The Lengths Of Love (ON HOLD)

By AneesaBadu

1.5K 88 197

When Leticia's mother is murdered, she is determined to find out what happened. But it won't be easy working... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 16

37 3 6
By AneesaBadu

A/N: Here's an update in honour of the six year anniversary of Letty's mother's death. Plus, that is Kirkland. Who do you think did it thus far?

"Melanie?!" All of us except Ambrielle exclaimed.

"Melanie was there that night?" I asked.

"I guess so. But the question is, who was she with?" Austin asked.

Looking closer, "That looks like that jerk Kirkland."

Upon closer inspection, I realized she was right.

But, why were they both there that night?

"Why were they there that night?" Austin asked, voicing my question.

"I don't know. How could I not know that they were in the house that night?"

"Didn't you mention that you felt drowsy?"

"Yeah. But what does that have to with anything?"

"Is it possible you were drugged?"

"Why would I have been drugged? And by who?"

"Anyone of these three could have done it, but I think it must have been your father. These two hadn't been in your house before this time that we're aware of. The only person who had an opportunity to drug you was your father." He paused. "Or your mother. Which I don't see happening." He added the last part as he took notice of my raised eyebrows.

"No, She wouldn't. I know she wouldn't do that, unless she had a very good reason."

"Of course."

Looking back to the video, we watched as someone opened the front door. My dad.

My dad was still at the house and he let them in.

"How was my dad still at the house if he clocked in at 12:15 that morning?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"He could have had someone clock in for him. I know people who do it all the time so they don't get in trouble with their bosses or fired." Ambrielle told us. Maybe.

"It's true. I had to do it a couple of times for other jobs." Austin admitted. "I had to make sure my grandma was okay before I left and sometimes her health nurse was late. I had to do what I had to do to pay for my grandmother's care."

"Aww." I said, smiling at him as he returned the gesture.

"Okay. Enough with the lovey dovey eyes. What we need to find out is why Melanie and Kirkland were there that night? Also, why didn't Kirkland recuse himself when he clearly had involvement or history with a number of people in this case? That guy is fishy. There's just something off about him."

"I never liked him. I would hide in my room or with my mom whenever he came over. There was just something I didn't like about him and I never knew what it was. I still don't."

The pair walked inside and my dad closed the door behind them.

We watched as Kirkland came back out on his own four minutes later. He began pacing before he headed back to the car.

He got back in the car, probably to wait for Melanie.

Finally Melanie came out ten minutes later. 12:24:48.

She headed to the car, got in and they drove off.

A few minutes later, my dad exited the house in his suit, and he appeared flustered. He was walking fast to his car, as if he were in a hurry to get away from the house.

Quickly, he got into his car and drove off, to work I assume.

We were about to stop the video when two more figures emerged from the house.

We never saw anyone else go inside, so who were these people?

"What the... Who is that?" I asked aloud.

"Wait... Aren't those the two you thought were stalking you and your mom?" Austin asked. He's right. It's Jakob Tuller and his son, Aiden. But why were they in the house that night and how didn't we see them enter?

At least one of those questions was answered as Tuller pulled out a key and appeared to lock the door.

One question answered but now there's another. Why did he have a key to our house?

"It is... but why do they have a key to our house?"

"That's pretty sketchy." Jackie agreed.

"I don't know how to feel about that." I told them. "Exactly how many people were in the house that night?"

"We can account for five apart from you and your mother. But, nobody is above suspicion. Any of

those five could have been the one who killed your mother." Austin told us.

"It's disturbing that any of those people could have been in my room that night as I slept."

"I didn't want to tell you this but I thought it could have been possible you may have imagined that because you were drugged." He told me.

I shrugged. "For a long time I thought the same. That or it was one of my parents or Uncle Brian. Now I know it could have been one of these five people checking on me to make sure I didn't wake up as they murdered my mother."

"It very well could have been." Jackie said.

The video cut out as Tuller and his son walked off.

"This changes everything." I told them. "It proves my uncle was telling the truth. He didn't do it. But, it also gives us five suspects."

"Maybe we should look at the other things." Ambrielle suggested.

Nodding Jackie clicked on the first picture. It was a blown up photo of Melanie from the video. Clicking the right arrow, it was a blown up photo of Kirkland. The last picture was of my dad

getting into his car with a time stamp on the bottom left corner.

Those were the only photos, so she clicked exit and clicked on the document.

When it opened, it was titled "07/19/2013." It was a detailed outline of events of the video.

"Whoever sent this has drastically changed the case." I said. "Now we have to wait for my sister and fill her in and see what she found out."

We agreed to wait for Sandra before we did anything else.



I was on my way to pick up my mom's autopsy report when I saw Kirkland.

