Total Blast! ||ON HOLD||

By Official_Vanilla

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Kaitlyn Summers was a good girl, but after a tragic accident which lead to her twin brother's death, left her... More

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°°°Chapter 22°°°
°°°Chapter 23°°°
°°°Chapter 25°°°

°°°Chapter 24°°°

14 8 1
By Official_Vanilla

Kaitlyn's POV

I woke up with a shocking headache, I felt like my head was about to explode into a million pieces and my brain would eventually end up splattered on the beautiful lavender walls. I gripped the bedsheets in agony and cried out in pain for help. Two doctors came rushing in and kept asking if I'm okay and some other unnecessary things I didn't quite catch.

"Does it look like I'm okay?!" I yelled and grabbed my head hoping that if I put a bit of pressure onto it I'd be alright.

"Miss, please calm down," one of the doctors spoke gently. He looked like he was around his late twenties and damn he was fine for a doctor! The other looked around his early forties or so, I wasn't quite sure; due to all this pain I couldn't think fast enough.

"I can't calm down! I feel like I'm getting shocked by ten thousand jellyfishes you idiot!"

(A/N: I got stung by a couple of jellyfish all over my hand and legs! Damn! I can tell you it seriously did not feel nice •cue for screams, shrieks and a river of tears•)

I couldn't quite concentrate on what the doctors were saying, until I felt the prick of the needle tip before I got a chance to see it. They were planning this all along! Those bastards!

The pain soon subsided and my body fell limp. I groaned thankful that the pain was gone, but hating that they made me feel helpless in a situation like this. I tried my best to send my utmost threatening death glare, but I knew I may have looked like I'm constipated.

"Miss are you alright now?" the older doctor asked with a slight smirk in his features.

I just wanted to rip him to shreds right here and now! But I couldn't move or speak for that matter and he knew it! Stupid morphine or whatever the hell it was in that needle! I stared him down planning my next move to get my revenge on him for such childish behavior with his patients, I mean have some kind of decency!

My eyes soon felt droopy and drowsy as I slowly fell into the deep darkness called sleep...


"Is she dead?"

"No you idiot, she's just unconscious!"

"Is she gonna wake up anytime now?"

"I don't know it depends on how much morphine they've injected into her system."

I heard the three voices I knew all to well and I internally smirked thinking of a way to scare them.

I let out a low groan and stayed as still as a frozen bag of peas.

"Guys did you hear that?"

"Danny are you hearing things!"

"No, Becca I think I heard it too and I think it may have came from Kaitlyn..."

"Are you guys nuts!"

"Let's just see for our self..."

I felt the presence and the heat of them closer to me, more like them staring at my face. And you're wondering how I know this? Well, I can feel it!

"Kaitlyn..." Danny whispered out close to my face.

"Boo!" I yelled out and opened my eyes.

They all scream and ran to the door. I laughed when I saw the look on there faces. Fright, shock, fear and a gleam of happiness.

I gasped and held onto to my stomach as I laughed, "You. Should've. Seen. The. Look. On. Your. Faces.!" I said between every laugh.

"That was not funny!" Kristen yelled and hugged me.

"You scared the monkeys out of me! I thought you were dead!" Danny screamed in shock and ran to me hold my face while squishing it around. "But you're alive!"

"I'm happy to see you too smurf, I didn't know there were monkeys in you!" I laughed and teased him, while I ruffled his hair.

"It's great to see you're alive and well Kaitlyn," Becca stated with a smile and embraced me.

"Group hug!!" Danny yelled and we all squished together in a very unorganized group hug. We all let got and laughed as they seated themselves on my bed.

"Why weren't you in school lately? We've missed you!" Kristen asked worriedly.

I told them how my parents were going to Rome and I stayed at home to spend some time with them.

"Oh! You're lucky! I would never get to stay at home for that reason," Becca said.

"We know, because you're basically a good child and a well arising scholarship student, am I right?" Kristen teased her and I giggled at them.

"Well, yes! If I wanna get into a great college, then yes it's got to be so," she stated proudly.

"Well, yes that's true," I agreed, wondering will my parents be the one to get me into a college of my choice without me knowing? I mean they are actually powerful people and can do anything they want. They're in a Gang for crying out loud! I want to be able to do it myself and achieve things in life for myself!

"Hey, are you okay?" Danny silently asked in confusion.

"Yea, I'm fine..." I muttered.

"You're not! Are you in pain? Do you want me to call the doctor?" he asked ready to run out the door to the doctor.

I grabbed his arm gently, "I'm fine Danny, you don't have to worry."

"We're your friends Kaitlyn, of course we're gonna worry about you! That's why we're here in the first place because we care about you!" Kristen yelled out in frustration.

"Why are you here anyways? All we heard was that you were in the hospital and we immediately got here after school," Becca stated in curiosity.

I felt a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something I've never felt in a long time since that day. I felt the feeling of love and care radiating in the atmosphere and I smiled. Maybe I can let them in and finally have friends of my own age... But, can I trust them? I sighed, I'll never know unless I try...

"Guys, I have to tell you something..." I trailed of to create a sort of suspense for them.

They looked at me in curiosity.
"Well, what is it?!" Danny asked impatiently.

"The reason why I'm here is only because Carson and I were kidnapped by some gang people," I truthfully told them.

"What? Gang! Did they have guns?!" Danny asked with wide eyes.

"Carson! My Carson! You were with him?!" Becca incredulously asked.

"Why did they kidnapped you! Did they hurt you?!" Kristen asked worriedly as she searched for answers.

I laughed, "Yes, there were guns, lots of them, plus there were big buff men," I also told them about Mr. Scarface.

"Carson and I were together only because we had a project to do and I got hungry so we went out for ice cream. Don't worry Becca I won't steal your man," I smirked and winked at her to which she blushed crimson red.

I told them about everything that happened up to this moment and I mean everything!

"Wow! That's just..." Kristen stated in shock .

"I can't believe you went through all that," Becca said sadly and held my hand.

"Thank God you're okay and you came out of that alive!" Danny said in shock as he laid his head in my shoulder.

"Yea, well it happened... I just need to find out more as to what happened long ago which made those people so angry at my parents," I tiredly sighed.

"Don't worry, I know you'll find out! Plus, you've got me to help you, although there may be a lot of fire power and I might just pee my pants," Danny said proudly and I laughed.

"You've got me too Kaitlyn!" Kristen bursted out with a brave smile and we looked at Becca.

"Well, I have a future ahead of me, we all do. So why don't you just forget it and move on, you guys can get hurt!" Becca exclaimed.

"You're just too chicken to do anything fun!" I teased her.

"Such a party pooper!" Danny yelled out.

"I'm not!" she shook her head and denied it.

"Prove it then Becca," Kristen challenged.

"Fine! I'll also help you guys into finding out the truth of Kaitlyn's parents even if its gonna kill me!" she exaggerated.

We all laughed and embraced her in a bone crushing hug.

"Who are you people?!" a new voice asked.

We all jumped apart in fright to look at the person standing at the door. I widened my eyes in surprise when I saw who it was.


Word Count: 1445😇

I thought it would've been nice to bring these characters back because I hadn't used them in my chapters at all.💔 So be sure to look out for more on Danny, Kristen and Becca!😊😊

I promise you that things are about to get interesting in the next few chapters!!
I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!👊😚 Be sure to stay and keep reading!!!😎😎📗👣

Don't forget to add this story to your library📚 and to hit that vote 🌟 button and leave a comment 👇💬 i would gladly appreciate it💯💗💋💋💋

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