XII - Erik

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I was not expecting to be followed. I fell into the mirror room and was followed by two more shadows. At first it was just Raoul then there was a shriek and a woman fell on top of him. I watched as he gently put her on her feet and she held his shoulder as she removed the heels she was wearing.

Her dark hair tumbled out of its perfect bun as she froze stiff. "Miss why are you down here? It is not safe for a lady down here." Raoul asked her and she simply shook her head angrily.

"I'm here to find... the phantom." She said my alias hesitantly. Cecilia. She pulled off her mask causing the rest of her hair to fall down her shoulders. She opened her eyes and sent a glare Raoul's way.

Raoul tried to find me in the various spinning mirrors around us and a look of panic crossed his face. I would kill him and lead Cecilia out of here. I couldn't kill her, her music didn't deserve to be silenced. Raoul spun around trying to pinpoint which reflection was truly me.

"Would you quit spinning around you fool!" Cecilia scolded Raoul. "I can't hear anything with you breathing so loud and shuffling your clothes. So do me the great honor and stop moving!" She growled at him. I had never seen this side of her before. She was always peaceful and calm, like a tree. Yet in this moment she reminded me of a vicious storm that could destroy me in moments.

Raoul froze and she listened. I held my breath and didn't move a muscle. I knew she would hear me if I so much as breathed wrong. I let out a sigh as Madam Giry opened the door leading back to the world of light.

"Come." she said. Grabbing both of them by their arms. I know she would probably explain things to them. I moved my way back to my lair clutching the ring and chain that Christine had been wearing. How could she get engaged to that fop! She was mine not his. Did he train that angelic voice of hers for years? No he did not. I brought all her potential to the surface. Not him.

I made my way to my miniature stage I had set up and stared longingly at the small figures on the stage. I found my eyes drifting to the orchestra pit, where a figure of Cecilia was sitting in that simple black performance dress playing that beautiful cello of hers.

If only Christine had never seen my face. Damn her curiosity. I thought of my angel's curly brown hair and doe like eyes. I thought of her beautiful voice. It pulled me in the first time I heard it. Almost the same way a certain cellist drew my attention.

I shook myself from my thoughts before removing my red cloak and outfit and changing into my normal black attire. I swapped my masks and went to my bed. All that I needed to do now was to wait for Don Juan Triumphant to be presented.

Once it showed I would get my angel.

Somehow the thought did not make me happy.

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