Phineas and Ferb: Semper Phin...

By Temple2703

9.8K 161 30

Summer is upon the city of Danville yet again, and their most inventive citizens, Phineas Flynn and Ferb Flet... More

"I Know What We're Gonna Do Today!"
"Whatcha Doin?"
Agent P
Briefing The Gang
"The Last Steps To War"
Roll On
Unity Is Strength
A Little Help
Follow Me
The Pacification-Inator
We'll Lead You
No Mission Too Difficult
No Sacrifice Too Great
Duty First
Debrief (A/N)

Courage and Fidelity

530 8 0
By Temple2703

Commander Phineas Flynn
Callsign: Euclid 0-1
104th Aerial Tactical Strike Team/ 53rd Advance Force Recon Regiment

"That was a killer song, Phineas," Irving exclaimed as I closed the helicopter door, "I'm surprised that you managed to sing that while we were under fire."

"Well, as long as the song did its job, I'm all for it," I reply humbly.

Just then, my radio went off and the voice of a female squad leader lit up the channels.

"This is Snake Eyes Actual, we've secured the enemy's first defensive line! We have them on their heels!"

"Excellent, Snake Eyes, keep them running, Euclid out."

Just then another voice, a male squad leader, interjected.

"Euclid Actual, this is Sandstorm 0-2, we've just come under heavy artillery fire, I say again, the enemy has just begun abrupt fire mission! Over!"

"Keep moving forward, don't get bogged down. Do you know where those volleys are coming from, over?"

"Uh, somewhere in the city, about 20 miles from where I am. Over!"

"Roger, Euclid out," I reply, retuning my radio, "Venus, do you read me Venus, over?"

*Play The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend (MW2; Hans Zimmer)*

"Venus, here, what's the word, Euclid, over?"

"Change of plans, we need to dislodge the enemy artillery in the city. Ground elements are getting hammered."

"Roger that, Euclid, Venus out."

The radio cut to static.

I switch my frequency again.

"Wolverine, Wolverine, this is Euclid Actual, how copy, over?"

Wolverine is the Callsign for Erin Brown, our UAV pilot. Oh, yeah, we made our own unmanned aerial recon vehicles. We went hardcore for this. As if the guns, military-grade equipment, and military lingo wasn't enough we made our own line of military-grade drones.

"Loud and clear, Euclid, what's up?" Erin chirped.

"I need you to scope out the city, our ground forces are getting hit hard by artillery and they report its coming from the city, think you can do that?"

"The drone's already over the city, Euclid," Erin reported, "Those reports check out. The artillery's coming from the Danville Square, over."

"Perfect," I smile, "do you think we can deploy in the square, over?"

"Negative, Euclid, they have the square locked down tight. They got AA Batteries all over the place and I count a garrison of some twenty hostiles, over."

"What's the closest LZ Venus and I can land in, over?"

"Uh, roughly two clicks north by northwest, in the Danville Amphitheater, over,"

"Thanks Wolverine, Euclid out," I switch my frequency yet again and contact Isabella, "Venus, you get that? We're being rerouted to the Danville Amphitheater, over."

"Copy all, we're moving now, over," she chirped.

"Roger, see you when we get boots on deck, Euclid out." I switch off my radio and turn to the pilot, Jeffery Smith, "Jeff, you get that?"

"Copy that, Phineas, Danville Amphitheater," he repeated, "we're coming up on it now. ETA two minutes."

"Good," I reply, turning back to my team, "Alright, gang, gear up. Two minutes!"

I get up from my seat and swing the door open to reveal the bright blue summer sky. Isabella's helicopter had flown up from below us and remained parallel to ours. I watch as the door facing our helicopter open to reveal the girl next door, holding her paintball rifle in her right hand, her hair tied into a ponytail, her beautiful face left uncovered. One of her teammates (I think it was Ginger, I couldn't tell, they had the gas mask on) was sitting down to her right, holding a coil of rope. Isabella locked eyes with me and smiled and I smile back.

"One minute to LZ!"

