My Thoughts

By dork4335

87 0 0

A collection of short stories and poems through the years. Just some random thoughts and ideas thrown in ther... More

Who She Was
Dancing Through the Rain
Deafening Silence
I Hate Hospitals
Why me?
The Night She Disappeared
This World
When Time Stops
Across Our Universe
Pillow Talk
Rejecting the World
School Boy
Dreams of the Past
The Cabin
The Quarterback
Beautiful Mortality
What Do Men Want?
Silver Lining
He's Gone
This is Me
Another Sleepless Night
Is it bad?
It's Real Now.
No more.

Silent Cities

2 0 0
By dork4335

I was given a city, with coffee and sunlight.
I was expected to be happy, to be grateful,
but tragic pasts create tragic futures.
The patter of rain on windows reminds you of
the isolation you feel, being stuck on the outside,
only able to look into the lives of those who
you hold in your heart, but never connecting...
The icy hole, drilled into your heart,
the aching knot, crushing you stomach.
The fear and the hurt tearing you away,
the loneliness shredding your mind into pieces.
I was given a city, with coffee and sunlight.
But the coffee became cold, 
and the sunlight was buried in dark clouds.

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