Capture My Soul: A Lucifer Fa...


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Lorelai Thomas is the poster child for being a Good Girl. Well mannered, outstanding grades and a need to suc... Еще

Chapter One: First Encounter
Chapter Two: Thoughts About You
Chapter Three: Dazed and Confused
Chapter Four: Wining and Dining
Chapter Five: Desire Unto Thee
Chapter Six: Foot Fetish
Chapter Seven: Consequences of Actions
Chapter Eight: Dark Haze
Chapter Nine: Dont Stop
Chapter Ten: Field Trip
Chapter Eleven: Distractions
Chapter Twelve: Interruptions
Chapter Thirteen: Affection and Trepidation
Chapter Fourteen: Lustful Antics
Chapter Fifteen: Beautiful Horrors
Chapter Sixteen: Cinderella
Chapter Eighteen: Dance the Night Away
Chapter Nineteen: First Time
Chapter Twenty: Revelations
Chapter Twenty One: The Attack
Chapter Twenty Two: Reassurances
Chapter Twenty Three: The Doctor Is In
Chapter Twenty Four: Falling
Chapter Twenty Five: Inseparable
Chapter Twenty Six: Please, Sir
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Truth Shall Set Me Free
Chapter Twenty Eight: Torture of the Soul
Chapter Twenty Nine: Hope and Fear
Chapter Thirty: Sacrafice
Authors Note

Chapter Seventeen: The Gala

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We took Lucifer's car to the gala, which was located on the bluffs of some cliffs overlooking the city. The warm night air thankfully hadnt ruined my hair as we drove, but it did soothe my nerves. I had no idea what to expect and hoped that it was nothing I couldnt handle. When we arrived, however, I had no idea how big an event this gala actually was.

"Its for some charity," Lucifer added with a shrug when I asked. "Its really more of an excuse for LA's elite to host an extravagant party, receiving an invitation is actually quite hard to come by." He had looked over at me with a smirk, as if this would impress me. I already knew of his reputation and how formidable he could be, so I had snarked back with a grin. "So whos soul did you bargain with to get us in?" this earned me one of his bellowing laughs and I chuckled, shaking my head.

Now, as we entered, I clung to Lucifer as we headed in. The house was huge, towering over me more so than Lucifer did. White columns were on both sides of the front door, across from the impressive cul de sac of a driveway. Unfortunately, we wouldnt be stepping into the house. A red carpet on the side of the property led us to an enormous entryway; a garland of various types of white flowers. We walked underneath it and into the back of the house and I was floored at the sight. Ivory lined tables lay on a faux floor. A massive canopy style tent was set up in the back of the party where a band played beneath it, a dance floor stationed underneath. Guests milled around the yard, LA's finest dressed to the nines. Tall flower arrangements sat on the neatly arranged tables. A few feet away from us a pretty Asian woman sat, smiling and greeting guests, letting them know where they would be seated.

We approached the table and I watched in amusement as the hostess' eyes widened at the sight of Lucifer. "H-hi, welcome to the third annual LA childrens charity," her voice was slightly high pitched, something that you know would get old fast, "can I get your names please?"

"Lucifer Morningstar, there should be two seats under my name." The woman looked down at her list and highlighted the seats  "okay youre at table twenty four, enjoy your evening." She still hadnt even acknowledged my presence and I was hit with an unfamiliar wave of jealousy. This was the first time I had ever had to feel jealous about someone ogling my date. Lucifer led us down to the seating area and I couldnt help but stare open mouthed at everything. The house was located on a cliff overlooking LA and you could see the city lights shining below. "This is amazing," I breathed. I looked up at Lucifer and found him watching me with some amusement. "What?" I asked. Lucifer chuckled, shaking his head. "Nothing, love. Lets find our seats and get a drink."

We found our seats, being the first ones at the table. I put my clutch down, picking up the menu card that sat in front of my space. The food consisted of seared pork belly, asparagus soup, linguine alla carbonara, sirloin steak, and blood orange oil cake and I wondered how different my palette would be after tonight. "Champagne?" I glanced up to see a waiter had approached us. "Yes, of course," Lucifer pulled two flutes from the tray, nodding his thanks as he handed me one. "A toast," he said. I raised my glass, waiting for him to go on. "To us," my heart fluttered and I smiled shyly, clinking our glasses together. We took a sip and I hummed in appreciation. I glanced around to see the area was filling up, trendy couples walking around with drinks in their hands.

