New Kid On The Block

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"Hey Michael," Jordyn says a bit nervously this fine Saturday morning. 

"Hi Jordyn," Michael Wilson smiles back.

God his smile...Snap out of it Jordy!

"So," Jordyn then says. "...the plan. Any ideas?" 

"Alot of ideas," Michael replies. "...but can I just say the meeting you ran on Tuesday. You're definitely the right person to be in charge right now. Any other person couldn't of handled it, I just know it," 

"Well thanks," Jordy blushes. 

"Anyways," Michael chuckles nervously. "...we should start,"

A half an hour passes and both kids feel confident in their revisions. As Michael gets up and. gets his backpack situated, he looks back to Jordyn.

"So..." He says. "'s Jack," 

Jordyn grins as she looks at the ground. 

"Living it up at the Naval Academy," She says. "...we um...are not together anymore,"

"Oh," Michael says. "...I'm sorry," 

Jordyn nods.

"It's okay," 

"Are you...are you..." The boy begins. "...Jordyn," He then says confidently.

"Yea?" She asks. 

"...Would you like to go to dinner with me one night,"

Jordyn is actually shocked. Yes, she swoons over Michael, but who knew he felt the same way about her! 

"I'd love to," She softly smiles.

"Great," He chuckles. "'s date then,"

"Yep," She says. "'s a date," 

BENDING THE RULES..A USWNT FANFICOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz