5SOS Preferences

By nurkhai1847

111K 964 53

the title basically explains it all, plus read at your own risk because 5sos feels you know creds to the rig... More

5SOS Preferences
#1 What Song You Will Sing Together
#2 Winter
#3 He Comes Home Early From Tour
#4 When You're Feeling Insecure
#5 He Cheated On You
#6 You're Their Songwriter And He Likes You
#7 He Brings You Home To Meet His Family
#8 He Finds An Old Photo Of You
#9 "It's Over"
#10 Low Self Esteem
#11 He Gets Jealous
#12 Teaches You How To Kiss
#13 Reaction On You Wearing A Bikini
#14 How You Met
#15 Double Preference
#16 Wearing His Shirts
#17 New Years
#18 Playful Fights
#19 Concert Jealous
#20 Caught By Your Brother's BF
#21 He Does Your Hair
#22 Fake
#23 Your Song
#24 Your Wedding Day
#25 Talking In His Sleep
#26 First Hockey Game
#27 Helps You Raise Your Siblings
#28 Ribbons
#29 Best Friends With A Member Of ATL
#30 Baking Christmas Cookies
#31 Falling Asleep On Him
#32 A 1D Member Walks In On You Two
#33 He Supports You In A Sport/activity
#34 Miscellanous
#35 Rainy Days
#36 He's Sick
#37 He Asks You To Move In
#38 You're Pregnant But It's Not His
#39 Cute Sneezing Fit
#40 You Have A Break Down/Relapse
#41 Miscellanous 2
#42 Miscellanous 3
#43 They Make Fun Of Your Small Boobs
#44 Helps You When You Are In Trouble
#45 Forever And Always
#46 Commitment Issues
#47 He's With Fans In The Pool And You Get Jealous
#48 Father's Day
#49 He Proposes On Christmas
#50 Playing The Blame Game
#51 Fans Reactions To The Pregnancy
#52 Miscallenous 4
#53 English Love Affair
#54 You're An Actress
#56 Thanks For The Memories
#57 He Gets Jealous 2
#58 You Have a Eating Disorder and He Tries To Get You To Eat
#59 Scary Movie Night
#60 He Walks In On You Changing
#61 Good Girls
#62 He's A Football Player
#63 He Surprises You On His Birthday
#64 Summertime
#65 Weddings
#66 Bringing The Baby Home From The Hospital
#67 Pranks
#68 Leaving
#69 The Morning After
#70 Enchanted
#71 His Band Isn't Famous (AU)
#72 Bad Dreams
#73 Playing 5 Secs Of Snogging
#75 He Fingers You In Public
#76 Missing
#77 The Bump Starts To Show
#78 Phobias
#79 Adopt A Pet Together
#80 Nerves
#81 Mood Swings
#82 Miscallenous 5
#83 Meet & Greet
#84 Hawaii
#85 You Play An Instrument
#86 Apologies After The Fight
#87 The Heart Wants What It Wants
#88 Giving Him A Massage
#89 First Fight
#90 Stay
#91 Road Trip
#92 Frat Party
#93 Fans Ship You Guys
#94 High School Sweethearts
#95 Triple Surprise
#96 He's Your Brother & Cheers You Up
#97 Fake Dating

#55 You're An Actress 2

1.2K 15 1
By nurkhai1847

#55 You're An Actress (Cashton)

Lights flashing, crowds screaming, everyone dressed to the nines.

'I don't think I'll ever get used to this,' you think as you emerge from a town car in a dress that you can barely breathe in.

MTV Music Awards.

You'd have never thought you'd be there in a million years, especially since you're not even a musician. But here you are, walking down the red carpet, being periodically stopped by paps and interviewers. You move along quickly to get inside. You are announcing for one of the categories tonight, and you want time to rehearse. You walk along backstage, trying to find where you're supposed to go, when suddenly you bump into someone. You nearly fall backwards onto your bum, but the stranger grabs and steadies you.

