The First Day of "School"

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Whitney sips her coffee as she and Ashlyn sit on the patio this fine morning. They've promised to do this with each other whenever they can.

 It's 8 am, and for the first time ever, the kids are still asleep on this first day of school.

"I'm glad school is starting a bit later," Whitney thinks. "'ll be good for everyone," 

Ashlyn nods. 

"I agree," She says. "... well-rested teenagers mean they are least horrible than usual,"

Whitney laughs.

"Speaking of well-rested...we should probably go and check if they're up,"

Ash sighs as she stands and extends her hand to her wife.

"Let's do it,"


Noah wakes up groggily with a shaking all around. It's Brendan jumping on his bed...

"Wake up you lazy fuck," He says. "...time to start the torture,"

Noah can't help but hold back a smile. This school year will be different for sure...

Last night, Whit and Ashlyn had a talk with all the kids about school. Just about how school and education is a gift alot of kids their ages don't have. And especially for the four seniors in the house, it is a shared thought that this is their last year of high school...of a structured schedule like this. It's the last year that they're all in the same class and in the same school. 

So don't take it for granted...that was the big topic. Sure, complain...but not all the time. Take this time to experience it all.Because everyone has seen that it can be taken away in an instant.

But now it really starts...all of the geometry, history, pre-cal, physics, calculus, environmental science and many, many other things. 

"Do you have a condom?" Noah whispers to Brendan as they walk back up to their rooms after breakfast.

"Take me on a date first dude," Brendan laughs.

"Shut up," Noah smiles. "...Grace invited me over for a movie tonight," 

" two are like some bunnies," 

"Brendan," Noah chuckles. " you have one or not,"

"Sorry dude," B apoligizes. "...have had to need one since I dated Claire,"  

"Speaking off," Noah continues as he sits down on his bed. "...I don't hear you interested in any girls," 

"Well I have other priorities," Brendan defends. "...and we're in the middle of a pandemic. I hope you have a mask on when you're feeling her up,"

"Chill out, bro," Noah says. "...I was just asking,"

"Well don't..." He says sternly. "...cause it's none of your business," 

"Sorry," Noah back peddles. "...just forget I said anything," 

Noah watches as Brendna rummages through his desk drawer. He closes it angrly and throws something at his brother. 

"I bet it's expired," He says as he briskly walks out of the room.

Noah looks down. It's exactly what he had asked for.


"Can I sit in here," Brendan sighs as he comes into his sisters' room.

"What's got you down," Taylor asks.

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