Through Music We Thrive

By DemonicBooks

76.2K 2.4K 255

Cecilia has been playing at the Opera Populaire as long as she can remember. She grew up there with many girl... More

I - Cecilia
II - Erik
III - Cecilia
IV - Erik
V - Cecilia
VI - Erik
VII - Cecilia
VIII - Erik
IX - Cecilia
X - Erik
XI - Cecilia
XII - Erik
XIII - Cecilia
XIV - Erik
XV - Cecilia
XVI - Erik
XVIII - Erik
Author Note/Sequel News

XVII - Cecilia

3.2K 101 4
By DemonicBooks

While Christine was singing I played along in suspense. Everyone knew something was going to happen tonight. No one knew what.

Suddenly I heard a voice that wasn't Piangi's. Erik was singing onstage with Christine! I almost stopped playing when I heard his voice. I had never heard him truly sing before.

As they sang together I knew the song was coming to an end and started to slow down. Suddenly screams echoed from every seat in the house. "Alexander what is going on?" I asked over the screams.

"Its the phantom. He is on stage! By god if you could see his face you'd scream!" Alexander shouted to me.

I heard the conductor yelling for us to go or to run but over the racket I couldn't hear much at all. I felt a hand grab my arm and start to drag me away. "What's going on?! Let go!" I shout.

"Cecilia! Leave the cello we don't have time!" He shouted yanking me hard causing me to lose my grip on my cello. I screamed but it went unheard in the others.

I heard a loud crash and the crackling of flames as I was led to Madam Giry. She had to know where Erik was. "Madam Giry where is he?!" I shouted at the same time someone else asked "Where has he taken her?!" Raoul.

"I will show you but remember to keep your hand at the level if your eyes." She said hurriedly. We were rushed through the crowd and brought down to a cold cavern smelling place. "I can go no further, good luck." She said before hurrying up the stairs.

I grasped Raoul's shoulder. "You must lead the way." I mutter.

"Why must I do that?" He asked impatiently.

"Because I am blind and you can see. Move forward. We must hurry." I say.

We rush down the stairs into the cooler depths of wherever we were. I tried to keep a steady hold on Raoul but the stairs made it quite challenging. Suddenly there was a banging sound and Raoul had vanished.

"Vicoumt?" I asked the silence around me. "Where did you go?" Silence. I swallowed the egg in my throat and continued on. I kept close to the walls, holding my hand against the slimy cold surface in fear of ending like Raoul.

I seemed to go down stairs forever when they ended. My footsteps echoed harshly in the large room I entered. I took a deep breath before continuing with my hand on the wall.

I seemed to be walking forever when I heard voices down the passageway. "Sir this is indeed an unparalleled delight. I had rather hoped you would come. And now, with my wish come true you have truly made my night!" I heard Erik's voice speak.

"Let me go!" Christine's voice echoed down the passage.

"Free her!" Raoul shouted. I quickened my step in the direction of their voices. "Do what you like but free her! Have you now pity?"

"Your lover makes a passionate plea." Erik mused.

Christine spoke. "Please Raoul it's useless."

"I love her!" Raoul shouted. "Does that mean nothing?! I love her, show some compassion!" Their voices grew louder. I had to be close, I was running now.

"The world showed no compassion to me!" Erik roared.

Raoul spoke again. "Christine, let me see her!"

"Be my guest, sir." Erik said, there was a clicking of gears before the sound of splashing water. I had to be almost there!  "Monsieur, I bid you welcome. Did you think that I would harm her? Why would I make her pay for the sins which are yours?" There was a sound like a wet towel slapping into a table when I slammed into a door.

I tried the handle furiously only hearing it click but remain locked. Erik was shouting now causing my ears to ring. "Order your fine horses now! Raise up your hand at the level of your eyes! Nothing here can save you now except for perhaps Christine!" I kicked the door causing pain to shoot up my leg like lightning.

"Start a new life with me. Buy his life with your love. Refuse me and you send your lover to his death. This is the choice!" Erik shouts. Presumably at Christine. "This is the point of no return!"

Suddenly Christine's voice reached my ears. "The tears I might have shed for your dark fate, grow cold and turn to tears of hate!" She shouts.

"Christine forgive me, please forgive me!" Raoul begs. "I did it all for you and all for nothing."

"Farewell fallen idol and false friend!" Christine cries. I messed with the door handle again trying desperately to open the godsdamned door! Christine and Raoul's voices continued to cry through the room opposite this wretched door.

"Too late for turning back now! Too late for prayers and useless pity!" Erik cried. "Your love cries for help! No point in fighting, for either way you choose you cannot win!"

I heard a series of clicks as Erik addressed Christine. "So will you end your days with me? Or do you send him to his grave?"

"Why make her lie to you to save me?" Raoul demanded.

"Angel of music!" Christine cried out. "Who deserves this?"

Erik ignored her question. "His life is now a prize that you must earn." 

"You've decieved me!" Christine said quietly. "I gave you my mind blindly."

"You try my patience." Erik nearly whispers. "Make your choice."

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