I won't wait (BoyxBoy)

By kayvho

968K 33.9K 3.4K

"You think I want to hurt you", he strained balling his fist. "You're so foolish", he groaned. "Can I ask ano... More

Discalaimer - please read all of it
Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 7 (edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 - part 1 (Edited)
Chapter 9 - part 2 edited
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (part 1)
Chapter 11 (part 2)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (un-edited)
(Sneak peak) Chapter 17
Chapter 17 (part 1)
Chapter 17 (part 2)
Im baaaack
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (part 1)
Chapter 22 (part 2)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
A Potter for Christmas
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Reading list
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 part 1
Chapter 35 part 2
Sequel is out!!!!
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 6 (edited)

28.9K 1.1K 92
By kayvho

1 week later.

It's been an entire week since I've actually talked to Jess. I'm confused most of the time about his sexuality, but I plan to find out soon. He's gotten better at being sneaky about his oogling Chad, but I obviously notice. I want it to be me that he stares at, but all he sees is my best friend. The worst part about it, is that Chad is curious when it comes to men. He hasn't said anything about Jess because he knows I have a thing for him, but I know he must've thought about what it would be like with him. He even openly flirts with him when he thinks I'm not looking! I don't blame him, because he probably thinks that Jess is like every other person I've had a thing with. I would even let Chad flirt and do what ever he wanted with the people I've dated because I wasn't serious about them; he didn't get that far with too many because they were committed. I still regret it though because it's now affecting my chances of being in a relationship with Jess.

I realized that Brant is the only one that knows that Jess is like Cassie to me, and he's the only one who needs to know for now. I was a little disappointed when Jess didn't talk to us in science, but he may be behind a little. He might have to catch up on some work from this grading period since he's new. I let him be, not wanting to be the reason he's behind.

I was fine the whole day until I saw Chad walking with Jess laughing. He even looked at me smiled and kept flirting. At least the other times he thought I wasn't looking, now he knows that I am. I shouldn't be mad, but to hell with that. I'm pissed. I charged into the lunch room soon after ignoring everyone that said something to me. I gave Chad a look that could kill millions and his face said that he knew it all. He talked to me as soon as Jess left to the bathroom. "I'm sorry man. I didn't think you'd get mad".

"I actually like him", I projected through clenched teeth. I'm furious, why is he doing this to me?

"You also liked all the others.." True, but if I just said I like someone then drop it. It's not his place to intervene.

"I like this one - a lot, okay, so back off. I will fight you if I have to. This one is mines and mine only. Got it?" Im not lying either, I will fight for Jess.

"No need for that. I'm sorry. It's just that all the others were girls, and you know ..", he said trailing off.

"Yea I know, you're curious", I said putting air quotes around curious. "Just leave him alone".

"Got it", he rushed out looking away from my glare. I walked away from the table to go to the bathroom and calm down.

I saw Jess drying his hands. Shit, I forgot that he was in here. "Are you alright man?", he asked me. I wanted to laugh at that.

Damn it, just looking at him aggravates me. I just want to be able to have my way with him. I can't force him to like me, but damn can I try. "Gosh why you out of all people?", I huffed out. I was pacing when my earlier question came to mind. "Hey can I ask you a question?"

"Uh sure..". Oh so hesitant. He licked his soft lips looking scared of what I'd ask.

"How many girls have you dated?".

"I thought I already told you. One. What does this -". I held up a hand to cut him off. He looked nervous again. He knows what's coming.

"How many people have you dated?".

He's hesitating. Come on now, don't be shy. "Seven".

"I knew it. I fucking knew it". I was happy and pissed at the same time, because this means that he actually does like Chad.

"Ok so what? You know now. Hurt me, say whatever shit you have to. Can you just get it over with fast?". He's so damn stupid. How does he not see it by now?

"You think I want to hurt you?", I strained balling my fist. "You're so foolish", I yelled. "Can I ask another question?"