I look down at the empty Amphitheater below, the platform completely open.

"Horowitz, rope!" I yell towards Balthazar over the rotors.

"On it!" He exclaimed, grabbing the rope and sitting beside my foot.

"Thirty seconds!"

All of a sudden, I hear Balthazar scream and stutter like crazy. I look at him, and notice a huge blot of red paint on his torso.

He's been hit.

I quickly peer down at the Amphitheater and see three soldiers on the ground firing towards our helicopters.

"Heads up! Hostiles 6'0 clock low!" I exclaim, taking up my rifle and firing down towards the three man party, "Irving get a bandage on Balthazar, Adyson get on the MG and eighty-six those scouts!"

"Yessir!" They both exclaim.

I continue to fire off my rifle, managing to hit one of them, sending him into the bleachers, vibrating like a cell phone.

"One hostile down!" I exclaim. Then I turn to see a Adyson firing off the Mk2, driving away the last two soldiers, who were immediately shot in the back just before they disappeared into the woods. I look up to see Isabella holding her rifle in the direction of the soldiers, and even from where I was standing, I could see her face, a mix of steely determination, joyous excitement, and something else I couldn't quite pinpoint, plastered on her face. She looks at me and flashes a thumbs up.

I nod and turn to the pilot.

"Landing Zone is clear, Jeffrey," I yell to the pilot, "take her down!"

I felt the helicopter shift down and saw the ground grow closer.

"Rope! Rope!" I exclaim.

I watch as Holly hook the rope to the helicopter floor and kick the coil off the helicopter, unravelling as it fell to the ground.

"Rope deployed!" Holly saluted.

"Right. Irving, how's Balthazar doing?"

"Clean and bandaged, sir, he's combat ready!" Irving said, lifting Balthazar off the floor of the helicopter.

I nod and quickly peer towards Isabella's helicopter. I watch as her squad slid down the ropes.

"Go! Go! Go!"

One by one, the troops slid down the ropes and hit the ground. I watch as they crouch close to the rope, securing the ground below. Before long, I was the only person in the passenger's hatch.

"It's just you, Euclid, go!" The pilot exclaimed.

I nod and slide down the rope. I watch as the ground grew closer and closer until I touch the concrete.

"We're all set here, drop the ropes and get out of here!"

"Affirmative, good luck down there!" I hear the pilot's voice affirm.

I watch as the ropes drop onto the ground and the helicopter turn away towards home.

Lt. Commander Isabella Garcia Shapiro: Callsign Venus 2-2
92nd Aerial Quick Reaction and Assault Strike Team/ 53rd Advance Force Recon Regiment

"Status report!"

"Negative on casualties, Lieutenant Commander!" Ginger exclaimed, "we have full head count!"

"Good," I said, turning to Phineas, who was consulting Irving.

As I walked up to him, he turned and saw me. He turned back to Irving and began to say something to Irving. I saw Irving nod and Phineas began to walk towards me.

"Nice shooting," he said as we drew near.

I smile. "Thanks, you handled yourself pretty well up there. Even with a man down."

He chuckled, "Well, it was nothing."

We both stood there, staring at random things and occasionally locking eyes, only to look away and blushed. Then he began to speak.

"Hey, I got to ask you a question," he looked nervous.

"Sure, what's up?"

He opened his mouth, but before he could speak, his radio chirped and the voice of Django burst out, his voice chalk full with panic and hysteria.

"Euclid 0-1! Euclid 0-1! This is Pastel Actual, we're getting hammered by that artillery! We need you to knock them out and fast! I say again, we need that artillery gone so we can continue our advance! Over!"

Phineas grabbed the radio and spoke into it, "Copy that, Pastel, we're a few minutes out. Hang tight, over!"

"Roger! Pastel out!"

The radio went dark. He relatched the radio onto his vest and looked at me. He was about to speak again, but I shushed him.

"It can wait," I said, determined, "those troops need us."

