The Calm

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Author's Note: Hello readers! Just wanted to let you guys know that if you are enjoying this story to go ahead and checkout Fighting Attraction on my profile and tell me what you think. Don't forget to share, vote, and comment! This chapter is dedicated to @Kadenmarie and @819021e, thank you for the support and the votes!

Much Love,



Jonathan had made it an astounding one week and two days before anyone other than his father had tried to contact him. He saw the name on his screen, he saw the picture flash in the background but he refused to answer. He didn't have anything to say to the family member, not anything nice anyway. So he figured not talking at all was the best approach.

What he hadn't counted on was the cavalry that would swoop down on his because he chose not to talk to him.

His mother and father called him relentlessly trying to get him to talk to Jackson. But he just couldn't. he knew it had been a month's worth of time since he found out about his betrayal. That didn't make it sting any less. He didn't want Ashley back by any means but that doesn't mean he can't be hurt by what happened.

Jonathan had learned to move on and cut all ties, it was what was best for all parties involved. He got to be alone and in solitude while those two got to be all in love and such. He didn't see the need of having a conversation with his brother, it wouldn't change a thing that has already happened.

He was more focus on Damien, focusing on him meant he didn't have to focus on his own fuck ups in life. His fuck up of not listening to his best friend, the fuck up of dating a liar and a cheat, the huge fuck up of introducing said liar and cheat to his family.

He didn't want to focus on those things anymore, so he just focused on Damien and trying to get his best friend to be happy. He had changed, it was subtle but Jonathan could see it.

It was like his actions were forced and stiff. But Jonathan couldn't understand why his actions were so mechanical now...

He thought after the impromptu lunch date he shared with his best friend and thought that they had cleared the air. Maybe it has something to do with the girl he's in love with? Maybe he had hit some sort of rough patch with her and didn't know how to handle it. It was a plausible explanation, Damien was used to getting what he wanted when it came to romantic partners so maybe...

Why would I care about his romantic partners? He has always been honest with me about who he was. Except when he was experimenting that time in college and he shut me out.

Damien shook himself from his thoughts. Damien wouldn't let a woman or man he was in a romantic relationship come in between them. He was a much better friend than Jonathan had been to him. He and Damien started hanging out less and less once Ashley had entered the equation. He thought he was keeping the peace but he was actually cutting his best friend off for a girl. A girl that turned out to be no good for him.

He still felt extremely guilty for that. He couldn't remember the number of times he had gotten drunk alone in his apartment and wanted to call Damien and apologize for his selfishness.

It was nearing the end of the work day, for which he was grateful. He hadn't been paying much attention to work anyway. Between his feelings of being an inadequate man and friend, he just sat there staring into space.

Jonathan had made the trip from the elevators to the ground floor of the parking garage. He was almost to his car when he saw the one person he had been avoiding since he got back from Jamaica.

Jackson just stared ahead and didn't know what to say. He thought that by now Jonathan would be screaming at him and telling him to leave him alone. Instead he just stared at him with emotionless eyes. It hurt to see that his older brother didn't care. He was so insignificant that he couldn't even be bothered to be angry at him. And that hurt him to the core.

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