XV - Cecilia

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Erik was silent. He said nothing. He didn't move. I heard a shuddering breath before realizing he was crying. This man, who was so strong to make it through all the horrors Madam Giry spoke of, was crying at a few simple words said by a blind cellist.

"Erik. I'm going to keep playing." I mutter. I played off his feelings that seemed to permeate the room. I played slowly and shaky, like his breath. I played low and long notes, like his voice. I played softly and deftly, like his quiet sobs that seemed to echo through my room.

I slowly began to play a more joyful tune in an attempt to cheer him up. I didn't like his sadness. It was contagious. I attempted a happier tune and soon enough I could not hear anymore sobs or shaking breaths. I finished the song and turned my head towards where I thought he stood.

He took a deep breath. "Thank you." That was all he said before sweeping out of my room, cloth brushed my cheek as he escaped. I sighed and placed my cello in its case before changing and sliding into bed.

And much like how I was unable to sleep the day I met Erik, sleep evaded me tonight. I tossed and turned with a fluttery feeling in my stomach. I just wanted to sleep. I groan and sat up to glare across the room.

I swung my legs out of bed and stood to walk the length of my room. Sleep was a slippery little eel tonight and I wanted to catch it. I couldn't grow tired and the fluttery feeling wasn't going away. I groaned and sped out of my room.

I stomped down the hall with my thoughts ruling my obnoxious overactive mind. I kept my hand on the wall and was careful of each of the candle holders. I dreaded falling again.

I thought of Erik's past. Of mine. Of Christine and Raoul's. I thought of my future. And of Erik's. What would happen if he was caught by Raoul? Or if something causes him to snap like he did with the man who hurt him?

I suddenly realized I was thinking about Erik a lot. I stopped in my tracks and felt my face heat. I had been thinking about Erik for awhile now. Oh dear, this may be somewhat... different.

I never put a lot of attention into men. They all lied or were rude to someone who didn't deserve it. Yet Erik...

I shook myself and headed back to my room. I was acting like a young school girl all over again. I had more pride than this, but...

Erik was a bit different than many men. He was abused, treated like trash, and broken. He was kind, lonely, and warm. He was hardly a cold and sinister phantom. He was simply Erik to me. Just Erik...

At the thought of his name that strange fluttery feeling grew stronger. I didn't understand. It was just Erik. He had helped me on more than one occasion and was a kind man but he was still just Erik.

I got the feeling I knew something but couldn't put my finger on what it was that I supposedly thought I knew. In other words, I had a major headache.

I groaned and slipped into bed, again. I remembered there was some trick Meg used to do when she wanted to fall asleep. What was it? To blink rapidly, she said her eyelids got so tired she would too.

I suppose it worked. I slept fitfully but I slept.

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