
By ThaKid_Snapback

387K 10.7K 1.6K

What happens when you try to do the right thing and hide your child from the spotlight but things go complete... More

Really?! (Bey and Jay FanFic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Part 1
Chapter 2 Part 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 part 1
Chapter 10 part 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 11 part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Part 1
Chapter 26 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part 3
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 part 1
Chanel 33 part 2
Part 34
Chapter 35
Hey! READ!
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 51 part 2
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65- THE END
Really VI

Chapter 23

5.5K 130 20
By ThaKid_Snapback

Chanel's POV

I was sleepy peacefully until I felt a body drop on me. Like what the hell! Who is this? I opened my eyes.

 "Man, Rachel get the hell off me." I said.

 Wait! Rachel? My eyes shot open real quickly.

 "Oh my god! What you doing here?" I asked hugging her to death.

 "Did you think y'all would go to the BET Awards without me?" Rachel said.

 "Man how you get to go?" I asked sitting up.

 "Well I called your dad but I think he still got a chip on his shoulder about the breath joke, so he hung up on me." she said. "But I called your mom and she set everything up." 

 "How you get here?" I asked.

 "Mama Tina came and got me. She’s working on breakfast right now." Rachel said.

 "Really? Cause I'm getting tired of eating cereal. Mom's kind of lazy in the kitchen department." I said laughing.

 "I have nothing to say, that women brought me up here." Rachel said laughing.

 "Have you seen Damien yet?" I asked.

 "Not yet, but I'm about to." she said smiling.

 "Aye! Don't go and be making babies." I said.

 "Girl, who do you think I am?" Rachel said standing about to leave out.

 "When did you get to take off the sling?" I asked.

 "Last week, now I'm back to normal." she said leaving out of my room.

I went into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. I looked in the mirror to make sure I looked okay before I left out of my room. I went out of my room towards Damien's room. When I walked in, eww. These two are kissing.

 "Come up for air dammit." I said.

 "Oh whatever." Damien said getting up and going towards the bathroom.

 "You really missed him huh?" I asked.

 "Yeah." she said nodding. "But I missed you too."

 I sat there and came up with an idea. Rachel saw the look on my face.

 "Nope!" she said shaking her head.

 "Oh come on." I said.

 "I'm not getting beat again." she said.

 "You’re not gonna get beat, I promise." I said.

 She just looked at me.

 "You said my dad hung up on you right?" I asked.

 "Yeah." she said.

 "So he doesn't know your here. Just go in there, wake him up and you'll scare the shit out of him." I said.

 Rachel just looked at me.

 "He did hang up on me." she said.

 "Exactly." I said.

 We walked out of Damien’s room and to my parent’s door.

 "Yo, what if their like naked or something?" Rachel whispered.

 "Their not, trust I would know." I said. "Thin ass walls."

 I opened the door and looked in. I saw my dad sleeping on one side so I told Rachel to go. She walked in on my dad side. She looked in his face and laughed before she tapped him. I gave her the thumbs up when she looked over at me. I heard her say 'Good Morning Sunshine' in his face as she poked him. I wasn't sure if it worked until he screamed. He shot up like he'd been set on fire. Rachel and I high tailed out into the living room laughing all the way. We went in the kitchen where my grandmother was.

 "What was all that yelling?" she asked.

 "I'm gonna beat your ass Rachel!" my dad yelled.

 My grandmother looked at us. We stood right behind her when my dad came in with belt in hand.

 "Shawn, what happened?" my grandmother asked.

 "That chick scared the hell out of me, and how did she even get here?" my dad asked.

 "That's for hanging up on me!" Rachel said.

 My dad started walking closer to us.

 "Shawn, calm down and put the belt away." my mom said coming into the kitchen with Blue in her arms.

 "But Bey-"

 Blue babbled something that none of us could understand.

 "See Blue doesn't like seeing you like this. Just put the belt away." she said.

 My dad eyed Rachel and grabbed Blue before he left out the kitchen. 

