Pain & Glitches Part 2: Glitc...

By banana8050

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Part 2 of Pain & Glitches, and the story picks up almost right after the first. Chase's bionics have been act... More

Chapter 1: Lying & Ice Cream
Chapter 2: Frustration
Chapter 3: The Gala
Chapter 4: Gala Glitch
Chapter 6: Hearing Loss
Chapter 7: Don't Speak
Chapter 8: Helping
Chapter 9: Burning
Chapter 10: Stuck
Chapter 11: Fun
Chapter 12: Concussion
Chapter 13: Unhappiness
Chapter 14: Solutions
Chapter 15: The Reason
Chapter 16: Fixed

Chapter 5: Finding Out

1.3K 40 14
By banana8050

~I do not own Lab Rats~

*Warning: Feels!*

Bree's POV:

"Then where is Chase?" Mr. Davenport asks, giving Leo and I a hard stare.

"Um, well..." I stumble on my wording.

"You don't have a clue do you?"

"Not one."

"Alright, what happened? My security cameras alerted me, and I decided to check it out alone when I saw it had to due with you four. I never got the chance to rewind and see, because I warned to catch up to you. Now, explain." Mr. Davenport crosses his arms.

"Well, you see this girl I met, Paula, was trying to get Chase to dance. Well, he kept denying and I guess, just used his molecular kinesis on her, making her slam into a table." I bite my lip, and worry about his reaction.

"What?!" I could swear that Mr. Davenport's eyes were about to bulge out of their sockets.

"Well, I'm not 100% sure, but from what from understand, that's what happened."

"Do you know anything Leo?"

"No, not really," Leo says quietly.

"Alright," Mr. Davenport combs his fingers through his hair. "First, do any of you have the slightest idea of where he is?"

"I do," a voice answers from behind us, making Leo jump and I chuckle. Mr. Davenport tilts his head to see, but Leo and I have to turn around. It's Adam!

"Adam, you know where Chase is?" I ask, and Adam nods slowly.

"Well, where is he?" Mr. Davenport asks, but Adam just gives a confused look.

"Where who is?"

"Chase," Mr. Davenport says slowly, yet firm.

"Oh, right, follow me." Adam gives the gesture with his right hand for us to follow, and we obviously do.

Adam ends up leading us out of the building and into the back, which is where the garden is.


A sneeze catches our attention, and we barely have enough time to duck, as a large mass of mucus head our way.

"Ugh, this is so gross," Leo complains. Apparently, he didn't get the chance to duck and is covered head to toe in snot. "I'm going to go see if I can get some of this off, good luck." Leo gives a wavering smile, before he goes back into the building.

"Well, my guess would be that the location of where that sneeze cake from, will be where we will find Chase." I look to Adam for confirmation, but he's too distracted by a bumblebee that has placed itself on a nearby tulip.

"I think you're right," Mr. Davenport points in the direction that the sneeze came from. I follow the direction and see a hand peeking out of a bush.

I start to walk forward, but Mr. Davenport places his arm across my stomach, holding me back. I look up at him confused.

"Can you just stay here with Adam, while I go talk to him, okay?" He gives me a slightly sad smile.

"But, I-"

"Please, Bree."




Mr. Davenport's POV:

I carefully creep over to where Chase has situated himself. When I get there, he has his legs bent up against his stomach and is cradling his legs. His face is tear-stained, and I wonder what's truly happening.

"Chase?" I whisper, as I crouch down next to him. He doesn't look up, and continues to play with the grass. "Bree told me what happened." He stops picking at the grass and looks up at me.

"Sh-she did," he stutters out.

"Yeah, and why would you do that Chase? You could've easily exposed your bionic secret, in front of everyone." I try my best not to tell, but it's difficult.

"I know, I'm so stupid! I hate myself!" I'm completely taken aback by that response.

"Chase, you are not stupid. I just wanted to know why you did that."

"I don't know," Chase mumbles as he lowers his head again. I out my hand out and tilt his head back up.

"Look at me Chase, that's not an answer. Now, why did you do it?" More tears trickle out of Chase's eyes. "Don't cry."

"I'm sorry, and I told you that I don't know."

"Chase, come on. That cannot be-"

"No, it is true. I don't know why my bionics glitched like that."

"Wait, glitched?" I furrow my eyebrows, "You glitched?"

"Oh, yeah..." Chase trails off a bit. "So, I was telling the truth. I don't know why my bionics have been glitching like this." My eyes widen, and Chase covers his mouth as he realizes what he just admitted.

"Hold on, have you been glitching more than that?"

"Um, yes..." Chase can't keep his gaze on me as his eyes start to wander.

"Chase! Why didn't you tell me this? Didn't it occur to you that there may be a reason why you're glitching, and it actually be serious?" Chase stays silent. "Come on, we're leaving." I pull Chase up.

I start walking back toward the building, with Chase trudging behind, when a sudden realization comes to me.

"Chase, is this why you didn't want to come so bad?" I asks him, and he slowly nods. "Well, I guess I'm sorry for that." He just shrugs.

"Come on you two, we have to go." Bree looks up at me and nods, but Adam stays preoccupied.

"Let's go Adam, we're leaving." Bree grabs Adam's arm, but he pulls back.

"No, I'm not leaving Wilbur."


"Yeah, Wilbur." Adam gestures to a bumblebee, and Bree gives him weird look.