Dr. Alexander had located an extra copy of my mom's autopsy and called me.However that will have to wait. He promised me he would not hand it to anyone else. Not making that mistake twice.

Now I have to see what Kirkland's up to. I never trusted the guy.

Trailing him at a distance, I followed him to a house on Melburn Ave.

Parking down the street, I watched as he exited his cruiser and walked to a house.

He began pounding on the front door and looking through the windows.

What is he up to?

Not getting a response, he began kicking the door.

Looking around, I was searching for anyone to come out to see what the cause of the commotion was. Anyone with nosy neighbours knows what I'm talking about.

He was finally able to make his way in.

Watching as he entered the residence, I slowly exited my car, making sure to keep an eye out for him to come back out.

I, as quietly as I could, snuck over to the side of the house and ducked under one of the windows.

After a few minutes, I decided to poke my head up slightly, looking for any sign of Kirkland.I could hear him ransacking, but I couldn't see him. All that could be heard were things falling, or more likely being thrown. Honestly where are the nosy neighbours when you need witnesses? What, they decide to take an early nap or something?

Ducking down as he re-entered the living room, I could hear him yelling, "Where is it?"

Where is what? What is he looking for? What could be so important that he's broken into and is tearing up someone's house?

I poked my head up slightly and luckily his back was to me. He was going through the furniture, tossing it behind him carelessly.

He got increasingly reckless, tearing into the couch cushions, exposing the fluffy stuff inside.

I could see him heading for the front door. Maybe he's finally given up on finding whatever he was looking for.

If he's coming out, I can't stay on the side of the house. He may see me.I creeped into the doorway of the neighbour's house.

I waited patiently until I was sure he was no longer in the house.

Peeking around the front, I saw him get into his cruiser. He didn't drive off, but I don't have the time to check. The person who lives here could be back any time now. I need to get in and get out. Hopefully in the process I find out what Kirkland was looking for.

I heard a car speed out, so I'm going to assume it's him leaving. At least I hope it is.

Hurrying inside, I was greeted by the sight of smashed pictures, overturned and ruined furniture.

From outside it didn't look too bad, but up close it is horrible.''

Why did he tear up someone's house? He was clearly looking for something, but why was he so insistent on finding it?

It must be very important for him to risk losing his job by breaking the law like that.

I didn't see or hear anything which is a hopefully good sign.

Looking around, I bent down o glance at one of the shattered pictures.

My eyes widened as I saw it was a picture of Jakob Tuller and his son, Aiden.

Why was Kirkland ransacking their house? What could they have that he was so intent on getting his hands on?

I continued walking around when I nearly lost my balance on an uneven floorboard. This floorboard doesn't look right. It looks loose.

Bending down, I picked at the edge of the piece of floorboard and managed to lift it up.

Grabbing it, I was careful not to crumple it. Not worse than it already was, seeing as it was folded up.

Unfolding it, I was met with a familiar sight.

To anyone else it would look like a bunch of doodles on a piece of paper. But, to me, I knew it was a code. A code I'd learned from my mother. She'd taught me it along with the other code she'd created for us and told me that I could trust whoever could write or decipher that code. I didn't know what she meant at the time, being as this was only two weeks before my dad made me "disappear."

I reached into my small body bag that I had fortunately brought with me and grabbed a mini notepad and pencil. Quickly I jotted down the cipher and began matching it to the hidden message.

I was nearly finished when I swore I heard footsteps heading back to the house. Oh no, maybe Kirkland didn't leave after all. It sounded like it was coming from the side of the house.

I quickly headed for the front door. Unfortunately I had to turn back because I saw a shadow directly outside the door. I hid in the hallway near the back door. This way I can hopefully make a quick escape if need be. I heard footsteps come through the front door but I knew was doomed when I thought I heard a second pair around the back door. Thankfully there were no windows around me. I quickly ducked into the closest bedroom. It looked like a typical young man's room, so I assume this is Aiden's room. There were posters of who I could only imagine are his favourite bands and artists. Queen, Bon Jovi, Simple Plan.

Opening the back door would be too noisy. Whoever came back may catch me or they might be waiting outside to catch me.

I don't know if I'm more worried about being caught by Kirkland or Tuller or his son. Any of them would be terrifying. The cop who might arrest me or the homeowners who will wonder why you're in their house.

I had to hide behind the door and hold my breath as I saw Kirkland pass by. He opened the back door and my suspicions were confirmed as another person entered the house. Clicking heels sounded against the wooden floors. It is definitely or most likely a female.

"I couldn't find it. I've looked everywhere." Kirkland told the person with him.

"You sure about that?" Oh no, it's Lila.

"Of course I'm sure." Kirkland huffed.

"Really? Then what's that?" I obviously couldn't see what she was pointing at.

