Metanoia [Ushijima x reader]


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Metanoia - the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life Ushijima x Reader fanfic Story sta... More

Chapter 1 : Near death experience, I think
Chapter 2 : Sorry, I think
Chapter 4 : Pole of Destiny
Chapter 5 : A Fateful Night
Chapter 6 : Dream?
Chapter 7 : Prelude to Interhigh
Chapter 8 : All Things Lost
Chapter 9 : In Her Eyes
Chapter 10 : Misunderstandings
Chapter 11 : Now... what?
Chapter 12 : Behind Oikawa's Eyes
Chapter 13 : The Volley of the Balls: The Fellows of the Ace
Chapter 14 : The Long Week Begins...
Chapter 15 : The First Ripple
Chapter 16 : Side Effects
Chapter 17 : Sometimes it's okay to ask for help
Chapter 18 : It Felt Soft
Chapter 19 : A Change in Perspective
Chapter 21 : Opening Act: The Cat in the Box
Chapter 22 : Two Steps Behind
Omake 1: Locker Room Shenanigans: A Classy Conversation
Chapter 23 : Tangential Thoughts
Chapter 24 : Coffee, Candy, and.. Clouds?
Chapter 25 : Boy Friend's House Visit
Chapter 26 : Summer Rain

Chapter 20 : Start of Something New

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Me: *thinking of a title* heh...

I know I promised you guys a new chapter before June starts but a lot of things happened with my family so things got busy...

But since I made a promise, I really pushed myself to make this~ (this b*tch is strong)
Anyway, as usual long fic ahead

Enjoy! ^^

P.S. pls read the end notes~


Enveloped in darkness, the house laid undisturbed—the rhythmic ticking sound of the clock echoing throughout its entirety. This tranquil state ensued until soft footsteps could be heard descending the stairs—carefully moving along so as not to trip against the smooth surface of black granite. With one arm outstretched, you blindly navigated yourself until finally reaching the switch to the kitchen lights. Whining hoarsely, your eyes squinted as the blinding lights flashed in your eyes. The burn making you groan as you blinked repeatedly, tiny specks floating in your vision before finally adjusting to the dreaded lights emanating from the intricate chandelier.

You trudged languidly as you moved around the expanse of the black kitchen counter, your fingertips lightly skimming along its metallic surface. The cold exterior sending light shivers run along your spine. Stopping in front of the sleek double doors behind the counter, you grabbed your favourite blend of coffee as you pried the heavy door open. With a yawn, you got the coffee maker running.

It was a few minutes past four, the house yet to be filled with its usual bright ambience—despite its monochromatic color—as the sun's rays had yet to shine through the glass doors. Normally, you were the type of person to go back sleeping if you were to wake up hours before your expected alarm but for whatever reason, your body had jolted itself awake and despite already counting sheep to the hundreds; your mind had refused to cooperate and bring you back to sleep. You groaned, roughly rubbing your temples as you felt the irritation rise up to your head. You needed the coffee bad.

Your eyes flickered to the coffee maker, mentally cussing it for no good reason when your mind had decided that the coffee maker was brewing slower than normal just to spite you. You sighed and looked around the area as you felt your legs growing numb. Your search was, sadly, in vain, the entirety of the kitchen clearly looking too cold to the touch, much less to sit on. Though you felt tempted with the bar stools made of woven black leather, you knew that sitting your barely clad bum unto it would freeze your veins to ice and that was clearly not a way you wanted your body systems to wake up. "Stupid leather" you muttered, completely ignoring the fact that your shivering form may be due to your mini shorts. Again, you really needed the coffee.

Finally, the coffee was ready and you quickly poured yourself a cup. Gently, you cradled the steaming mug in both hands—the warmth from the cup flowing throughout your body as if caressing you awake. Slowly you brought it close to your mouth, the bittersweet smell of coffee making you sigh with relief, the pulsing sensation in your temples vanishing. You repeatedly blew on the cup before letting your lips touch the tip of the mug, drinking in the bitter liquid with slow gulps so as not to burn your tongue but instead envelop your body into a warm embrace.