"Oh goodness! I'm so sorry. I'm ridiculously clumsy, especially in heels," you apologise as you smooth out your dress.

"No it's my fault. I wasn't looking," he replies in a thick Australian accent.

"Well I guess it was both of our faults then," you say looking into his green eyes. Then it hits you. You are talking to Ashton Irwin from 5 Seconds of Summer. Your little cousin is a big fan and had introduced you to his music over your Christmas holidays.

"Woah. You're Y/N Y/L/N, right?"

"Yes, and you're Ashton Irwin," you return with a smile.

"Yes. Wow. I'm a huge fan. I've seen all your movies, even the girly ones. I must say that you are even more beautiful in person," he says. You laugh and enjoy how he can sound so incredibly dorky, yet quite suave all at the same time.

"I wish I could say the same for you...I saw your Don't Stop music video and it looks like you've lost muscle tone since then...and fashion sense, what is with these jeans? I much prefer a man in tights and underwear," you tease.

"You and me both! I look like a mess and I'm not even comfortable. This shirt...it has holes in it and it's itchy. This bandana isn't nearly as exciting as my other one...and these jeans, so uncomfortable. I want nothing more than to be in a spandex suit with some red underwear over top. That outfit was breezy, but also snug and secure in the areas I needed support," he explains with a dimpled smile on his face.

You raise your eyebrow and ask, "And where exactly do you need support?"

"Well, you see, moonlighting as a superhero takes it toll. My knee, for example...I was saving this cat from a tree, you know real heroic stuff, and the branch began to break. And I was faced with a huge moral dilemma: save the cat and potentially fall to my death or run away. Not many would do it, but the look on the kitten's face. I just couldn't let an innocent die like that, and so I scaled the tree. It was gruelling, but had to be done. Just as I within reach of the kitten, the branch snaps. We go tumbling downward. My life flashes before my eyes. Somehow my superhuman instincts kicked in and I was able to grab the cat and cushion its fall. Sadly, I landed wrong on my knee and it hasn't been the same since, but it's one of the risks of the job. Saving people is not as easy as the movies make it out to be," Ashton explains dramatically, making you laugh.

He adds with a flirty smile, "Why? Where were you thinking?"

"Exactly that, actually," you joke.

"Well that's good. It would have been rather inappropriate for you to be thinking about elsewhere."

You gasp dramatically and clutch your chest, feigning disgust, "I would never!" This warrants an intoxicating giggle from him.

You continue with mock-upset, "In case you didn't know. I am a good girl. I only do wholesome, girly movies. Unlike you and your punk rock music with your funky hair dos, mosh pits, and lyrics saturated in sexual innuendos. I'm actually rather offended that you would insinuate such a thing!"

"Wholesome movies, huh? You were a sexy assassin in your last movie. You tortured someone with a huge knife," he returns.

"It was actually a metaphor, really...and about feminism. I was fighting my way to women's equality to be in high paying jobs and wear whatever they want...it's a rather wholesome message if you examine it closely. I don't think you'd understand," you joke, spewing complete bullshit. You and Ashton laugh together. You are amazed at how you two seem to have the same sense of humour.

"Ashton! There you are! You have 5 minutes until you are performing and I've been looking every for you," A man, mostly likely in the managerial position, says to him frantically.

"Sorry, I was dealing with this klutz. She bumped into me. I fell and nearly broke my arm," Ashton explains, teasing you.

You roll your eyes and give him a shit-eating grin, "I almost knocked you over, huh?"

"Yeah. You really need to learn to be more careful."

"I must. I'm really a hazard to public safety," you laugh.

"That's nice. Now Ashton, come on. You need to get into position," the man says impatiently.

"Just one second, John," he says to the man, before turning back to you,

"Even though it would put my safety at risk, I'd like to continue discussing your wholesome values some more. When can I see you again? Are you going to any parties after this?" he asks.