"That wasn't like that before. Someone's been here after I left." How could I forget to place the floorboard back? Stupid mistake.

"Well, I didn't see anyone out back."

"Well, obviously. They're probably long gone by now. No use in sticking around when they obviously found what we were looking for."

This is what they were looking for? Why?

"If you are so worried, we should still check the house in case they are still here. We could have surprised them. You weren't gone that long. After all, they didn't put the floorboard back. They could still be in here somewhere."

"But, they could have been lying in wait, waiting for me to leave because they already knew where it was."

"Maybe," Lila agreed before I heard her heels clicking against the floors once more.

I frantically looked around the room for a place to hide in case they came my way. The closet is too obvious.

Continuing to look around, the only option would be under the bed. If I can fit.

Not wasting anymore time, I hurried over to the bed and managed to slide myself under it. Luckily the clothes on the floor muffled the sound of my footsteps.

Literally seconds after I secured myself under the bed, I saw a pair of heels enter the room, followed by a pair of boots.

I quickly took a breath in and held it. I watched as the footsteps walked all over the room.

"I'm telling you Lila. There's nobody in here. They already left."

"Would you be patient? We haven't check the bed yet. People always hide under the bed or in the closet in the movies. "

Still holding my breath, I began to feel myself panicking as footsteps approached my hiding place.

Just before they lifted up the bed, there was a noise that sounded as if it came from the living room.

"What was that?" Kirkland asked, his voice slightly elevated.

"It was probably an animal outside or something. Now help me lift this bed."

Just then the noise sounded again.

"Okay. I know that wasn't an animal."

"If you're so scared, then go out there and check it out."

"I'm not going out there by myself."

"You're a cop. Don't you do this type of thing in a daily or weekly basis?"

"Not daily. Plus I usually have a partner with me."

"Whatever. If we check it out and you see that it's nothing, will you come back and help me with the bed?"

Please say yes. It'll be my only opportunity to escape.


Then I saw their footsteps exit the room.

Shimmying out from under the bed, I took a quick peek out the door. Thankfully neither of them were there.

Turning back into the room, I looked at the window. It's my only option. The door would make too much noise and it runs the risk of getting caught. Thank goodness this is only a one story house and I don't need to jump from a second story window. I'd probably break my leg or sprain my ankle at the least.

Once I was sure I was in the clear, I headed over to the window, and began to work on opening it.

There was a latch and I worked on carefully opening it, trying to keep my movements as still and soundless as possible.

Successful on opening the window, I moved as stealthily as I could and maneuvered my body out of the window.

Jumping down, my feet made a slight thud. Oh shoot.

I was about to run when I felt someone tug my arm and cover my mouth, pulling me down to the ground.

"Mhmmm." I tried to struggle against the hand covering my mouth.

"If you don't want to get caught, which I don't think you do, then I suggest you remain quiet. Understand?" I nodded my head, their hand still covering my mouth. "Good. Now I'm going to uncover your mouth. I need to know you won't scream." I nodded again before the person removed their hand from my mouth.

I swung around to see who the person was. It was Aiden Ratcliffe. Jakob Tuller's son.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered.

"Well it is my house. Don't you think I should be asking you that?" He said, with a pointed look. "Besides I'm rescuing you."

"Rescuing me?" Who does this guy think he is? "Or were you following me?"

"My father and I never stalked, you, your sister or your mother. It was a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? How is it a misunderstanding if they saw you almost everywhere they went?"

"Okay," he conceded. "We were following them. But not for the reasons you think."

"Oh yeah? And what are those?"

"We were watching over them?"

"Watching over them? What, you two think you're some sort of protectors now?" I asked, my eyes narrowed.

"Yes. But I can't explain it to you just yet. First we need to get out of here."

"What makes you think I'd go anywhere with you? For all I know you or your dad could have been the one or ones that killed my mom." I told him.

"I would never do that. Your mother was an amazing woman."

"You're darn right she was." I cut him off.

"Look, I'm sorry about everything you've been through, but I swear we are only trying to help."

"Why are they here anyway? Why were they looking for this?" I changed the subject and pulled out the piece of paper I'd found. I might as well get some answers while he's here.

"You found it? He knew you would find it."

"Your dad?" He nodded. "Why was I supposed to find this?"

"He only said that you would know how to read it and it would tell you what you need to know."

"Why do you say that like you think he's dead?"

"He very well could be. People have been after my father and I for a long time. Dangerous people." He peeked his head above his window. "Okay. We need to move. Now!"

Without question, I ran with him, hand in hand, and we ran around the back of the house to the other side, closer to where I'd parked my car.

He was practically dragging me behind him as we bolted for my car.

Finally reaching our destination, I quickly unlocked it, we jumped inside, I started it up and we sped off.

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