The vamps preferences/imagines

By omgbandslol

449K 6.4K 486

Okay so just some preferences for the vamps! I take imagine requests! Just comment your name/boy you want it... More

The vamps preferences
How you meet!
How you tell fans
Your first date
Pandora ring he buy you
Pandora charm he buys you
First meal he cooks for you
What you name your children
He meets your parents
He's away on tour and you have a bad day
You meet his parents
How you sleep
Your banner that he notices at a concert
He misses you tweets.
You get papped before you announce your relationship
Tris imagine - iman
How he hugs you
Your name on his phone
His name on your phone
Your first kiss
What you wear of his
Goodnight texts
What turns him on
Your celeb crush
How he wakes you up
His ringtone for you
Bestfriend of the band
He gets jelous
Connor Imagine - leonie
Connor imagine - sara
What he buys you after you fall out
He sends someone the wrong text
What film you watch together
Your lawson crush
Your one direction crush
Your union j crush
Your the wanted crush
Where you go on hoilday
What he does when you cant sleep
He finds out you're pregnant
The perfume he buys you
The pet you get
Lazy sundays
Your first time
When he's ill
When youre ill
Connor imagine Imagine - sos_thevamps7
Your 'union j' song
Your 'the wanted' song
Your 'lawson' song
The cover he dedicates to you
The song from the album he wrote for you
Your breakup song
The lyrics for you from risk it all
The lyrics from wild heart he wrote for you
Your break up tweets
Random James imagine
Late night calls
Who i think suits the boys
Compeition winner/announcement
Brad imagine - tiffany!
Competition winner( claire) brad imagine
Tristan imagine for georgiee-anne
Brad imagine -keni
Brad imagine - jodie
Brad imagine - rachel
Brad imagine - beth
Brad imagine - shannon
Brad imagine - abby
Tristan imagine
James imagine
Connor imagine
Tristan imagine - georgiee
Brad imagine ~ holly
James imagine - shannon
Connor imagine

Competition winner (connorswildheart) connor imagine

5K 53 5
By omgbandslol

A/n- Ok I'm so so so sorry for not updating + sarah(connorswildheart) sorry for telling you I would have writing this by Monday but school has literally taken my life over! Sorry but here it is! Hope you like it!

You've always had a crush on connor ball. He was in your science class. He wasn't popular nor was he a geek. In the middle just like you, that's the thing, he's like a boy version of you! You both hated the attention, quite with people you don't know but out going with your family. you both loved Harry potter and music! He could play guitar like you could do. you thought you were meant to be but you were too scared to ask him on a date because you got anxiety attacks.

Recently you've seen connor look at you a few time. Ok so not in a disgusted type of way. More like an interested way. You blushed thinking about it but you knew you could never ever have him as a boyfriend. A lot of the popular girls like him because of his looks, his guitar playing and voice, and also his smartness. you sighed because you knew he would take them over you any day. You were just Sarah. Plain green eyes with boring brown hair. You never worn makeup to school or do your hair because you could never be bothered, all you would do is put your bracelets on. you had your wristbands, loom bands, some friendship ones and any other material ones you found in market shops or whiles you were away. whereas the popular girls, every day would cake their face in makeup, some times they did look pretty but others, you thought someone had smashed a cake in their face. their draw on eyebrows and bright red lipstick, dyed hair such as light pinks, blacks and blonde all curled or straighten before styled up or down... how do they even have time for that you thought.

You realised you had been day dreaming again and we're bought back to reality by the end of day bell. You collected all your stuff together before walking to your locker where you meet you friend to walk home.

Your friend was coming back to yours to finish your French coursework you both had to do. As you started the 30 minute walk you talked about the latest bands, what clothes you wanna buy and any gossip you had heard during the day.... Also connor, yes all your friends know that you have a hugeeeeee crush on connor and are trying to convince you to ask him on a date. "come on Sarah! The worst he can do is say no!" Your friend moaned. "No, the worst thing that can happen is he saying no, me getting heart broken and everyone finding out before laughing at me" you explained. You sighed before you reached home. Your mum and dad both finished late so you had the house to yourself.

You had order dominoes, and whiles waiting for the delivery you were reading over your French coursework. the doorbell went. Wow that was fast you thought had you only ordered about 15 minutes ago. As you open the door your friend had gone to get cups and sauces etc. although it wasn't the pizza guy at the door... It was connor.
"Hey Sarah" he smiled
"Erm, hi connor" you returned the smile before looking at your feet.
he was doing the same as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
You both stayed in awkward silence.
"Not that I'm no glad to see you but why have you come to my house?" you asked.
"Oh I...I. Erm. I-I came to ask you I-f erm, you wanna go on a d-date?" he stuttered out.
You blushed as you stared at the floor. is this real?! Connor ball.... your lifetime crush asked you on a date?! You couldn't believe it
"This isn't a joke right?" you asked...
"Why would this be a joke"
"well you have all the popular girls loving you, they're so much prettier than me. Look it's just me" you sighed
"Looks arent everything to me and I think your beautiful anyway"
A smile formed from your lips before you looked at the ground again. Connors hands were now in his black skinny jean pockets.
"So will you?" He asked "I've wanted to ask this for ages, because you're so nice and you have everything I look for in a girl" he smiled
"Ok sure" you smiled. his worried face turned to a smile.
"Saturday, 5pm. Meet me at the park" he said before quickly hugging you and jogging off. You were so shocked!
Ok so his 1 second hug was amazing and he smelt so good. He had called you beautiful. You wanted to crawl up into a ball and cry. "Wait" you shouted. He was half way down your road before he turned around to look at you "what shall I wear" you asked
"Someone causal but nice. It doesn't matter you'll look beautiful in whatever" he shouted back before continuing to jog.

