Big Brother High

By Justmejack88

953 78 46

The First Series Of Big Brother High Is Here! What has Big Brother got in store for the fresh bunch of housem... More

Big Brother High Day 1
Big Brother High Day 3
Big Brother High Day 4
Big Brother High Day 5
Big Brother High Day 7
Big Brother High Day 8
Big Brother High Day 9
Big Brother High Day 10
Big Brother High Day 11

Big Brother High Day 2

110 9 0
By Justmejack88

Tuesday week 1-Big Brother High.

*Izzy, zeb and lydia are the only ones up*

izzy- isnt this great?

Zeb- yes! Im loving it! I dont know how long some of these other girls are gonna last

though haha

Lydia- nah we'll all be able to handle it.

They hear a scream*

Lydia- or not...

*Izzy, Zeb and Lydia go into the bathroom to find Bec and Sarah screaming.

Bec- its a cockroach!

Sarah- its coming this way!!

*James comes in*

James- ooh a cockroach!

He picks it up

Lydia- omg what are you doing?!

Sarah- aahh!! Don't touch it!

He goes and puts it outside

Bec- eww!


*Amy, tayla and bettina are putting make up on*

Tayla- im not very good with this whole make up thing...

Bettina- you look fine!

Amy- im so tired... Is anyone else up?

Bettina- i dont think so..

*jack walks in*

Jack- hey people

Amy, bettina, tayla- hey

jack- that bed was so uncomfortable.. Falyns elbow kept poking into me! I swear if i

have to sleep next to her tonight...

Tayla- i know right! 5 people beds suck...

Amy- atleast this bathroom is amazing!

Bettina- i know its like a beauty palour!


Josie - hey all

Izzy- hi

Josie- watcha talking about?

Izzy- ah nothing really aha

Josie- that sounds fun

Lydia- its so quiet here... Lets pump up some tunes!!! *Starts singing*

Zeb- hahaha

Josie- oh god. *leaves*

Lydia- whats her problem?

Izzy- you know the saying, if you cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen!

Lydia- haha!!


Josie- wow lydia is being annoying.

Amy- shes not that bad is she?

Josie- i already cant stand her..

Jack- yeah shes really in your face.

Josie- and loud. Ugh the publics gonna love her.

Bettina- dont worry we'll all be fine haha

*rebecca, suzannah, jordan, sol and falyn are in the loungeroom*

Jordan- how was your sleep?

Rebecca- horrible. Who was snoring??

Falyn- i know! I was hoping no-one would snore...

Sol- im not sure, i couldnt tell.

Suzannah- we should check one night!

Rebecca- haha okay!

Jordan- I didnt even hear anything!

Bb- housemates to the lounge.

Bb- housemates i have called you to the lounge to discuss nominations. Unfortunatley we had an issue with housemate hunt and as you may see there are 25 of you. We were only supposed to have 24 for reasons i will adress to you later. Housemates, first impressions are an important part in the big brother house, especially today. Housemates, nominations start now.

Falyn- what!?!? Awww...

Bb- housemates, one by one you will be called to the diary room. You will each have 5 points to nominate. You will nominate 2 people with your 5 points. Is this understood?

Housemates- yes big brother.

Bb- Rebecca to the diary room.

Rebecca- hi big brother

Bb- rebecca who do you nominate and why?

Rebecca- okay, for 3 points i nominate kelsie because she laughs nonstop to the point it is annoying. And for 2 points i nominate james because we have the least in common.

Bb- Rebecca your nominations are accepted. Please return to the lounge.

Rebecca- thanks big brother

Bb- lydia to the diary room

Lydia- whats up big dawg?

Bb- lydia, my name is big brother.

Lydia- sorry big brother...

Bb- lydia, who do you nominate and why?

Lydia- for 4 points i nominate josie because she seems like a big downer and i dont want to spend my time with a downer. And for 1 point i nominate jake because he seems really boring.

Bb- accepted.

Bb- jack to the diary room

Jack- hey big brother

Bb- jack who do you nominate and why?