Finally, you were awake.

You took another gulp of your coffee before walking towards one of the leather bar stools and sat on it. Gently, you placed your mug down on the counter, your eyes travelling towards the desk calendar placed on top of it. The reminder written on today's date made your lips tug into a giddy smile—INTER HIGH PRELIMINARIES. The nervous jitters that jolted you awake once again raking throughout your body as your eyes stayed glued to the words written in bright glittery red.

Once more you picked up your mug and took a big gulp of coffee—the heat more of a dull burn as it travelled down your throat. "Ahhh~ I'm so nervous..." you sighed as you cradled your cup close to your lips, finding comfort in its warmth. "I hope everything goes well later... I still haven't resolved that issue too." Slowly, you felt your mind go into a daze, your cheeks gradually growing hot as a light shade of pink began to form on your cheeks.

"They were really soft..." you mumbled against the cup, your mind drifting back to that morning. Slowly, your eyes fluttered close.

Although a couple of days had already passed, the image and feel of him on you remains vividly ingrained into you. Ushijima was like a furnace, your body unable to forget how his warmth seeped into you—washing away the cold air away from your senses. For such a big man like him, you always expected that he'd feel warm—many nights you'd fantasize being in the middle of his embrace while you continuously snuggle up close to him, the heat from his body lulling you to sleep in the most comforting way. What you hadn't expected though were the plush, soft feel his lips held. Having felt the calloused ridges of his hand on yours a dozen times already made you assume that maybe his lips would be in the same condition, the ace too preoccupied with school life and volleyball to pay attention to the state his lips were in—thinking that the ace would probably resolve a chapped lip by just lathering the skin with a few dabs of cold water. The way your father would do that very action might've contributed to this thought.

You kissed him.

You kissed THE Ushijima Wakatoshi and you knew that you should be happy. Heck, you knew that getting a kiss from the ace would leave you in an ecstatic haze for days and yet that morning, after the kiss, you couldn't stop crying. The negative side of you consuming your mind way earlier than the happy thoughts did and you found yourself plagued with unrelenting and unforgiving questions that kept you up until the end of the training camp—exhaustion and fatigue catching up to your small body. The reason behind it was silly, to be honest. So silly that if you divulged the reason behind your sadness to (bf/n), you knew she'd scold you for it. Maybe.

'What if after the kiss, he'd still look at me as the same old (L/n)(Y/n)?'

Carefully, your eyes fluttered open, a deep sigh escaping your lips as you placed the mug down on the table. "If nothing changes..." you said softly, your eyes lazily looking down on the dark liquid still left over in your cup, "...wouldn't that mean that no matter how much time passes, he'll never reciprocate my feelings? If that isn't a clear enough sign then I don't know what is..."

So I guess this means I've already been rejected.


A rhythmic beat played loudly as the sound reverberates against the walls of the room, the occupants going about their usual routine as if the blaring music weren't playing in the background.

Tendou gleefully hums along the beat, occasionally drumming his fingers in the air as he rummages through his bag, double-checking whether he had forgotten to pack an extra shirt or other essentials. Ushijima—having just finish his shower—walks over to the speakers and lowers the volume, much to Tendou's disappointment, pointing out how Raon-chan's covers deserve only the maximum volume or else it would be disrespectful to her. This fact, however, Ushijima simply brushes off with a monotonous, "we'll get in trouble 'again' Tendou," his voice putting a deep emphasis on the word again in order to remind the redhead of the punishment they had to face for it.

Ushijima walks over to his closet as he wipes off the excess water from his hair, his other hand loosely holding unto the lone towel hanging lowly on his hips, giving the redhead a clear view of the sharp grooves of the ace's Adonis belt. "You know..." Tendou says as he zips his bag close, "I think for both your and (f/n)-chan's sake, I think it'd be best if you'd stop changing shirts in public during practice. She'll die." The last two words Tendou said in his mind. "I see..." Ushijima monotonously says and begins to clothe himself.

