The Talk

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Jonathan was indeed at a complexing place in life; lost his fiancé, didn't want to be anywhere near his family, having a romantic tug of war with a man who has been beside him for almost half his entire life! There was so much in his life that was changing at such a rapid pace, he didn't know where to begin with anything.

Does he begin with his parents' marital drama or deal with the fact that he is already smitten with Damien?

He hadn't stopped thinking about the man all day, proud of his ability to be honest with himself and the brunette this morning. He did miss him, the sleeping wrapped up against each other didn't really help matters.

He was feeling things on a level that he has never experienced, and he didn't know what to do. The only other person besides Damien who he could talk to about anything was currently down for the count and needed his rest.

So what other options did he have but to wait? He continued to sit while his father slept for the time being. Who is he to disturb him, just a couple more minutes then he would wake him up.

What Jonathan hadn't been expecting was his younger brother to come walking into the quiet office space, disrupting his serene pace of thinking.

The two brothers just stared at each other, there wasn't much to be said. It had all been said at their last little soiree. Jackson clearly felt like Jonathan's angry reaction was just him gaining more sympathy and attention.

The thing that really pisses Jonathan more than Jackson's blatant show of not standing up for him, was the fact that Ashley was right. She was right on the money about the feelings between the two men and that made Jonathan angrier than it should it have.

How does a woman who didn't give a rat's ass about how he felt? She never cared about him during their relationship, that's blaringly obvious but for her to interject herself into his love life was cruel.

"Dad's sleeping. He needed to rest, he's exhausted."


Jackson felt more than embarrassed when he saw Jonathan for two reasons. The last time they had a conversation they said some brutal things to each other. And now he hadn't noticed that his father needed to rest, he kept pushing more projects and scheduling talks with contractors. Had he always been this self-absorbed?

The younger Meyers son looked over at his father and saw what he had been ignoring for at least a couple weeks now. His father had bags under his eyes, hair had lost its shine, and his skin looked paler than normal. It wasn't hard to see that the older man was having a hard time.

"You can take him home. I can handle this place while he's gone."

"You and I both know it will take hell and highwater for him to leave. He still thinks that he has to be involved in every project and protect you along the way."

That was the first stab that was sent to Jackson's heart, but he didn't reply because it was true all the same. His father always made a big fuss when Jackson took projects on his own and coddled him like he was a fragile egg or baby bird. He hated it sometimes, but it made him feel loved, so he didn't despise it too much.

The thing that he hadn't witnessed was that while he got all the coddling, Jonathan was just thrown to wolves. He didn't have anyone standing by his side, when he messed up ... he was all alone.

"It's fine. I can handle it. I'll help you get him to the car."

Thus, began the awkward afternoon of two brothers taking their exhausted father to his car. Jonathan carried Meyers Sr. while Jackson held doors and pressed the elevators buttons while carrying their father's things.

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