Boyfriend Scenarios (Thomas...

By -Froggy_Chi-

171K 3K 2.4K

Just read the title! More

Hello and Welcome!
Quick Question
How you meet
See him again/ exchanging numbers
Your job
Your age
Best color on you
How to describe you? (I have no clue how to word this)
Quote (1)
When you relize you like/love him
Series 1: First Date
Phone Contact
He gives you Jewelry
Becoming Official
Do you have glasses?
You see your EX
Series 1: First Kiss
How he knows your Mad
Your Hogwarts House
Favorite Mystic Messenger Charater
Anime you watch together
Cartoon you watch together
TV show you watch together
What He loves about you
He meets your Family(special chapter for Patton and Roman)
Your vehicle
You leave for a While
Him while your Gone
You while your Away
You Return
You in the hospital
Meeting the others
Stealing his clothes
Moving in together
You on your Period
How you turn him on
Holiday Celebration
Series 1: First Time
How You Sleep
How You Kiss Most Often
Cute Couple Gif
Series 2: Thomas
Series 2: Patton
Series 2: Logan
Series 2: Roman
Series 2: Virgil
Headcanon 1
Pet you get together
Habit you picked up
Patton special
Series 3: Thomas {a}
Series 3: Patton {a}
Series 3: Logan {a}
Series 3: Roman {a}
Series 3: Virgil {a}
Telling the others {a}
His Kinks 😏
The Change
Series 4: Swimsuits
Wedding Song
Reaction: Makeup
Wedding Aisle
Wedding Day
Honeymoon 2
Telling The World (preperation)
Telling the World(the video)
First Sign 😉
Finding Out
Telling Him
Telling His Family/Sides
Telling Your Family
The Rest of Roman's
Maternity Shoot
Favorite Maternity Outfits
Six Month Ultrasound
Babies Room
Baby Shower/Baby Video
How long in Labor?
Sides Meet the Baby(s)
Court Case (Logan Special)
Deciet Catchup(1-35)
Deciet Catchup(36-62)
Deciet Catchup(63-76)
Couples Costume
Baby Costume
Baby First Halloween
Cute Moment With Dad and Baby(gif)
Cute Moment with Baby and Pet
First Valentines Day
Babies Birthday
Babies First Steps
Remus Catchup(1-35)
Remus Catchup(36-62)
Remus Catchup(63-82)
Babies first word
First rose he gave you
Remy Catchup(1-35)
Remy Catchup(36-62)
Remy Catchup(63-82)
First time leaving baby with a babysitter
Babies first birthday
Picani Catch-Up(1-35)
Picani Catchup(63-84)
Picani Catchup(36-62)
Couple Tattoo
Catching him cheating
How you are affected
How he is affected
Kid gets injured
He apologizes
Family vacation
Kid picks his hair color
Your kid (at age 18)
Your kid comes out
Your kids spouces
Thank you!

Having The Baby

1.1K 13 16
By -Froggy_Chi-

I would like to warn the squeamish readers to skip over Thomas and Patton!

I'm sitting at my desk just editing a video for my channel.  It's a natural look so I don't ruin my skin anymore.  I found out the hard way that my foundation makes my skin peel, but it has only been happening while I've been pregnant.

I'm still starting the editing process when I feel a sharp pain engulf my whole body followed by a wet feeling between my legs.  I start to panic at go into complete autopilot.

"Thomas!  Get your butt in here!" I yell when the pain goes away slightly.  After the pain multiplies.  "SHĮT!"

In about three seconds Thomas, Logan and Virgil are in my editing room.

"What's wrong?" Thomas asks running to my side.

"I think my water broke." I hiss in pain.  I see Virgil start zoning out, another anxiety attack... great.

"What???" Thomas asks shocked.

"Virgil.  I love you but this time you can't take control or I will push a child out of my body in this room.  So take me to the freaking hospital!" I snap.  Logan shakes his head and starts to mutter something under his breath.

"Ok- alright.  Go to the car and I'll grab your bag." Thomas says standing up.  Logan then leads me to the car and starts it.  Thomas hops in and starts driving.

"(Y/N)... why didn't you tell me you were having contractions?" Thomas says softly.

"It literally just felt like I was constipated until this one." I admit.

"We are here. Ill help you in." Thomas says getting out. I smile. In the corner of my eye I see Logan nod at me. I am walked inside and sat in a wheelchair and another contraction hits. I squeeze Thomas' hand extremely hard.