"Now while we're on the topic..." Tendou purrs as he jumped off the top bunk of the bed, "did something happen between you and (f/n)-chan? When training camp started, the two of you were starting to get pretty close with each other then POOF! She started avoiding you again! Did you make her cry?" he asks, already assuming that Ushijima had caused this new gap between the two of you.

Tendou waited patiently, settling himself down on Ushijima's bed in the bottom bunk. His eyes never left the ace especially after he saw the slight shift in Ushijima's movements when he questioned him. Clearly, he made her cry and the reason behind it was something Ushijima was—for once—actually pondering if it was right to share. "Well, that's new" Tendou thought.

After a long pause, Tendou sighs and pushes himself off the bed. "Oh well..." Tendou thought to himself. Ushijima was the type of person to give direct answers when asked so if this particular question had rendered the ace speechless—which was rare and only ever occurs when you were involved—then it wasn't Tendou's business to pry. Well he wanted to but with their first match only hours away then this wasn't the right time to bug him.

He grabbed his bag from the top bunk and slung it over his shoulders, humming along to the hushed melody playing in the background as he strolls over towards the speakers. Disconnecting his phone from them, he lazily scrolled through the day's notifications—his fingers rapidly moving along the screen as he starts firing reply after reply in their group chat. "Shirabun is coming to get us, we should get goi-!" Tendou's words were suddenly cut off as Ushijima spoke.

Tendou swallowed dryly, the grip on his phone loosening as the already cracked smart phone dropped to the wooden floor. Blinking twice, he faced the finally dressed ace with a tilt of his head. "Eh?" he muttered; his mind unable to form a coherent sentence much less utter one word in response.

As if Tendou hadn't heard Ushijima the first time, he rubbed the outer area of his ear. "WAIT! WAIT! WAIT!" he said loudly as his free hand flailed as if swatting away the noise in the air. "Could you repeat that? I think the music's still playing in my ears so I didn't quite hear you. You two did what?!" Tendou stalked over to Ushijima—stepping on his phone in the process—as he looked at him in disbelief, the corners of his lips tugged up into an open-mouthed grin.

Ushijima blinked and with an impassive voice he muttered, "We kissed."

The words leaving his mouth right at the moment the door to their shared room had already been opened.



It was the number of times you found yourself arriving in the same plaza outside the gymnasium, the post clock standing tall at the center of it all, ticking away loudly as if it was mocking you. "Stupid clock" you huffed while glaring up at the clock. Prying your eyes away from the innocent inanimate object, you tried to observe your surroundings. With the scarce number of people in the area, you deduced that you were currently located behind the gymnasium with the building's back entrance a couple of feet away from you, again. Although you've already tried circling the gym to get to the front entrance and locate the lobby where everyone was located, how you ever got back to this very same spot was beyond you.

"I should really get myself checked out..." you sighed.

Peering up at the clock, you noticed that you had less than fifteen minutes till your team's first match starts. The thought of never making it to your first game for such a miserable reason like getting lost because of your need to pee made you groan. Although you were happy that you were able to locate the toilets on your first try, how you were never able to retrace your way back to the lobby was enough to make you cry. With a miserable sigh, you lightly hit your head against the post, "Ushijima-senpai..." you cried.

"Hmm... that's not quite right, (f/n)-chan! How about giving Tooru-senpai a go?"

You pushed yourself off the post, relief washing over you as your eyes locked unto that dorky, grinning face you never knew would be such a sight for sore eyes. Overcome with joy, you jumped him; your arms tightly encircling him in an embrace. "Tooru-senpai!" you beamed as you looked up at him with the same dorky grin he was sporting. You never really understood why, you were a timid person—someone who usually wouldn't do anything too over-the-top like jumping onto a person—but Oikawa just had this something that always made you come out of your shell. It was quite uncomfortable at first but as time passed, you found it refreshing.

