The Trammells

By aloncha_1114

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Two girls who've had rough pasts, get adopted by a newlywed couple, who bring them in. The family discovers t... More

S1 EP1: The Pilot
S1 EP2: Changes
S1 EP3: Possibilities
S1 EP4: The Kiss
S1 EP6: Ex Lover
S1 EP7: Risks
S1 EP8: I Know You
S1 EP9: Delivery, Part 1
S1 EP10: Delivery, Part 2
S1 EP 11: You're Welcome
S1 EP 12: That One Night
S1 EP 13: Sometimes...
S1 EP 14: Nothing's Impossible
S1 EP 15: Runaway
S1 EP 16: I Am Wrong
S1 EP 17: Unlike You
S1 EP 18: What I Need
S1 EP 19: Oops
S1 EP 20: Past
S1 EP 21: Free Will, Part 1
S1 EP 22: Free Will, Part 2
⭐️SEASON 2 ⭐️
S2 EP 1: Broken
S2 EP 2: I Believe You
S2 EP 3: The Road Trip, Part 1
S2 EP4: The Road Trip, Part 2
S2 EP 5: Double Date
S2 EP 6: Logan's Dance
S2 EP 7: Grandma's Back
S2 EP 8: Photograph Of You
S2 EP 9: Say Something
S2 EP 10: It Must Have Been Love
S2 EP 11: Dirty Laundry
S2 EP 12: She
S2 EP 13: Dilemma
S2 EP 14: Jail

S1 EP5: Back to You

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By aloncha_1114

Emily's Home:

*Emily is getting a snack prepared to go along with her while she's away. Her mom is in the kitchen talking to her as she checks her phone*

Stacy: Looks like where gonna have a full house for dinner. You should ask Alexis if she wants to come after you guys all rehearse.

Emily: I'll make sure to let her know. Who's coming?

Stacy: Vince.

Emily: That's not a full house, Mom.

Stacy: Well I hope you like having him around.

Emily: He doesn't bother me. All I care about is that your happy.

Trammell Home:

*Logan leaves the kitchen and goes to the front door. Marie gets her attention*

Marie: Straight home after school young lady! Remember your grounded.

Logan: I'm well aware.

*Alexis walks into the scene*

Logan: You coming?

Alexis: I need to talk with Mom for a minute.

Logan: Okay meet you outside

*Logan walks out the front door and waits for Alexis*

Marie: You should talk to him. Tell him you were nervous, and I'm sure he'll understand.

Alexis: I hope so. I just feel bad because I left like that.

Marie: Just explain to him what happened. Okay?

*Alexis smiles*

Alexis: Okay.

Marie: Are we doing this Hazel and Gus thing or?

Alexis: Do that with Dad. That doesn't really work for us.

*Marie makes a funny face. Alexis gives Marie a hug and she walks off. Scott walks into the scene*

Scott: Uh, what were you guys talking about?

Marie: Girl stuff, sweetheart!

Logan's school:

*Katie and Logan are talking in the halls. People snicker about what happened to Martin. *

Katie: This is good here. People know about what we did to Martin.

Logan: Good? You got me grounded, Katie! At least my parents didn't know what shit you were getting me into.

Katie: Does that mean no more escaping the window.

Logan: They're probably gonna childproof it now. Well probably childproof everything.

Katie: Everything?

Logan: Yeah, were having a baby remember.

Katie: You are?

Logan: Yeah, maybe if you paid attention to what I have to say more often you'd know, instead of worry about other people and getting into trouble all the time.

*Logan walks off, very upset with Katie. Katie has a very shook expression on her face.*

The studio:

*Emily has her piano rehearsal, and Alexis walks in and interrupts*

Alexis: Come here!

Emily: Ugh, what Alexis. I need to learn these chords.

Alexis: Peter kissed me.

*Emily wants to scream, but Alexis covers Emily's mouth*

Alexis: I didn't know what to do, so I kinda walked away.

Emily: You didn't kiss back?

Alexis: No... I was scared, okay. I need to see him! We need to talk about it. Have you seen him?

Emily: Yeah, he went into the guitar room.

Alexis: Should I go in there?

Emily: Yes!! Don't be a chicken. You can do this!! I'll be here waiting for you!

*Emily winks and Alexis grins and runs off to go talk to him. Alexis walks into the room and gets Peter's attention*

Peter: Trammell? What are you doing here?

Alexis: Come here!

*Alexis takes Peter outside and they talk*

Alexis: I wanted to kiss back.

Peter: You didn't?

Alexis: I know, I'm sorry, I was scared. I just-

Peter: What is it?

Alexis: Nobody has ever kissed me like that before.

*Alexis puts her hand on Peter's arm and runs it up to his shoulder*

Peter: Wow, you really know how to turn me on.

Alexis: Yeah, well. I guess I know a little bit about being in love is like.

*Alexis has now put her arms around Peter's neck. They have eye contact.*

Peter: So does that mean I can kiss you now?

*Peter and Alexis let out a chuckle*

Alexis: Yes

*They both pulled there heads closer together. Their lips touched, all pressed together. A flow of electricity struck their stomachs as they got closer and closer. Soon, they pulled back.*

Alexis: I didn't realize how good that feels

Peter: Only with that mouth.

Alexis: I've got to go back and rehearse. I have to go have dinner at Emily's house like I promised her. I don't want to get too distracted here.

*Alexis walks away, as Peter touches his lips*

Emily's house:

*The doorbell rings. Stacy is sitting at her table, and she goes up to the door to open it*

Stacy: I'm so glad your here!

*It is Vince. She gives him a peck kiss and he walks into their home*

Vince: Good to see you too! Wow, you've got the table all nice and ready for a great dinner.

Stacy: Emily and one of her friends will be coming to have dinner with us.

Vince: This must sound like a party then!

Stacy: Well, Emily didn't think so.

Vince: Why not?

Stacy: Ten people or more is a party for her.

Trammell Home:

*Marie is laying on her bed (wearing glasses) with her laptop checking her calendar, as Scott is brushing his teeth*

Marie: Sweetheart, have we decided when were going to have a baby shower

Scott: What? We haven't even found out the baby's gender yet.

Marie: Ultrasound is tomorrow. Did you forget?

Scott: Yeah. I'm sorry, my head has kinda been all over the place.

Marie: It's ok. I guess I like to plan ahead on these things.

Scott: I totally understand.

Marie: I'm just preparing for everything as best I can!

Emily's house:

*Emily and Alexis are opening the front door into Emily's house. As they walk in, something is up*

Stacy: Alexis it's so nice to have you

Alexis: Thank you for inviting me.

Stacy: I would like you to meet Vince. We've been dating for a little while.

*Alexis is shocked. She knows him. She gets a surprised look on her face*

Conclusion of S1 EP5

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