Capture My Soul: A Lucifer Fa...

By poptastic749

463K 11K 2.3K

Lorelai Thomas is the poster child for being a Good Girl. Well mannered, outstanding grades and a need to suc... More

Chapter One: First Encounter
Chapter Two: Thoughts About You
Chapter Three: Dazed and Confused
Chapter Four: Wining and Dining
Chapter Five: Desire Unto Thee
Chapter Six: Foot Fetish
Chapter Seven: Consequences of Actions
Chapter Eight: Dark Haze
Chapter Nine: Dont Stop
Chapter Ten: Field Trip
Chapter Eleven: Distractions
Chapter Twelve: Interruptions
Chapter Thirteen: Affection and Trepidation
Chapter Fourteen: Lustful Antics
Chapter Fifteen: Beautiful Horrors
Chapter Sixteen: Cinderella
Chapter Seventeen: The Gala
Chapter Nineteen: First Time
Chapter Twenty: Revelations
Chapter Twenty One: The Attack
Chapter Twenty Two: Reassurances
Chapter Twenty Three: The Doctor Is In
Chapter Twenty Four: Falling
Chapter Twenty Five: Inseparable
Chapter Twenty Six: Please, Sir
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Truth Shall Set Me Free
Chapter Twenty Eight: Torture of the Soul
Chapter Twenty Nine: Hope and Fear
Chapter Thirty: Sacrafice
Authors Note

Chapter Eighteen: Dance the Night Away

11.1K 303 47
By poptastic749

A few minutes later, I headed downstairs, holding my dress up as I walked down the grand staircase. The cool night air whisked across my forehead, cooling me down so I was at a comfortable temperature again. I headed back to the table, sitting down next to Lucifer. Rhian met my eyes and gave me a knowing wink and I blushed a deep red. No one mentioned our absence, the only notion that anyone knew of it was the suggestive wink from Rhian.

Dinner continued and when we had finally finished eating, it was announced that the silent auction would now be open, guests were encourage to bid their highest and to bid on everything. I frowned, realizing too late that I couldnt really bid on anything, I didnt have money. Lucifer, sensing my mood swing, tilted my chin up. "Consider your bids paid for," he murmured. I shook my head, "I couldnt ask that of you," I insisted. Lucifer only shook his head, giving me a stern look. "Dont, Lorelai. Bid on whatever you'd like. Besides, all these donations can be used as a tax right off, so whos really the winner here?" he gave me his signature smirk and I sighed, my shoulders slumping. "Alright, if you insist."

"I do." He leaned forward to kiss my forehead and I smiled shyly. We went over to the items and I was astounded to see the items up for bid. A weekend in the Hamptons at a luxury resort, a brand new boat, a new car, a condo in New York City. The items all seemed more and more lavish than the rest and I found myself hesitant to even place a bid. I wrote down small bids on a few cards, knowing I would surely be outbid. The very last item up for auction was a gold necklace from the early 1920s. It was a delicate gold chain with a small stone piece hanging from it. The stone was an emerald, small diamonds encompassed it, twinkling in the evening light. Something about this particular piece caught my eye and I put a slightly higher bid on it, stupidly hoping I would win.

"Ladies and gentleman!" The emcee boomed over the microphone. "The dance floor is now open!" I looked around, realizing Lucifer was nowhere in sight. I sighed, I need to find him. My eyes traveled around the crowded yard, finally spotting him at the bar where he was talking to a young lithe figure all in black. I frowned, his posture was stiff and hers was all too friendly. I headed over there, hearing the tail end of their conversation as I approached. "Thats never stopped you before," she purred, placing a suggestive hand on his arm. "Mandy, I told you-" his voice was set in a low menacing tone and I was all too happy to interrupt.

"Honey! There you are!" Lucifer's head snapped over to me, wonder and relief dancing in his eyes. The woman, Mandy apparently, pulled her hand back. I strode up to Lucifer, wrapping an arm around his waist and letting my free hand roam up and down his chest. "I believe you were supposed to meet me somewhere," I said, my tone pitched too high with a suggestive edge, "but you were taking too long so I came to collect you myself." Lucifer looked amused and immediately played along. "I apologize, love, I was interrupted by Ms. Petra." My gaze slid over to hers, almost as if I had forgot she was there. I looked her up and down, her tight black dress accentuating every curve she had. When our gazes met, her was cold and unruly. I gave her the fakest smile I could muster. "Hi! Im Lorelai, Lucifers fiance!"