The setter, unable to contain his joy, hugged you back with just as much intensity. Carefully, he maneuvered his hands to rest on the expanse of your back to push you closer to him while he burrows his face into your hair, secretly stealing chances to engrave your feeling on him for as long as he could. "That's quite a greeting! I missed you too (f/n)-chan and as much as I hate to say this..." he purrs, lightly tugging against the hem of your tracksuit, " look really good in this, O great manager-chan!"

"Thank you!" you smiled brightly. Noticing the number of eyes that were on the both of you, you pulled away from the setter, Oikawa, thankfully taking the hint and moving away.

"I could already guess what's happening so just follow me (f/n)-chan, I'll take you to your team" Oikawa said while grabbing your team's cooler bag from you and slinging it over his shoulder.

"Wow~ you've really changed Tooru-senpai! And here I was expecting that you'd tie me up to keep me away from my team."

"Believe me I was deeply tempted, I even have a plan and everything. By the way, if you're wondering where I'll get the rope, the janitor's closet isn't too far from here." You snorted at him at that, lightly hitting his back as the two of you walked towards the building. "But I won't do it. As much as I hate Ushiwaka's guts, I would never dare stand in the way of your happiness..." he says with a smile, "...even if I get hurt in the process" he whispered.

"Hmm? What was that?"

"I said I would never stand in the way of your happiness so long as you keep calling me Tooru!"


It was the first day of the Miyagi Inter High Preliminaries. The spacious gymnasium teeming with people who are anxious to see the matches between the high school teams, your team's area alone already bustling with people ready to cheer for the team's first match.

Hurriedly, you settled down and prepared the team's towels and bottles as both teams continue to practice on the court. After making sure that everything was in order and that all water bottles were filled, you got up and acted as the team's ball boy. If you had to pick from all the jobs you had to do as manager, this was the scariest for you. The fact that everyone in the team had enough power to break every bone in your arms, and anywhere else for that matter, may very well be the number one reason for it. That and the fact that you almost had your head split in two courtesy of the team's very own miracle boy. (Please refer to chapter 1 and chapter 10).

Just as you recalled that, a ball flew past you—just above your head. You swear that just from that; a few strands of your hair were surely singed. "That... was directed at me wasn't it? I'm sure it is..." you thought, calmly looking back at the person who was, and you aren't exaggerating, out to kill you. Despite standing on the opposite side of the court, the weight of his glare made you sweat profusely. Yep, you were a dead girl.

"I'm sorry" you heard him say but the glare he was sending was telling you otherwise.

Releasing a breath, you gave a weak smile and signaled that you were okay before turning around on shaking legs to pick up the ball that almost killed you. He was angry at you, that much was clear and honestly, he had every reason to be. Apparently after you went to the toilet and didn't come back as quickly as they expected you to, Ushijima quickly moved to search for you. Without knowing, you sent the ace in a wild goose chase all around the gymnasium only to find you rubbing cheeks with Seijou's setter in front of the Shiratorizawa team no less. When you saw him, he was panting and breathless with his shirt clinging unto him due to his sweat. He glared at you that time, voice low and cold as he reminded you of your phone.


That was the number of missed calls you had from the ace. The two coaches and Gin's scolding clearly not enough for you to atone the struggle you put the ace through. "You really screwed that up didn't you, (l/n)-san" Shirabu noted as he grabbed a volleyball from the ball cart, the first-year setter getting ready to practice serves along with the team.

"I know... I'll just do what I can to make sure I don't get in his way anymore" you sighed, tossing the ball in your hand to the vice-captain, Nao, who was a few feet away from you.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be in for a surprise later. If you know what's good for you, don't stay for longer in the gym after the meeting at school. After what you did I'm sure Ushijima-san won't have enough patience to keep waiting for you."

"Waiting? Why would he be...?" you asked but before you could finish, Shirabu was already walking away from you. You pondered for a bit on what he meant but as a stray volleyball once again flew past you, this time just a few inches away from your right cheek, all thoughts regarding the future vanished.

