Book 2: Millennium Love (Thie...

By Treacherous_Rex

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Bakura, ever since he met Marik, has always been fond of the blonde Egyptian. After Melvin (Malik) had taken... More

Intro (Not First Chapter Nor Prologue)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Seven

80 3 0
By Treacherous_Rex

Me: For all of you who don't know how to read Kilometers, its about 25 mph.
Bakura: Bloody Americans.
Me: Hey! I'm American.
Bakura: Well, you're a fool.
Marik: Americans are frigin' idiots!
Me: Piss off, Marik. This doesn't concern you!
Melvin: Oh~ Someone pulled out her British accent. Shit just got real.
Me: Ugh! Where's Ryou! I need someone on my side here! Whatever, hope you all enjoy while I get made fun of.

Bakura's POV

It's been about two weeks since Ryou went back to school and about two weeks since Marik has been outside. I think it's starting to affect him, badly.

"Has anyone seen my damn keys?" Marik shouted as he threw another couch cushion across the living room. His hair was a mess and his clothes made it look like he just rolled out of bed. His eyeliner wasn't done very well and I didn't smell his new cologne on.

"I think Marik really needs to get out of the house," Ryou suggested as he appeared beside me. I sipped on my tea and couldn't help but give a devious smirk.

"Or we could let him run wild, trying to find his keys. Since, they are in his back pocket," I said, just loud enough, so only Ryou could hear me.

"That's mean, other me! Come on. You won't be able to win his heart if you keep treating him like this," Ryou said, crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore him. After all, he knew nothing. Toying with Marik was the most enjoyable time of my life and he wants me to put that away just to get him to like me? Ryou is sadly mistaken. Especially since I don't care about anything of Marik besides his body.

"I heard that and that's complete asinine. Honestly, you are about as stubborn as Marik is. He won't admit he's gay while you refuse to admit you like him for more than his body. Just man up a little and take him out. It doesn't have to be a date or anything like that. Just have him drive you around on his motorbike. Do something so he doesn't destroy my apartment. I'll even lock myself in my Soul Room if you are too embarrassed to do it with me here."

"That's enough! I'll get him out of the house, only because I fear what he will do to me if I don't," I said and glanced over at Marik who was now starting to claw at the walls, like he was stuck in a box and suffering from bad claustrophobia. I saw Ryou's spirit shiver before looking away. He seemed almost disturbed with Marik's behavior and I found that rather ironic. Especially since his bed buddy is a bloody psychopath.

I sighed, putting all my thoughts of Melvin to the side, and finished my tea. "Go to your Soul Room Ryou. I'll let you out once we get back so you can do your homework."

"Well look who's being a mother," Ryou teased.

"Piss off and do as I say before I force you," I growled. With that, Ryou disappeared and my connection with him was lost.

Good, now I can at least not worry about him hearing what Marik has to say. It's rather annoying Ryou can still hear my thoughts, though I've sort of gotten the hang of "whispering my thoughts" as Ryou states. Still a bit of a pain in the ass but it's something for right now.

I huffed, not looking forward to this argument- since we always argue. If he wasn't such a bloody idiot we wouldn't argue so much but whatever. I've gotten use to it. Frankly can't wait for when I get all the Millennium Items and can leave all the annoying parts of the world behind. Let's just hope I don't get dragged down into it all and become one of them.

"Marik, let's get you out here," I said as I set my tea cup and its saucer on the coffee table. Normally I would put it in the sink but I knew this type of behavior irritated Marik. I was hoping it would get his attention and have him act at least slightly normal. Not sure if it was lucky for me but my idea seemed to work. Marik's behavior suddenly changed and he glared at me, putting his hands on his hips.

"You know where that goes, Bakura. In the sink," Marik said sternly.

"Fine. Whatever," I grumbled as I grabbed the tea cup and its saucer and brought it to the kitchen, placing the two dishes in the sink. I decided I planned to have tea when Marik woke up at one later tonight so I turned on the water and began to wash my tea cup. I would use a different tea cup, if Marik hadn't of broken all of them in an argument we had before Ryou came back. "So, did you hear me when I said let's get out of the house?" I asked.

"Gee I would frigin' love to but I can't find my keys, Bakura! The closest interesting place to this apartment is at least a mile away! So, unless you had a car hidden in your room, I don't want to walk," Marik angrily spat back and all I could think of when Marik spoke was a woman on her period. I was close to saying something to him along those lines but decided against it.