"No leave me alone". He's not going to just run away after that. I pulled his arm, but he yanked it away while pushing my hand back. "Don't. Do that". What's so serious about me grabbing his arm. All I did was touch him, is he that mad at me? I didn't even do anything. Fine I won't grab his arm, but I'm still going to keep him here. I grabbed his hand pinning it against the wall.

"What does he have that I don't?", I growled out.

He sputtered out one word, "what?!" Oh don't act all dumb now.

"You know what I'm talking about. I see you looking at him over the lunch table. The way you look at him when he's laughing. The way you blush when he talks to you for long periods of time. What is it?", I fanned in his face.

"Leave me alone", he spat venomously shoving me off of him. "It's none of your damn business. I don't even know why all of a sudden you sparked an interest in me". Still so stupid.

"Then let me explain", I breathed onto his neck. "I'll text you the address to my house. Come over tonight". I hope that he listens to me. He ran out of the bathroom. Am I so bad that he can't even be in my presence? At least answer me damn it.

He left me in a bitchy mood making me irritate my teachers and the people around me. Why do I have to like someone who's so stubborn? Why won't he give in, he knows he likes me. Fucking Chad is in the way.

I got into the town car ignoring Ben's small talk. After a while he gave up knowing not to ask about my personal life. I stormed into the house telling Jen to shut up when she greeted me. She did as told while gritting her teeth. She's allowed to be rude if I'm being rude as my mother says, but my dad won't take it, and she pays more attention of what not to do to her customers than what she's allowed to do. I wanted to throw everything breakable, but I learned that it wasn't a good idea a long time ago, when Cassie happened.

I waited a long time: Showering, playing video games, texting friends, before I actually texted Jess my address. I got his number from Bailey since he's never actually given it to me. I hope he doesn't question that. I figured that I should get dressed before he gets here ... If he comes. I put on some sweat capris that I usually use to work out in and a white muscle tee.

After I heard his voice call up to my room and Jen answered since I had told her that someone was coming I ran down the steps taking the last few slowly, so it didn't look like I was rushing.

"Sorry I have the wrong room", I heard his voice saying to Jen at the door.

"No you don't", I yelled. He came, he doesn't get the option of walking away. When he came into my view I couldn't help but check him out. He was only wearing sweats and a shirt, but his ass in those sweats is so yummy. "Come on in". He was staring at everything he walked by with curious eyes. "Follow me", I tried to say without laughing.

He sat in the most uncomfortable chair in my room while I sat on my bed. "So you wanted to talk?". Well he gets straight to the point, I like it.

"First I want you to get comfortable. Take your shoes off. Also you might want to sit on that chair", I pointed to a big brown chair. He followed orders also emptying out his pockets. "Now", I huffed, "What do you want to know"?

"Why are you all of a sudden so interested in me?" Him with that - all of a sudden, so damn stupid.

"It's not all of a sudden. I've been interested in you since day one", I made known to him.

"Why me?" That's a question I want answered also.

"That's what I don't understand", I groaned tugging my hair. "I've only ever truly liked two people in my life other than you. I've dated several, but only two have interested me. I want to know the answer to that question myself. That's why I invited you here", I admitted to him.

"I'm not here to be a play toy", He spat; standing up.

"Stop", I shouted grabbing his arm. He flinched at the touch of my hand on his arm, but it was short lasted as I slung him onto the bed pinning his arms above his head, sitting on top of him "Damn it... Why you?", I whispered to myself.

"Get off of me", he strained through gritted teeth.

"No". I really did like this position. I wanted to move and rub my dick against his, but that could wait.

"..What?" Aww that's cute, he looked so shocked.

"No", I said again moaning in his ear. "I'm deeply infatuated", I whispered before sucking on his delicate neck. "With you", I said before sucking again. "And I don't know why". I grazed his skin with my teeth and rocked my body while moving my hand under his shirt, and up to his nipples rolling them in my fingers.

"Please. Sto-". He was cut off as I sucked a different spot on his neck. That's interesting.

