
By dd5353

2.1K 71 26

wanderlust [ ˈwändərˌləst ] noun a strong desire to travel: "a man consumed by wanderlust" Hazel Green. She'... More

Juneau, Alaska
Juneau, Alaska Day 1
Juneau, Alaska Day 3
The Trip Back Home

Juneau, Alaska Day 2

273 15 1
By dd5353

"Carter freaking White! Get your arse off the roof right now!" I shout from the ground as I glare up at Carter's drinker figure.

"Ok," he slurs lazily as he starts sliding closer to the edge.

"Not that way! The way you got up!" I inform him as he starts to jump off of the roof. How did he even get up there?

"Well you have this situation handled, I'll be going in and getting wasted, ta ta Hazel," Cathy stumbles as she heads inside the club. Traitor. Carter's shoes disappear from my view and I hug myself as a cool breeze drifts by me. I'm stupid, I should have brought a jacket. I glance down the dark empty street and see a light filling one of the alleyways. I shrug and start heading to when I suppose was a garbage fire. Partying with homeless people! Maybe I can get them some stuff.... It isn't like I don't care at all. I round the corner and join the huddle of older men and women. Not really old, but older than me by a decade or so. probably in their late thirties. The lady looks at me from under her good and quickly adverts her gaze back to the fire.

"Mommy! Mommy!" An excited small voice calls as it dashes into the alley. The woman spares me a glance before turning to the small boy that has a hand made fishing rod and a fish.

"I got a fish mommy! I got a fish!" he shows off, oblivious to me standing in my breezy dress new to the open fire. The woman smile and ruffles the little boy's dirty blonde hair. He notices me and his honey colored orbs widen before he hides behind his mum.

"Who is the pretty girl mommy?" the boy whispers loudly. I smile and the woman gives me a calculating gaze.

"Why don't you ask her?" the woman says as she gently pushes the shy boy forward. I crouch down to his height and he gives me a small smile.

"Who are you?" He asks curiously as he looks over my outfit.

"I'm Hazel," I grin at him as he shift his weight to each foot. He looks over my outfit again and gives me a skeptical look.

"Are you a prostitute? Mommy told me to never talk to them," he says, taking a cautious step back. I laugh at that and his mum joins me.

"I'm Linda," his mum says, holding out a hand and lowering her hood. Her blonde hair is cut short and is extremely bright. Her dark blue eyes shine in the fire. This lady is beautiful.

"Hazel," I introduce as I shake her hand. The little boy jumps up and holds out his hand.

"I'm Logan," he grins," you're pretty," he adds as an afterthought. I can feel my cheeks warm up, and it isn't because of the fire. A little boy compliments me and I blush. I have to get my cheeks under control.

"Thanks, you don't look too shabby yourself," I joke as I ruffle his hair.

"So what brings you to an alley way?" Linda asks me as she leans against the wall. I let a loud burp escape my lips. Whoops. I've always been more of a guy in the burping area. Logan gives me a look of amazement before jumping up and down.

"That was awesome!" he cheers as he hugs me leg. I smile down at him in responds before returning to answering Linda's question.

"I was waiting for a... An acquaintance... of mine to get off of the roof, it was cold and I saw a light in this alley and decided to head to the light," I answer briefly.

"Oh, how old are you?" Linda asks.

"18," I answer automatically. Logan grimaces.

"You're old, I'm six," he pouts. I chuckle and quickly quit down as the man speaks.

"Why are you here if you're 18?" he asks in a gruff voice, gesturing towards the empty street.

"I was with friends," I answer curtly.

"You ruined the fun grandpa," Logan huffs. We hear steps approaching and Linda pulls up her hood. Logan hides behind Linda and I decide to stand in front of the two.

"Hazel, where are you?" Carter's voice slurs as he stumbles into the alley. I sigh in relief. It could have been some psycho rapist for all we knew, but it was just Carter.

"There you are!" he exclaims happily before pulling me into a bear hug.

"Aww, young love," Linda sighs dreamily like a teenage girl. Carter finally releases me once he notices the crowd. He buffs out his chest and narrows his eyes towards Logan. Logan looks at me wide eyes and his small frame shakes with fear. Carter's eyes scan him once again and he suddenly breaks out into a smile.

"You're so adorable I could just eat you!" Carter squeals as he pinches the terrified Logan's cheeks. I contain my laugh at the fact that Carter White, the bad boy, just squealed and gushed about a little boy being adorable.

"Please don't eat me! I taste like fish!" Logan begs. Carter looks at him in confusion.

"Hazel, why were you in an alley? you should know better young lady," he scolds me as he releases Logan's cheeks. I groan and Linda grins.

"Oh you two are so cute together! I'm already planning a wedding, pink or purple flowers?" she ponders. Carter grins and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me to his side.

"Why thank you, I've always though that my hair complimented her complextion," he gloats. His hair? My complextion? Since when did he become a cosmotologist?

"All he needs are heel and she's set! I think purple would go nice with her pale skin, don't you?" Linda gushes as she speaks to Carter. Carter holds me at arms length before speaking again.

"I think she should a white and green bouquet, for our last names," Carter suggests. Linda squeals and starts hopping around while Logan look around in excitement. It's time to break the news to Linda.