 "See Blue if it wasn't for your cousin and sister we would all be sleep." he said.

 Me and Rachel laughed as we stood behind my grandmother. My mom and grandmother looked at us.

 "All I have to say was Chanel's fault." Rachel said.

 "I'm not even gonna lie, it was my plan." I said laughing.

 They just shook their heads at us and Rachel went over to my mom.

 "Thanks Auntie for letting me come." Rachel said hugging me mom.

 "No problem, how you been?" my mom asked.

 "Good." Rachel said.

 "Yeah, thanks mom for letting her come." I said.

 "You’re welcome, now let me get dressed." she said and walked out the kitchen.


 Beyoncé’s POV

 Now let me tell you, I have been all over this damn city with these kids. Thankfully Damien and Rachel found something to wear to the BET Awards but my child is picky as hell. She can't decide on anything, she's about to be wearing what I tell her to wear. She can't decide if she wants a dress or what. It's really starting to annoy me. We are at the last store and swear if she can't find anything I'm picking something out for her.

 "What about this?" Rachel said picking up an outfit.

 "No." Chanel said.

 I just sighed and sat by Damien.

 "What are you looking for?" Rachel asked.

 "I'll know it when I see it." Chanel said.

 "Chanel, sweetie this is not your wedding day." I said. "You don't have to dress up."

 "Fine!" she said and went in search for an outfit.

 Rachel came and sat down next to me and Damien.

 "You not gonna go with her?" I asked.

 "No, she's too picky." Rachel said.

 About 15 minutes later Chanel came over with an outfit. Finally, I swear she took too long.

 "Okay I got an outfit." she said.

 "Finally," Rachel and Damien said.

 "Okay, let me see what you got." I said.

 She held up the outfit, I nodded my head in approval. I got up and we went over to the cashier to pay for her stuff. We left the store and guess what? Of course paparazzi is there. Good thing I got security, I called them and told them we were coming out so the car was ready. We got in the truck and finally shopping for these kids is over.

 "Mommy, I'm hungry." Chanel said.

 "Well what do y'all want?" I asked.

 Even though my eyes were closed behind my shades I knew she was thinking.

 "Can we go to Otto." she asked.

 "The Italian place?" I asked to make sure we were talking about the same place.

 "Yes, please." she said. 

 "Frank! Can you drive to Otto on 5th avenue please?" I asked my driver.

 "Sure thing Mrs. Carter." he said.

 "Chanel, call your father and tell him to meet us there." I said.

 "Okay." she said.

 I should just rest my eyes for now because we have to fly out in the morning.

 Shawn's POV

 I was in the studio with Kanye.

 "So you releasing 'New God Flow' next?" I asked.

 "Yeah with me and Pusha." Kanye said.

 "That's cool." I said.

 My phone started ringing so I answered it.



 "Yes Chanel." I said.

 "Mommy said to meet us at Otto for diner." Chanel said.

 "Y'all just stopped shopping?" I asked looking at my watch.

 "Yeah, we're on our way there now." she said.

 "Okay I'll see you there" I said.

 "Okay." she said and hung up.

 I put my phone back in my pocket and looked at Kanye messing with the boards.

 "Yo, you hungry?" I asked.

 "Yeah, sure." he said.

 "Let's meet Bey and the kids at Otto." I said standing.

 "Okay, let me save this stuff and we can go." he said. 

 He saved everything and we left. We took the maybach to the restaurant. I was checking emails and we were talking about the 'Cruel Summer' album. We finally got to the restaurant and we were escorted to the back. My guess was Bey and the kids were already here. I saw them and sat next to Bey and Kanye sat at the other end of the table.

 "What's up Uncle 'Ye?" Chanel said. 

 "Nothing much. Okay, there's another kid here." he said laughing.

 "Oh yeah, this is Rachel, my best friend and Damien's girl friend." Chanel said.

 "Okay, Rachel. Nice to meet you." Kanye said.

 "Nice to meet you too." Rachel said.

 "So what took y'all so long?" I asked Bey.

