Through Music We Thrive

By DemonicBooks

76.2K 2.4K 255

Cecilia has been playing at the Opera Populaire as long as she can remember. She grew up there with many girl... More

I - Cecilia
II - Erik
III - Cecilia
IV - Erik
V - Cecilia
VI - Erik
VII - Cecilia
VIII - Erik
IX - Cecilia
X - Erik
XI - Cecilia
XII - Erik
XIII - Cecilia
XIV - Erik
XV - Cecilia
XVI - Erik
XVII - Cecilia
Author Note/Sequel News

XVIII - Erik

3.7K 118 11
By DemonicBooks

I stared at Christine as I waited for her to make her choice. Tears pooled in her doe brown eyes and threatened to spill but I held firm.

"Pitiful creature of darkness. What kind of life have you known?" She said approaching me. "God give me courage to show you, you are not alone." She reached up and placed her lips on mine.

Warmth and joy flooded my entire being. My love was kissing me without a shred of fear. I loosened my grip on the noose around Raoul's neck. She chose me is have to let him live unfortunately. Suddenly it dawned on me why she had kissed me.

She didn't love me. How could she? I was a monster, a murderer! I gently pushed her away and moved out of the water. "Take her. Forget me. Forget all of this." I said, trying to get as far away as I could. "Leave me alone and forget all you've seen. Go now! Don't let them find you."

I looked at Christine as she untied Raoul. "Take the boat, swear to me you'll never tell of the secrets you know of the angel in hell!" I growled. What have I done. "Go now! Go now and leave me!" I shouted stomping into my room. I slumped down on the floor and started the monkey music box I had.

I hummed as the monkey on top played it's cymbals. Suddenly there was a loud clanging noise and a yelp. I jumped to my feet and slipped out of my room to see a puddle of darkness slumped on the ground below.

"Cecilia?" Christine asked from the boat where she sat with Raoul. The puddle sat up and shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. "Cecilia you must leave with us. It's not safe here!"

She shook her head again. "No. Please go." She said slowly standing and making her way towards me. My breathing grew ragged as she neared. "Erik." She whispered.

I stared at her as she reached her hands up to touch my face. I flinched away. I could not bare for her to hate me as well. She frowned before lunging forward faster than a cricket and cradling my face in her hands.

Her hands were so cold as they cupped my face. She hummed, bemused. "Erik," she whispered again. "You, my love, are simply beautiful. I have known for some time that you were but now... I truly see you."

I felt tears slip down my cheeks. "What are you doing here?" Surely she was here to torture me.

"I came to tell you a secret." She whispered. "I don't want you to leave."

"Your lying." I said backing away. Everyone was lying. Christine, Raoul, Madam Giry, everyone.

"I'm not Erik please!" She exclaimed. "I love you!" I stopped in my tracks.

Surely I heard her wrong. I slowly turned around to look at her. Her face was flushed, her black hair a rugged mess. Her dress was torn in a few places. And she clutched the bow I  made her to her chest. And her eyes were open showing every emotion that swam through them. My heart swelled at what I saw.

She wasn't lying. I, for once, was at a loss. "You helped me when I fell. You understood my love of music. You made me a new bow free of charge. You helped me realize my blindness isn't a curse. Everything you did made me fall in love with you more and more each time." She said to me. "I love you."

I was so enthralled by her I didn't notice Raoul come up behind her. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down the stairs. "We are only trying to help you, Cecilia!" Christine shouted from the boat as Cecilia thrashed and failed trying to escape.

I was frozen in place, unable to move out of shock. The one woman who loved me was being dragged away and all I could do was watch in cursed silence. Her bow clattered to the ground. "Erik! Please don't let them-" she gasped as her feet hit the cold water and she was shoved into the small boat.

I started forward. I had just reached the edge of the water as they passed grate. "Cecilia!" I shouted, not knowing what else to do. Panic filled my lungs in place of air as I watched her go. She struggled and almost fell into the water before Raoul pulled her back.

She hit him and he returned the blow, knocking her unconscious. I felt my heart shattering at the sight of her slumped form on the edge of the boat. She had fought to get back to a monster like me. I'd find her again.

Even if it took me my entire life, I would find Cecilia again. I picked up her bow and hurried out of the lair through a secret mirror passage. I would find her. We would be together again.

Nothing could keep our music apart. I would reunite with the one I could truly call my love.

I would see her if it's the last thing I did before death.

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