By ramdomfam13175

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Soccer stars Ashlyn Harris and Whitney Engen are married and have 6 kids. See them undergo heartbreak, joy an... More

Harris And Engen:BFFs...For Life
Working Things Out
Who Is She?!
The Surprise
Back Home..
Working Things Out
God's Plan
The Big Day
The First Day of School
You're Alright Now
How Could This Happen
The Talk
The Tattoo
Easter Sunday
After A While...
Thanksgiving Day
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
The Season of Giving
HAO & Kriegs
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Family Is Everything
Christmas Eve
The Harris Christmas Special 2018
New Years
I'm Sorry
Breaking The News
The Truth Comes Out
He's Dead...
Growing Pains
His Name Is...
Living in the Moment
Branching Out
Family Time
El Draft de Hijos
Passing the Time
A Fresh Start
Hell's Open Gates
Figuring Things Out
The Homecoming Game
Hail to the Chief
Giving Thanks
'Tis the Season
6 Months
Hustle & Bustle
Christmas Eve 2019
Making Memories *Christmas 2019*
Start of Something New
Bashing of the Horns
Sorry It Had To End Like This
Are You Scared?
Who Called?
The Truth Unfolds...
What Now?
The Start of Change
365 Days
Saying Goodbye
A New Normal
Whisked Away
New Kid On The Block
The First Day of "School"
Rah, Rah, Rah
What Does Acceptance Mean To You?
Making Moves
Together Again
Baby Tarheel
Hiding Truths
Getting in the Spirit
For We Need A Little Christmas
Spitting Fire
Oh, What A Summer
New sequel!

Learn From Our Mistakes

310 11 0
By ramdomfam13175

"What the hell is going on here?!"

"Mama, we can explain." Jordyn answers.

Ash looks around the kitchen, noticing the mess everywhere.

"Mom and I told you no friends could come over." She says sternly.

"We didn't invite them, they just came." Dalton answers.

"That's no excuse..." Ash says walking around. "...where are the other kids."

"Taylor, Noah and Jonah are upstairs. Brendan went out." Jordyn says quietly.

"Brendan went out?!...where did he go?"

"Not sure." Dalton says.

"You're not sure? Oh because you two were too busy creating this huge mess."

"Mama, it wasn't Jordyn's fault. She was upstairs, this was all me." Dalton says putting his head down.

"How many people were over here?" Ash says while looking directly at her son. "...Look at me Dalton."

The boy looks up, ashamed. "...Maybe like 10."

"Were there girls?"

"Yes ma'am."

Ash paces the kitchen floor. "...Jordyn you can go upstairs."

Ashlyn waits for her daughter to get up the stairs before continuing.

"What were you thinking Dalton...what kind of an example are you setting to your younger siblings? To defy orders!?"

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Well if you knew, then why did you do it."

Dalton doesn't answer.

"Was there any alcohol involved?" Ash continues. 

Dalton plays with his fingers.

"Dalton Michael Harris, answer me when I speak to you."


"Yes what."

"Yes, there was alcohol involved."

Ash sighs.

"You drank in my house...where you know the consequences of the evil things it could do!"

"I know Mama, I only took one sip."

"One sip two many Dalton. Go to your room, you're grounded for life."

Dalton walks with his head down.

"Wait..." Ash then says. Dalton turns around. "...tell me where Brendan is."

"I really don't know Mama."

"Ah come on Dalton...was he sober?"

"Yea, but he didn't take his pills at 3 o'clock."

"God help us." Ash says putting her head in her hands.

When Brendan doesn't take his pills, he goes "crazy". Like super jittery and excited, and little too much to handle at times. He could wander off where ever and get so distracted he wouldn't realize what he's doing wrong.

Ash doesn't know what to do. Does she call Whitney and scare her to death? Or does she just lie to her and pretend that everything is fine.

She decides to go check on the kids upstairs.

"Does anyone know where Brendan went?" Ash asks while coming into Taylor and Jordyn's room.

"Jordyn chased him down the street for a couple of blocks until he cut through the woods." Taylor replies.

"Did he say where he was going Jordyn?"

"No, he was just saying that he needs to get away. I think it's because he didn't take his pills, and when I tried to tell him that he got even more enraged."

Ashlyn thinks for a moment. "I should just call the police, I really don't feel like chasing after him."

~phone convo~

"Lansing Police Department, how may I help you?"

"Hi I'd like to file a missing person report."

"Can you describe the person to me ma'am."

"Yes he's my son Brendon. About 5'10",  short curly brown hair and brown eyes. He has some ADHD that he neglected to take his medication for, and seemed to wander off."

"I see, can you tell me how long ago he went missing?"

"Yes, about an hour and a half to two hours ago."

Ash then proceeded to tell the officer where they lived and some other personal information.

"Just stay in your house just in case he comes back ma'am. We'll keep you updated."

"Okay thank you so much." 


Ash can't do anything but worry now. She doesn't want to call Whitney, because then she'd get all upset. They really have a lot on their plates. 

It's been about a half an hour of Ash sitting on the living room couch trying to decide what to do with Dalton's punishment and how to talk to Brendan when he gets home. Then she also has to get the house ready for when Bryce comes home from the hospital and give Taylor her knee medication. And with all that, Jonah is super nervous for his piano recital in 3 days, Jordyn wants help with practicing her school government election speech, and both Whitney's parents and her mom are coming for Easter in one week!

