Shatter Me

By ShatteredPrism

7.9K 420 274

AU Puzzleshipping. There were a few things Yuugi didn't expect after he and his ex-girlfriend broke up. 1) H... More

Not Exactly Tipsy, Not Exactly Drunk
The Loneliest of Fragile Hearts
The Play of Lady Fate
Cracks in His Defenses
Leaving, Obviously
Slowly Falling Deeper

Game, Set, Match

1.3K 64 67
By ShatteredPrism

SP: So I lost my muse, Yuugi, for a good few weeks after chapter three was released. I think Yami came by and snatched him away for some "nefarious purpose." But he's back now (and surprisingly tan) so it's all good. *hugs Yuugi*


Tick, tick, tick.

This couldn't be any more awkward.

Tick, tick, tick.

The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife -- at least, on his end. Yami was sitting beside him as though he didn't have a care in the world. Unlike Yuugi Yami was able to pay almost every single ounce of attention to the I^2's game department head, who was discussing new deadlines for the finishing touches of the company's new and upcoming expansion for one of its famous MMO games.

Yuugi, on the other hand, was doing his best not to look to his right. Yami had been sneaking humored peeks at him throughout the entire meeting and it took everything in Yuugi's power to not stare back. He was worried he'd say something, and he couldn't afford that in front of everyone else in the meeting.

He'd done everything he could to make sure he wasn't within a few feet -- or, in a few cases, the same room -- as Yami. Yuugi was worried he'd do more than just slap him (which had been perhaps the most amazing thing he'd ever done, it sure helped him feel better about their first encounter) and that he couldn't afford. It was a general rule for people to never hit their superiors, even if they were jerks.

He was lucky everyone, even Yami (much to Yuugi's chagrin), took it extremely well. Duke and Marik even laughed once Yami explained the situation. Even after all that, Yami still had the gall to smirk at him!

At least he got the hint and backed off. That was a welcome relief.

Yuugi flexed the guilty hand under the table, which had begun to sting as though he'd just slapped Yami again. He had to admit he did feel a little bad about it but Yami had it coming!

"These meetings are pretty boring, aren't they?" came an amused murmur beside him.

Yuugi stilled and stopped flexing his hand, instead clutching the clipboard he was holding with both hands. He gave Yami a tight smile and a clipped answer. "Not really."

Yami adjusted his seating position and leaned against the left arm of his chair, getting inconspicuously close into Yuugi's comfort zone. Yuugi leaned back into his seat to further the distance. "Why are you flexing your hand? Did it get hurt?"

Yuugi's grip on the clipboard tightened. "Why do you care, Mister Sennen?"

"Because I do. And, because I like you."

Hold up. "Wait, wha--"

"And last, but not least, I'd like to discuss the gameplan for I-con." interjected Misaki, the department head. Just like that, Yami readjusted his position, gave Yuugi a wink and returned to the conversation at hand.

"Be sure to take good notes of this, Yuugi."

Yuugi spluttered quietly before taking in a deep breath and letting it out with a slow exhale. He shot Yami a dirty look and focused on his growing notes. You don't just say something like that and leave it hanging in the air! Prick!

He paused. But did he mean the like as in like, or the like as in like like?

Another part of him replied, Does it really matter? Yuugi sighed and pushed the incident to the back of his mind. Yami was probably just trying to get under his skin as usual.

"In case someone didn't know, the convention will be held in the Ishtar Hotel lobby in Tokyo in a few weeks. We all know what to do and what to expect." Misaki adjusted his black plastic designer frames and nodded at Yami.

"Sennen, as usual you and your team will be manning the Q and A panel. Unsurprisingly the playerbase has more than requested your presence at the convention."

If Yuugi were drinking something, he would have done a spit take. He was going to I-con, Industrial Illusions' convention for every single game they'd ever produced?! A convention just as popular as Blizzard Entertainment's Blizzcon?! Did he just die?

"Excellent, I will notify my team."

Another supervisor snorted from the end of the long conference table. "Looks like the NamelessPharaoh continues to rule both the forums and the game itself."

NamelessPharaoh was Yami's screen name for the Millennial Warlords forums. He was on it practically all day sometimes, either answering questions or making announcements. Yuugi would know; those were the days Yami would barely give Yuugi's ass the time of day -- at least, until he emerged from his office. It were those days Yuugi looked forward to the most. It meant he could actually focus on his work instead of finding ways to avoid Yami's lingering gaze.

Yami grinned in the man's direction, leaning back in his chair and resting his ankle on his knee. He clasped his hands behind his head. "I'm just interactive with my conversations."

The same man scoffed, "Just last week you got into a detailed 'conversation' about the minute differences between real time and theorycrafter proc rates for player abilities."

"Wasn't my fault the guy I was speaking with had all the wrong information. Who wants our players in the dark about game mechanics?"

