Dracula's Enchantress - Aluca...

By amaya9801

64.2K 1K 75

Serving Hellsing Organisation was the only thing Frida could remember when talking about her childhood. Throu... More

XXIV (Edited)


1.9K 32 0
By amaya9801

Frida watched their interaction with a sad smile. If there was anything she knew about Alucard after being with him since Sir Arthur took over as the Director of Hellsing, he wished to be killed by the hands of a human. He no longer wanted this eternal life that was weighing down on him. She understood him perfectly, for there were times when she felt tired after living for two hundred years, and now, she was going to live with each passing day, until the time she was able to see changes in the world. Now that Alexander had passed away peacefully, Alucard would have to wait for another day, where he would encounter another human who was willing to fulfill his wish.


Just when she thought things were over, a sudden force landed on the remains of Alexander, followed by metal wires cutting down buildings. Upon seeing the familiar silhouette, she let out a gasp, shocked to see who it was. Even Integra's cigar fell to the floor when her mouth opened agape. Without even looking at the culprit, Asmund knew who it was, as a frown was plastered on his face. With wires whipping around him, the man grounded his foot against the remains and pulled out a cigarette, before his glare fixated on everyone, especially old partners.

"W-Walter!" yelled Integra in bewilderment. "Is that you, Walter?!"

He ignored her question and looked down at the remains and sighed, stomping on it again. Yumie and Heinkel glared at his foot that was placed on where Alexander last laid "Rubbish." he sneered. "When a man dies, he becomes rubbish. What reason is there to bother mourning rubbish? Don't you agree, Integra?"

"Walter..." she muttered, still shocked by his sudden appearance as a foe.

"Walter, sir!" called Seras, who was equally shocked. "What the hell did they do to him?!"

"What did they do?" he repeated mockingly. "Clearly, they've captured me and turned me into a vampire. They've also brainwashed me, and are forcing me into fighting against my former compatriots. Is that what you wanted to hear, Seras?" He then looked at the confused and shocked Frida with an unreadable expression, taking in the new vibe that surrounded her. "I see that you've finally chosen to join sides with Alucard, Frida. Took you long enough, I'd say. But tell me, were you thinking the exact same thing as Seras?" Knowing her after being colleagues with her for so many decades, he received a nod from her, causing him to darkly chuckle. "You're still too kind, but I'll answer yours and Seras' question. I stand here not on the whim of anyone else. I stand before you to satisfy my own means. I stand here for Walter C. Dollneaz. And after festering here, within my own hateful malice, I feel it's time to sever your link to the coming dawn."

"Walter..." Integra's fists clenched tightly before she demanded, "WHY, WALTER?!"

"DON'T SAY MY NAME ANYMORE!" he snapped back, making it very clear that he no longer wished to be associated with Hellsing.

Suddenly, something triggered inside Yumie, who began to charge at him with her sword ready. "NO!" yelled Seras, but it was too late, as the nun was overtaken by anger.

"Kill!" she chanted after drawing her sword. "Kill! KILL! KILL HIM! I don't fucking care what happened with this master-servant thing between you! WHY THE HELL SHOULD I?!" Her body then seemed to have vanished for a second before suddenly appearing behind the unfazed Walter and slashed him. "Shimabara Sword-Drawing Style: Shouki! You're dead!"

"Oh, I'm not dead." he said mockingly. "You are." With a quick flick of his wrist, his razor wires swiftly sliced the shocked Yumie to pieces, shattering her sword in the process.

'With but a scream and a beheading, the world shall be cleansed of its trespasses.' were her final prayers before she fell.

"YUMIE!" cried Heinkel before whipping out a pistol and aimed it at Walter. At that note, a long gun was aimed at her cheek, making her roll her eyes to see the Captain, who didn't hesitate to pull the trigger. The closeness of the gun and the bullet forced her into the air and landed on her back harshly.

"Attempting to stop me is foolhardy." declared Walter with his razor wires dancing around him. "This mutiny shall continue unimpeded."

Asmund stared at him intensely as he recalled the past when he worked with him and Alucard on a mission during World War II and its aftermath. 'I've always had that uneasiness since this guy came joined our ranks.' he thought. 'Back when Sir Arthur passed, Sir Islands was there to help advise her when Frida and I were away for that thirty-year mission. The younger brother, Richard was clearly a dangerous unhinged man. We knew it was a matter of time, before he tried to kill Sir Integra to usurp the family headship. Sir Islands ordered this bugger keep an eye on Richard and watch over Sir Integra.