He smiled, nodded, and then lifted his rifle, "Right. Irving, Balthazar, take Ginger and Courtney and scout ahead. The rest of you, follow us! Let's move!"

With that, we all headed off in the direction of the city, but my mind was heading in a different direction.

What was Phineas gonna ask me? I think to myself.

I quickly shake off the thought. Now's not the time to drift off into thoughts. We're at war, and drifting into thought can mean clean clothes or painted clothes...

Colonel Ferb Fletcher
Callsign: Odin
Acting Commander of All Ground Forces

I watch the live feed broadcast from our satellite, my thoughts lost to what was currently unfolding. Phineas' forces were still advancing, which bugged me a good bit, but they were being delayed by the artillery coming from the Square, which offset my annoyance. Yet again, the Fireside contingent does me proud.

The cameras were in full color, with allied forces marked off with green squares and those under Phineas' Command were marked with red triangles, fittingly enough.

My radio goes off, Emily's British voice piercing the static.

"Odin, Odin, do you read me?" Her voice becoming clearer by the second.

"Odin Actual, here," I replied, "Go ahead Crimson."

"We've rendezvoused with the ground force. They look pretty battered."

"I'm watching it through the satellite feed," I answered, turning back to the monitors, "Reinforcements are on their way."

"How long until they arrive?"

"Just wait for about one minute." I check my watch. After the minute hand struck 1411, I look up to the monitors once more.

On cue, five large double rotor helicopters flew into view of the satellite's camera, in a perfect "V" formation and began to hover just in front of the tank column. After roughly forty seconds, they turned back around and left the view of the cameras. On the ground we're another fifty or so fresh troops, who began to rush to the trench line.

"You know, your magic never ceases to amaze me, Ferb," Emily replied slyly.

"I wouldn't call it magic," I replied with a smile, "just tactical luck."

I could hear Emily's laugh in the radio, "Well, anyway, I've contacted you to say that we've made it to the second trench line. We're awaiting further orders, over."

"Just hang tight and engage any enemy armor. Create a barrier the enemy can't breach."

"Affirmative, but what about their air support? They have total air superiority,"

"Not for long," I say, switching frequencies, "Brutus 2-1, is your squadron airborne?"

"Yeah, we are," Buford's raspy voice answered, still with a tingle of annoyance in his vocals, "You know I still don't appreciate you taking over my position as commander, right?"

"Well if you were still in charge, we'd have already lost this war in ten minutes flat."

"Yeah, that's fair," Buford said flatly.

"Alright then, now engage with Phineas' Air Force and take out that bomber!"

"Roger that!" Buford exclaimed, "Uhh...which one's the bomber?"

I slap my head in frustration, "The big one being escorted by fighters."

"Gotcha, Brutus 2-1 out!"

I switch my frequency again, this time to the ground infantry's radio channels and begin speaking.

"Gretchen, our fighters have been scrambled. They'll be engaging with Phineas' air teams in a few minutes. Whatever happens, do NOT fall back, over."

"Copy all, Odin," she replied, "say when are you coming down out here?"

"Someone's gotta watch over the base and give orders."

"That's fair," Gretchen relented, "Alright, I'll update you when necessary, Brimstone out."

"Oh, and Brimstone, I need you to return to base at around 1430, over."


"I need your personal input on a mission, and it's of utmost secrecy,"

"Copy that, Brimstone out."

I set aside my radio and plant my eyes on the monitors. I scan each monitor, watching for any anomalies, when all of a sudden, I spot a squad of soldiers creeping their way into the city, and I can guarantee you it wasn't any of my guys.

I take up my radio, change the frequency, and speak into it.

"Guardian, this is Odin, respond, over!"

"Guardian, here, what's wrong?" A female voice answered.

"Expect a team of twenty hostiles knocking on your door," I remark, "They're coming for the Artillery most likely. Protect it at all costs!"

"Copy all, Guardian out."

I eye the monitor carefully and then I notice a familiar figure among the group, but I couldn't quite make it out. Taking up the controls, I zoom the camera in closer and enhance the picture, giving me a more solid picture.