"So you have a sweet spot on your neck", I casually stated. "I think I kind of like that", I growled. He rolled over to be on top of me, oh so he wants to take charge.

"Stop. I am here to talk. That is all. If you want to play around with someone, then I'll happily leave and you can call someone over". I groaned and pushed him off of me. Why does he have to be such a buzz kill? He scooted away from me still staying on the bed. He moved his shirt around before staring back at me.

"What is it that Chad has?", I complained like a 2 year old. "You like someone who's as straight as a ruler", that's a lie, but he didn't need to know that. Chad's a cheap bendy ruler, it only slightly bends.

"It's nothing he has that you don't". Lies. It has to be something.

"Then what is it", I said crawling closer to him. "Is it money? I'm richer. Is it his body? Mines is better. Is it because he's blond? I'll die my fucking hair. Just tell me what it is, I'll fix it." I shouldn't be doing this. I sound pathetic, but he makes me this way. It's like I need him to need me, and I'll do anything for that.

"Why are you so willing to fix something for one person who's insignificant?" Why is he still so damn stupid? Does he really think of his self that way? Even if he does, why does he think that I'd also think of him that way if I'm obviously trying to get at him?

"Because you're not insignificant. You're the third person I've liked in my entire life. Do you not understand, I want to get to know you. I want you, yet I can't have you". It's the truth.

"Then get to know me. Don't sexually harass me". I grinned at his pout.

"You know you liked it". I grabbed his arm to pull me towards him.

"Don't do that".

What is it with the whole 'don't do that'. Does he really not want me to touch him. "What's wrong with me touching you?".

"Just don't grab my arm. Please."

"Why?" I was curious and a little hurt.

"It's the past. I don't want to bring it up".

That made me want to pester him more, but I understood how someone feels when they don't want to go digging in their past. I'd find out another time. "Okay." I dropped the subject for now. "Are you hungry?", I asked moving my hand through my hair, he was looking at me not answering. "Why are you staring at me?"

"I-I'm not". That just made me smirk. He's definitely not the best liar. "No thanks to the food. Can I ask you something?"

"Anything", I hummed at the fact that he actually wanted to talk to me.

"I know that people tend to stare at someone when they like them, but even when I would look at you, you wouldn't look away. What was wrong with me?" Plain stupid. Why would there be something wrong with him?

"There was nothing wrong with you", I sighed getting close enough so I could lay my head on his lap. "I was trying to figure out your sexuality". He nodded his head in understanding. He hasn't even pestered me to get my head off of his lap. "Hey.. If I make this ball into that cup all the way over there. Will you kiss me?" I really just wanted to feel his lips on mine again.

"There's no way you'll make it".

"Then what's the risk?" I'm going to make it. I've done this several times.

"Fine." I positioned my self to aim, and with a simple flick of the wrist the ball went flying. It hit one wall and then the other finally bouncing into the cup. I turned to look at him with a smirk. Ha ha, now I get what I want. I didn't even give him a chance to lean in and make it awkward. I grabbed his face invading his mesmerizing mouth. I rolled on top of him holding my body weight. He actually made a move to grab my face and deepen the kiss. I can't explain how happy I was. Our tongues danced together in perfect sync. I moved my lips to his neck, causing him to arch his back again. Oh gosh I could feel his bulge rubbing against mine. I moved my hand into his sweats. Shit, he shoved me off him, breathing deeply. "So. You got your kiss". Oh gosh yes I did.

"That was even more than I was expecting to get since the first time I met you". I heard him gulp continuing to breath hard.

"I think I should go".

"Please don't." I wanted more of him. I wanted to wrap him in my arms, kiss his neck, and sleep. Thinking of his neck, I just realized that I gave him a few hickeys.

"I have to. Bye Derek".

"Just to let you know. I will get to know you. I won't give up. Oh by the way. You have a nice ass". I winked as he groaned turning his butt away from my view, only to give me a better view of the front, but I didn't let him know that.

"Well good luck with that", he huffed slamming my door.

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