Book 2: Millennium Love (Thie...

By Treacherous_Rex

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Bakura, ever since he met Marik, has always been fond of the blonde Egyptian. After Melvin (Malik) had taken... More

Intro (Not First Chapter Nor Prologue)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Nineteen

78 2 0
By Treacherous_Rex

Me and Melvin: The mythical Bakura blush!
Bakura: The what?
Ryou: Don't ask. They are just being weird since they've never seen you blush.
Bakura: Are you serious?
Ryou: Completely.
Bakura: But I am a blushing buffoon when Marik is around.
Ryou: I know. I guess neither of them pay any attention.
Me and Melvin: Hey! Stop talking behind our backs!
Ryou: *giggles* You two are cute!
Me and Melvin: *looks at one another then start gagging*
Melvin: I'd rather date Florence.
Me: I'd rather get banished to the Shadow Realm for all eternity.
Bakura: *laughs* Good one, Ryou. You made them shut their faces real quick.
Ryou: *blushes* B- but I was being serious...
Me: *shivers* Ew...
Melvin: But we are together, Creampuff...
Ryou: I know but I just can't help it. You two remind me of Marik and Bakura. Always bickering and acting like you hate one another.
Me and Melvin: We do hate each other!
Ryou: *giggles*
Me: Anyways, I hope you all enjoy while I go vomit.

Marik's POV

"What the frig is taking him so long?" I grumbled to myself as I laid back in my bed. "It's been two weeks. Shouldn't he have checked if I was alive by now? Frig!" I rolled over, groaning at my aching and sore joints. As of late, the past week actually, I have been physically exhausted. Like I am getting up in the middle of the night and doing some hardcore workouts.

I actually use to do that but stopped due to the lack of sleep making me look less and less gorgeous. So, instead I keep to eating healthy and being as active as I can in my normal waking hours. It's worked so far, though Ryou's cooking I fear will have me gain so much weight.

That innocent limey puts drugs in his food, I know it! There's no other way his food can be so good!

Anyway... Uh... What was I talking about?

"Oh yeah! Frigin' Binky Boy being a dick! He won't just come and say anything! Does he not want me to leave this room, ever?" Laying on my stomach, I rested my head on my arms as I stared at my wall behind the head of my bed.

"I hope he wasn't serious on kicking me out," I mumbled to myself.

Normally I didn't try to think like this, because being a Debby-downer is lame and only meant for people like Bakura. However, I can't help it. I was fine at first- well, more like angry at first- but as the days turned to two weeks I have begun to get worried. I haven't heard a peep from Bakura. I'll hear when he leaves and comes home but, other than that, nothing. He doesn't speak, not even to shout at Ryou. I don't even think he has allowed Ryou to take over at all.

I gave an annoyed huff as I forced my fine, aching body to sit up. "It's all Bakura's fault. He just had to lose his temper and say those stupid things. If he would have just listened to me then we'd be still working to get the Pharaoh's Puzzle." I rolled my eyes as I laid back down on my back, looking up at my ceiling.

"Why would he even say stuff like that? He's such a frigin' ass. Stupid ancient homosexual spirit." Still unable to get the thoughts out of my mind, I simply continued to talk out loud. With no one around to hear me complain, I have had to rely on myself and I've realized how much I talk. It made me wonder if I always talk this much.


"I mean, I'm his eye candy! Why would he want to send me away?"

Yes, I know Bakura stares at me. I'm not stupid. Besides, have you all seen me? Why wouldn't he stare? I have worked hard to get this sexy body so I want it to be admired!

What was I talking about again? Oh yeah!

"He's a frigin' jerk and I hate him," I grumbled as I crossed my arms over my chest.

At this moment, I decided to play back what Bakura had said to me before I walked away from him. Though I wished to ignore them, they always played back to me crystal clear as if he were shouting to me again.

"You are so bloody annoying that I have been wanting to suffocate you with a pillow at night."

"He didn't mean that, right?" I mumbled to myself.

"I have been dragged through some of the worst hell and back because of your plans that I can't but laugh at how much you think you're actually evil."

"It was always his fault or everyone else's fault when my plans didn't work. He just doesn't want to admit that. If I'm so flawed why doesn't he come up with any plans of his own?" I growled.