Jack- okay. Right to the point. For 3 points i nominate lydia because she is very irritating and in your face. And for 2 points i nominate falyn because she seems too nice and it comes across as being fake.

Bb- so your nominating falyn for being nice?

Jack- no, im nominating her for being fake.

Bb- accepted.

Bb- falyn to the diary room

Falyn- hello big brother

Bb- hello falyn, and might i saw, your hair looks awfully familiar.

Falyn- hahaha!!

Bb- falyn, who do you nominate and why?

Falyn- aww this is hard... For 3 points i nominate james because he is really quiet and any thing he actually does say doesnt make sense. And for 2 points i nominate jake for the same reason.

Bb- accepted.

Bb- jordan to the diary room

Jordan- hi big brother!! Hehehe

Bb- you seem to have caught the giggles jordan?

Jordan- hahahah you noticed!

Bb- jordan, who do you nominate and why?

Jordan- im going to nominate izzy for 3 points because she seems like a really strong player and is pretty rude. And for 2 points i nominate rachel because she acts like shes the best.

Bb- jordan, because this is your first nomination i will accept it, but next time i expect something better than "she acts like shes the best"

Jordan- yes big brother..

*after nominations*

Bb- housemates, the results are in. The housemates with the highest amount of points are-

Jake- 17

Lydia- 12

Izzy- 12

James- 11

Josie- 10

Bb- jake, lydia, izzy, james and josie. One of you will be evicted from the big brother house.

Izzy- wow...

Lydia- thanks guys!..

Jack- i wanna know what i got.

Jaimee- awkward.

Amy- who wants lunch?

Sarah- theres no food...

Jordan- no food!?

Bb- Jordan, to the diary room

Jack- ooooohhh

*diary room*

Bb- Jordan, open the hatch and read it to your fellow housemates

Jordan- okayy..

*opens hatch and finds letter*


Jordan- housemates, as you may have notices there is no food. Go into the storeroom and you may find some staples.

*ashleigh and jaimee run to storeroom*

Jaimee- really? Guys we have tuna, canned fruit and veg, rice, oats, bread and milk. Yay..

Ashleigh- well this sucks..

Jordan- guys im trying to read! Haha if you would like a luxury budget next week than i suggest you listen. Housemates, your first challenge awaits outside.

*everyone runs outside*

Jess- what!?

Tayla- how did they get this out so fast!?

Bb- housemates, your first weekly challenge is a basketball competition. Every hour an alarm will go off and you have 30 seconds to reach the ball and shoot a hoop. If you do not succeed it counts as a fail. 3 fails will result in a week of staples. No housemate is to shoot twice in a row nor will any housemate use the ball or hoop for fun. Breaking these rules will also result in a week of staples. Your results will be announced on monday.

*alarm rings*

Sarah- oh my god oh my god!

Izzy- someone get it!!

Braden- i got this.

*braden shoots and misses. He tries once more and just gets it in right before the alarm stops.*

Housemates- YES!!!!! Woooo!!!!

Braden- im the man. Hahaha

*later jess, tayla and ashleigh are by the pool*

Ashleigh- so how are you guys finding this whole experience?

Tayla- im really worried actually, i mean you dont know what everyone is thinking of you and what gets caught on camera!

Jess- im not nervous, i just miss my family already. Haha

Ashleigh- yeah i know what you mean, its kind of hard...

*amy, lydia, jack are all in the bedroom*

Amy- psst. Lydia, the other day josie was like 'omg i cant stand lydia, shes so annoying' and stuff. And i was like woah, youve known her for like not even a day?

Lydia- wow.. To be honest i cant really stand her either. Shes so whiney!!

*jack is listening*

*jack finds josie in the kitchen*

Jack- hey josie can i speak to you for a minute?

Josie- sure

*they walk outside away from everyone"

Jack- okay so i just heard amy and lydia talking about you. Id just be careful of them. And also just a warning, be careful what you say around people because in the end, people are going to do whatever they can to win a million dollars, so dont say anything they can use against you, okay? Im just looking out for you thats all haha

Josie- aww thanks! Wow was amy really??

Jack- yeah.. Just be careful.

*jack walks off*

josie- backstabbing bitches...

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