Family Ties

By Jadedsoiree37

4.7K 172 20

He was the man with the stoic face and no non-sense boardroom tactics...but he couldn't keep the one person h... More

Jonathan and Jackson
Jonathan and Ashley
Damien and Jonathan
The Family Dinner
Confrontation (part 1)
Confrontation Part II
Vacation (Part II)
The Calm
The Storm
His Return
Return (Part II)
Learning from Mistakes
Like Father, Like Son
The Talk
What Really Happened?
The First Steps (Preview)
I'm Back!!
The First Steps
What Now?
Not an Update...An Apology
Where Do We Go from Here?
First Date


179 5 0
By Jadedsoiree37

Author's Note: Hey guys! Hopefully this chapter is as great as the others! My internet is down and I typed this from my phone. Enjoy!

Damien and Jonathan had been in Chicago for a week. They were back to their usual hustle and bustle of city life. But something was off with Damien. Jonathan couldn't put his finger on it but he seemed to not want to hang out with him much.

It seemed as if the brunette was angry with him but he couldn't figure out what he could have done to anger him.

He didn't want to ask Damien because he didn't want the man angry with him, he was the only real friend he had left. All the other people from their school years were just acquaintances.

Jonathan was sitting in his office, not even paying attention to the stack of papers on his desk. Dammit!

He couldn't stop racking his brain and trying to figure out what he did in Jamaica. What was so bad that Damien didn't want to talk to him about it? He couldn't help but to worry about it. This was his best friend we were talking about! He wanted to go back to their normal routine.

Is he angry about me not being a good friend? Maybe he just got tired of having an emotional outcast being around? No, Damien wouldn't just throw me away like that, something must have happened when we were in Jamaica but what?

He was so caught up in his own mind that he hadn't heard the door open nor did he not use that his father had stepped into his office.

"Hey, son. How was your vacation?"

James didn't receive a reply. He looked at his son to see him deep in thought. Whatever the man was thinking about seemed to cause him some inner turmoil. What could he be so torn about? James thought.

James continued to watch his son for a few more minutes and watched the emotions swirl through his eyes. He seemed confused, hurt, and longing for something. He couldn't continue to watch the carousel of pain Jonathan was displaying on his face.

He walked closer to the young man, his carbon copy, and laid a hand on his shoulder; causing him to jump out his thoughts.

Jonathan looked at his father as if still in his daze of thoughts. He had been so caught up in what Damien could be upset about that he didn't notice the other man walk into the room. He just wanted to know what was wrong with his best friend. But he didn't want to show any signs of weakness.

His two halves were at war with each other: he carded for Damien deeply as his best friend but the business man inside him wants to act as if this isn't bothering him at all.

Why should you run to him? He's the one with the issue, he should come to you. You shouldn't grovel for someone's attention.

"Son, what's wrong?"

Jonathan was brought out of his inner ramblings to see that his father with a worried expression on his face. He wanted to comfort the older man so he just told him what he thought would get him to worry less.

"I'm fine, dad. Just tired and need some sleep."

It was a monotonous reply. As if he had it rehearsed for hours. There was no inflection in his voice or any emotion. The expressionless view of his face didn't help matters either.

James could see that something was troubling his son but he didn't know exactly how to approach the subject. He didn't want to ruffle anymore feather between the two.

"Jonathan, I can clearly see that something is wrong. Why not talk to me about it hmm?"

Jonathan just stared at his father, not because he didn't want to talk to him. But he didn't know what to say.

How do you explain yo your dad that you are worried that you hurt another man's feelings? He thought it all sounded childish but he couldn't help his feelings.

He didn't want Damien to think that he didn't care about him as his best friend. If anything, Damien was one of the few people on the planet he cared about most.

"Damien hasn't talked to me since we got back to Chicago. I mean, we talk but he doesn't want to hang out as much anymore. I know it may seem childish but it's bothering me. I think I did something in Jamaica and he's mad at me now."

James smiled a small smile and shook his head. It wasnt childish to him that Jon felt way. Because although his younger brother was more sensitive in general, Jonathan was only sensitive in one aspect: Damien Wells.

When the boys were younger and the blonde didn't hear from Damien for a while, he would get moody. There was the time during their college years while Damien was trying to identify himself that he hadn't talked to the then nineteen-year-old for a couple weeks, that had been the worst anyone had seen him!