"You're a joke and I can't believe I have wasted so much time with you and your pathetic shenanigans."

I grabbed my pillow that was below my head and used it to cover my face. "You're no basket of roses yourself."

"...all I have done is bend to your damn will. Making us "friends"."

I clenched onto my pillow as I pushed it more on my face, not caring how much of my eyeliner gets on the case. "Are we really not friends?"

I'm not going back to Egypt. That's just not going to happen, ever. But, maybe I should leave. I've contemplated the idea before but I pushed it to the side thinking Bakura would come around.

It's been two weeks...

"I don't think he's coming around."

I took the pillow off my face and got off my bed as I headed to my closet and pulled out my suitcase. Deep down I really didn't want to leave but I can't sit forever. I had to continue on to obtain the Puzzle and the God cards.

Bakura's POV

"Are you actually going to do it?" Ryou asked, his translucent figure appearing besides as I headed back to the apartment.

"Do not talk to me as if everything is fine between us," I snapped. "You realize how many times I nearly broke character when with Yugi? Next time I go on one of these hang-outs you are to keep your bloody mouth shut. Do I make myself clear?"

It wasn't too long ago that Yugi and I said our farewells and split ways. Once at a decent distance I had retained my own appearance and that's when Ryou decided to come out and pester me once again.

"I promise. Now, are you going to go do it?" Ryou asked once more, his face struck with a wide smile and his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"If I am, what does it matter to you? I am only going to do so to ensure our continuation of our plan. Which involves destroying your friends and quite frankly the world," I stated causally, hoping to get a reaction out of him.

"We'll deal with that when it comes upon us. Right now we need to work on how you are going to do it," Ryou said seriously.

"I'm going to apologize. What is needed to be worked on?" I sneered.

Ryou raised an eyebrow at me, seeming to verbally ask if I was serious. "You realize this is Marik you are going to apologize to, right?" Ryou asked.

"Just piss off! I know him better than you and I know what I am doing," I growled.

"Oh yes, like you and words get along so well," Ryou mocked.

"You want to get sent back to the Shadow Realm?" I threatened.

"I only wish the best for you, other me. Besides, Marik is my friend too and I don't want to lose him."

"You don't want him to leave because then your psychotic boy toy will be gone too," I stated.

"True. I won't argue against you with that but don't think I only care for Malik in this strange group of ours."

Ryou and I both went silent for a while. It wasn't until our apartment building was in sight that Ryou decided to speak once again.

"Good luck, other me. If you truly believe you can handle this then I will lock myself in my Soul Room and leave you two alone. Just come get me if you need help."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Don't insult me."

With no more words apparently needing to be said, Ryou vanished within his Soul Room and I felt the exact moment he closed the connection between us. It was strange due to us not having been like this for so long. I had to take a few moments to get comfortable.

"Alright. Let's destroy my pride," I mumbled to myself as I headed into the apartment, taking the stairs until I reached our floor. I pulled out my key and unlocked the door, slowly entering the house, ensuring to be as quiet as possible. I don't know why but I didn't want Marik to know I was back...if he was still here.

I shook my head to get the thoughts out of my head. Not hearing a single thing from Marik, my brain has assumed the worst. I don't know, with how I have been acting in these past two weeks, how I'd react or act after I knew Marik was actually gone.

I shook my head again and rubbed my forehead.

"Melvin and Ryou went on a date just last night," I mumbled to myself. "He's still here. Stop panicking."

Taking a deep breath, swallowing my fear and pride, I headed down the hallway that lead to, first, my room and then Marik's room and stopped at Marik's door. I brought my clenched hand up to head level but was unable to knock right away. I took another deep breath, forcing myself to ignore my stubborn side to try and see from Marik's side.

I got this. I got this. I got this.

Closing my eyes I forced my knuckles to make contact with Marik's door twice before quickly withdrawing a step away from the door.

I got this. I got this. I got this.

Many moments passed and my thoughts began to wander but I forced myself to keep repeating my same thoughts.

I got this. I got this. I got this.

Finally, after what felt like another millennium, the door opened. Behind the door was Marik, completely dressed and looking normal. However, unlike what I expected- which was for Marik to start talking- he said absolutely nothing. He leaned against his partially opened door and crossed his arms as he looked at me with a blank expression.

