A Summer To Remember

By L0vely003

14.9K 375 56

Ayla is a high schooler in Wisconsin, her and her parents go on a vacation every summer. This summer it just... More



503 10 0
By L0vely003

Ayla's POV

It's been about a week since I ranted to Brennan, and not being able to sleep has become a regular thing. I glance at my alarm clock and it's exactly 1:03, I get up and walk out to the living room as quiet as possible. I see Brennan sitting on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy. I walk over and take the seat next to him.

"Hey" I say.

"Hey" Brennan replies, smiling at me.

Once I finally get comfortable, Brennan talks again, "let's go somewhere"

"Okay?" I question.

"Put your swimsuit on and then meet me back out here"


I walk out into the living room and see Brennan.

I decided to wear a black strapy swimsuit top, with basic black bottom. I also put a blue Aeropostale shirt over top of my swim suit, along with athletic shorts, and wore white converse.

"Ready?" He whispered.

"Sure, but where are we going?"

"You'll see"


We have been driving for about 10 minutes when Brennan started driving up a hill in the woods, and a short while later up to a small pond. I notice a small waterfall on one side of the pond and a rope hanging from a tree on the other.

Brennan hopped out of the car, and so did I. We walked a little bit before Brennan started taking off his shoes. I looked at him and admired his body. Noticing the way his back muscles flexed as he pulled off his shirt. And the way his perfect six pack got more defined as he laughed.

I then registered that he laughed so I glanced at his face. He was smiling, "you want to check me out all night, or go swimming?" He questioned.

I quickly looked down, noticing the heat rise to my face. "What if I don't want to swim?" I say, looking back up, and biting my lip out of habit.

"Then I'll throw you in"

I thought for a second before making a run for the car. I took about five steps before I felt arms wrap around my waist. I screamed before I started laughing.

Brennan then threw me over his shoulder, and started walking in the opposite direction. Realizing what he was doing, I started screaming and lightly hitting his back, "please Brennan don't throw me in" I took a pause "put me down"





"Umm" he pretended to think "no"

"At least let me take my clothes off first"


Brennan set me down, but held onto my waist, in case I tried to run again.

I grabbed the hem of my shirt and tried lifting it over my head. You know, the way they always do it in the movies.

But because it's me, it got stuck. I started to struggle and heard Brennan laugh. "Need help?" He questioned.

"Yes please"

Brennan helped me out of my shirt before I shimmied out of my shorts, taking my shoes off too.

As soon as my shoes were off, Brennan quickly picked me up and jumped in the water. Before I could stop him.

The water wasn't too cold, it was refreshing compared to the humid air. It also wasn't very deep, maybe four and a half feet. In the process of being under water, Brennan let go of me. We resurfaced and I brushed the hair out of my eyes. I looked to Brennan and he still had his eyes closed and his hair dripping down his forehead. Without thinking, I reached up and brushed the hair out of his eyes. Once he opened his eyes I felt trapped, his eyes were mesmerizing. I've looked into his eyes many times before, but this time something was different. Maybe it was just from lack of sleep.

My hand lingered on his head and slowly made its way to his cheek, down his neck, to his chest. When my hand reached his toned abs I felt him shiver, and I was brought back to reality. I quickly pulled my hand away and cleared my voice, looking down. "Um, what about the rope"

"Oh yeah, watch" Brennan seemed really excited.

I watched him wade thought the water to the edge near the rope. He boosted himself out of the water and walked towards the rope. He grabbed it, took a couple steps back. He ran forward and jumped of a rock, still holding onto the rope. Once he swung completely over the water he let go of the rope, did a backflip and landed in to water.

"Your turn" he said, walking back over to me.

"Okay" I responded, a little nervous. I'm normally nervous to try new things, but I also love adrenaline, and doing new things.

I made my way over to the rope. I gripped tightly on it, took a couple steps back, ran forward and jumped off the rock, just the way Brennan did. Once I swung completely over the water I let go of the rope, landing in the water.

"How was it?" Brennan asked as I made my way over to him.

"That was so much fun"


As we rode back home, I looked at the clock it read 3:48. Brennan and I were both wrapped in towels that Brennan had packed in his trunk.

After a couple minutes into the car ride, I realize that I REALLY need to pee. Knowing that the car ride is going to be about another 10 minutes and that we were not near any gas stations or anything, made me say, "Hey Brennan, can you pull over? I really have to pee"

"Um sure"

Brennan pulled over and I opened the door, before I left he said, "There is toilet paper in the glove box if you need it"


I grab some toilet paper and look out into the woods to see where I want to go. I heard something make a noise to my right, so I decided I would go left. But I hesitated for a while.

"Do you want to use my phone as a flashlight?" Brennan asks.

"Yes please" I pause and think "actually, I know it sounds really weird, but can you just come with, so you can hold the flash light?". Holding the flash light is actually what I want him to do, but I'm also kinda scared, not of the dark, but what's lurking in the dark.


Brennan turns off the car before unbuckling and getting out. I also get out of the car. Brennan locks the car and turns on his flashlight, as we head to the left. We make it to a small empty spot. "Here?" He asks.

"Yeah" I walk closer to Brennan "can you hold this... here?" I ask, moving his hand holding the phone, so that the light is lighting up the little clearing. "And turn this way?" I ask, but say more as a command. As I turn it body and head around, but keep the light on the clearing. "And don't look" I say.

A/N I know this chapter is a little shorter, but I think I'm going to keep them a little shorter, so I can publish them more often.

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