The shy girl [Jungkook FF]

By kook_bunny17

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"But.. Do you like me back?" he said shyly "Y-yeah.. but I don't want us to be together like this.." ⚠... More

Chapter 1: A new classmate
Chapter 2: Saying goodbye to dad
Chapter 3: Hanging out
Chapter 4: Meeting his friends
Chapter 5: Engaged?!
Chapter 6: Finding out we like each other
Chapter 7: Befriending our parents and I get to sing a song?!
Chapter 8: Practice part 1
Chapter 9: Practice part 2
Chapter 10: Unexpected thing happened
Chapter 11: The concert day
Chapter 12: Jungkook's POV-Playing games
Chapter 13: Getting ready for a date
Chapter 14: We're together now
Chapter 15: SeolBi's past memories
Chapter 16: Upcomming tests in the end of the semester
Chapter 17: Date
Chapter 19: Summer break
Chapter 20: Jungkook and his friends go to Japan
Chapter 21: Surprise!
Chapter 22: 2 years later
Chapter 23: The wedding
Bonus Chapter :)

Chapter 18: Tests😱

213 10 2
By kook_bunny17

There are 2 days before the tests and I'm going crazy! Every day I've been learning and learning 'till dawn.

It's Saturday night, and I heard my phone ringing. It's Jungkook.

On the phone:

Jungkook:"Hey, how are you?"

SeolBi:"Sick of learning. You?"

Jungkook:"Same. I heard that you didn't sleep well these days. Make sure that you rest, ok? I don't want you to get sick before our tests."

SeolBi:"Ok, I'll be careful. But I'll study a few more minutes then I'll go to sleep."



Jungkook:"Leave the damn books alone, and go to sleep now."

SeolBi:"Ok ok. I won't study anymore for today and go to sleep."

Jungkook:" Ok. Good night 😘"

SeolBi:"Good night... L-love you."

Jungkook:"Love you too."

End of the phone call

I can't believe that I said that!!!😱🙈😣
I said 'love you' to jungkook over the phone!! Oh my god! Before I was so shy to even ask him for help or something like that, and now I say 'love you' at the end of the phone call!

But anyway, I need to get ready for sleep. I go to the bathroom and take a nice warm bath and then put on my PJs, dry my hair and then sleep.

The next day..

I woke up because of the alarm. It's Sunday today so I have to see if I have to do homework for the other classes that I have for tomorrow. Also, I have to re-read and do some exercises for the math test.. Ugh!! I can't wait for the summer break!!

I change my clothes, tie my hair into a ponytail and go downstairs to eat.

SeolBi:"Good morning, mom."

Mom:"Good morning, sweety! Did you sleep well?"

SeolBi:"Yeah. I haven't slept so well for some time."

Mom:"Happy to hear that. Here. I hope you'll like it. I wanted to try something new, so.."

She has made some sujebi (hand-turn noodle soup). I took a sip of it and it was like love at first sip.

A/N:"Sorry, I really wanted to do that joke😂😂. Back to the story."

Mom:"So? What do you think? Do you like it?"

SeolBi:" Love at the first sip."

Mom:"Happy to hear that.😁"

I finish the soup and go to my room. Once I get in, I flop onto the bed and look at the messages that me and Jungkook had these past 2 weeks. Well.. More I was looking at the photos instead of re-reading the conversation.. I was looking and looking 'till I found a photo that every time I look at it it kinda makes me wanna learn more than I usually do..

To some people it might be weird, but to me it gives me motivation to learn..

I know, I know what you are thinking. 'How can a stupid photo give you motivation?!' , well if you got a picture of your lover and then tell you that you can do it, then of course that you will have that motivation to do so..

I get off the bed and go to my desk and do the homework for tomorrow and re-do some things for the math test, again.

3 hours later..

And done with the homework and with math..

It's 2:30 pm. I'll rest 'till 6-7 pm and then look again at the stuff for the math test.. I can't help it. I really want to pass the test, and me and math aren't BFFs.. Rather, we are enemies.

Time skip: 8 pm.

After 1 hour and a half, I put all the things that I need for tomorrow in my backpack and then watch some dramas or something to forget about the stress that I have right now..

The phone vibrates. It seems that I got a message on our group chat.

