Twisted Love Affair

By StephyBoo

327K 7.2K 491

Lexi Cortez's life hasn't been an easy one. The girlfriend of a biker gang leader, she lives the double life:... More

Twisted Love Affair
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 41

4.2K 101 10
By StephyBoo

Twisted Love Affair

Chapter 41

Once we had all the bags in the room I locked the double doors of the conference room so we wouldn't be disturbed. There was in total eight big black bags along with the silver case that carried the explosives in it. I made sure to carry that one in myself.

"Okay we brought everything inside just like you asked now are you going to tell us what all of this is?" Jace asked pointing his hand at the bags that were basically taking up all of the table space.

Sighing I ran a hand through my loose hair "I don't really want to but it's only fair so I will there's only one condition though" I said waiting for there questions or comments.

"What condition?"John asked me, they were all eyeing me suspiciously.  The funny thing was that Jace and Matt had already figured it out without knowing it they just needed to put the pieces together.

"Whether you like what I'm doing or not I don't want to hear any judgement. We clear?" I said looking them each in the eyes. Jace tensed up and right then I was positive that he knew what I was talking about, Matt nodded his head stiffly, John shrugged his shoulders but there was something in his eyes.

Slowly I began opening the bags one by one leaving them open, I could feel there eyes on me but chose to just go on and get it over with. The last one I opened was the silver case I could see there eyes get bigger it was obvious what it was they were stupid but not that stupid.

I leaned my back against the wall to support myself then crossed my arms over my chest while they took it all in. They all looked at each other before they started going through the bags each doing there own type of inspection.

"WOW This is some um heavy artillery you got there" John said as he rubbed the back of his neck looking slightly nervous.

"Lexi what is this whole day you've been acting strange with all this mystery for what I want an explanation" Matt demanded

"I was right wasn't I your planning on going after her that's why you've been acting strange like if you don't expect to come back" Jace said his voice beginning to rise on the last part.

Shaking my head "No don't do that Jace don't pretend to be worried about me I can take care of myself. As for you Matt who are you to demand anything from me no that goes for the both of you actually" I said irritated.

"Your going to get yourself killed that's the point look at whats in front of you right now your going through all of this trouble just to get one person?" he said as if it were unbelievable.

"See that right there is why I didn't say anything to you; you keep thinking of me as if I'm still a child who needs protecting like I don't know what I'm doing!" I yelled at him while taking a step forward.

"That's because you are still a kid! You don't see how stupid this is and your going to get yourself killed or someone else and by then it will be to late to realize your mistake!" he yelled in a frustrated manner.

"Lexi I expected more from you, not only do you risk your life but your going to take down your whole club with you because your judgement is being clouded" Jace said in a dissapointing tone. His deep brown eyes burned into me with sadness.

"Dont give me a look of pity. I don't need or want it I'm doing this and no one is going to stand in my way" I said sternly giving them a hard glare.

"Okay hold on why doesn't everybody just relax let's just take this down a notch" John said in a very sooth and calming voice. The tensions was clear as a lightening storm would be.

Nobody said anything for what felt like forever when in reality was only maybe five minutes. "Why don't we just hear her out, you guys are treating her like a child which she clearly isn't" John said in a matter of fact.

Matt and Jace gave him a look "Who's side are you on here" Matt asked frustrated. John was about to answer him when i interrupted him.

"Don't get mad at him just because he's not automatically on your side! Your not even willing to listen to me" I yelled to both Matt and Jace  frustrated I threw my hands up in the air.

"I don't have to! What do you think your going to do just show up on there doorstep and take them out. Let me break it to you since you don't seem to understand it's S-U-I-C-I-D-E Lexi!" Jace yelled at me.

"You stay the hell out of this!" I practically growled at him "Is that what you really think that I would just go in there guns a blazing? If that's it then your both the most fucking dumbest idiots in the world!" I yelled at them I took a step forward wanting to swing at them but John wrapped his arms around my in a bear hug from behind.

"Don't try and give me that like if you really had a plan come on who do you think your playing" Matt yelled.

"Your so stupid I'm not playing anyone! The Viper Vixens and Red Dragons are all going there lives are in my hands. I'm not going to risk there lives to be some hot head I know what I'm doing and for you to doubt of me with no reason just pisses me off!" I yelled while struggling against John.

Matt had a confused look on his face along with Jace they stared at each dumb founded by my current revelation.

"You see what I mean you guys are just coming up with you own version of things when you don't know the full story" John said in a disapproving tone. It was almost like a father scolding his children he was even shaking his head slowly to emphasize what he said.

After what felt like a hour of talking through the plan going throught it detail by detail they seemed a little more comfortable with the idea. Obviously they didn't like the idea of me being in danger but with them being able to understand me it helped to ease there worries even if it was just a little bit.

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