"You'd risk your safety just to talk to me again?" you ask jokingly.

"I'm a risk taker, babe. What can I say? I am a superhero after all."

"Ashton, we really need to get you into position" John exclaims.

"Are you going to a party tonight?"

"Well I guess...you'll have to find out. Maybe your superpowers can help you out," you reply with a wink as you walk away leaving him speechless. Maybe after playing a sexy assassin, you have learned some things, because you are definitely feeling like a sexy man-killer right about now.

You are on a talk and radio show promoting your new film with your costar, Dave Franco. It is a couple weeks into it, so you're pretty used to the whole thing. But today is different. Because it's Dave's girlfriend's birthday, he has left you for the weekend to go surprise her. You couldn't blame him; it is actually quite the romantic gesture, but it did leave you all alone.

So now you are sitting on a couch, waiting for your turn to be interviewed. Your publicist has finally stopped barraging you with 'friendly' reminders and tips to not be too inappropriate with your jokes and to plug the film as subtly and often as possible.

You were relieved when you heard her phone ring, because she'd surely be on the phone for 20 minutes. This allows you time to just think and relax. You are incredibly nervous. You're not too good at interviews, because you get nervous and ramble awkwardly. Your stomach is in knots. You take a deep breath and attempt to clear your mind, but something catches your attention.

From your seat on the couch, you can see and hear the interview going on. It takes you a moment to realize that it is 5 Seconds of Summer, a band you were secretly a huge fan of. You had been playing their new album nonstop since it came out. You listen and laugh to the four boys being interviewed. They have you laughing so loudly sometimes that your publicist has to shush you on multiple occasions.

Right as an intern waves you over to tell you that it is almost your time to go on, you hear, "So Calum, we hear that you are interested in Y/N Y/L/N?"

From your vantage point, you can see Calum blush and the rest of the boys laugh.

"What? Where did you hear that?" he asks with an embarrassed smirk.

"You tweeted about her just the other day. Don't you remember?" Max, the interviewer, asks.

"I might recall that..." Calum says over the chuckles of his bandmates.

"Well maybe this will help you remember. We have the tweets right here. Let's see...you said, 'Just saw Y/N's new movie' followed by several heart eye emojis. And then right after you tweeted 'jealous of Dave franco' and 'thinking of becoming an actor ;p. What do you have to say for yourself, Calum?"

Your face turns a deep shade of red and your heart begins to race.

"I...uh really liked the movie," Calum laughs.

"He loves her," Luke interjects. Calum hides his face. He seems just as flustered about this as you are. You watch his cheeks get all bright and cannot believe how a gorgeous member of your favourite band is interested in you.

"He does. She is his phone background right now," Michael adds.

"That's not true!" Calum claims.

"Liar! Calum is just trying to act cool. He's a bit of a fanboy," Ashton informs the host.

"Can you blame him though? She's quite fit and talented," Luke adds. Calum's head whips around to look on Luke and he gives him a glare. The boys laugh at him and he laughs at himself too. He has no idea you are watching him. You have no idea how you are watching this. You feel like it is some crazy dream. You have had celebrities express some interest in you, but never like this, and not from someone you were really interested in. You can not wrap your head around it.

"Well what would you say to her if you met her?" Max asks. You know what is the interviewer is planning now. You suddenly got incredibly nervous. Why weren't you given a heads up? You are going to end up making a fool of yourself. You just know it.

"He'd probably just cry," Michael jokes.

"He'd be like 'you're preeetttyyy'" Luke says in a high pitched voice.

"No! No. He'd totally go up to her trying to be all cool and manly, but end up saying nothing but dumb pick up lines," Ashton says, acting it out.

Calum shakes his head enthusiastically in protest, "I would be normal!" All the boys laugh at that statement extremely hard.

At this point, the intern tells you it's time to go in, just as Max says, "We've got a surprise for you Calum." Calum's face lights up with both terror and excitement.