Finally, the whistle blew, both teams lining up in their respective areas as they await the second whistle to signal the start of the match. If you were to go by a team's average height and build, it was easy to see that the Shiratorizawa team was a cut above the rest. What with their average height around 190 centimeters.

As the referee ushered the start of the match, the stadium was once again filled with cheers. As both team's coaches relayed their last bit of advice and encouragement to their respective teams, the players got into their places—the other team, starting off the game with their serve.

You took a deep breath to calm your nerves. You knew that being a manager didn't really carry as much pressure as being a player, your role limited only in the sidelines and yet you couldn't help but let your nerves get to you. The opponent team wasn't technically a powerhouse school but they were strong enough to last until the quarter finals during the Spring High. If you were to base this on your numbers and data, it was a clear win for your team, however, that thought process was naïve. It wasn't the strong that wins the match; it's the winners who come out strong.

"Do you trust this team?" you suddenly heard Coach Washijou say right next to you—cutting your thought process.

Without skipping a beat, you immediately replied, "of course!" A little bewildered as to why he'd ask such an obvious question when you practically begged to be let in the team.

"Then there's nothing for you to worry about. There's not one person in this court who came to this match unprepared so don't lose confidence" Washijou says with a smile. Well, that's rare. You looked at him wide-eyed and smiled back "yes!" you replied.

Then, the whistle blew.


The match went like a blur. The vast difference in power was clear as Shiratorizawa obtained point after point, unrelenting in their advance as they showcased their strength. Ushijima especially, despite normally being a slow starter, started off the game with a back attack of his own and a consecutive streak of points as he served—in both sets he earned a total of 23 points all on his own.

"You guys were really cool! The match was amazing. No matter how many times I watch everyone, my heart just doesn't stop going crazy! Seriously, you guys are amazing!" you continued on, spouting praise after praise at every member.

Though unnoticed by you, it was clear in their faces that they were feeling extremely happy with your praises—Tendou especially as he soaked in word after word and continued to ask for more. "Weren't I great during that block in the second set, (f/n)-chan?" Tendou asked for the third time.

"Yes! I really thought that the team was going to earn the point but Tendou-senpai suddenly blocked him out! You were so cool!" you smiled broadly making the middle blocker melt, a pleased expression painting his face as he thinks to himself, "having a cute and innocent manager is the BEST!"

"Tendou's really enjoying this isn't he?" Reon comments, "the third years as well" he adds making a few third years especially the captain, Gin, flinch.

"Don't even get started Tendou..." Gin threatened as he glared icily at the middle blocker, a menacing air forming around the captain while he cracks his knuckles.

"I wasn't even the one that said it!" Tendou whines, hiding behind your small form.

Just when the captain was a few seconds from wreaking havoc on Tendou, Coach Akira came and announced that the team will be returning back to Shiratorizawa for a meeting. The team's match for the day already over—being seeded in the block left them with only one match to attend to on the Inter High's first day.

Without another word, all of you began to pack up and walk to the bus—everyone in the team paying extra attention to you to ensure that you wouldn't get lost on the way. With this, you were sure that your poor direction skill was definitely going to be part of today's meeting.

As you sat down on your respective seat, you were reminded of Shirabu's unusual piece of advice earlier before the match.

"I guess Ushijima-senpai has a few words to say about earlier..." you thought, letting your mind drift to different thoughts as you tried to think up of a good way to apologize to the ace.


When the meeting ended, it was already dark out with the full moon illuminating the area with its bright glow. Following Shirabu's instructions, you set aside prepping for tomorrow's match for tomorrow morning. Although you weren't really given a meeting place, you ran as fast as you could to the school's entrance. With the many times practice would end late, Ushijima—much to your pleasure—always accompanies you home despite living in the dorm himself. And much to your relief, there he was, all 190 centimeters of him waiting outside the school's entrance.

Although the reason he walks you home was mostly due to the team's (Semi's) insistence to keep you safe at night nevertheless, you couldn't stop your heart from swelling in sheer joy. "U-Ushijima-senpai" you called out, a little breathless. Noticing you, he merely nods and starts walking to the direction of your house.