You walked back indoors. still with the same shocked expression. "erm where's the pizza" your friend asked.
"It wasn't the pizza guy"
"Then who was it?"
"It was connor" you said slowly
"Connor!?!" she screamed
"Oh my goddd what did he say!" She jumped
"He asked me on a date!" You squealed
"SARAH OH MY GOD" your friend screamed "IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU"
"This Saturday!" You smiled "I have to meet him at the park at 5"
"If he does a late night picnic I'll cry because that's so cute" your friend said. You just laughed as you knew that could never happen. but in reality that was your perfect date. in a park, actually no garden. In his garden, with a blanket on the grass with all your favourite food and fairy lights wrapped around the trees, before, you would get pillows and blankets and snuggle up with your date whiles looking at the stars.....
Well you can dream.

Your friend had come round to help you get ready. She was straightening you hair as you decided on what to wear. Because it was mid summer you wore a pink pastel colour skater dress which came down to the middle of your thigh. You put your white, worn out converse on with an oversized cream cardigan. Next your friend did your makeup, yet you told her strictly that it must be light. she applied eyeliner, mascara, some powder and a little bit off lip gloss. You put the lipgloss in your bag, your headphones, some gum, your keys and your phone before you left to meet connor at the park.

You seen him leaning against one of the trees. hands in his pockets and one food higher up and resting on the trunk of the tree. his hair was styled in the normal style of his. the brown with blood streaks were gelled to one side. a bit mainstream but made him look even more hotter! He wore a plain white tshirt, black skinny jeans with a black letter jacket and his bracelets. "wow" he stuttered out as he seen you "you l-l-look amazing"
"Thanks" you smiled before hiding your Blush.
"Ok let's get going" he said before holding onto your hand and walking out of the park. you crossed the road and you were in the town centre. "ok so it's not much" he said before stopping outside pizza express. "how did you know this is my favourite?" you asked before he smiled at you and you both walked in.

You ordered one pizza to share with a couple of sides. you found out more things about connor, yes you had talked to him but not a lot, you found out that he has an 11year old brother, that he can play like 3 different type of guitar and that he is in a band who do YouTube covers. he also found out about you that you can also play guitar, that you have an older sister and that your favourite food is pizza.

After spending over 2 hours, a pizza, dough balls and chips later you were leaving the restaurant. "Thank you for dinner con" you smiled as you walked through the empty streets of your hometown "it was my pleasure" he smiled "but I still have something else for you"
"What may that be" you cheekily ask
"Well that's a surprise" he winked. You continued walking before you found yourself outside Connors house. "Don't worry no ones in" he whispered before dragging you inside. "Erm con, what are you doing" you stuttered out. he didn't seem like the type but you seriously thought he wanted sex.
He could sense that you were scared. "Oh my god no no no Sarah" he apologised "I just wanted to show you the next part of the date, I wasn't going to you know. oh god please don't think that" he said quickly as he panicked
"Con it's fine" you laughed before he breathed out a large sigh and walked you to the kitchen.

Oh. My. God.
You looked out of the back door and seen your dream date. What. the. hell..
How did he know. Ok so it wasn't exactly the same but there was fairy lights and some little snacks with pillows and duvets.
"Oh my god con" you squealed "what has y/f/n(your friends name) been telling you"
"What? Y/f/n hasn't spoken to me"
"Then why did you do this?" you asked
"I thought it was nice, what don't you like it" he looked down at his feet
"No oh con. I told y/f/n that this was my perfect date! I thought she might have told you! of course I love it"
"That's good then!" his smile returned before he lead you out into the garden.

He let you sit down before he sat down next to you and wrapping his arm around you. he pulled the duvets over you and you leant your backs on a tree and you fingers intertwined. This. was. perfect!

You sat in a good silence until ever once in a while you would say something.

Getting later on into the night you felt yourself getting sleepier. Your eye lids soon became heavy as you felt them slowly close
"Come on Sarah, we'll go back inside now" connor whispered
"But I need to go home"
"No you don't it's fine, y/f/n told your mum you're sleeping at her house"
"Oh okay" you were really too tired to care.
Con gave you one of his tshirts and jogging bottoms to sleep in before he got changed. You got into his bed as he did the same.
You felt his arm snake around your waist. "Tonight was perfect" he whispered into your ear
"Yeah it was"
"You know I really like you" he whispered again
"And you know I really like you too"
And with that. He leant over and kissed you. As his lips pressed against yours fireworks exploded in your head, butterflies flew I your stomach and electricity ran in your vains. The kiss only last a matter of seconds yet his lips wondered.
You both smiled as you were inches away
"Yeah I really like you" con whispered
"Me too" was all you could say. "Night"
"Night beautiful" he said before you both drifted asleep.

The next day con had made you breakfast and asked you on another a date!

They'll be another competition soon!x

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