"Marik, your keys are in your back pocket. Also, your hair is a mess, your eyeliner isn't perfect, your clothes look like they were wadded into a ball, and you haven't sprayed on your new favorite cologne." I finished cleaning my tea cup and saucer and placed it on a hand towel to have it air dry and walked back into the living room. "So, why don't you make yourself pretty for me then I can take you out," I said. I made sure to smirk to ensure Marik would get my hinting and hoping he would react.

"I'm not gay Bakura and this is not a date! If anything it's a straight date between friends," Marik said sternly as he headed off to, most likely, fix himself up.

Ra, how much I do love it when he walks away from me. Could stare at him all day.

"I wouldn't say we're friends, Marik," I stated once my pleasant view walked into the bathroom.

"Fine! We're best friends. Honestly, if you wanted me to put you in my best friend list just say so next time," Marik said, his voice echoing from the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose to calm my nerves before I talked. Frankly, I still find it hard to believe there is someone this stupid in the same world as me. I can deal with hearing the friendship speeches, the goody goody behaviors, and even the huge ego monologues from Kaiba but stupidity is the one thing I can hardly stand.

"No, Marik. I meant we aren't friends at all. The only reason we stay around one another is because of our common interests. So, we are partners. Be sure to get that through your thick skull. I'd rather not have to explain this again later," I grumbled. I decided to sit down and grab my book I had lying on the coffee table. I knew Marik would be a while so I might as well entertain myself with a good read before I had to go do whatever the hell Marik wanted later today.

"Jeez! Who hurt you in your Ancient Egyptian past?" I heard Marik say from the bathroom. It caught my attention to the point where I peaked my head from my book towards the bathroom and I saw Marik's head sticking out. "I am not around you just because of that. If I wanted, and if I hated you that much, I would just deal with Yugi myself. I have the resources and more than enough to satisfy my needs compared to here."

"Then why the bloody hell stay here?" I snapped.

"Because I like to hang out with you. It's fun!" Marik chirped. "Also Ryou is okay to be around and his cooking is to die for." With that, Marik pulled his head back into the bathroom, leaving me speechless on the couch.

"What did I miss?" Ryou excitedly asked besides me, appearing next to my side. "Your heart's racing and-" Ryou gasped. "Are you blushing? Alright, what did I miss? What did Marik say?"

I glared at Ryou, making sure my expression showed my rage towards him. It made him jump a bit and shrink down a little. "I'll ask later," Ryou said then disappeared from my side.

To ensure I wouldn't think too much about what just happened, I grabbed my book and angrily opened it to the page I was on. I tried to read but I just stared at the pages blankly while my mind ran with thoughts.

How could he even say that? All we do is argue. Damn pretty boy.

I growled and slammed my book closed and threw it behind me. I hated mistreating my books but my brain just didn't know what was happening right now to process or do anything right.

I don't have friends and I don't want any.

"Bakura!" Marik's voice came through my consumed mind. I blinked at him blankly for a bit and eventually my mind came back to reality.

"What?" I snapped.

"I've been calling your name like for five frigin' hours. Come on!" Marik said, motioning me to follow him. I reluctantly followed him, locking the apartment door when we left, and made my way to Marik's bike that was parked in its designated parking spot.

"Do we really have to ride on this death trap?" I asked.

"What's your deal, Bakura? Have you seriously never ridden on him before?" Marik asked as he got on his bike.

"Him?" I asked.

"Yeah! Him. His name's-"

"Let me guess, Steve," I interrupted.

"What? No! He isn't a mind slave! He's a loyal companion! And his name's Napoleon!" Marik said back, all snippy.

"I am not going to ride a motorbike called Napoleon," I grumbled, not liking how that sounded.

"Oh come on! Is this your first time riding Napoleon?" Marik asked.

"Why is every conversation I have with you somehow gets sexual?" I asked.


"Nothing. Just- Ugh...don't crash," I stated as I made my way to Marik's motorbike and got on. I was instantly handed a helmet and I looked at Marik questioningly as he put on his helmet.

"Safety first, Bakura. You don't put on the helmet and we don't move," Marik said sternly. I rolled my eyes and put the helmet on even though I really didn't want to. Helmets don't necessarily agree with my hair.

Once I had the helmet on, I looked around to my sides. "Now, where are the seatbelts?" I asked. Marik burst out laughing and I glared at him. "What?"