"Yes, well," interjected Misaki, "You are the most active game master, and our players know you the best. No doubt they will have questions for you." he paused for a quick second, giving Yami the most sympathetic of looks. "It was nice knowing you Sennen, you were a valuable member of this company."

If Yuugi didn't understand that the group was merely joking, he'd be offended. Not all gamers were crazy; Yuugi was a prime example of that fact. But there were quite a few that gave even psychotic fangirls a run for their money...

"Funny." Yami replied, amused.

A woman across from Yuugi coughed elegantly, drawing the attention of the other men and women in the room. Yuugi looked up from his notes as she flipped her long black hair over one shoulder and laced her fingers together. "Sir," she began in cool, clipped Japanese, "Who will be making the announcement of Millennial Warlords' next expansion at I-con?"

Yami tensed beside him. Yuugi shot him a quizzical look then looked back at the woman. Her oak brown eyes darted to Yami and she smirked the tiniest bit before returning to her cool façade from before.

There was history between them and Yuugi got the feeling it wasn't a good one.

"I was just getting to that Miss Wong." Misaki, oblivious to the growing tension, turned his back to the party and paced a few steps towards the windows for dramatic effect. "Both the cinematic and the date will be announced during the unveiling event that Saturday. After Duel Monsters has its moment in the spotlight -- because we all know Duel Monsters has to be number one in everything -- we will air the cinematic."

Misaki turned on his heel and, with a wild flourish, waved a hand in Yami's direction. "Sennen, you are going to announce the release date."

There was some applause. Yami tossed Miss Wong, or whoever, a victorious smirk as he replied, "I would be honored, sir."

That looks sexy. Yuugi squeezed his eyes shut and groaned mentally. Wait, nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. He really needed to stop.

So to cover his thoughts he frowned at his supervisor. Yuugi was sure he wasn't the only one who wanted to wipe that smirk off Yami's face. And by the way Miss Wong's nostrils were flaring, Yuugi would guess she wanted to do more than just knock Yami unconscious.

The meeting was concluded a short while later and the two left for their floor with a pep in their step. Yami was smirking smugly and Yuugi was peering through the long list of notes he'd taken.

He was more than happy the meeting was over; they'd been speaking with their coworkers for just about two hours. It meant he could go home, relax and wait for Ryou to come get him for their monthly "guy's night" at the Kaiba household.

Yuugi looked at Yami from the corner of his eye and couldn't help but compare the supervisor to that of a preening peacock. He was smiling too smugly for Yuugi's tastes. "What was that?"

"What was what, little one?" Yami grinned.

Yuugi resisted the urge to smack him. Didn't he say before how he hated to be called little?! Yuugi squeezed his eyes shut, letting a calming breath roll through him, before opening his eyes and forcing a thin smile. "You and that Wong lady. What was that?"

"Why so curious, little one? You're not jealous, are you?"

"God no!" Yuugi snapped, keeping his voice low. "You two just looked like you were going to go for each other's throats!"

"Why Yuugi, I didn't know you cared so much."



Both men stopped at the cool voice's intrusion, turning slowly on their heels to see Miss Wong glaring daggers at the elder male, arms crossed haughtily under her robust bust.

Yami sighed exasperatedly, digging a hand into the pocket of his jeans. His baritone voice dripped with sarcasm. "Vivian, to what do I owe the pleasure of your... presence?"

"You know the announcement was supposed to be mine."

"No actually, I didn't. You know Misaki, he chooses the people he believes capable of carrying out his tasks. This was a surprise for me just as it was for you."

"You've made announcements and handled the Q and A panel for years."


It were as if a switch had been flipped. What had once been a somewhat calm, easygoing atmosphere was now rippling with tense, frustrated energy, nearly palpable in the spacious hallway. Yuugi looked back and forth between the two, confused, as both sent each other heated glares. If looks could kill, both of them would be comedic piles of ash.

Yuugi didn't know whether to back away slowly or say something. He opted for the third option: stand there and see what happens.

Vivian 'hmph'ed and turned her nose up. "It's time for someone else to have the spotlight."

Yami rolled his crimson eyes. "I don't seem to recall this ever being about you? If you have a problem take it up with Misaki, not me."

"Maybe I will." she sneered, flipping her hair back behind her shoulder. Vivian turned on her heel and stormed down the hallway, returning to the conference room they'd just filed from.

Yuugi watched her go with wide eyes. "Uh, Mister Sennen?"

"Just someone who believes she's entitled to everything, Yuugi. That's all she is; nothing to worry about." He turned his annoyed red eyes to the younger male and grinned, pulling a complete turnabout and confusing Yuugi even further. "Let's go; I'm sure Marik will be excited to hear we'll be staying in an Ishtar, neh?"

"Uh yeah...sure?"

Upon arriving on the seventeenth floor the two were met with a blast of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' Thrift Shop spewing its chorus loud and proud for all to hear. Yuugi stepped onto the floor with a heavy flinch, his shoulder coming up to protect the ear closest to the music. Yami winced, one eye nearly shutting from the loud volume.