She looked taken aback, her eyes wide as if I had just slapped her. "Fiance? He didnt mention that before when-"

"Well considering it just happened Im sure he didnt," I chuckled, pulling my gaze from hers to his. He looked down at me incredulous with a smile. "Hes so sweet," I went on, glancing back at her before staring as lovingly as I could at him. "He just popped the question during dinner! And well, I couldnt say no." I leaned up to peck his cheek. "Isnt that right, love?" I asked him. His eyes were filled with in credulousness and pride. "Of course, I cant wait to make you mine," he murmured. I smiled back at Mandy, feeling Lucifer watching me. Her eyes were narrowed as she looked between the two of us. There was such venom in her gaze that I nearly faltered in my act, nearly. Her dark eyes met mine. "Well, I see. I guess I should be going then." She turned on her heel, stalking away and I playfully called out. "Bye bye, Mandy! It was so nice to meet you!" My voice was so sickeningly sweet I nearly gagged. As soon as she was out of ear shot, I exhaled, turning back to Lucifer.

"Yet again you surprise me," he murmured, "so thats your long game, eh? Have us hitched and riding off into the sunset?" I rolled my eyes, shaking my head in amusement. "Lucifer, please. Im not even thinking about marriage. Besides, we havent even slept together and I plan on riding the car first before I buy it."

His whooping bellow of a laugh startled me and I grinned as he stared down at me. "Lorelai Thomas, you kiss the devil with that mouth? What happened to your innocence and purity?" I rolled my eyes, smacking his chest lightly. "Im pretty sure you gave me this mouth, Mr. Morningstar. And besides, no one said I was innocent." I winked and he grinned, shaking his head before pulling me into a heated kiss. "Youre incredible, I like seeing you jealous and possessive."

"I was not jealous!" I protested weakly, a smile pulling at my lips. "Mhm, sure love, just keep telling yourself that." I giggled and kissed him again, winding my hands in his hair. This time, though filled with passion, I felt his affection for me seep into our kisses. My heart fluttered and I pressed myself closer to him. "Shall we dance?" He asked between kisses. "Yes, please, sir." His eyes were alight and he chuckled, leading me to the dance floor.

The band played a slow jazz melody, something that was deep and sultry. Lucifer led me right to the middle of the dance floor, gallantly sweeping me into his arms. I held his left hand out, putting my other hand on his shoulder as he gripped my waist. Then we were suddenly flying. Lucifer knew how to dance and dance well. We move gracefully around the floor, our movements in perfect sync with the music. "You never told me you could dance!" I chastised, he smirked, sweeping us around some more. "You never asked, besides, dancing is seductive and graceful. All things the devil needs to be."

"Oh well of course," I nodded, amused. He sighed, shaking his head. "You still dont believe me, do you?" He seemed amused but their was something he was hiding with that amusement, something I couldnt put my finger on. "Lucifer, its not that I dont believe you, its that you havent really given me any proof that says your something other than human. So why should I believe it?" I think it was the most I had ever said on the subject. Lucifer always made comments like these, but I couldnt help but wonder if this façade he used was tied to something else, something darker inside of himself. I had never commented on it before, hoping that if I didnt he would just grow comfortable enough to drop it. He hadnt, and it worried me some. "Because its the truth and Ive told you. I never lie." His words, although spoken with his smirk, were wistful and filled with a longing I couldnt understand. I sighed, searching his eyes. "Lets not argue here, I dont want to ruin this perfect evening."

"I didnt think we were arguing," he quipped. I smiled slightly, shrugging. "We're not. I just dont want to be anything but happy tonight."

"Well that can be arranged," he murmured, right before he pulled away briefly to spin me, pulling me quickly back and dipping me low. I giggled and he grinned. "Youre amazing," I whispered. His eyes softened as he pulled me closer. "I believe you stole my line, love."

"Oops," I smirked. I glanced around us, my brows furrowing as I saw the crowd watching us. "Why is everyone looking at us?" I asked. Lucifer glanced around, his eyes alight. "I believe theyre looking at you, love." Me? That cant be right, but sure enough people were watching me. I suddenly felt like a piece of meat on display and moved slightly close to Lucifer. "Why are they staring at me? Is something wrong with my dress?" I looked down, seeing if there was some unruly food stain or...other kind of stain from earlier. There wasnt and I looked at him confused. "I believe," he started, whispering in my ear, "that theres something right. You look like a goddess and Im not the only one who thinks so." I blushed a deep red, causing Lucifer to chuckle.

I didnt particularly enjoy being under so much scrutiny, but Rhian had warned me earlier in the evening that if I was going to be with Lucifer I inevitably would be whenever we went to functions like this. I tried to keep that in mind, straightening my shoulders and calming myself. Alright, Lor. If they want to stare, let them. Lucifer seemed to sense my resolve and kept us moving around the floor, switching our dances as the music changed. I only recognized the waltz and few salsa moves but he seemed to have quite the extensive knowledge.

