mid night poetry( part 1)

By immortalizedlies

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About mid night poetry :collection of dark poems that I use to write or have written at night ! ... More

author's note
Becoming the darkness
spark in the dark
what is darkness? we'll never know?
my dark heart
the dark one
dark unicorn
dark angles
the dark room
sleepless nights
shy moon,
moon that shines so bright
wings of darkness
lost in thoughts
five times a thousand
hello once again
sweat darkness
open wounds
mouth full of posion
her poison kiss
reaching out to sanity
lightness sun
lightless candle
the flower of evil
angle abandoned
why poets loves rain?
if i wasn't there
suicide is love
give me rest
the lonely day
sleeping in the rain
my unblind sins
like a book
death lullaby
above me again
i am so far away form hope
neglectful hell
nothing left to say
stop wishing
take my blood instead
dear death
i'm not............
night walks
I've seen the devil tonight
a fever
my reflection
gathering dark
truths lies and i
heart:the destruction
Veins Remember
dreaming of tears
shadow echo
drink deep
nightmare:the secret

black posion

53 14 0
By immortalizedlies

Drip drop the poison seeps though the veins

She cries out for help as the thick smoking veils cover her vision. Who can hear her cry as her defense break down? I can and it breaks my heart to hear her scream. Won’t you help to save the mother that has helped us all at one time? When you fell of your bike weren’t you glad that instead of tar there was grass? Or the one that held you when your favorite animal died? Or how about your best friend? The one who dried your tears at your first heartbreak? The ones that laughed at your jokes no matter how bad. Do come out we can all hear you. Stop hurting yourself we can see the scars. We love you and that’s what counts.

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