"Ouch." He says and I just glare at him. The nurse helps me onto the hospital bed. Another changes my clothes into a hospital gown. I'm laying down in pain when the doctor walks in.

"Mrs. Sanders. I'm going to check how dialated you are." She says her eyes smiling as you can't see her mouth.  I feel her fingers up my body.

"Ok.  Your not far enough.  So you could have an epidural if you'd like." She says softly.

"Holy mother of all things cheese give it to me!" I say as I get hit again.  I'm quickly given the epidural and it numbs me within ten minutes.

"Alright.  I just checked again and now you've got to push." The doctor says.  I brace myself and Thomas grabs my hand.

"Three two one.  Push!" She says and I push as hard as possible.  There's so much pressure that it feels like I could explode.  I push until I'm told to stop.

"Alright you are almost done.  The head is out." The doctor says happily.  "Push!"

I push and the feeling of relief fills me as I hear the doctor gasp.

"He's out!  Congratulations!  It's a boy!" She says.  "Does dad want to cut the cord?"

Thomas nods and follows the instructions of how to cut the cord and clean him off.  While he's gone the doctor turns back to me.

"You gotta push a few more times.  The placenta is still in." She says her eyes not as glee-filled as they just were.


"And push." She says and I push with all my might.  I feel a giant blob feeling from my lower area.

"That was the cleanest removal I've ever seen.  You are amazing." She says putting this gross mass in a container.  I put my legs down and Thomas walks into the room holding our baby.

"He's beautiful." I whisper, all my strength gone.

"He has your nose." Thomas says laughing quietly.

"But he looks just like you otherwise." Thomas sits himself on the bed next to me and I take the baby into my arms.

"Thank you." Thomas whispers.  "For being mine." I smile but end up falling asleep.

I am lying on the couch with head on Patton's lap as he pets my ears. We are just listening to the fire cackling.

"(Y/N)?" Patton says as my face distorts in pain.

"HOLY MEATBALLS!" I say sitting up quickly, my head spinning.

"What is it?" Patton asks panicked.

"The baby(s)!" I gasp. Patton looks blankly back until it processes and he looks terrified.

"Wha-what do I do?" He asks.

"I would say call 911 but I refuse to go to the hospital!" I hiss. "Fill the bathtub up and call smartass." Patton nods and dials Logan and runs to the bathroom. I slowly start making my way there is complete pain.

"Logan wants to be here to help is that ok?" Patton calls to me.

"Hell NO!" I bark. I hear Patton whine softly, but my mind is too filled with determination to get to the bathtub to care.

"Luna let me help." Patrons voice shakes. Slowly he removes my clothes and helps me into the tub.

"Hallelujah that feels nice. NEVER MIND IM IN PAIN!" I say still holding. Patrons hand. Again a sound of pain escapes Pattons mouth.

"Alright so lean back and prop your legs up." Patton says gaining a bit of confidence in this screaming barrage he's been enduring. I do as he says with minimal complaints.

"Uh so push?" He says as I screech in pain not hearing what Logan has to say.

I scream as I push with all my might. But I didn't have a good grip on the tub floor so my legs sped forward smacking the wall.

"Patton come be helpful and hold my legs up." I sneer. He gets into just his underwear (as to not traumatize the children) and holds my legs up.

"Ok ok. So on the count of three push for five seconds. 1, 2, 3!" I push and watch as Pattons eyes widen.

"It's working!"

"No dip Sherlock!"

"1, 2, 3!" I push again and see tears in Pattons eyes.

"The heads out. Breath and PUSH!" I follow the instructions feeling immense pain. I scream.

"One more push!" Patton cries.  I push and feel a minor relief fill my body, because a contraction took over me quickly after I stopped pushing.

"Our daughter, Charlie." Patton says smiling. Patton cuts her umbilical cord and places her into one of the baskets after wrapping her up.

"Yeah..." I say tiredly.

"Now let's push again.  Breath and Push!" He says turning to me again. 

After a minute of pushing a feet started to emerge.

"(Y/N)... this isn't natural." Patton says concerned.  He dials up Logan again.

"Logan...  yeah one of them.  Yeah yeah did t you know were having twins?  Ok ok!  Umm sooo the second baby is foot is out first....  No!  She won't like that!  There's no other way?  Ok ok I'll tell her.  Babye!"

"Logan has to come over to help." Patton says getting ready for me to lash out.