Then I see it, that triangular Head. Phineas.

*Play Onwards; Hans Zimmer*

"Odin...Odin!" a familiar raspy voice exclaimed through the radio. I pick it back up and speak into it.

"This is Odin, go ahead Brutus, over,"

"We've sighted the escort, Odin, I'm moving in!" Buford exclaimed.

I quickly switch a screen over to the impending air sortie and I glue my eyes to it: dozens of planes barreling towards each other, each armed to the teeth in anti-air weapons. This will get ugly.

"Buford, I count at least twelve fighters escorting those bombers. I have anti-air assets on the ground, but they're in no position to fire on those fighters. I'll need your squadron to engage those fighters."

"But I thought you said we needed to knock out the bomber!" Buford yelled in frustration.

"It's  still your target, but those fighters will make your job one hundred times more difficult."

"Please, difficult's my middle name!" Buford said in a cocky tone.

"Alright, just try and get the job done. Odin out."

With that, the radio cut to static.

I watch the monitor viewing the imminent dogfight attentively. I'm entrusting Buford with a lot of responsibility on this op. If he fails, we will see a huge percent of our forces wiped out. Still, he's pulled through in impossible situations before, so that kinda puts me at ease.

Master Sergeant [REDACTED]: Callsign: Halo 2-2
Commander of the 22nd Aerial Consort

"Amber 1-0, this is Halo 2-2 Actual, we are closing in on the enemy line, roughly 5 minutes out, over." I report.

It took a minute for Amber 1-0, or Captain Milly, to respond.

"Copy, that, Halo Actual," Captain Milly answered, "be advised we're tracking several bogies to your immediate 12'o clock. Be on alert, over."

"Roger, Amber Actual, Halo out."

I switch my channel over to the closed frequency reserved for my squadron, and I begin to speak with a serious tone.

"All Halo teams, be advised, Control is tracking multiple bogies ahead of our current position. Check your weapons systems and keep an eye out, over."

A string of Affirmatives came through my radio.

I cut out the feed and take off my respirator and I take in some deep breaths. I may seem serious on the outside, but inside I'm anything but serious. I still can't believe it, at age 15 I'm piloting my own fighter jet. I feel a rush of anxiety and joy rising in me, and I feel a giant smile stick to my face. I've always wanted to pilot my own jet ever since my dad came back from serving in the Air Force, bringing back stories of crazy missions and daring maneuvers. And being in the cockpit of such a jet makes me happier than ever, and I have Phineas and Ferb to thank.

I look down to my console and flip a few switches, activating the screen in the center of my panel. I hit the button that says "Display Weapons List" and watch as the computer downloaded the information.

The screen brung up a list of the weapons I have stored in this puppy, and I was not disappointed:

- 50,000 paintball rounds
- 5 Mk1 "Ferb-winder" Paint Rockets
- 10 F-Class Anti-Air Missiles
-5 Air-To-Ground Paint Bombs

For such a sleek jet, it sure has a lot of weapons. Thank you, Milly.

All of a sudden, an alarm went off, my radar flashing like crazy. I glance at the device and my eyes go wide. The radar displayed twelve red dots in a "V" formation, heading right towards us.

I quickly turn on the feed and begin to speak, slightly panicked.

"Amber Actual, this is Halo 2-2," I exclaim, "we've sighted the hostile fighter squadron, do we have permission to engage, over?"

"Did you seriously ask me that, Halo 2-2?" I hear Milly say flatly, "Of course you have permission to engage, over."

"Copy that, and you don't need to be so rude!" I exclaim sarcastically before switching feeds, "All Halo callsigns, we've been given the go to engage. Protect the bombers at all costs. Execute Battle Formation Alpha!"

I strap on my mask and increased my throttle, moving ahead. I look to my left to see Halo 1-3 flying parallel to me, and Halo 3-2 flying in between us. I look to my right to see Halo 4-1 and Halo 1-9 in a similar pattern. I face ahead and disengage the safety on my weapons.

