Blackout Part II

By DarkwolfXX

510 19 8

The people of Earth had fought back with great force. Still, they have not won the war against the Delrath. A... More

Blackout Part II
Chatper 2 Part 1
Chapter 2 Part 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

chapter 3

42 1 0
By DarkwolfXX

Nexxus’ POV;

I was so close…she was right there …and I lost her.  Kham... I was right there, I almost had her. I can still see her little human hand reaching out for me to save her. I was so close. I almost had her…but that beast, Zino De Gloren, had to kick me up to that accursed electric spike. I can still feel it going through me. The sharp pain and the blood that spilled forth... He made me too weak to go after the human who I so long to protect. I’ll….I’ll kill him for what he’s done this time. That monster has influenced my life too much as it is and now he’s taken one of the two things actually precious to me and I will get her back if it’s the last thing I do with my miserable life. I cannot let Alana’s fate stay in the hands of that abomination!

I open my eyes. I’m back in my own apartments it would seem. I can’t move my left arm at all it feels like and with my other hand I can feel the slight pucker marks of stitches on my side. I must look like quite the sight. This is utter complete misery. Here I am resting in a bed while my Alana is in the hands of a brute and could very well me dead for all I know! I know this creature to be a vile assassin who can and will do anything to get what and who he wants. Why he took Alana is unknown to me.  He knows that the Delraths enslave species all the time, why would he want a human? What could be possible stand to gain by kidnapping a human?

“Master, you are awake?” I hear Luda say as she opened the door.  She walked into the room, heading toward a table and waiting for me to answer her, I suppose.

“Yes, how long have I been asleep Luda?” Please not be days, anything but days. If I’ve been out for days that means that Alana’s tracks would have gone cold by now and it would be even harder to find her.

“Five point four hours” Luda relayed from the desk. Thank god. That meant we could still track the pod he probably used and follow the beasts tracks and I will get my Alana back. That’s all I want to do. I want her out of the hands of that monster. Even if she doesn’t come back with me, I don’t want her to be subjected to De Gloren for the rest of her life. It would be unfair to her. There’s no easy choice in this, I know there is a selfish way and the right way. I’ve always considered myself to walk the right way. I will free Alana and I will restore her freedom to her at all costs. “Master, if I may ask” Luda turned to me, taking a seat and blinking curiously. I’m glad she’s developing a personality, curiosity is a good trait to first develop “Who was that strange creature who took Alana? He’s unlike anything in the databanks that I’ve come across.”

She must have been listening to other Delraths conversations and found out. I can’t find any signs of sorrow; she must have yet to develop that emotion. “That was a Hessassition, a species built for war. Eons ago they used the Delrath people as slaves, until we revolted and became our own nation. This particular one is the reason the Captain and I came into power over our people.” I spat bitterly. I’m doomed to feel utterly helpless forever aren’t I? I can’t stand up to my brother and I couldn’t protect Alana from this monster who threw my life into utter chaos. Alana my dear, I’m so sorry.

I promise I’d go into the gate of the human’s hell if it meant keeping you eternally safe. Why I want you safe I have no idea. I’m not supposed to care about you, let alone any human or even Luda. I feel nothing for the other slaves aside from guilt because they don’t even have themselves anymore. They’re zombies, lifeless, without souls. Alana I’m so sorry I could not save the others. I will save you no matter what. That I promise.

“How is that so Master Nexxus?” Luda questioned again.

“Luda, he was alive years ago, when I was still rather young. He murdered the Captain before Thrask because he’d made many enemies.  De Gloren was the one who ended my father.”

*Flash back*

Yes I am dying, yes I’m wounded and should be staying down and wait for the medic. I need to know who was killed though. Delraths were coming in and out of the captain’s office. Had a general been the target of the assassin who had died beside me? The men were hysterical, running in circles and asking where Thrask was. Why would they want Thrask if…oh no…Father!

I ran into the room and saw my father lying down in the middle of the floor, a pool of blood around him and he was spiting up blood, looking furious. I’d never seen the Captain so angry in my entire existence. I’d never seen him be defeated either. It was truly horrifying. “Father!” I ran toward him and knelt down, on arm propping me up, the other holding my wounds. I looked at him, a gaping hole in the middle of his chest. It was a wonder how me was able to cling to life this long.

The Captain looked at me, grimacing and disappointed. I’m used to this look of disdain for me on my father’s face. “Useless boy” he spat, more blood spilling from his mouth, it was truly a horrific sight to see the male who birthed me into the world like this. I was so used to seeing him strong, uncaring, and invulnerable. I’d never seen him bleed this much. “W-where’s your brother?”

“Right here father” Thrask came in, looking powerful and determined. He wasn’t wounded or anything. No, of course he wasn’t, Thrask had been in battle training and nothing could disturb him when he was there.  He kneeled beside me on one knee, his arm resting on top of it. My brother always looked this way; serious and unyielding-much like our father and Captain.

“Thrask” My father breathed, grimacing at the sky, “You’re in charge. You’re still young but I leave this ship in your capable hands” He looked at the two of us. The only offspring he’d ever had and the carriers of his memory, all his honor fell onto us.

“Yes Father” Thrask nodded, I looked at him, scared, and then back at my father. A world without Captain Delmak? That hadn’t ever come to mind with me. Thrask and father were eternal. Yes they brutalized me and humiliated me because of my intellect and then use that intellect to their own advantage, but what else did I have besides Klesk?

“Make sure the crew and the people are taken care of. And watch this one” the Captain nodded toward me  “make sure he stays safe so that the people could benefit from that big brain of his. Use him wisely boy” They often talked about me as if I were an object to buy and sell. Some part of me could be used for the people; some part of me could be used for war-that was how they split me apart.

“I will Captain. I promise”

Father looked at me, his eyes somewhat soft. I’d only seen those eyes once, and that was when the Captain had seen a child slaughtered before the three of us by an enemy. The look was full of hate, but also sympathy. “You obey your brother Nexxus. Make sure no one takes his life too”

“I promise”

Father died on the floor that day, thrusting his power upon the two of us. The body of his murderer was but into cryo-regeneration, Thrask thought you could never be too careful with Hessassition-they were crafty and full of tricks and brutality. We were introduced to the people as their leaders the day we got back to our home planet. We were going to be the hero’s of this world. The brains and the Captain could do no wrong.

*back to normal*

“I see then” Luda replied. I went off into my own world. I saw my father’s body again, I saw the look in Thrask’s eyes when he was announced to the people. He was proclaimed the successor of our father and would be even greater than him because he had me. We were the sons of the powerful Delmak. We could do no wrong. Look where we were now, fighting and wanting the others end. “Master, I received a good look at him when I was in his pathway-”

“You got in De Gloren’s way?” I snapped out of my thought “and you did not attempt to save Alana!” I was outraged. Alana could still be safe with me and Luda had just let him go.

“I analyzed his strength and there would have been nothing left of me if I had challenged him. If there was nothing left of me, who would care for you?”

“Blast me!” I roared, attempting to sit up yet wincing in pain, Luda guided me back down onto the mattress “What about Alana! What about her life! It’s our job to protect the human no matter what, even at the cost of our own lives.”

“But Master. If I died who would care for you? And if no one cared for you, who would go after the duo to save Alana?”

Kham, she’s right. If we aren’t alive who would bother going after Alana? Great, I’ll be recuperating from this ordeal for weeks and Luda would be working hard to get myself back into top condition. While we’re doing that, what will happen to my Alana? If we’re here, who is going to save her from the monster who murdered my father?

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