"So what should I expect this evening?" I asked, finding him watching me. "Well, dinner, dancing, possibly some charitable auctions, drunken spectacles, fights, the usual," I laughed and Lucifer grinned. "The usual, huh? Well, tonight should be a night to remember then,"

"Oh, darling, it will be," Lucifer leaned in, putting his hand on the small of my back and kissing the spot below my ear. I shivered and gave him a careful look. "Mr. Morningstar we're in a public place," I scolded. Lucifer grinned, that mischievous glint in his eyes. "I know, makes it all the more fun, dont you think?" I bit my lip, fighting a smile and looked around the venue again. Deciding to change the subject, I asked "do you know anyone here?" Lucifer seemed amused at my blatant switch but otherwise ignored it. "Some, mostly those in attendance are high up execs and CEO's, some are directors and producers, small time actors." I nodded along as he spoke, wondering if by chance there would be anyone here I would recognize, though I doubted it.

Lucifer suggested we walk around some, so, taking his hand, he led me into the crowd as I sipped my champagne glass gingerly. We approached the bar but were stopped when a booming voice called out. "Morningstar!? Is that you, ya son of a bitch!" We turned around to see a middle aged man with blond hair approaching. Lucifer seemed to recognize him and immediately jumped into conversation with him. Lucifer introduced me, polite as he is, but the man, Mr. Hardy as it were, soon dismissed me. I stood off to the side, close enough to Lucifer but not really engaging in conversation.

"Its a drag, isnt it?" I looked over to see a striking young woman dressed in red. She stood a few feet from me, smoking a cigarette. Her bright red lipstick matched her dress. Her hair, jet black and cut to her shoulders helped to pale her. She reminded me of a more rebellious snow white. Her pale blue eyes watched me, "Im sorry?" I said. She smirked, gesturing around the place with her cigarette. "All of this? Milling around, while the men talk business," her voice was thick and throaty, I guess from the habit she had. I shrugged, a small smile dancing on my lips. "I wouldnt know, this is my first time to an event like this." Her eyes danced with humor and she glanced from Lucifer to me. "Mistress?"

"Girlfriend," I said, slightly horrified. She chuckled, taking another drag before offering me her hand. "Rhian, my husband is the CEO of a pharmaceutical company." I shook it, giving her a small smile. "Lorelai, Im here with Lucifer Morningstar." Rhian's eyes widened slightly at the mention of his name and she nodded. "Ah, hes been quite notorious in some of our social circles."

"Social circles?" I asked. She nodded, taking another drag as her eyes wandered. "Mm the wives of these," she gestured with her hand in the air, "men. Bored wives mostly," she said with a wry grin. "Its really the only thing we do, sit, drink, gossip."

"That doesnt seem like much fun." She shrugged, meeting my gaze again. "Well we're taken care of. Not to mention," she leaned in conspiratorially, glancing around and I did the same. "We know all the ins and outs of these people." She jerked her chin towards an elderly man, a young blonde woman on his arm. "Like Hank over there, works for an insurance firm. Thats Delilah, his latest wife. Hes nearly seventy and has been married eight times." My eyes widened and she smirked at my response. She pointed to another woman, an older one with her hair wrapped up in an elegant bun. She wore a power suit and held a glass of wine in her hand as she spoke with companions. "Thats Eleanor, shes been sleeping with her pool boy. Hes just barely eighteen, her husband has no idea." I scoffed and she chuckled. "So this is what high society is? Glitz, glam and gossip?"

"Pretty much, these events are mostly for people to show off their money and accomplishments." I shook my head in disbelief, downing the rest of my drink. A waiter, almost magically, appeared a moment later to take the empty glass from me. After a murmured thanks I turned back to Rhian. "So what do people say about Lucifer?" She smirked, glancing back at him. He was still deep in conversation with Mr. Hardy, now another gentleman had joined in their conversation. "Well," Rhian started, "mostly hes known for being the lively one at these events. Party boy type you know," she gestured with her hand that held the cigarette and I wondered if it would be rude of me to ask her to put it out. "Always has a different date with him, isnt afraid to throw around his money. But, from what Ive heard, people seem to believe hes part of some organized crime division in LA." My eyebrows rose and she chuckled at my expression, nodding. "Hes known for giving out favors, most with the promise of an I-owe-you in return. Nobody quite knows how or when he collects though."