Namjoon:"SeolBi, Jungkook good luck on your test for tomorrow!"

Jin:"Good luck, guys! When you are gonna come home you will get some sweets made just for you!😄"

Tae:"Good luck!!😸👍✌👏"

Hobi:"Good luck!😄"

Suga:"Good luck guys! Make sure that you sleep so that you won't be tired for the test!"

SeolBi:"Yes, thank you."

Jimin:"Good luck!!!😘😘"

Jungkook:"Thanks hyungs."

Jin:"No problem."

Namjoon:"It's 10:30. You two need to go to sleep now."

Jungkook:"But I'm not tired yet."

Jin:"You'll be tired once I'll come to your room to 'visit' you a bit."

Jungkook:"Y-you know what? I'm tired, so I'll go to sleep now. Bye!"

Tae:"Good night Kookie!"

SeolBi:"Good night Kookie! Good night everyone!😘"

Suga:"Good night."

Jin:"Good night!😘"

Namjoon:"Good night!"

Hobi:"Good night!😁😀"

Jimin:"Good night!😘"

Tae:"Goooooddd niigghhtttt!!!😋"

SeolBi:"Good night! See you tomorrow after school."

Jin:"Ok. Bye!😘"


I set the alarm for tomorrow and sleep. After.. I think after half an hour I fell asleep.

The day of the tests a.k.a Monday

Today I woke up a bit earlier than usual because I wanted to re-see the things for the test. I got a nice quick shower, then change into my clothes that I chose for today and dry my hair and puting it in a ponytail so that it'll be out of the way.

I go downstairs and take an apple for breakfast and go to school.

At school

I go to my locker and then try to find Jungkook. I didn't see him anywhere near so, I sent a message to him to ask where he is.

On the phone

SeolBi:"Jungkook, did you get to school?"

Jungkook:"Yeah. Why you ask?"

SeolBi:"Well, I wanted to find you but I didn't see you anywhere."

Jungkook:"I'm in class, in my seat..."

SeolBi:"Oh.. I'll be right there!"


End of the conversation

I dash to class and I found him sitting at his seat with books in front of him.

I think he is reading again the formulas and other stuff. No surprise, I do the same before a test.

SeolBi:"Hey. Ready for the test?"

Jungkook:"I think so.. I'm not sure.😅"

SeolBi:"Don't worry! We will pass the test. We worked really hard for it."

Jungkook:"Yeah." *showing that cute bunny smile*

SeolBi:"Ok then. Let's relax a bit because in 3 minutes the teacher is gonna come and if we read right before the test, then we won't know almost anything."


3 minutes later

Teacher:"Hello class! I hope that you got ready for the test! Especially the ones that struggle to pass this class. Anyway, here are the tests. You tests are divided in numbers: number 1 and number 2, so that you won't copy from eachother. Ok then, you can start now. Good luck!"

The problems were kinda hard but I still managed to do them. I had to write some formulas, but I didn't really learn a lot of them.. I had to say the definition of  *a random definition that comes into your mind.. I don't know what definition to say so*...

1 hour later

Teacher:" Ok! The time is over! Put the pencils down! I'll get the tests. You go outside because it's breaktime."

All of us get outside of the classroom and talk with eachother.

SeolBi:"So? Are you happy that the test is over?"

Jungkook:"Not until I'll see what grade we are gonna get."

SeolBi:"Ok. But one thing is for sure. Both of us pass the test.😁"

Jungkook:" Yeah. Well, let's go to the farden to some fresh air."


After school--at the dorm

Jin:"Hey guys! I made some cookies and cupcakes! Come to the kitchen to eat!"

All of us dash to the kitchen to eat the cookies and the cupcakes. They were so good!😍

Namjoon:"Wow! Jin these are really good! Can you teach me how to do them?"

Jin:"Thanks and no. I don't want you to burn down the kitchen!"

All of us started to laugh exept for Namjoon.

Namjoon:"Yaahhh!! That's not funny!"

Hobi:"Sorry! But it's true! You burned the kitchen once! Jin doesn't want that to happen again!😂😂"


Hello guys! I'm sorry that I haven't posted for a long time! I was kinda busy with my family. But anyways, I hope that you liked this chapter. Bye!😘😘

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