"WE AREN'T DATING!" I yell as I jump in the air and start hopping around like Linda was doing previously.

"You're already engaged?!" Linda shrieks, misunderstanding my previous statement. she grips my hands and starts jumping up and down, forcing me to follow along.

"Yay! Yay! Yay!" she continues to chant as we jump in circles. I come to a sudden halt causing her to stumble. She looks at me in confusion before glancing at my left hand.

"We aren't together, nor will we ever be," I says slowly. Logan smiles at that and stands in between the two of us.

"Good," he simply states.

"What times is it?" Carter asks me as Linda pouts in disappointment.

"Two am, we should grab Cathy and get-" I respond before being cut off.

"There you two are, let's get going, this isn't doing anything for me," Cathy slurs. she looks at Logan and smiles.

"Who's the littlllee munchinton?" she slurs as se looks at Logan.

"Mommy says not to talk to prostitutes," Logan mutters as he hides behind my leg.

"She isn't a prostitute, she's a friend," I explain briefly. He nods in understanding as Cathy starts dragging Carter and I away. An idea pops into my mind and I grin slyly.

"Linda! Logan! Gramps! Would you three like to join us?" I ask as I pull my arm from Cathy's limp grip.

"Can we mommy? Can we?" Logan begs. Linda sighs in distress before I cut in.

"An all expense paid trip all around the world, you can't turn that down," I grin. Linda looks at me with wide eyes and a skeptical gaze.

"I wouldn't want anyone to spend that much money on us," she starts.

"It would be my pleasure if you came with the three of us. Please?" I push.

"But gramps can't travel, he'll-" se continues before gramps himself cuts her off.

"Oh pish posh, go enjoy yourself Linda, your old man here can take care of himself for some time," gramps laughs heartily. Linda sighs in defeat before nodding in agreement to my request.

"EEEEEPPPP! More people!" Cathy squeals as she grabs Linda, Carter, and I while Logan is carried by Linda.

"What about all of our stuff?" Linda questions as she glances back.

"We'll get you new clothes and you'll have every male around your finger in seconds," Cathy smiles, making a snapping zig zag thingy. I still can't do that. Linda laughs and Cathy hauls a cab. We all pile in and tell the taxi driver to take us to the hotel.

At the hotel

"Wow," Logan says as we enter the quaint hotel. He examines the blood red carpet that has a golden trim. The don't look homeless, just on the poorer side of society. Blake looks up from his desk and shoots me a smile. I smile back and Cathy drags everyone into the elevator. 

"So everyone will be staying in my room and Carter and Hazel will share a room," Cathy winks. Why can't she get that I don't like him? Linda gives me a wink and Logan pouts.

"I wanna sleep with Hazel," he pouts. Linda reasons with him and he finally agrees to sleep with her and Cathy. We arrive at our floor and I run down the hallway with my keycard in hand, maybe I can get Carter to sleep in the hallway. I swing open the door and try shutting it but a foot stops me. More specifically, Carter's foot. He swings open the door and smirks at me. Little twat, in the British way you perverts. He saunters in and jumps onto the bed.

"Go shower and change," I instruct as I grab my Tom and Jerry pjs that I bought. I rush into the bathroom and use th elittle complimentary shampoo and conditioner and quickly shower and change. I jump onto the bed, expecting Carter not to be in it. But he is and I land on top of him. Instead of hissing in pain, he grabs me by my waist and snuggles his head into my neck. He inhales and says something I can't hear.

"Hey Carter... Can you let me go?" I request. He shakes his head in a no motion and I groan. Why is he so difficult. I'm going to have to get him to let me go somehow.

"Hey Carter," I say in a low whisper. He shifts from under me and holds my tighter, digging his head into my still wet hair.

"I have a surprise for you," I drawl out. He groans and leaves a light kiss on my neck. What the fries? He shift from him as his grip loosens and trails to my hips. I jump up and off of th ebed. Before Carter can realize what's happening, I push him off of the bed and he hits the floor.

"Go take a shower, you'll get your surpise in there," I inform him. I grin as I imagine his reaction to what I have planned. He jumps up and runs into the bathroom.

"I'm waiting for my surprise," he slurs as he turns on the water and jumps in before screaming like a girl and jumping back out. Sucker.

"HAZEL I DON'T KNOW YOUR MIDDLE NAME GREEN!" he screams as he walks out of the bathroom with a towel on around his waist. I laugh at his angry expression and there's a knock on the wall.

"Be quiet when you two get wild, we have children here!" Cathy shouts. My eyes widen and Carter starts laughing at my expression. I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I climb under the bed covers. 

"You look like a cherry when you blush," Carter points out as he climbs in next to me. I don't bother looking at him, he better not sleep naked, otherwise we will have some issues. I yawn and feel Carter's arm slip around my waist.

"Touch me and I'll make sure you are never able to reproduce by morning," I say tiredly as I snuggle into my pillow. He retracts his arm from my waist and I smile to myself. That's right, be scared. I yawn one last time before passing out.


I updated! Thanks for the 20 reads and 2 votes as well as a comment from E-Girl. First comment on the book! Congrats! So I won't set a goal this time...




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