"Nope!  I guess I'm not having this baby because I REFUSE to have anyone else see my vajay."

"Please?  For me?" Patton pleads with puppy eyes.

"FINE!  ONLY BECAUSE IM IN SO MUCH PAIN!" I snap.  Logan shows up in the next few minutes.

"Patton please exit the bathtub and tend to your daughter."  Patton does as told, "Thank you, now (Y/N), I'm going to have to grab his other leg alright."

"You do anything besides that and I will rip your dick off." I say glaring at him.

"Duly noted."  Logan gets into the water and sticks his fingers in to grab his other leg without having it break or twist incorrectly.  Five minutes later I feel him remove his fingers along with the leg.

"Thanks Logan!" Patton says rocking Charlie.

"The same thing might happen to the arms.  But you need to push (Y/N)." He says monotonously and I push as I grip Pattons hand.

"Ok just as I thought his hands are stuck.  May I?" At least he asked.

"If you hurt him then I will not hesitate to rip out your thROAT." Logan just shoves his fingers in when I was speaking. Rude.

Again he gets the arms out with minimal complications, which one of the babies fingers was broken.

"LOGAN WHAT THE HELL DID I SAY!" I yell tiredly.  I was taken out of the bathtub and into my bed with jammies on.  I had Charlie and Everest in my arms.

"It will heal just fine." Logan tells me.


"Luna go to sleep." Patton says snuggled next to me.

"You bįtch." I snap at Logan.

"But you are one literally."

"I hate you"

Logan just got home from making a video with Thomas when he hears muffled screams coming from the library. Logan runs there to find me crouched in the floor in pain.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" He asks cautiously.


"Oh gosh, how long ago was that?"

"About five minutes ago."

"I'll be right back. Don't move." Logan runs to the hall to use our home phone, which he insisted on us having. I hear him call 911.

"The ambulance is coming Dear." Logan says pulling me into his arms and running his fingers through my hair.

"Thanks Logan." I say tears pouring down my face.  And the ambulance hurries in and takes us to the hospital.

I'm taken to the maternity ward and the doctors check me out.  They say that I'm extremely dilated and that I couldn't have an epidural because he'd be out before it kicked in.

The doctors have me push a few times before he's completely out which was about an hour.

"Mrs. Sanders!  That was one of the smoothest births I've seen.  And from a first time mother."

"I'm not." I tell the doctor complimenting me as Logan was away cleaning our son off.

"It says here-"

"I know myself.  I was pregnant when I was a minor so that's probably why it's erased from that."

"Oh.  Well that was a very nice birth you had there."

"Thank you Dr.  but I'd like to have time with my family."

"No problem."

"Logan did you pick a name?" I ask him as he places the boy in my arms.

"I was thinking Matthew, Matthew Eric." He says softly.

"I love it.  He looks just like you." I say smiling.

"He has your eye color though, but that may change as eye color changes as one ages."

"Shhh.  Let me sleep with my boys.  Which I love very much."

Roman and I are just visiting with the Weasleys (just Molly and Ginny) when I feel my water break. I feel my face warming up.

"Royal... It's happening." I whisper. Roman drops his utensils.

"Wait really?" He asks louder then he should have.

"What Dear?" Molly asks.

"I think my water broke." I say sheepishly.

"We better get you to st mungos!" Ginny says jumping up.

"Oh no!  I was planning on having a home birth." I tell them.

"Let's go." Roman says walking to the fireplace with me.

"I'm not letting you leave alone!  I'll help you!" Molly says pulling Ginny to the fireplace also. We all go through Floo to (house name). As I get out I collapse. Roman starts freaking out because I fell onto my stomach (😱)

"Oh that's not good." Molly says stepping out.

"Let's take her to the nursery." Ginny says levicorpusing me to there where Molly transfigures a crib into a bed.

"Will she be ok?" Roman asks stressed.

"She'll be fine! We may just have to do this while she's semi unconscious." Molly explains. Roman goes off to talk to Virgil because he feels anxious about me.

Molly and Ginny start magicking until two of the babies are born, then I'm awoken by the cries of them in Romans arms.

Just then a horrible pain fills my body as magic does when I use it.

"Merlin's beard!" I cry getting their attention.

"(Y/N)! We need you to push to get this little girl out." Ginny tells me.

"O-o-OK!" I push for as long as my body will allow me. I lay back down exhausted. Roman puts the babies down in their cribs and comes to me.

