Confrontation Part II

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Author's Note: Here's Chapter seven !! I hope you guys are enjoying it, the next couple of chapters will be where we get to the juicy tidbits of the story! I hope you guys are as ready as I am!! Also, I can't believe my story got 100 reads already! Thank you guys so much!

Much Love,



While Damien was having an inner monologue about his conversation with the human succubus; Jonathan was in the opposite corner of the spectacular dining room trying to disappear from the crowd of family members. He didn't want to be here; he wanted time alone to tend to his 'wounds'. He knew it would take time but eventually he would be better off without the interference of his family.

Now the pain was too fresh and too real, he could barely remember what day it was because his mind was so occupied with his what ifs.

"You always shied away from the attention of others. You never liked the spotlight." Jackson was staring at his brother as if he was a wild animal ready to attack. He hadn't seen or heard from him in two weeks and he would be lying if he said it hadn't worried him. He didn't want the rift between them to open any bigger but he couldn't help who he fell in love with or the fact that she returned his feelings.

If there had been a way to avoid hurting Jonathan; Jackson would have taken it in a heartbeat. He knew his brother had basically sacrificed a lot for him while growing up; it was tradition in their family. The oldest usually got taught the family business while the younger siblings got to do as they please. Their Uncle Harold was the oldest so he basically took over the business from their grandfather and expanded it.

James Meyers just bugged his brother until he taught him everything he knew about the business and in turn, taught those same principles to Jonathan. So, while Jonathan was learning about the family business, Jackson was just goofing off and living life. Not really understanding the life Jonathan had until he got older. That's why when Jonathan had confessed about his knowledge of the affair; Jackson felt his heart had dropped to his stomach.

He knew Jonathan hadn't had too much to truly care for in his life. Yeah, he may like his job but that doesn't mean he truly enjoys it. Jackson felt like he had taken the one true joy from his brother's life and he may never forgive himself for that. Even with all the thoughts spinning in his head, he hadn't failed to notice that Jonathan still hadn't acknowledged him.

Jonathan just stared at his younger brother; he honestly didn't know how to respond. He didn't want to act like nothing happened because it was obvious that there was a major shift in the family dynamic now. Jonathan was almost tempted to walk away and just pretend Jackson didn't exist for a while but unfortunately his father chose this time to walk up to his two sons.

"My two favorite sons, how are you buys doing this evening?" James was all smiles in greeting his sons; he wanted the dinner to be a success without any fighting. He noticed that Jackson looked like a ball of pent up sadness while Jonathan just looked absolutely over the whole event.

He thought his cheerful greeting would get his sons to loosen up but instead Jonathan just walked away looking more pensive than before. Jackson just watched his brother walk away looking broken hearten.

"How are you holding up Jackson?" James asked his youngest son.

"He hates me. I may lose my only sibling because I am coward who couldn't admit that he had fell in love with the woman he thought he would marry. I'm a horrible brother." Jackson looked almost in tears at this point. So, James pulled him aside into the downstairs office and locked the door.

"Listen to me Jackson and you listen to me good. You are not the only one responsible for this mess. It takes two to tango and you aren't the one who has been lying to your brother for years about your feelings. Ashley created just as much of this mess as you did, so don't go shouldering all the guilt when you aren't the only one in the relationship. I know you feel bad for hurting your brother but we just have to give him space to heal" and with those words of wisdom James Meyers left his son to get himself together and try to enjoy the rest of the evening.

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