"Wow," I breathed, glancing back at Lucifer. He had never mentioned anything like that to me before, but then again we hadnt known each other for all that long. Id assume that if he was involved in anything remotely shady that he'd keep me separate from it, but I doubted any of what Rhian said was true. Lucifer worked alongside the LAPD, I doubted he could be involved with anything illegal. "I wonder what theyll all say about me." I muttered. Rhian grinned, her eyes shining in a way that seemed like it had been a while since she genuinely did so. My heart went out to her, assuming she was as much a trophy wife as was Delilah over there. It must be hard to sit around and look pretty, expect to be a housewife with no real purpose in life other than being the eye-candy on your husbands shoulder. Then again, she chose this, I thought.

"If you stick with him long enough, youll find out," she chuckled. "Rhian!" A womans voice called to her and we both looked to see a redhead waving from across the venue. "Excuse me, its been a pleasure, Lorelai. Come find me again if you get bored." She winked with a smirk, going after whoever had called her and taking the smell of cigarettes with her. "Was that Rhian Reeves?" A hand on my back had me turning around to see Lucifer leaning in towards me. I glanced back, losing sight of Rhian as she disappeared in the crowd. "Yeah, she started talking to me. Letting me in on all the secrets around here." I smirked. Lucifer smiled in his devil-may-care way, pulling me into him. "Oh? Anything youd like to share?"

"Nope, especially not all the things she told me about you," I teased. Lucifer's eyes flashed and for a moment I thought I saw panic in them. It was gone, though, as quickly as it had come, being replaced with his usual smug demeanor. "All good things, I hope."

"Not at all," I said with a smirk, leaning up to whisper in his ear. "You have quite the reputation, Mr. Morningstar, one Im planning to learn more about soon." My teeth grazed his ear and I felt his body relax. Something about my earlier words had made him nervous and I wondered what that could be. I didnt want to accuse him of hiding something, but there was definitely something he was keeping from me. My distraction worked however and he easily slipped back into his devilish demeanor.

"Ladies and gentleman!" A loud voice called, causing the slew of elite to turn their heads towards the stage and dance floor. A young man with slicked back, dark hair stood with a smile that screamed rich playboy. "My name is Mike Corvin and I will be you emcee this evening. I hope youre all having a wonderful time but I would like to ask if you could all take your seats, as dinner is served!" The crowd started moving forward and Lucifer pulled me closer to him as we walked to the table. Three other couples were seated there when we finally arrived, one of which was Rhian and her husband. She gave me a small smile as I sat down next to her, Lucifer sitting on my right. "Get ready for a show," she murmured in my ear. I grinned, earning a second smile from her.

Dinner was served shortly after we sat down. One by one our courses were served to us, and all were better than the last. By the end of the meal I felt as if they would have to roll me out of there. Dinner was filled with a lot of interesting conversation. I learned that the two other couples were Mr and Mrs. Addison, an elderly couple who were quite sweet and had donated a small fortune to support the charity tonight. The other couple was a younger one, Ian Delney and his girlfriend Veronica Roberts; she was model and he was a movie producer. They were both very artsy and I gathered that spending too much time with either one of them would test anyones patience. Rhian and I talked for quite a bit and I hoped that she would keep in touch after this evening. Her husband was polite but somewhat cold, so I didnt try to keep up with any conversation with him.

Overall, I was enjoying the evening so far. So when about halfway through our main course, Lucifer put his hand on my knee below the table, I didnt think too much about it, just continued on with my conversation with Rhian about the last event and how the Marks' had gotten into a huge argument during dinner. We were placing bets on whether or not they would do so again and it seemed like Rhian was about to win. When Lucifer started to slowly slide his hand up my leg however, it caught my attention. I glanced over at him to see him continuing eating like nothing was amiss. I raised a brow but continued eating, seeing where he was going with this. When his fingers finally reached their destination, he began to slowly rub and I bit my lip. I glanced over at him, seeing a smirk dancing on his face.

I couldnt believe how brazen he was being, I mean I guess I could believe it, but I was shocked. Im not exactly sure what made me do it, but without thinking I leaned down, retrieving my napkin that had conveniently fallen to the floor. Lucifer looked down at me. "You alright, love?" there was amusement dancing in his eyes, but two could play at this game. "Oh Im fine, just getting my napkin." I reached under the table, laying my hand on his ankle. As I rose, I let my hand slide up his leg util my hand was in his lap. Our gazes locked and I slowly started to rub over his dress pants, a smug smirk on my face as I felt his physical response.