"You are going to hate this," Marik said as he walked backwards with the motorbike. Next thing I knew he began to move forward, making me almost fall off. I had to quickly latch onto Marik's waist.

"Marik you bastard!" I shouted. I only gained a laugh from Marik and it made me want to punch him. The only problem is I was too scared to pry my hands from Marik. I'm sure I even had my fingers slightly digging into Marik's sides but apparently not enough to make Marik shout at me.

We drove around for a while but I hadn't the slightest idea where we were since I had my eyes glued shut. All I knew is I heard chatter of people, the mass noise of vehicles, and the wind gushing past my ears.

This is not my idea of a good time. I felt as if I was about to fall off any second or get hit by a bigger vehicle. It didn't help that Marik would do sudden drastic turns on occasion, but other than that, Marik never said a word. Nothing to me. Nothing to pedestrians or other cars. It was actually quiet. I would enjoy that if I wasn't on a moving death machine!

Eventually, the sounds of mass domestic city life were gone and replaced with the lapsing of waves and the cries of birds.

"Bakura!" I heard Marik suddenly shout. "Have you had your eyes shut this entire time?"

"Just shut up and pay attention to the road, Marik!" I shouted angrily, still keeping my eyes glued shut and my arms tight around Marik's waist.

"For frig sakes! Open your eyes! The point of a bike ride is to enjoy the view!" Marik snapped. I then felt him sigh before we turned and began to slow down until we eventually stopped.

"Jeez! Better now?" Marik asked. I heard the motor of the bike turn off and felt Marik begin to move. I finally opened my eyes and found we were parked at an abandoned loading dock. Or, at least it wasn't currently being used. I peaked my head past Marik's back and saw the ocean in front of us.

"Marik, why are we here?" I asked.

"Well, I wasn't planning to stop here but if you won't open your frigin' eyes then why not stop to enjoy the view?" Marik retorted. I wasn't sure if I was hearing him right but he sounded really annoyed as he spoke.

It's probably my imagination.

"Don't start with that," I heard Ryou from within the Millennium Ring and I was close to snapping back at him but Marik interrupted me.

"You can let go now," Marik said as he glanced behind his shoulder.

"Oh," I said flatly as I pried my arms off him.

Damn. I should have used that to my advantage. I could have annoyed him. Well, it's late for any of that now.

Marik got up off his motorbike and took off his helmet. He placed his helmet where he was once sitting and began to walk towards the edge of one of the docks. I got up and also took off my helmet- cursing under my breath when my hair was caught in the helmet and pulling at my head. I told you, helmets and I do not mix.

Once I finally managed to get the helmet off, I set it down next to Marik's and looked around to find where he had wandered off to. At first I couldn't find his pathetic ass but I soon found him sitting at the ends of one of the docks, looking out to the water.

"I think you hurt him," Ryou's voice came from the Millennium Ring.

"I've about had enough with you," I growled. "Keep your mouth shut before I send you back to the Shadow Realm."

I huffed, rolling my eyes, and made my way over to Marik. As I got closer to him, I examined his body language. There wasn't much to it and that's what made me curious. He was always showing some signs of his typical annoying peppy mood. This time there was nothing.

Once I reached Marik's side, I sat down besides him. I made sure to sit rather close to him to see if he would move or react but there was nothing. He just continued to stare out at the ocean, so I decided to do the same.

I'm never one to ask someone "What is wrong?" or "Are you alright?". It's something I've never been able to do. For one, I frankly don't care about anyone and their feelings or current mood. Secondly, I have to blame Marik because I am so use to him just telling me everything that I've never needed to ask questions like that. So, if Marik didn't want to talk about whatever is in that scattered brain mind of his then I wasn't going to ask.

"Do you hate me?" Marik suddenly asked. I looked over at him but Marik kept his gaze to the ocean.

I turned back to the ocean and shrugged. "I wouldn't say you are the best company I have been around," I said.

"So, what you said back at the apartment. I guess that's true. We aren't friends," Marik said, sounding like it was more to himself than to me.

"Why does it bother you? You have to admit that I get on your nerves. Hell, I'll even admit that I purposely try to get on your nerves. Then there's the fact that I am a slob, a Debby-downer, boring, and moody. Well, at least those are the things you've called me. Plus, we argue a lot," I pointed out.

"I thought that's what friends did," Marik stated.

"What do you mean 'thought'?" I asked, giving Marik a questioning look.

