: I'm Bisola.

Me: Hey, i'm Chioma. What school do you attend ?

David: *Replying to Chioma's message* Learning Field.
Dawn: Hi Daniel, I'm Dawn. *inserts heart emoji *

Oversabi has come.

Me: Oh okay, I know a few people from there.

David: kk
@dawn what a lovely name.

Stupid Dawn. She's the Miss 'I must belong' in school. She does everything to get boys coming her way, just like she's trying to do now but that David seems like a learned person and I don't think he'd fall for her tricks. It's so bad that she actually has a book where she writes all of the boys that have dated her and some boys will still ask her out. Omashe!

"Tobi! Tessy! You people should come downstairs" Aunty Temi said and they hurriedly came down.

Oh look it's the mystery guy from the kitchen

"This is Chioma and that is Amaka, you people should keep them company I'm going out with their mom" she said and they nodded.

"Mama I'm coming back" my mum said and they walked of the house.

Time to dream of my marriage to Adam Levine

"Uhm you could watch TV or something I don't know" Tobi said.

"Hey Amaka do you want to listen to some songs you know like one direction, coldplay and the rest of them" Tessy asked.

Okay na it's only her age mate she asked no problem

"Sure Chioma you could find something to do while we're away" Mama said and left with Tessy.

"Hey I don't know what you'd like to watch probably Keeping up with the Kardashians or something like that so you can have the remote" Tobi said and gave me the remote.

"That's lame! I'd rather watch something like abduction or black lightning totally not Keeping up with the Kardashians" I said and he laughed.

Did I mention he has a really nice laugh...

"Sorry but sixteen years with Tessy has made me believe that's what you'd like" he said.

"Right now I'd like to listen to some songs so can I do that instead if you don't mind" I asked shyly.

"Yeah sure I'd like to know the type of songs you're into"

"A little bit of all, I like listening to oldies, slow songs and sometimes rap you know any song that sounds good" I said and he tuned into the audio channel.

"I'm so not listening to oldies right now, I want to listen to today's hits" I said.

"Okay let's see how well you know songs"

"Is that a challenge?"

"Sure it is, Okay so I'll play the songs and you'll guess the name and the artist that sang it. Deal?" He asked.


"Guess this song?" He said and increased the volume a little.

"Easy peasy...Hymn For The Weekend by Coldplay featuring Beyonce" I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

We continued guessing songs until we decided to watch a movie called Before Midnight. He even said that I seem shy and I should be free with him. If only..

We talked about random things and embarrassing moments, actually he was the one talking about Tessy's embarrassing moments.

Such a bad brother...I'd totally do it to Mama.

Mum finally came back and Mama came downstairs. Only God knows what she was doing. I exchanged numbers with Tobi and Tessy then we left for our house.

The traffic was so much that we got home by 10:00 pm so mum said we should make indomie and go to bed.



Hey everyone how are you all? Anyway I'd like you guys to know that I'll like to tone down the use of pidgin because of foreign readers(if any).

Ore mi - My friend

Indomie - A general name for noodles. Indomie is actually a noodles brand but it's just what we call it in Nigeria.

🎶 Til sundown when I come through 🎶
🎶 I need a girl like you 🎶

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