"Weapons, hot," I exclaim, "All callsigns sound off!"

"Halo 1-1 standing by. Weapons online!"

"Halo 1-9 standing by. Weapons Set!"

"Halo 2-3 standing by. Weapons are up and running!"

"Halo 3-4 standing by. Weapons hot!"

"Halo 4-1 standing by. Weapons are engaged!"

"Halo 5-1 standing by. Weapons systems are hot!"

"Halo 6-1 standing by. Weapons are a go!"

"Halo 6-3 standing by. Systems hot!"

"Halo 7-2 standing by! Missiles online!"

"Halo 8-9 standing by! Rockets are online!"

"All callsigns are online, Commander, just say the word!" Halo 1-1 exclaimed.

"Understood. Remember team, our priorities lie with the bombers. Protect it at all costs. I'm proud to lead you into battle."

"Hoo-rah!" My feed erupted.


Commander Phineas Flynn
Callsign: Euclid
104th Aerial Tactical Strike Team/53rd Advance Force Recon Regiment

As we walked the roads leading into the city, I look over to Isabella, who was looking off into the sky, watching the artillery shells fly into the heavens and gradually fall back to Earth. She turns back to me and smiles.

"You having fun?" I ask, trying to break the tension in the atmosphere.

"In a strange sense, I am," Isabella answered weakly, "but still it makes you think. There are actual soldiers doing exactly what we're doing, but, you's for real." She sniffed, her eyes getting glassy, "makes me feel...bad for saying that. Especially after..."she choked up, then turned to me, "I'm not saying it's not fun, it' get what I'm saying, right Phineas?"

I smile weakly, "Yeah, I get'cha,"

I couldn't really tell because of her mask, but I could see her smile. But it wasn't a glowing smile, that special smile only Isabella could produce. No, it was a sad smile, one I had just made.

She turned away and instead focused on the ground.

I watch as a tear roll down her face and hit the mask's plastic eyehole. I could tell she was  sad, even through her gas mask; and it made me feel miserable seeing her like this, and it didn't just come up now. For the past 10 minutes, she's been kind of quiet; she wasn't the girl I know, the girl I knew for 10 years, and it made a lot of sense now that I think about it. For those in the dark, allow me to explain. Her how she loved her father. They were closer than any father and daughter can be. He loved her and she loved him. He served in the Army when she was a child; I got the chance of meeting him in his uniform. It was amazing to see a real life soldier, much less live across from one, but I was young and I didn't fully understand the full magnitude of the meet until I was older..but by then, it was too late. I remember Isabella's mom cry into the shoulder of my mom, saying how he was...uh... killed in action by an IED, and....well...let's just say it's a heart wrenching story, one I don't want to tell you because of how gruesome it was, how emotional Isabella would get if I retell it, and the fact it'll take hours to finish.

Hours we don't have.

Another earth shaking rattle, another streak of light in the sky, and another impact in the distance.

I look back at Isabella, who still looked rather melancholy. I put my free hand on her shoulder, prompting to put her hand over mine.

"Promise me something, Phineas," she said in a low voice, bordering a whisper. She turned to face me, removing her gas mask to reveal her beautiful face, her eyes still watery, "Whatever happens in the city, whatever happens in this operation, whatever happens in this war, never leave my side. Please."

I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Both of us had stopped and stared into each other's eyes. I quickly remove my mask to wipe away the tears that began to roll down my face.

"Please?" Her voice was now airy, tears were streaming down her face. Her eyes gleamed in the sunlight, and I began to feel more tears stream down my own face. My heart was beating hard and I smile a melancholy smile.

"I will never leave your side," I answer in a similarly airy voice, "not even for a second, not in a million years." I let go of my weapon and place my other hand on her soft face, "I will walk every step with you. I will guard you with my life. I will protect you to the best of my ability. I will never, ever leave your side, not even when this game is complete. You got me? Nothing will separate us..."

Isabella's face began to turn red and it grew even more red by the second. Her eyes became even more glassy, the sun's light reflecting off her tears.

