The shy girl [Jungkook FF]

By kook_bunny17

9K 325 63

"But.. Do you like me back?" he said shyly "Y-yeah.. but I don't want us to be together like this.." ⚠... More

Chapter 1: A new classmate
Chapter 2: Saying goodbye to dad
Chapter 3: Hanging out
Chapter 4: Meeting his friends
Chapter 5: Engaged?!
Chapter 6: Finding out we like each other
Chapter 7: Befriending our parents and I get to sing a song?!
Chapter 8: Practice part 1
Chapter 9: Practice part 2
Chapter 10: Unexpected thing happened
Chapter 11: The concert day
Chapter 12: Jungkook's POV-Playing games
Chapter 13: Getting ready for a date
Chapter 14: We're together now
Chapter 15: SeolBi's past memories
Chapter 16: Upcomming tests in the end of the semester
Chapter 17: Date
Chapter 18: Tests😱
Chapter 20: Jungkook and his friends go to Japan
Chapter 21: Surprise!
Chapter 22: 2 years later
Chapter 23: The wedding
Bonus Chapter :)

Chapter 19: Summer break

200 7 1
By kook_bunny17

  A few days after the tests, me and Jungkook are in our seats like everyone in class waiting for the teacher to give us the rezults.

Teacher:" Ok everyone. Calm down. When I call your name come and take the paper. So, miss Kim SeolBi."

SeolBi:*O my god! Please let me pass this test! And Jungkook as well!*

I go to take the paper and when I look on it I see... 97 points?! I PASSED!!

Teacher:"Mister Jeon Jungkook.."

Jungkook's POV

I go to take the paper. I'm really scared to look at it.. I go to my seat and me and SeolBi look at it.. I passed... I PASSED!! I got 98 points!!

SeolBi:"See? I told you that we will pass. 😁"

Jungkook:" Yeah. Now we can relax for real."

SeolBi:" 😂😂 Ok."

Back to SeolBi's POV

After a long and boring school day, we finaly are in vacation!! Summer!!!!

Me and Jungkook are going to the dorm to see Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung and the rest of the guys.

When we got there both of us acted as if we didn't pass the test.

Jin:" Hey guys!.. W-what's with those faces? Did something happen?"

SeolBi:"Can you bring everyone here?.." * acts sad*

Jin:"Yeah sure."

Jin goes to the kitchen and bedrooms to say to everyone to come in the living room.

Eneryone was sitting on the couch and looking at me and Jungkook.

Jin:"Ok, so what do you want to say?"

SeolBi:"We passed.." *says whisperingly*

Jin:" What?! You passed?!"

Then we didn't act anymore and smilled at their surprised faces.

Yoongi:" God! Kids if you do this one more time then it's game over! I really thought that you didn't pass!"

Jungkook:" Sorry hyung!"

SeolBi:" Well, we are officially in summer break!"

Jimin and Taehyung:" Awesome!! Let's go camping or to the pool!!"

Yoongi:" I rather stay home."

Namjoon:" Let's go camping. There is a lot of fresh air and it's really good for us. And the beautiful nature~!"

Jin:" So we will go camping the day after tomorrow. So get your stuff ready until then."

~~Time skip~~

All of us are in the car. Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok, Jimin and Namjoon are singing. Well, more they are fooling around😂.

After a 2 hour ride, we get to our destination.

Jin:" Ok everyone, we have to make the tent. How many do we have?"

Namjoon:" 4 of them. 2 persons for each."

Jin:" Ok. Let's make them and then we will decide who sleeps with who."

All of us:" Ok!"

After 1 hour or so, all the tents were made. Now all we need to do is to choose with who we want to share it with.

Namjoon:" Ok so who wants to sleep with J-Hope?"

Jimin:" I do!"

Namjoon:" ok jimin and J-Hope, go to that tent. Who wants to sleep with Yoongi?"

No one said anything.. Well I raised my hand and said.

SeolBi:"If the guys won't say anything, then I'll choose him."

Jungkook:" But I want to share it with you~!"

Namjoon:" No. You two are a couple and who knows what you could do if you shared 1 tent together. So I trust Yoongi, because I know that he won't do anything to her. So Yoongi and SeolBi go to that tent."

Namjoon:" Ok so who want to be with Jungkook?"

Taehyung:" Mee!!"

Namjoon:" Ok. You 2 go over there."

Jin:" So that means that we are sharing a tent together.."

Namjoon:" Seems so..."

A few hours later..

Jin is doing the fire, Jimin and Jungkook are getting firewood.

After they've done the fire all of us gather around it and tell funny stories. I caught Jungkook with a somekind of blanket on him and I couldn't resist and I took a picture of him.

Jungkook:" Yahh! Why did you take a picture of me~?"

SeolBi:" You looked too cute so I couldn't resist."

Yoongi:" Get a room."

All of them started to laugh but me and Jungkook blushed about it.

Namjoon:" Ok everyone it's really late, we should go to sleep now."

Jin:"Jungkook, come with me and help me put out the fire."

Jungkook:" Ok hyung."

Yoongi:" SeolBi, you can change your clothes inside of the tent. I'll be over there until you change."

SeolBi:" Ok. Thank you Yoongi.."

He smiled a bit at me and he sat down not far away from the tent.

I go inside and change my clothes. Then I call Yoongi. When I look at him I already see him in his PJs.

SeolBi:" How did you change?"

Yoongi:" Over there. Behind the bushes."

SeolBi:" You could've wait until I changed so that you could go inside the tent and change.."

Yoongi:" I was too lazy.. But anyway, let's go sleep."

We go inside the tent and sleep. But I hear noises and it makes me scared. When I look at Yoongi, he was already looking at me.

SeolBi:" God! You scared me!"

Yoongi:" Can't sleep?"

SeolBi:" Yeah.. I hear all these noises and it makes me scared."

Yoongi:" ..Put on these earphones and listen to this music. It will calm you down a bit."

SeolBi:" Thank you Yoongi."

Yoongi:" You welcome."

I put them on and it really made me clam down. Piano music always calms me down when I'm scared. I close my eyes and fall sleep in a few seconds.

Hello again! 😁
I want to let you know that I'm starting to do another story. The story is named "Ma bad boy [Min Yoongi ff]" . If you would like to read it then go to my account/ profile and you can find the story. For the time being, I wrote about the characters to get to know them a little. Well that's all. Bye!😘

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