'But on that night, he was neither form nor shadow. What he was doing; none of us knew, not even Sir Integra. Alucard wasn't there to protect her because he was sealed away by Sir Arthur. But that night, Richard backed Sir Integra into a corner, forcing her to release him. It was just the two of them in that basement. Was that how the events were supposed to unfold, or how had he miraculously planned for them to unfold the entire time?' Asmund balled up his hands into fists and clenched them tightly. 'If that was what happened, then how long has he been a turncoat? Ten years? Twenty years? Or was it since that battle in September 1944, back in Warsaw? How did I not predict this?!'

Meanwhile, Alucard knelt on the ground and stared at what was left of Alexander's remains, which made Walter's patience ran thin. "Stand up!" he ordered. "Stand up and fight! Hellsing! Alucard!"

The vampire, instead, chuckled darkly, before it escalated into a laugh. "Hey, Angel of Death!" he mocked while looking at him from the corner of his eyes. "You once said "We John Bulls enjoy our twilight years", right? Didn't you also say how proud and stubborn you were, refusing to take the "easy path" to power? Your aged, old body; I still believe it was truly trillions of times more beautiful than the abomination that stand before me now. In body and mind, you truly have become an "Angel of Death", haven't you?"

"Indeed." he replied with a glare. "This world is deteriorating into a nightmare of murder and mayhem. As we stand here at dawn, I have truly become the "Angel of Death". Now stand and fight me, Alucard!"

"You and I really are nothing but dogs; hunting dogs." remarked the vampire. "And dogs don't just howl at one another." With his hands on the ground, he bowed to Integra with his dark mass forming around him. "Orders. Give me my orders, my Master!" He then raised his head to look at her with a bloodthirsty expression. "Shall I kill? Not a single fibre in my being will hesitate to slaughter for even a second. I am nothing but a monster after all! But you, Integra! I can easily aim my guns towards anyone, I can pull the trigger, I can load the magazine and pull the slide, I can remove the safety. But, the one who is really pulling the trigger is you. So, what will you do? What are your orders? Hellsing Director! Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing!"

The said woman clenched her fists tightly, and was hesitating at that moment, for it felt like the whole world was awaiting her orders. She was about to say something when Walter said, "Go on, say it." But instead of giving her orders, she placed a cigar between her lips and flicked the lighter to lit it up. But Walter's patience ran thin, as he shouted, "Say the words! Say them, M'lady!"

After taking a whiff, she crushed her cigar and commanded, "Search and destroy! Search and destroy! Servant, my orders have not changed one iota! They never have! All those who stand against us must be reduced to ash! You are to obliterate all obstacles that stand in your path! Do it, no matter who it may be! Do it, no matter who it may be!" Her voice then began to quiver, holding back the tears that threatened to spill as she was upset about the decision she had to make. "Do it... no matter... who it may be!"

Alucard then stood from the ground and grinned. "Yes, my Master." he said darkly.

"Absolutely superb!" praised Walter. "You've done it; you've shown that mettle, exemplifying that you were truly worth following!"

Integra clenched her teeth as few drops of cold sweat formed on her face. "I don't have the time to worry about why it had to come to this." she said. "You've made yourself my enemy! You've made yourself Hellsing's enemy! And Britain's as well! You've changed! We have to take you down now! We have to utterly destroy you!"

"So very well said, Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing!" said the Major through a loudspeaker. Everyone looked up to see the Nazi's blimp hovering above them. "I suppose calling you an "amateur" is out of the question now. That's in the past! I shan't say it again! You've matured into what I can finally call a "True Enemy". You've gone from a minuscule power that I'd have just cast aside, and evolved into the most powerful enemy of all!" The blimp started to descend, knocking down the buildings and pillars around it until harshly landed behind them. "Let's shuffle the cards, then." continued the Major while the doors opened. "I call this hand!"

"Das Dritte Reich seien sie herzlich willkommen!" greeted Schrödinger at the entrance.

Integra turned around and began walking towards the blimp. "Go!" urged Alucard from behind. "Go on. Go and kill. Go and end all of this."

She stopped walking and looked at him over her shoulder. "Yeah, I'm going now." she said before looking at Asmund. "What about you? Will you stay or join me?"

"As much as I wish to join you, I'm staying to fight." he replied, walking towards where Alucard was standing. "I hate traitors more than having cold tea in the morning." His Master stared at his back and smirked.

"M-Master." called Seras with uncertainty.

"Go, Seras." he urged. "Go and fight with our Master. Go and help her end the long nightmare that man's concocted. After these fifty-five years. The morning fast approaches. It's time Asmund and I end things between us and the man who stands before us here."