 I mean it is eight o'clock and they left at two.

 "Your child." Bey said.

 "It couldn't have been that bad." I said laughing.

 "Uncle Shawn, you would've thought she was looking for wedding dress. It was terrible."  Rachel said.

 "You have to take your time when shopping." Kanye said.

 "Thank you." Chanel said.

 "Kanye don't encourage her." Bey said.

 We ordered our food and had a great night. We went back to the house and got there around eleven. It was late and we had a flight at ten so I was going to sleep. I told the kids what time the flight was and told them not to go to bed late. Me and Bey took a shower, but not what you were thinking, I could tell she was tired so I bathed her and myself. We collapsed on the bed together. 

 "So you have fun with the kids?" I asked her as we were lying down.

 "Yes, but I am not shopping with your daughter anymore. She's so picky." Bey said with her eyes closed. 

 I kissed her forehead and the next thing I knew we were both knocked out.


Damien's POV

"Oh! Who the man!" I said.

"You won't live to be a man if my mom wakes up so shut up." Chanel said.

 All three of us ended up playing PS3. At first you know I was killing them on the Michael Jackson Experience on The Wii then we switched to Call of Duty on PS3. We were taking out everybody. I swear you just get so into that game you don't want to stop.

 "Yes!" Rachel said.

 "Shut up before you wake up my mom." Chanel stressed again.

 "She's not gonna wake up, chill out." I said going back to playing the game.

 I swear less than a minute later my door opened.

 "Hi, mom." Chanel said.

 She just looked at us, walked over to the TV and turned it off. She looked pissed and sleepy at the same damn time.

 "It's three in the morning, what the hell are y'all doing?" she said.

 Damn, I didn't know it was that late.

 "Y'all go to bed before I punish all of you." she said.

 "Well technically I don't live here so-"

 "Rachel, what's your middle name?" Auntie asked.

 "Marie." Rachel said.

 "Rachel Marie Cooper, if you don't get your ass in the bed I'll beat you." she said.

 With that Rachel and Chanel left my room and then she looked at me.

 "Damien go to bed." she said and closed my door.

 Man did she look mad. I laughed on the inside the entire time. Oh this is gonna be funny over breakfast.

 Beyoncé’s POV

 I felt someone shaking me so I opened up one eye and it was Shawn. 

 "What?" I asked.

 "We got to get up, can you get the kids up while I shower?" he asked.

 "Sure, whatever." I said as I turned over.

 "Bey!" he said.

 "What, I'm up." I said.

I heard him close the bathroom door and I just laid on my back for a few minutes. Damn, I'm tired. Well Blue is with my mom until we get back tomorrow so now I gotta get these kids up. I got up and went to Damien's room first. I went in and patted him on the leg and told him to get up. He did and went in the bathroom. I went to Chanel's room and got her and Rachel up. They put up a fight at first until I told them that I would leave them and then they jumped up. I went back in my room as Shawn came out the shower. I went in the bathroom to shower and get ready. When I got out about a half an hour later I didn't see Shawn so I guessed he was out in the living room. I finished putting my jewelry, shoes and shades and left the bedroom.

I saw Rachel and Chanel asleep on the couch. When I walk closer I saw Shawn standing over them with a pan and a spoon. What the hell was he doing? Next thing I know he’s beating the crap out of the pan and Chanel and Rachel both jumped up. Now I didn't see their faces but it probably scared the crap out of them. 

 "Shawn, what the hell are you doing?" I asked.

 "Payback." he said and walked to the kitchen.

Rachel and Chanel didn't look happy but oh well that’s what they get. Anyway after I made a few calls we were on our way to the jet. The kids mostly slept in the truck until we got on the plane. I was hoping that they would sleep on the four and half hour flight but that didn't happen at all.

 "So mom, you think you gonna win big tonight?" Chanel asked.

 "I don't know." I said.

 She just looked at me.

 "Are you serious? They didn't invite you just to sit in the audience." Chanel said.