That's it?

You watched him walk further and further away as you stood in place, confused. "Then was Shirabu just messing with me earlier?" you thought, quickly catching up to the ace.

The two of you continued to walk in silence, your feeble attempts to start a conversation immediately being shut down by the ace with concise replies that doesn't leave you a chance to keep the conversation going. The awkwardness was unbearable, the heavy sensation in the air making the situation all the more suffocating. It was clear that there was something plaguing his mind but you were too powerless to force it out of him, you weren't Tendou or Semi or anyone from his circle of friends. Unconsciously, you nibbled on your bottom lip as a weak attempt to ease your mind.

The area was absolutely quiet, not a hint of a person in the street—except you and Ushijima—as the two of you neared the intersection close to your house. This area being the usual place where the two of you would part ways since the street to your house was safe and usually guarded with volunteers patrolling the area.

"This is good-bye I guess..." you thought to yourself.

You turned around, ready to say your farewell when all of a sudden...

He kissed you.

Your eyes widened, your breath losing itself in your throat as you forgot how to expel air. You stiffly stood in place, your mind slow to catch up with what was happening but when his olive-green eyes looked directly at you, you lost control.

Succumbing to desire, both your eyes fluttered close as the two of you pressed closer to each other. Ushijima crouching a little lower to accommodate your size while you tip toed up to lessen his strain. As his left hand came up to cradle your face, you lost control over your hand carrying your bag and dropped the item on the ground. Cautiously, your hands reached for the ace, finding purchase on the back of his neck as your fingers lazily brushed against his hair.

A few seconds passed and the two of you reluctantly separate without particularly letting go of each other, your hands still on the ace's neck while his continues to cradle your face. Staring into each other's eyes, the two of you continue to take in deep gulps of air as the kiss left the two of you too breathless.

Finally finding the words to say, you mumbled "w-what..." you breathed, "...was that f-for?" you asked, confusion etched across your features as tears began to pour from your eyes.

It was too much. Overwhelming joy and unbearable sadness consuming you as a plethora of thoughts raced into your mind. You were happy, ecstatic even but you couldn't help but continue to assume for the worse and reprimand yourself to stop expecting too much. "But this kiss..." you thought as the tears continued to pour.

This kiss wasn't an accident.

And it was Ushijima that initiated it.

Retracting your hands from the ace, you slowly inched as far as your legs could handle while you clutch unto your tracksuit. It was overwhelming to the point that it was suffocating, your heart feeling both full and constricted at the same time. The sudden surge of conflicting emotions making you weak and light-headed, "what was that for?" you cried once more, desperate for an answer.

Ushijima, finally able to get his bearings, easily closed the distance between the two of you. His gaze not once leaving you as he approached you, "I wanted to confirm something" he said, his words carrying no sincerity or malice behind them. The vague reply leaving you more conflicted and confused.

"T-T-T-That's it?!"
"Let's go on a date"

The two of you said in unison. As his words entered your ears, your tears stopped and your legs gave out from under you. Falling to the ground, you looked up at the ace dumbly. "Eh?" you mumbled, confused.

Crouching down to your level, Ushijima looked directly into your eyes and spoke, sincerity lacing his voice with every word he uttered. This was no lie.

"When the Inter High is over, let's go on a date."


A/N: Alright, before you guys go crazy... I can explain...

In which the explanation will be seen in the next chapter huehuehue (Ushijima's actions always have a reason behind them so look forward to it)

Also the Raon-chan tendou mentioned is this cover singer named Raon Lee and She.Is.Amazing!

Anyway, my review classes start tomorrow and I need to get my shizz together and focus so I will be going on a temporary hiatus which will probs end when my exam finishes so I hope you guys can bear with me and I'm sorry for always making you guys wait.

I really try my best to update quicker but ideas just won't come to me... Forgive meehhhhh~

As always, I am deeply grateful for all the love you guys give to this fic and your comments always make my day so I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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