The world disappeared around us as his hand paused in their movements, but mine kept going. I wasnt backing down and soon I watched as his eyes went from smug to filled with lust. I broke our gazes to look around the table, but our dinner companions were caught up in their own conversations. I fixed my gaze down at my plate, eating another bite of my food while I worked. I heard Lucifer exhale slightly and snuck a peek up at him. He was watching me with a mixed look in his eye and I couldnt help but smirk. "What?" I whispered. His hot gaze burned through me as he leaned in to murmur in my ear, "you are stunning." His lips grazed my cheek sweetly and I blushed, trying to contain a small smile.

"You two are adorable," cooed Mrs. Addison. I gave her a warm smile. "Im a lucky man," Lucifer agreed, smiling at me. I quickened my movements beneath the table, feeling him stiffen beside me and suddenly got an idea. "Um, Lucifer," I mumbled. He looked down at me, my tone of voice catching him off. He frowned, "Yes, love?"

"Do you think you could show me where the restroom is? I think id get hopefully lost if I tried to hunt it down by myself." Understanding shown in his eyes and I removed my hand. He took a deep breath and I watched as he tried to compose himself. "Of course, come along," he stood up and I held my breath, half fearing that our indiscretion would be standing up for all to see, but was surprised to see that there was nothing to fear. Lucifer offered me his hand and I took it, rising from my seat, grabbing my clutch in the last second. "Would you excuse us,"Lucifer adressed the table with a courteous nod.

He led us through the other tables, passing other guests. I felt as if everyones eyes were on us, knowing where we were about to sneak off to, but of course that fear was all in my head. Lucifer led us into the house and I tried not to stop and gape as he whisked us quickly up the grand staircase. We went down a long hallway, finally getting to a bathroom at the end. We stepped inside and as soon as I had pulled the door shut, Lucifer pushed me against it, his mouth attacking mine.

I groaned as he clutched me to him desperately, his hands roaming over my body needingly. I pushed his tux jacket off his shoulders, my hands running up and down his chest. We pulled apart briefly, both gasping and I saw a fire in his eyes that ignited my own. I didnt even stop to take in our surroundings, my eyes only seeing him. That darker part of myself bloomed up then and I found myself dropping to my knees in front of him and hurrying to yank his zipper down. "Lorelai!" he gasped slightly as my mouth finally made contact with my goal.

He groaned and I sucked, eyes wide and looking up at him. "You are a sight, Miss Thomas." he groaned as I continued. I worked at a relentless pace, not stopping to catch my own breath and working until he finally came down my throat. "Lorelai," he moaned as I sucked down every last drop. He fell to his knees in front of me, our lips finding each other once more. This time, when he kissed me, there was something severely different about it. It was hot and passionate, but with an underlying layer of pure affection. I couldnt breathe, my mind spinning as his hands cupped my face.

"If you werent in that dress," he mumbled againstm y lips, hands groping me again, "I would make you mine right here and now." I smirked against his lips, feeling him grow hard against me again. I pushed him down on the floor, hovering over him. He looked up at me and I smirked seductively. "Unfortunately, youre not in charge here," I murmured. His eyes widened, "why, why, Lorelai you are quite the little-"

"Minx? I know, you bring it out in me." I interrupted, his grin growing. It disappeared though when I went down on him again, his low moans echoing in the bathroom. Twenty minutes later we lay on the cold floor, both breathing heavy. I had grown increasingly damp between my legs and hoped that Lucifer would be returning the favor when we went home tonight. I looked over at him and he turned his head to look at me. "You continue to surprise me," he murmured, "I dont know whether to worship at your feet or be terrified at the power youre wielding over me."

I giggled, causing him to grin. "I think you have that the wrong way around, you seem to be controlling me." Another look I couldnt decipher crossed his face and I leaned on to peck his lips. He smiled warmly, sitting up after a moment. I watched his body as he moved, taking in the way his dress pants hung from his hips. "I like those suspenders," I murmured. He turned around, a wicked glint in his eyes. "Ill keep that in mind, Miss Thomas. For now though, we should be getting back." he helped me up off the floor and I was greeted with my reflection in the mirror.

My eyes were large and too bright, my hair slightly matted from where I lay on it. Sweat beaded my forehead and my lipstick was smudged to hell. "Ill give you a moment to freshen up, dont take too long," he murmured, kissing the top of my head. He grabbed his jacket, slipping it back on before leaving the bathroom.

I looked back at the woman in the mirror, wondering who in the world she was. This was not Lorelai Thomas, this was someone new and daring. A woman who was confidant and sexy and in control. The woman in the mirror gave me a haughty smirk, yes, I thought, I think I like her.

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