 "Plus they invited Uncle Shawn and he never goes to the BET awards." Rachel said.

 "Hey! I've been." Shawn said.

 "And when exactly was that again?" Damien asked laughing.


 "Exactly." Rachel said. "Y’all are walking away with all the awards."

 "Plus they got Uncle 'Ye performing. Y'all gonna kill it." Chanel said.

 "And why is that?" Shawn asked.

 "Cause we Roc Nation." Chanel said as her and Rachel did the roc nation hand shake.

 All I could do is put my beats on and fall asleep after that.

 Chanel's POV

 Damn, we're late. I mean we're not super late but we missed the red carpet. I’m kind of happy about that though, I didn't feel like answering any weird questions they had. We got to the venue and it was packed, but all black people come out for this. They led us inside but when we got there people were eying me funny. I told my mom I didn't want to sit in there because I felt awkward. I asked if we could just watch it from backstage and she was gonna say no until I put on the puppy dog face. She had no choice but to say yes. They led my mom to her seat but not before she told us to behave and she gave us that eye. My dad had someone set us up in a dressing room nobody was using and since it was a live show they had all the TV’s hooked up in the building. 

 "Okay y'all don't do anything stupid." he said.

 "We're not, go to your seat." I said.

 "Why you rushing me?" he asked.

"Because your category is coming up and I'm pretty sure 'The Throne' is gonna win." I said.

 "Okay well behave, there’s security outside the door." he said.

 "Okay." we all said.

 He left and we just chilled in there. I'm kind of mad we missed the G.O.O.D Music performance but its okay. Just like I said 'The Throne' did when but my dad was late getting so he surprised Uncle 'Ye. The show was pretty good and they had great acts. When they did the Whitney Houston tribute, it wasn't a dry tear in the audience. Brandy and Monica did a great job, her brother was cool but when her mother took the stage it was over. I'm not even gonna lie, I did shed some tears. The rest of the awards were good until they got to Video of the Year. I don't even know why they put Usher in the category; they set him up for failure but whatever. At the end of the day my dad won and it is what it is. It's cool that my parents basically won in every category they were in and even if they didn't some one that was related to Roc Nation like management or something won too. It was defiantly a Roc Nation night like I thought it was gonna be. After Show I guess we were waiting for my parents.

 "That show was good." I said.

 "Yeah, I'm kind of glad we sat back here because the way people were staring was annoying." Damien said.

 "And you know me. One wrong word from them lil ignorant celeb kids and they would've got a one two." Rachel said.

 "Yeah right." I said.

 My mom, dad, solange, some dude that professed his love for my aunt, aunt Michelle and Latoya walked in.

 "Hey Ma, Dad congrats." I said going to hug them.

 "Thanks baby." my mom said.

 "I told y'all it was gonna be a Roc Nation night." Rachel said.

 "And you were right." my dad said laughing.

 "Hey Aunt Solange and Michelle." I said going to hug them.

 "Hey Chanel, this is my boyfriend Alan. Alan this is Chanel and her best friends Damien and Rachel." she said and I shook his hand.

 "Nice to meet you." I said as Damien and Rachel followed suit.

 "Nice to meet y'all too." he said.

 "I know you don't remember Latoya." my mom said.

 "Yeah, I don't." I said smiling.

 "Don't worry, I was around when you were really little." she said.

 After the adults talked a little bit, I can tell my mom sensed I was bored. She said we were gonna order some room service when we got back to the hotel. My mom pulled me back behind everyone as we were walking out the dressing room.

 "Look I know this was your first award show, but if you come you can't sit backstage in a dressing room all the time." she said.

 "I know." I said as I looked down.

 She grabbed my chin so I was looking directly at her.

 "Look I know you were nervous when everyone was looking at you and stuff but you can't have people ruin your day." she said. "What did I tell you after you got in trouble?"

 "I'm gonna have to learn to ignore people." I said.

 "Exactly, I know it's gonna be hard but I know you can do it." she said.

 She hugged me with one arm as she kissed my forehead as we left the dressing room.

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