X - Erik

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She played for me until I drifted off to sleep. I didn't mean to fall asleep but the music was so calming I couldn't help myself. I slept and dreamt of my music mingling with someone else's song. It was so beautiful but I couldn't place if someone was singing or if someone playing an instrument. All I knew is I wanted to hear that sound when I awoke in Cecilia's bed.

She was not in the room, my mask was secure on my face, and her cello was not in its case. She must've gone to play somewhere else. I slowly stood and checked my pocket watch. Nearly midday already.

I made my way out of the room and back to my lair to think. I had to find a way to get Christine to come back to me. She was all that mattered.

I suddenly remember about the New Years Masquerade Ball. That would be the perfect opportunity to sway her back to my side. She couldn't truly love that slip of a man. He was destined for failure. Not to mention he had no style what so ever.

I settled in my lair and began my planning. I had to make another mask. A full mask would be great but not as much fun as I had in mind.

I also had to make a costume I suppose. Ideas flooded my mind and I got to work. I spent the next few days working on my costume alone. After I was finished with the costume I spent a day nursing my fingers. I had stabbed them a few times too many. It doesn't matter how many years I've been doing it, I still stab myself.

I then moved to the mask. And then I finished up Don Juan Triumphant to present to the idiots who ran my house. If things went as planned they would do my opera and I'd get Christine. If they didn't go as planned then I would still get Christine and they would miss out on a fabulous opera.

I sighed and slipped on my finished mask over my face. I smiled at my reflection before putting on the costume I had made.

I picked up the finished opera and made my way towards the music of the ball. Tonight would be a night to remember.

I would get my point across and get my angel back. She was all that mattered to me.

You're lying.

That same voice from before told me I was lying. About what? I thought. Christine was all that mattered to me. Her and my music. Nothing more.

My statement seemed to lose strength as I repeated it in my head. Why was this feeling back? I didn't want or need this right now. I released a snarl before making my way to the ballroom.

To where my Christine awaited me.

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