"I've never had a friend before. Being in a tomb most of my life doesn't really allow you to have any friends," Marik said calmly.

"A tomb?" Ryou's voice popped up besides me as his translucent figure appeared beside me. I was too confused myself to snap at him.

Marik's never told me about his past or where he came from. All I know was he had a sister and a guardian that was basically his brother. His sister and brother are some sort of protectors of the Pharaoh but Marik didn't care to fall in that role. That's all I knew. Even so, all of that was from me just taking in little bits of what I've seen and heard from Marik and his siblings.

"Marik, what do you mean 'being in a tomb'?" I asked.

Marik turned to me and looked confused. "Haven't I told you that I am a tomb keeper? My entire family is."

"I highly doubt I would miss that little detail," I growled.

"Well, I guess now is a good time now than never. So, I guess I should tell you I am the Pharaoh's tomb keeper," Marik stated, giving me a childish smile.

"I'm about to push you in the ocean," I grumbled.

"Whoa! That's harsh, Bakura! Come on! How else do you think I got the marks on my back that literally hold the secret to unlocking the frigin' Pharaoh's memories?" Marik pointed out.

"I try not to wonder about those sorts of things, Marik! I just take what I'm being given," I snapped back.

"Oh my goodness. You two are children," I heard Ryou grumble.

"No one asked you!" I snapped at Ryou, glancing over my shoulder. I then turned back to Marik and saw him staring back out to the ocean. He looked like he had a lot on his mind and it was beginning to bother me that he wasn't saying anything. He always talks, so this silence was driving me up the wall.

"Not so stupid, huh?" Ryou asked from beside me. "Ever think that he's been through so much that he chooses to act this way? Or maybe he's like you and hides behind a shield."

"Will you shut it? Go back to your bloody Soul Room!" I snapped.

"What are you two talking about?" Marik asked.

I grumbled and rubbed my face, seeing if I could rub away the anger from my conflicting thoughts. As Ryou disappeared and I felt the loss of our connection I couldn't help but think about what Ryou said. It bothered me that he was most likely right, not just about Marik but about myself as well. It isn't my fault that I can't remember who I even am.

"Come on, Marik," I said as I stood up. "Let us go home and do something we can both enjoy," I suggested, refusing to look at Marik.

"Like what?" Marik asked as he jumped to his feet.

I shrugged and turned away from the ocean, still refusing to look at Marik. "I don't know. I think friends play board games." There was silence from Marik for a while and I began to mentally curse out myself.

That was the dumbest thing to say. Why am I even try-

I was suddenly tackled by a body, getting a flash of blonde hair and a purple top. The force was so great and unexpected that I stumbled backwards until there was no more floor to walk on, having Marik and I fall into the ocean. I soon breached the surface and glared to my side where there was laughter.

"Marik you bastard!" I shouted, splashing Marik with water.

Marik could only just laugh even when I splashed him. I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but notice that I kept my eyes on him. I couldn't look away and I frankly didn't want to. Sure, Marik's eyeliner was all screwed up and his hair was no longer puffy- in fact he looked like a drenched dog- but I enjoyed hearing him laugh again.

"You're a soaked kitty cat!" Marik said through his laughter and it made me quickly scowl at him.

"I'm not a bloody cat!" I growled and began to reach for him. It made Marik playfully scream and begin to swim towards the ladder that lead back up to the docks. I swam after him as best as I could but Marik was a faster swimmer than I was.

When I eventually reached the docks and found that Marik was already sitting on his motorbike. He put on his helmet and motioned me to sit behind him.

"Come on, Bakrua! Napoleon awaits for your bottom," Marik chirped.

"Never say that again," I said as I rung out my clothes as best as I could while making my way over to Marik and his motorbike. I grabbed my helmet and put it on before getting on the bike. When I was on, I wrapped my arms around Marik's waist and that's when Marik turned on his bike and began to take off.

I at first closed my eyes and clenched onto Marik but after a few minutes, I forced myself to open my eyes. We were still by the docks but I found myself enjoying the view.

When was the last time I actually enjoyed something as simple as a view? It feels like a long time. Longer than my time in this era it seems. Then again, that wasn't the only thing tugging at my mind.

"Huh," I mumbled to myself.

"What?" Marik asked.

"Nothing," I said back to him so he could hear. "I just feel like I've done this before," I said back.

"Funny! I had the same exact feeling."

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