She sighs as someone rings the doorbell. Ash gets up from her seat and goes to open the door. When she does, she sees her son, escorted by 2 police officers, in the doorway.

"Good evening ma'am, Officer Delgado, Lansing Police Department. This is your son Brendan correct?" 

"Yes sir." Ash replies while giving a look to Brendan.

"May I see some ID please?" Officer Delgado says while peering into the house.

"Yea, of course." Ash says while taking out her wallet and handing him the card. 

"One moment please..." The man replies as he and the other officer step to the side to review it.

Ash looks at Brendon, and notices one more thing about him. He is in handcuffs! 

"Brendon..." Ash says while staring at the boy.

"I know Mama..." Brendon quickly replies as he begins to cry. "...I know I'm a fuck up. You don't have to remind me..." 

Ash looks at her son, his shirt ripped, hands behind his back and tears streaming down his face. She can't help but feel sorry for him, for she has known him since he was a little baby. He was her little boy.

Brendan sniffles as Ash continues to lean up against the side of the doorframe. She slowly gets closer to him and raises her hand to his cheek, wiping away a falling tear. 

"Hey..." She says.

Brendon looks up at her with his eyes all red.

"...everything will be alright..." Ash continues. "...and you're not a fuck up. You're my son, and no child of mine is anything like that." 

Brendon's frown turns into a bit of a grin. Officer Delgado then walks back to the two. 

"Alright well we found him wandering on a private property in the middle of the woods. The land owners decided not to press charges. You're free to go son..." Officer Delgado says as his colleague unlocks the handcuffs. 

"Thank you Officer, for everything." Ash replies as Brendon steps into the house. 

"No problem, it's our job...You folks have a good night." He nods as he walks down the steps to his patrol car.

Ash closes the door and looks at Brendon. "What now?" The boy asks.

"I don't know..." Ash says honestly. " thing though, no one tells Mom until she gets home." 


It's around 9:30 now, and the kids are getting ready for bed. 

"But Mama, it's Friday night, can't I stay up just a little while longer?" Jonah asks as Ash pulls his blanket over him in bed. 

"Sorry buddy, it's been a long day for everyone...we all just need some sleep." Ash replies as she tucks her son in and kisses his head. 

Ash then proceeds to check on Taylor and Jordyn, warning them not to text Whit about anything that went on that evening. She checks on Dalton, who was already asleep in his room with the light off. She looks on at him for a few minutes, realizing that all teenagers make mistakes, and that her and Whitney would have to teach him this lesson one day. 

Ash walks over to him, and pulling his covers up, kissing his head. She looks down at him once again, she should've listened to Dalton when he was trying to defend himself. But Whit and her will talk to him tomorrow. 

Ashlyn closes the door to Dalton's room and walks down the hallway to Noah and Brendan's room. At first glance, she sees them both in bed. But then, she looks again and sees a light on at Noah's desk. 

"Hey..." Ash says while quietly stepping in the room. 

"Oh hey...sorry I'll finish up here." Noah says while looking back at Ashlyn then down at the paper on his desk.

"No that's fine...doing some homework?" Ash replies while getting closer and looking over the boy's shoulder. 

"Ah no, just doing some drawing." Noah says shyly. 

"Oh wow, that's really good...a fighter plane right huh." Ash says in awe.

"Um yea..." 

"You're really good Noah. Did you ever think of taking some classes?" 

"Well I was never really given the option." He chuckles.

"Right well, I'll to Mom about it in the morning. It's always good to sharpen your skills." Ash says while patting Noah on the back.

"Thanks Mama." He smiles. 

"No problem, don't stay up too late okay?" 


"Night buddy." Ash smiles as he looks over to Brendan fast asleep in his bed, and then back to Noah. 


Ash walks back downstairs to get some water when her phone rings.


"Hey honey, how are things at the house?" Whitney says on the other end of the call.

"Oh hi, hey..." Ash chuckles nervously.

" everything okay?" Whit asks. She knows her wife too well.

"Um, everything's okay now, yes everything is fine." Ash reassures her wife and herself.

"Now? What happened?" 

"Oh nothing huge, after the cops brought Brendan back and the living room was cleaned up, everything went back to normal..."


"Now Whit, let's come down a bit here, um it's really hard to explain right now, but all the kids are safe and in bed sleeping." 

"Wait a minute here, I told you that we needed to check on them earlier. How could you let this happen Ashlyn?" 

"Well the problem was really out of my hands. We can talk consequences when you get home. Everything's fine okay...How's Bryce?" Ash asks trying to change the subject. 

"Good, the nurses gave him another dose of medicine before he went to sleep."

"Is he feeling better?"

"Yea, the doctor said he might be able to go home earlier than we thought tomorrow." 

"That's good." Ashlyn yawns.

"You sound tired babe, you should get some rest." 

"Yea I guess I should...I love you Whit." 

"Love you too." Whitney sighs.

"Do you really?" Ash jokes.

"Yes Ashlyn...goodnight." 

"Goodnight babe." 

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