"You can do this love.  I'll be here.  Take my hand,  if you feel pain squeeze it." He says while brushing my hair back. I look at him through tears and mouth 'ok', being so exhausted that I couldn't talk.

"Breath in Dear.  Push." Molly instructs.  I follow and squeeze Romans hand so hard I hear him sharply inhale air.  So I stop.

"Royal are you ok?" I ask softly.

"I'm ok...  let's just get this little princess into the world ok?" He says kissing my forehead.


"I'd say about two more pushes (Y/N)!" Ginny cheers.

I push as much as I could and just focus on that.  After a small break to catch my breath I push a final time and the sweet feeling of relief washes over me.

"Can I hold her? My Olivine." I say holding my arms out.

"Is that her name?" Roman asks. Molly and Ginny slip away.

"Yes. Only if you like it." I say holding Olivine close to me.

"I love it. What about these two?" Roman says gesturing to the other two, giving me the other girl.

"Topaz. For him." I suggest.

"And diamond for the other princess."

"Perfect. Roman I love you so much."

"I love you so much more (Y/N)."

I was just having a normal day.  Stretching to make sure I don't loose my flexibility, when I'm in the splits a pain consumes me.

"Virgil?" I call out. The aforementioned male comes into the studio.

"Yes Bubbles?" He says from is spot leaning on the wall.  I am leaning on my hands with my head hanging down, common for me to do.

"Start the car." I say quietly.

"I hate to ask but could you please repeat that louder?" He says slowly walking towards me like a horse who was rampart, his voice soft trying to coax me to do as he says.

"I said.  Start. The. Car." I say looking up with pain on my face.  Virgil's face was covered in confusion and then understanding.

"But...  it's not due for another seven weeks." He says stepping back.

"The baby comes when the baby comes.  Start the car." I say as the pain ceases.  Over the past week I've been having waves of pain, but this wave was near unbearable.  And it happened quite quickly after the last wave ended.

Virgil runs out of the room and I hear the car start a minute later.  I get up when he walks in.  The moment he touches to to help me, my water breaks.

"(Y/N)!  ARE YOU OK?" He freaks out when he sees the liquid.

"That means the baby is coming today." I say trying to walk.  Virgil sighs and picks me up.  You would think that he's weak but living with an avid exerciser had a positive effect on the young male.

"Bubbles.  Sit still we will be at the hospital in a minute.  "Virgil tells me as I keep adjusting the seatbelt as we are zooming down the freeway.

"It's painful!" I cry as a contraction slaps me.  "VIRGIL THIS IS YOUR DUMB FAULT!" I whine. Virgil says nothing but continues to drive.

We get there faster then anticipated, Virgil did not drive the speed limit.  He runs in and gets a wheelchair for some odd reason.

I am soon put in a bed and have had a giant needle shoved into my spine.  I'm lying there waiting until the doctor could help.

"Did you really mean that?" Virgil says softly.

"Mean what?  I don't know if I said anything to you since we left." I say confused.  "I must have been drunk with pain."


The doctor comes in and checks me out.  Apparently I'm not dilated enough to push so I lie there with my spouts of pain for six hours.

The doctor routinely came into check but not much change until about three in the morning.  We left for the hospital about eight am and I've been in constant pain since then.

A doctor comes in to check and sees I'm ready.

"Mrs. Sander? It's time." He says.  I wake Virgil up as he wanted to see this for some reason.

I get into position and listen to what the doctor says

Breathe in

Breathe out

Breathe in


we repeat this until about nine in the morning when I feel a sudden relief and calmness fill my body.

"Does the father want to cut the cord?" The doctor says.  Virgil nods and cuts it as instructed.  I am given the baby to hold for a minute while they clean me up before they clean the little girl up.

"We are going to clean her up now." One nurse says.  I nod and let her go.  But Virgil's breath started to get uneven.

"Gloom?  Are you ok?" I ask grabbing his hand.

"Where is she?  Where did they take her?" He asks through uneven breaths and sobs.

"Hey hey!  It's ok!  She's just getting cleaned off."

"My Zoe...." He mutters.

"Is that her name now?" I say matter of factly.


"Ok." Virgil looks around frantically again trying to find her.  But with her out of sight he freaks out.  His anxiety kicking in.

"Hey.  Look at me.  She's ok.  Climb next to me Gloom." I say scooting as much as I can got him.  We cuddle each other when Zoe is brought back we hold her between us and fall asleep just like that.  Our brand new, perfect, little family

WC 3002

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