"It is not childish. You two have been joined at the hip since you met, so I would expect you to feel morose about not seeing or speaking with him. He is your best friend, I expect you to have some type of positive feelings about the guy."

Jonathan unbelievably cracked a smile at this statement. At this point, James was blindly smiling at the fact he could cheer him up.

He didn't deserve anymore grief from the people in his life. They have caused him enough pain these last few weeks, and now it was time for him to get back to normal. Or at least try to get back to normal...

"Very funny dad. You know what I meant. It's rare that he doesn't talk to me in a day or at least call just to bug me about possibly getting laid."

"Remember when you two fought over those Power Rangers action figures?"

James could only cackle at the memory of two seventeen-year-olds getting into a yelling match about which male Power Ranger was the best.  Damien had chosen the blue power ranger while Jonathan chose the red. 

It was ironic because damien grew to be the spitball with the lethal tongue while Jonathan grew to be more cold and unfeeling.

But those two seventeen-year-olds  were all fire and fight, and weren't willing to be wrong. Even fourteen-year-old  Jackson wanted to be apart of the discussion by picking the black power ranger but was promptly ignored by the two older boys.

That was a day of much shouting, first shaking, and even momentary foot stomping. The teen had virtually acted like a pair of seven-year-olds and even had to be separated. Jonathan sulked for hours until he was told by his father to apologize.

"Dad! Why was must you bring up such embarrassing things," Jonathan groaned. He didn't want to be reminded of the childish behaviors he once exhibited. He could feel the heat rush to his face and fought to release another groan.

"Well, I wouldn't be a good father if I didn't embarrass you every now and again. Besides, there is no one else present to humiliate you."

"And how does embarrassing me help with figuring out why Damien is ignoring me?"

James nodded, he could clearly see that the man was under some slight distress. If not at the very least overthinking the situation.

"Well, have you asked him about it? Or are you being your usual stubborn self?"

The immediate refusal to look at him in the face, answered his question before Jonathan could even open his mouth. The man could be as stubborn as a toddler, but most of the time it was for causes that he truly cared about.

That was part of the reason why most people didn't talk bad about that character trait, it made people want to be around him more. People craved being around his courageous and domineering spirit.

The only person who ever challenged his stubbornness was the equally stubborn Damien. Jonathan didn't want to start a fight with the man; that's why he hadn't confront the man yet. He didn't want to push him away with his prying.

"I don't want to start a fight with him because of my prying. You and I both know that Damien and I can get carried away when we start to butt heads. I don't want him angry at me for being worried."

It was true, sometimes Damien could be a little oversensitive when he feels that people are trying to baby him. The main reason being he didn't want people to believe he was weak.

He didn't want people to look at him like he would turn back to bottle. Damien use to be a wild child, chasing away his emotions with partying and alcohol.

But he matured, stopped chasing shots with swigs of beer and started drinking one glass of wine when he felt necessary. Even when in Jamaica, he didn't go into excess. He drank his couple of shots then switched to water. 

And Jonathan was there for him through it all. Through the mood swings, feelings of being inadequate, and all-around debauchery...he stayed by Damien's side.

He didn't want him to be alone like he was accustomed to. So, he made sure that any time Damien seem to try and retreat into a bad head space, he was there to bring him back. But this time Damien was determined for Jonathan to stay away, and it hurt.

"Son, both of you are hot-headed and arrogant to a point. But underneath that show of machosim, you have a big heart and paired with your will get him to let you in eventually. Just don't give up. He will come around."

Jonathan knew his father was right but his insecurities made him think otherwise. He thought that it must have been something he did that pushed Damien away. Jonathan didn't get drunk often, so he didn't know that he was a bit touchy under the influence.

A direct contrast from his usual somber sober self. Jonathan doesn't know that he stripped bare and went swimming in the ocean and rocked his best friend's world with only his lips. He doesn't remember speaking about his insecurities of being a bad friend to Damien and letting himself be comforted by his words of  repute.

After two nights of being drunk...Jonathan doesn't remember much about Jamaica.

Damien looked out his bedroom window at the snowy view of the city. He missed the tropical, sandy beaches of Jamaica but he had to get back to work. He decided to work from home because he was...avoiding Jonathan. He knew the truth, he wouldn't be able to be in the other man's presence without having flashbacks.