Seras stared at the man standing across her for a second before calling his name. "Even... Even if you say that you've changed now..." she stammered. "Um... well... Thank you for everything you've done for me! It's been an honour!"

Walter had a bewildered look before managing a small smile. "Same to you." he said. Seras stared at him with some tears welled up in her eyes before going after Integra, leaving Frida alone with the men.

Integra unsheathed her sword and, with her back facing him, said, "Walter, farewell! Farewell and die!" With that, she and Seras began to walk up the stairs.

"My Queen." called Alucard with his hand stretched to Frida, which she gladly accepted, allowing him to kiss the back of it. "Go with them. Your brother and I will be fine here."

"O-Okay." she said before looking at her brother, who nodded at her, trying to convey the same message as Alucard. She then looked at Walter and said, "Thank you for your service, Walter."

The said man looked at her with surprise as well before smiling at her. "It's been a pleasure working with you, Frida." he said.

After reminding Alucard and Asmund to take care, she dashed off to join Integra, who had shot a bullet to Schrödinger's head, and Seras inside the blimp. "This was all your Joker." muttered Integra with an intense glare. "I'm going to end everything. I call, too!" By her lead, the two vampires headed down a metal hallway as explosions erupted from behind. Seras used her dark miasma to shield Integra while Frida slashed the walls, created large gaps to destroy it further, tearing the place apart. Suddenly, Nazi vampires swarmed up to them and fired their weapons. Seras' miasma blocked every bullet to protect her Master, while Frida charged at them, dodging the bullets at the same time. When she was close, she slashed all of them with her swords, creating a bloody mess in the corridor. A soldier managed to run right past her, heading towards Integra, who killed him with a single strike of her sword.

"I've waited too long for this!" said a vampire leaning against the wall after being fatally injured by Frida. He took of his mask when she approached him and asked, "Will you be my death? Our deaths?" She didn't answer him and plunged her sword into his head before tearing it apart, killing the last soldier of the group.

Integra watched his head rolled on the ground and commented, "They all smile as they die. But of course, they came here to die."

Enraged, Seras glared at the dead vampires and shouted, "If you want to die... If you want to die so much, just hang yourselves! You should've hung yourselves fifty years ago!"

Just then, the intercom screeched before the Major's voice filled the corridor. "We cannot just do that, my dear Fräuleins." he said. "We do not want to die for the sake of dying. We are simply too hopeless to do that. Everyone in the world deems us too unnecessary. Everyone in the world is trying to forget about us. Still, we need ourselves for our own sakes. We cannot die just for the sake of dying. No way in hell. We need a greater cause to die for. A greater, an even greater cause. That is how we've kept going up till now. That is how we ended up here."

At that note, somewhere down the hall came a familiar presence. It was the Captain who shot Heinkel in the face. He was standing at the end of the corridor, eyeing the intruders in such a focused gaze that sent chills down Seras' spine, making her feel uneasy about him. It seemed that the explosion happening inside the blimp didn't faze him, as he just leaned against the wall and stared down.

"We need more." continued the Major in a greedy manner. "There must be more. There must be more places to fight. There must be more enemies to fight! The world is vast, filled with wonder and menace, with an ever-increasing bounty of battles and gunfire. We believe that there must be enough battlefields to accommodate all of us. We need something much, much greater to allow us to die. Otherwise, we will have to wander aimlessly for an eternity just to die. That is why you are precious to us. You are that something. You are wonderful! Royal Order of Protestant Knights, Hellsing! You are an existence worth dying for. You are an existence worth killing."

"Master Integra, Frida, please go ahead." said Seras with her gaze fixated on the Captain.

"Seras!" called the former, who was as surprised as Frida.

"Please." she pleaded with a growl. "Go find him, right this minute! We can't... We can't let him say even one more word!"

"Seras..." muttered the enchantress with surprise after seeing the said girl's rage.

Integra stared at her for a few seconds before closing her eyes and smirked. "Don't die." she ordered while taking out her cigar. "I won't allow it. I won't forgive you." Frida's surprise expression faltered, as it was replaced with a smile, followed by a nod, agreeing with her Master. Unexpectedly, the Captain lifted his arm and pointed at a sign on the wall. Looking closely, they noticed it was an arrow pointing down the hall, where the headquarter was, realising that he was actually telling them where to go. "What a well trained dog." Integra removed her cigar and dropped it to the floor before making her way towards the path with Frida following closely behind. Giving her thanks to the Captain, Integra continued to make her way down the hall with the enchantress.

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