This is Marik...right?

I swear if Melvin took over I am going to kick his ass.

My nerves finally kicking in, I found myself mimicking his same pose but standing on my own rather than leaning against something else. My gaze was stern, rather than blank, and I began to feel myself get angry again.

"If I go to try and apologize," I started off, finally, "will you keep quiet long enough to allow me to say what I have to say?"

Not responding to me, I took that as a yes. Quickly rethinking what I had planned to say, I began to speak my mind.

"First, let me explain what I was trying to say earlier before you-" I caught myself and took a quick breath to calm my nerves a bit before going on. "Before we decided to neglect one another's points. The reason I said I thought it would be best for you to leave wasn't me trying to kick you out. I just simply thought it'd be better for the both of us if you were safely hidden away. It would allow you better primary sources to look for answers to the scars on your back while it allowed me to gain Yugi's friendship just a bit quicker. However, I have done much thinking and realized how you must of felt. For you, this is your first time working alongside someone and since we are friends I had no right to try and talk you into going to a place you wish to avoid. I may not know exactly why but I know it has left scars on you. Quite literally it seems." I paused, seeing if Marik had anything to say but he still didn't give me anything. So, I cleared my throat and continued on.

"So, I want to..." I trailed off, suddenly finding it difficult to say these last few words. I was doing just fine! What the bloody hell?

Come on! Just say the words, damn it! I have lied and made things go my way for so long that this should come easily. The truth isn't any different then lying! They are just words!

Unable to look at Marik, I turned my head and quickly forced myself to say, "So, I want to apologize for everything I said to you and for being an inconsiderate wanker."

That isn't what I had planned to say... I just wanted to do a simple apology...

Damn it! I blame Yugi! His attitude is stuck on my shirt.

With no response, I began to feel my apology was in vane. I have never been around Marik this long without him saying at least something. Making some sort of stupid noise. I don't even care if he rants off at me. I just want to hear him say something. I don't want to-

"Have you been spying on me?" Marik finally asked.

I turned to him, giving him a confused expression while simultaneously feeling relieved to hear his voice again. Even more so, his face was back to looking like normal. Full of emotion and signs that I'm going to have to suffer through a lot of his bullshit...

Why did I want to apologize to him again?

"No! Why the bloody hell would I spy on you?" I snapped.

"Because I don't know how much more you could have been dramatically late," Marik stated as he opened his door all the way to reveal his suitcase all packed and ready to go.

My eyes went wide with disbelief as I looked at Marik. "You..." I looked away from him, mentally kicking myself.

Of course he was leaving. Why wouldn't he? I took too damn long. If I was in his shoes I would have left much sooner. Well, if it's what he desires. But... Why do I feel so-

"Gah! Now I have to unpack! You are so frigin' mean to me!" Marik groaned as he slumped his arms and head down with a lack of motivation. "And it took so long to fit everything in there..."

"I thought you were leaving!" I growled at him, getting irritated with all these emotions I'm not use to.

"Well I was! But noooo! You just had to come around and apologize after I pack all of my stuff!" Marik shouted but it was nothing like when we argued two weeks ago. It was just Marik being his normal self.

It felt great. Seeing him back to himself, I found that the atmosphere around me seemed lighter.

As Marik continued on and on with his complaints of his packing struggles I found my mouth curving into a snicker before gradually it grew more and more into a smirk. Not long after, I had to cover my mouth to try and cover the giggles coming from my lips as I held my stomach. Soon I couldn't control myself and so laughed and laughed to the point where I had to get support from the wall behind me.

By this point Marik was more than not confused as he went silent and watched me laugh.

"Did Ryou say something? What's with you?" Marik finally asked.

Motioning Marik I was fine to only burst back into laughter I found myself unable to figure out why I was laughing. It was different, too. I laugh quite a bit (Marik can vouch for that) but never like this. I could tell from what I could see of Marik's face that he noticed it as well.

I just couldn't stop. It was like I was stricken with a case of the giggles. It was odd but a relief too. Though I wanted to stop I found myself wishing I could laugh like this more often.

However, I quickly forced myself to stop when I caught myself speaking in a language I didn't recognize. Though I had no idea what language it was I found myself knowing exactly what I said. "You're so funny, Badru."