I dont know how long we danced for, but we moved in our own little bubble. The rest of the world disappearing around us. My heart seemed to grow bigger, my feelings growing as his piercing dark eyes touched my soul. "I adore you," his words from earlier echoed in my ears. I dont think I had ever felt so happy, so complete with another person. My mind wandered over to everything we had done together. The outings, meeting his friends, all the times we fooled around. As I looked at him I wondered if I was ready to take the next step. I wasnt worried about him taking off anymore, I realized. Even though we hadnt known each other for too long, there was something about the way that he held me, the way he treated me, that spoke legions. He wasnt going to use me, this I knew for certain. And when I thought about us taking that final step, it seemed so...right. I bit my lip, was I ready? Could I do it? Go through with it?

"What are you thinking about so intently?" He murmured, pulling me from my thoughts. His eyes, so sweet and wonderful, were filled with curiosity as he burned to know what was on my mind. "," I murmured. He smiled warmly, pulling me closer, our movement changing from a grande dance to a simple sway. "What about us, love?"

"Ive never felt like this before," I murmured. There was no fear or embarrassment now, only us and the music. "Neither have I," he admitted. "You seem to have turned my world upside down, Lorelai." My heart fluttered and I couldnt help but grin, raising up on my tip toes to kiss him sweetly. We lost each other in that small, sweet kiss. The world could have imploded around us and we wouldnt have noticed. Lucifer was all I wanted, and in that moment, I felt as if I truly had him.

* * *

"Lorelai? Love?" Soft spoken words pulled me from my sleep. "We're home," the voice was close to my ear, pulling me up into strong arms. I slowly started to come to, my eyes opening. Lucifer carried me in his arms, walking us from the parking garage to the elevator. "We're home?" I murmured groggily. Lucifer and I had left a while later, sticking around for dessert and a little more dancing. The evening had been perfect and when I had sat down in his car I had fallen into a blissful sleep, exhaustion taking me. Now, Lucifer held me close as we rode the elevator up to his penthouse. When the doors finally pulled apart and we stepped into the familiar space, Lucifer spoke softly. "Do you want me to put you down?"

"No," I murmured. I was fully awake now, my eyes alert. "But you can bring me to the bedroom. I want to take these shoes off," he chuckled and carried me to his room, gently sitting me on the  edge of the bed. He dropped to his knees and I watched as he carefully lifted each of my feet, unstrapping the shoes and placing them on the floor. I sighed with relief, "thank you, thats so much better." He kept one of my feet in his hands and he massaged them slowly. I moaned, lying back on the bed. "Thank you," I gasped. I head his dark chuckle and felt him shift. His hands left my foot and trailed up my body. I felt him cover me, then his lips found mine and he kissed me slowly.

It was like the darkness inside of him was calling to mine, as each second passed, with each slow kiss, he coaxed my inner darkness to come out, pulling it to the surface and letting it fill my limbs. My hands wound into his hair, his arm around my waist pulling my hips to meet his. "Lorelai," he breathed. He pulled me up and off the bed so I was now standing in front of him. "Undress me," he commanded. I reached up, pushing his tux jacket off of his shoulders and sliding it down his arms until it hit the floor. I undid his bow tie, throwing that away too. "I like these suspenders," I murmured, more to myself than to him as I unclipped those next. He watched me with a heated gaze, the corners of his lips quirking up ever so slightly. I unbuttoned his shirt, slowly to tease him, all the while looking up at him with a hooded gaze. I deliberately bit my lip and I heard his sharp intake of breath.

His belt came off next, then his pants and silk boxers beneath. He finally stood in front of me completely naked and my eyes couldnt help but take all of him in. "I believe its your turn, love. Turn around." I did as he instructed and felt him pull my hair from its ponytail, the long curls cascading down my back. His hands massaged my scalp and I moaned slightly as the tension released. His hands dipped down, grabbing a hold of my zipper and pulling it slowly down. He pushed the dress easily off of me. "Step out," he commanded. I did, turning around.

He surprised me when he dropped to his knees, looking up at me with a wicked glint in his eyes. My eyes closed however when he leaned in started trailing kisses up my inner thigh. My breath caught, his nose skimming over the lacy material of my thong. I shivered, feeling his hands skim up my legs and grab the fabric, pulling it down. He stood up when we were both completely naked, looking down at me. "You are a sight, both in and out of that dress," he murmured. His lips found mine and I groaned as he pressed our bodies together.

He kissed me slowly, his tongue wrapping around mine as his hands pulled my hair gently. I felt that desire stir within me, that need for him that he had planted in me so long ago. I felt his need rise up as well and knew in that instant what was about to happen.

This was it.

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