"Y-you promise?" She asked, her beautiful voice almost gone.

"I promise," I repeat, my voice cracking. At this point I'm on the verge of crying, so much so I could barely speak without letting a tear drop, "Now, please, let the real Isabella return. Let my Isabella return."

This made her smile what may've been the biggest smile I've ever seen on Isabellas's face. She threw herself into my arms and she began to weep in my arms, and I began to comfort her.

"Shh, shh, shh, shh, shhhh," I said quietly, "it's ok, it's ok."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I could here her say as she wept.

"It's ok," I repeated, "I'm here, I'm here,"

I've never seen Isa this vulnerable before, and it made me feel all the more bad because of it. I felt more tears well up, but I wiped them away before they had a chance of falling.

After a few more minutes of comforting her, we broke apart and stared at each other. I see a weak smile appear on Isa's face, another tear falling down her cherry red face. I move in and wipe it away with my finger and give her a tissue.

"Thank you for saying what you said, Phineas," she said, dabbing her eyes with the tissue before folding it up and putting it in her pocket, "I'm had to see that side of me..."

I walk closer to her and clasp her cheek with my hand, "It's ok, Isa. I understand, this hits a sensitive chord with you, and it's ok for the dam to break every now and then."

Her smile grew. I wrap my arms around Isa's body and pull her in for a hug. I feel her arms lock around my body, and I feel a burning sensation in my face.

We broke away from each other and smiled at each other.

"Ahem!" Adyson interjected, breaking our moment.

"Uh...uh, sorry," I stammered. I look over at Isabella, her face red with embarrassment.

"What happened?" Adyson inquired with a mix of confusion, curiosity and annoyance.

Isabella and I both looked at each other, smiled and turned back to Adyson.

"Nothing," we both said in unison.

"Well, alrighty then, come on! Our guys and gals need us!"
Lt. Commander Isabella Garcia Shapiro
92nd Aerial Quick Reaction and Assault Strike Team/53rd Advance Force Recon Regiment
Callsign: Venus

Ever since our little "moment", Phineas has refused to leave my side, as if he was now my guardian. Nothing has been able to separate us, and I have never felt more secure. His mere presence makes me feel safe, and his smile, his adorable smile, brightened up my gloomy mood.

I snap out of my trance, and I find myself in the middle of the city. Oh, my that was fast.

"Wolverine, Wolverine, do you copy, over?" Phineas spoke into his radio.

"Wolverine, here, what's your sitrep?" A voice returned.

"We've made it into the city, we'll need your eye in the sky to watch for any patrols, over." Phineas said calmly.

"Copy that, Euclid, drone will be in position in about thirty seconds." Wolverine reported.

"Got it, Euclid out," he reattached his radio onto his vest and turned to the rest of the squad, "Alright, now we must not become separated under any circumstances. This is hostile territory and it worse still we're in the middle of a city, so getting lost is really easy. Keep your radios on and your weapons drawn. Move out!"

He was the first to begin moving, and I quickly followed on his heels, the others followed behind.

I began to look around. The city was utterly abandoned, and for the first time in a long time, still. There were empty cars parked along the sidewalk, the buildings were merely empty shells, and not a sound for miles.


Well..except for that.

"That was close by," Adyson said.

"Yeah, we're getting close to the fire base," Phineas confirmed, "keep your eyes open. There may be patrols nearby."

We continued to move slowly and through the streets.


The ground shook harder, we were getting close.

Just then, I felt something it the side of my pants. I glance down to see a huge puddle of red paint inches from the soles of my Combat boots. paint?

Just then, I felt another paintball whiz by my ear, and I immediately tense up. All the sounds in the world are immediately canceled out, and my skin feels cold.

I hear Phineas yell, but it's all hazy and muffled. Then I hear other screams, but I'm not quite sure who's screaming or where it's coming from; all I hear is ringing and all I feel are the beads of sweat rolling down my face. All of a sudden, I'm pushed off my feet and things abruptly go pitch black.

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