"When did you learn Ancient Egyptian?" Marik quickly shouted.

"Never!" I snapped at him, no longer feeling the affects of the mood before hand, and now angry that he was shouting at me.

"Then what the hell was that?" Marik asked. "That was clear Ancient Egyptian!"

"I've been dealing with stuff all day! I don't know what the bloody hell is wrong with me!" I growled.

"Well, who's Badru?" Marik asked, his voice back to normal, which still might as well be shouting.

"I don't have any bloody idea! It's the first time I've ever heard of it!" I angrily responded back.

"Well, ok. I suppose we can talk about it later. It's probably just some of your old memories. You know, before the Millennium Ring," Marik seemed to more mumbled to himself rather than talk to me.

That caused my mind to remember. "Hey! While you were sulking around in your room," I snickered, "I got closer with our little Yugi."

"Wait, really? Is that why you were out today? You actually continued with it?" Marik asked.

I wanted to smack him. Instead of inflicting pain on him, I facepalmed- which stung quite a bit- before grumbling, "Of course. When haven't I gone through with any of your plans?"

Marik went to say something but soon stopped as he seemed to have to think about what I said. He pondered for a good few moments before seeming to finally have found what he was looking for. "Yes you have! When I told you to bring Ryou back to make the Pharaoh surrender but you instead took over last minute. So, there! You didn't go through with one of my plans then."

"My host dies and you can kiss me goodbye!" I snapped.

"Holy frig! Can we go one minute without you trying to come onto me?" Marik asked as he turned his attention away from me and began to head down the hall.

"I didn't mean it literally, that time!" I shouted after him as I grabbed onto his arm. "So will you just shut your buggering face for three seconds so I can tell you what I learned today?"

"Alright alright," Marik said as he pulled his arm out of my grasp. "Jeez. Let's just go get something to eat. I have been stuck in that damned room for two weeks and would like some fresh air. Plus, I don't know about you but I am starving." Marik continued on until he reached the front door, grabbing the key to his motorbike and opening the front door. Marik turned around and scowled at me, as I stood dumbly in the middle of the hall.

"Are you coming or not? I know Napoleon intimidates you but he doesn't bite," Marik stated, unintentionally teasing me.

I growled as I pulled my Millennium Ring from underneath my shirt. It was starting to irritate my skin and I figured if Marik wanted to chance us getting caught by Yugi and the others that I might as well go full out. "Alright. Fine. But don't ever talk about Napoleon like that to me again or I'll be sure your entire suitcase burns."

"Okay!" Marik chirped as he dashed out the door.

"Last one to Napoleon is a wanker," Marik shouted from behind the door, doing his best British impression when saying the word "wanker". Not feeling like running, I followed after Marik, locking the apartment behind me. As I began to make my way down the stairs I found myself smirking.

I rather like my life. Can't believe I am thinking such things but it's not so bad here. Then again, I probably had the same thoughts in my old life. And...could what Marik say be true? I am actually having bits of my memory returning to me? If so, why? Why now more than before?

"Ha! Guess you are a wanker!" Marik's voice broke through my thoughts, causing me to realize I was outside the apartment building and closing the distance between me and Marik- who was already on Napoleon.

"Oh piss off," I retorted but much more casually than I meant to. Luckily for me, Marik didn't notice, or simply didn't care, as he held out my helmet. I sighed as I reluctantly took it and put it on while sitting on the spot right behind Marik.

"Don't kill us," I stated as I slowly wrapped my arms around Marik's waist.

"Screw that! I'm doing a wheelie all the way there!" Marik shouted triumphantly as he turned on his motorbike and quickly took off at fast speeds. In only a few moments I found Marik was already doing a wheelie. Fear consuming my body I quickly held onto Marik tighter as I closed my eyes.

"You are a bastard, Marik!" I shouted.

Marik could only laugh, and though I was terrified I found a bit of myself just glad to be back to my normal, very annoying, life. It may be a pain in my ass, but this life is mine. He may be a pain, but without Marik my life would actually be rather boring.

How does that even make any sense? I may never find out why, but I truly didn't care anymore. I have a second chance at life, whether my past life was good or bad. Best to make the most out of what I got.

...Now I know Yugi has rubbed off on me.

Damn it...

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