"Sorry, but we have to go." Bree grabs his arm once again, and Adam sighs.

"Bye Wilbur!" Adam waves while Bree groans, but they still go into the building. Chase and I follow, and I hurry up a bit more so I can lead.

"Um..." I look between Adam and Chase. "Adam, can you go get Leo and meet us by the car?" Adam smiles and runs in the direction of the bathroom, and I look to Bree.

"I'm on it," Bree heads in the same direction as Adam. I'm having her make sure Adam does everything he's supposed to.

"Follow me, Chase," I instruct as Chase remains silent.

The two of us walk down to the first ballroom that we were in.

"Just wait out here, okay?" Chase nods.

I open the door and snake my way through everyone to find Tasha. I eventually do, she's standing next to a table in the back right corner.

"Donald, there you are!" She smiles at me, and comes to give me a hug. "Let's go dance."

"I'm sorry, but we can't." I push her back a bit, and she gives me a confused look.


"We have to go, like, now." I take ahold of her left wrist, and I start weaving the two of is through the crowd of people.

"Hold on, what's going on?" She asks as she stops herself, causing me to jerk back a bit.

"I'll explain everything later, I promise, but for now we have to go."

"You can't just leave, it's your gala!"

"Oh, right..." I stop to think for a minute. "I have an idea, but first." I pull her out into the hallway, and bring her to Chase.

"Chase?" He looks at me with sad eyes. "Could you possibly fill her in in what's happened?" It takes a minute, before Chase slowly nods his head. "Great, thanks. I'll be back in a minute."

I rush back into the room, and hop onto the stage. I tap the microphone a couple times, catching just about everyone's attention. I use my hand to make the cut motion through neck, to signal to kill the music. It takes another minute for the music to die down.

"Okay, I would like to thank everyone for coming, again," I start. "I just need to make a quick announcement, that I will be leaving early tonight." I start to receive confused looks. "One of my kid's needs to go home, and it's an emergency, so I will have to leave now. I am truly sorry, but you are all free to stay until the gala has actually ended. I will leave Dr. Hudson in charge, so go to him for any questions. If needed, I will be contacted."

"I apologize for any inconveniences," I finish. A few murmurs emit, but when the music starts playing again no one cares anymore. I turn off the microphone, before I go an step off the stage.

I get a few 'goodbyes' as I leave. Soon, I'm back in the hallway, and I am met with the sight of Tasha giving Chase a hug.

"It's okay sweetie, everything will be fine soon." She says into Chase's neck, and he sniffles a bit. Tasha releases and takes a step back, and gives Chase a comforting smile.

"Thanks Tasha," Chase gives a small smile in return.

"No problem," Tasha gives Chase a tiny poke in the nose. This makes him chuckle a bit, as he swats away Tasha's finger playfully.

"Come on, let's go meet up with the others," I urge. They both nod, and we exit the building.


Chase's POV:

Tasha is really easy to talk to, and she always seems to know what to say. She's a great mother, and I wouldn't exchange her for anyone else. I smile a bit, ignoring the saddened feeling inside me.

Adam, Bree, and Leo are waiting for us when we get out. The three of them are just talking by the car, as they wait for us.

"I'm sorry Leo," I apologize as soon as we hop in.

"It's fine, Bree explained everything." We sit next to each other again, and buckle up instantly.

"How does she know?"

"I listened in on your conversation," Bree says over her shoulder. "Like I'm doing right now." Leo and I roll our eyes.

"Whatever," I shrug.

"I'm sorry, I wish there was something I could do."

"Don't worry about it, there's nothing you can do right now." Leo does not have any response, and we remain silent for a while.

I suddenly become drowsy, and am soon fast asleep.


My eyes fly open at the sound of screeching tires, and I am instantly alert. Everyone is looking out one of the right-side windows, so I do too. What I see shocks me, a giant semi-truck is heading our way!

Through Leo's terrified shrieks, Bree's shocked face, Adam's scared yells, Tasha's shrieks, and Mr. Davenport turning the wheel as fast as he can, I step up.

First, I try to use my molecular kinesis to stop the semi, but it drains me too much. So, I go to my back up plan. A large blue force field is instantly covering the car, right as the impact comes.

I can't say I wasn't scared, but I don't think anyone was anymore scared than Leo. The whole time Leo is screaming his head off, which hurt my sensitive hearing.

Through the entire impact, I have to stay focused and use all my energy to keep the force field up.

The feeling of the impact courses through my body as my breathing becomes labored. Why do I feel so dizzy all of a sudden?

Soon, I feel the sensation of the impact disappear, and I release the force field. But, the feeling of lightheadedness refuses to go away, and black dots start to dance across my vision.

"Good job, Chase, you saved us." Mr. Davenport says, but why does he sound so far away?

"Yeah, who knew you could actually do something?" Adam laughs, but he too sounds far away.

"Chase, are you okay?" Leo asks, but he sounds even farther.

"Chase?" Bree asks.

"Chase..." Tasha.

"Chase!" I have no idea who said that, as the comforting darkness takes over.


A/N: Cliffhangers! Cliffhangers everywhere! Yep, I'm leaving you there, at least I didn't stop right before the truck hit. The part with the semi was a last minute idea I added for suspense, also just for my own amusement at your reactions. Hehe! XD Thanks for reading! :P

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