"Y/N, why don't you come join us," the intern then opens the door and lets you into the radio booth. All the members of 5sos look at you shocked for a moment and then erupt in laughter. All but Calum laugh. He seems to be more embarrassed than anything.

Max motions for you to take a seat next to her. She gives you a smug grin when she sees the blushes on both Calum and your faces. You give an awkward wave to the boys and then sit down, mentally chastising yourself for being so lame.

"For those of you listeners who can't see what's going on, Y/N Y/L/N is now sitting next to me. Now I know you're here to talk about your new film, but I think we should discuss what just happened here. Do you have anything to say to Calum? Could we be witnessing the start of something?"

You imagine you look something like a lobster right now from the shade of red she is making you turn.

You panic and reply, "I, uh, he, um. Calum is really sweet."

You want to end it there, but you continue rambling, "I mean that was incredibly sweet to say, and I've always had a crush on him. Shoot. I shouldn't have said that. I uh guess I say thank you Calum...I'm a big fan."

You want to run out of the room. You are so embarrassed. You admitting to having a crush on him. All the boys are laughing and looking shocked. Calum and Ashton both look as if they've seen a ghost.

"You're a fan of us? You know our music?" Ashton asks as if it's completely strange.

"Since I've already embarrassed myself, I might as well just say it...I'm actually a huge fan. I've been listening to you guys for a few years now. I actually have been listening to your album on repeat since I got it."

"You're lying," Michael replies.

"I'm a super fan," you laugh nervously.

Max continues to prod you and Calum about a budding relationship throughout the rest of the interview. When its finally over, you all exit the radio booth and meet officially out in the hallway. Ashton, Luke, and Michael give you a hug and comment about how you're really lovely and a good sport for doing that. They then give Calum a shove in your direction and run away giggling like preteen girls. You and Calum look into each other's eyes until you break the gaze and blush.

"So..that was awkward," you say, laughing to keep from crying.

"Yeah, excruciating. Thanks for saying those nice things about me, though...that was, um, really nice."

"Same to you. All the things you said were incredibly sweet."

"You weren't creeped out," Calum asks.

You shrug, "Nah. It was cute."

Calum gives you a heart melting smile and then a hug, "Well I guess I should be going...they are waiting for me."

You can't help but to melt into his hug a bit. His big muscular arms just envelop you. You don't want it to end, but you both let go of each other. You give him this awkward nod and he starts to walk away. You die a little bit inside as you watch him walk away.

"That was good stuff," your publicist says to you, making you jump a little bit. You tear your eyes away from Calum disappearing down the hall to whine to your publicist.

"Did you know about this? Did you know they were going to do that to me? It was so embarrassing. I was so awkward and know that he knows how awkward I am...it's just..ugh. I can't believe you would let me blindly walk-" you manage to say before you are interrupted by someone poking your back. "

Excuse me," Calum starts as you turn around. He rubs his neck nervously and continues,

"Sorry to interrupt, but if I didn't ask you this...then I'll never forgive myself. I might be way out of line, but could I get your number...I'd love to uh go out with you sometime."

"Of course. I mean yes, sure...uh that'd be neat," you ramble awkwardly.

"Really?" Calum asks.

"Yes...uh can I have your phone?" he fishes it out of your pocket and hands it to you unlocked and already open to the new contact page. You fill in your number, save it, and close the app. As you are handing it back to him, you notice that you are, in fact, his phone background.

When Calum notices you noticing it, he quickly puts it back in his pocket.

"Pretend you didn't see that."

You laugh, "See what?"

"Well I better go for real this time," he says, giving you a quick wave. You smile, take a step towards him, and give a kiss on the cheek. Calum and you then part ways. You walk down the hall and do a silly happy dance when you get around the corner. Perhaps Dave missing the interview wasn't so bad after all.


Vote bc u r rad. And I am v bored rn ergh.

{Next Update: Monday}

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