He could still feel those lips on his and it made his blood hum. No one had been able to turn him on so fast and that was just from the memory.

Just thinking of what it would be like to be with the blonde would send his hormones into a frenzy.

Damien left his bedroom window to return to his office and continued to do his work. He began going through his documents and checking his calendar.

He had been meaning to hire himself an assistant but hadn't gotten around to it yet.

He continued to filter through the mountain files on his desk, some for upcoming fashion shows, clothing lines, and even some reality tv.

He had gotten so into his groove of working and separating his files into events he would or would not do, that he hadn't realized that it was well into the lunch hour.

As he ascended through the living room to the kitchen, he stopped abruptly in the entryway and put his hand to his heart.

Jonathan was so engrossed in what he was hearing up that he hadn't heard Damien walking in the kitchen. Since it was chilly outside, he decided that sandwiches and soup would make for a satisfying lunch.

He had set up the stainless steel tray with two glasses of water, two chicken club sandwiches on French bread minus the mayo, and two empty soup bowls that had yet to be filled.

Jonathan had gotten the tomato basil soup to the right temperature and while transferring the soup, he noticed the wide-eyed Damien staring at him.

Jonathan continued his preparation and lifted the tray and made his way towards Damien's dining table. He noticed that the brunette had not followed him and he felt slightly accosted. Had he overstepped his bounds? Is Damien really pissed at him for just showing up?

The blonde returned to the stunned beubetter and they just stared at each other. Neither man knew what the other was thinking and that was putting a strain on them.

Damien didn't know if Jonathan regret the kiss or even remembered for that matter. And if he did, would he still want to be his friend? The tension inside the kitchen was too much, so much so that Jonathan had to look at the floor instead of looking at the person in front of him.

"Uh. You've been busy these last couple of days after Jamaica. I called Patricia at the front desk and she said that you were working from home today. So, I figured we we could eat lunch together."

Jonathan hated feeling unsure about a situation, especially when Damien was involved. It made him feel too vulnerable with nowhere to escape.

After a couple minutes of no answer from the man. Jonathan nodded his head as if confirming that he wasn't welcomed in this space and began heading for the door. Before he could put his coat on he heard it...

"Where are you going?"

It was Damien, his voice was low and a little rough. Like he hadn't used it for some time. It struck Jonathan as odd that he would notice that.

"You didn't respond to what I said, so i figured you didn't want me here."

Jonathan still hadn't looked at him. He was afraid to do so, because he didn't want to be rejected by his best friend.

"Sorry, I was just caught off guard by you being in the house. Usually, I hear you when you come in. But this time you snuck up on me. "

Damien chuckled because it was actually the other way around, he had snuck up on Jonathan while he was in the kitchen. But it was his condo, so the statement still stands.

Jonathan took a chance and finally looked at the brunette. He saw the soft smile on his face and the tension melted from his body.

"It was the best way to get you to see me. You have been busy with meetings and such, so I figured I could come to you."

Damien blushed slightly from embarrassment and naughty thoughts. He was embarrassed because Jonathan had called him out on his bull because they both knew he used work as an excuse to not see him .

And he was fighting hard not to get a hard on. Normally, he could control his urges towards Jon but after the kiss, he could stand at attention just by hearing him talk.

"I'm glad you did. I'm going to wash my hands then we can eat lunch."

Neither man made a move. The lunch was awkward and filled with tension

"So, what's been going on with you for the last few days?"

Damien started the conversation, it was nerve wracking. He didn't want to seem uninterested in spending time with his best friend because it was quite the contrary: being close to Jonathan was sending hormones everywhere.

"I've been fine. No interaction with the family, just normal every day stuff. Why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something to upset you in Jamaica?"

And that was Jonathan's way of confronting the problem, no holds barred. He just flat out says what the problem is or asks what the solution is.

"It's not you. I just wanted a little time to myself. I'm fine now. No worries."

He doesn't remember the kiss! Crap! Guess I should step my game up is not the time for jokes. Do I tell him or just keep to myself?

"Dame? Hey buddy, you ok?"

Damien was brought out of his mini rant to see Jonathan staring at him with a worried and confused expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why ask?"

"You looked really upset and lost in thought. You know you can tell me anything right?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I know."

Everything except I love you and want to be with you. I want to make you happy and brighten your day. I want to be the one who you moan for during passion.

I can't tell you this because you wouldn't accept it. . .

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