"Duke, turn that shit off!" shouted Marik from his desk, covering his ears with his large hands.

Duke, feet propped up on his desk, replied, "No! This is my jam man!"

"Last week your 'jam' was Sexy Back, don't you dare start spouting that shit again!"

Mai and Valon were being sensible about the situation, wearing large earmuffs that seemed to block out the music rather easily. They both were typing away at their computers, no doubt finishing up their projects for the day, and didn't appear to have any problem with the trouble brewing just across from their stations.

Valon looked up from his work to see Yami and Yuugi still standing in front of the elevator. He smiled in relief and mouthed, "Thank God."

"That's still my jam, this is just today's jam."


"Don't get your red hot panties in a twist bro! Let me have one moment of respite!"

A headache grew behind his eyes. These two never ceased to amaze him with their childish arguing. How were the two of them friends?

Apparently Yami had the same thought because he rubbed his forehead with his index finger and thumb before saying calmly, "Duke, turn it off."

The two didn't hear Yami's order but Valon miraculously did, pushing himself away from his desk to tear the radio's cord out from the wall. The music cut out in the middle of a verse.

"Hey!" Duke exclaimed, spinning around in his chair. "Why'd you do that man?"

Valon threw the cord away and pointed in Yami and Yuugi's direction. "Boss is back, ya idiot." He took off his earmuffs and motioned for Mai to do the same.

Duke rested his gaze on the two men and had the gall to grin sheepishly. "Hey Boss, lil' slapper. What's shakin'?"

Yuugi narrowed his eyes at the nickname. Duke had been calling him that ever since the slapping incident. "Don't call me little." he muttered, but knew deep down it was a lost cause. Duke was as persistent with nick names as Bakura and Yami...but Yuugi wasn't going to let Yami get away with it. Not even going to happen.

Yami smirked, glancing at Yuugi from the corner of his eye then roaming his assembled team members. "We're going to I-con, Misaki has us manning the Q and A panel."

"Hell yes!" Valon exclaimed, pumping his fist into the air as the rest of the team erupted into cheers. Marik, as usual, rolled his eyes and gazed at whatever article was currently uploaded on his computer.

"Oh, and Marik?"

Marik looked over the rim of his monitor, settling Yami with a bored gaze. "Yes, oh high and mighty Pharaoh of mine?"

"We're staying at the Ishtar."

Marik's eyes popped from his skull and he gaped, speechless, at his boss. Duke groaned into his hand and peeked through his fingers to observe Marik's reaction.

"What?" he breathed, mouth dropping even further open.

"Yep. For three days. You might be able to see the one and only Malik Ishtar while we're there for all we know."

"No Yami! Don't tell him that!" Duke exclaimed, slamming his palms on his desk. "He won't shut up about it for the next three weeks!"

All eyes turned to Marik then, who still hadn't moved from his seat. Something shifted behind his eyes, and the next thing Yuugi knew Marik was leaping to his feet, pressing a foot against his office chair, and shouting, "We will meet soon, my Malik-pretty!" Stars practically danced in his eyes and, if life were an anime, moonbeams would be shooting forth to further emphasize Marik's complete and utter joy -- falling sunflowers included.

Yuugi blinked at him, jaw dropping with surprise. "He calls Malik Ishtar, someone he's never even met, Malik-pretty?" So much for Marik being the dark, brooding character Yuugi believed him to be, this new Marik was crazy!

Yami replied smoothly, "You should see him when Malik is in the same country as him. Marik doesn't stop raving about him until he's left."

"My Malik-pretty is kind and sweet and sexy! He's hotter than all the fires of hell!"

"Make it stop!" Duke moaned in the back.

Yuugi shook his head and sighed. Marik really was something else, more like a fangirl rather than a man with a serious crush on a hotel chain heir. Just another normal day at Industrial Illusions...

Yuugi looked at the clock on the wall and, seeing it was five thirty, handed Yami his clipboard. He made sure to keep his gaze on anything but Yami's face. "I do believe it's time for me to head out, Mister Sennen. Your notes, detailed as requested."

Yami took the notes with a slight raise of a thin eyebrow. "Where are you off to in such a rush?"

Yuugi frowned, eyes hardening. "That's none of your concern."

Yami laughed and held out his palms in surrender. "Alright, alright little one, I get it. Have a good night."

Yuugi glared at him, his head turning up so fast his bangs bounced out of his eyes. "Don't call me little!"

His smirk grew and something danced behind those crimson eyes. Yami leaned in, getting so far into Yuugi's personal space that their noses nearly brushed together. "But I like seeing you riled up, Mister Mutou, almost as much as I like your blush."

Damnit! Heat creeped into his cheeks and he became as threatening as a fluffy newborn kitten. "S-Screw you." he muttered, quickly moving to his desk to grab his backpack and, once it was slung over his shoulders, went for the elevator. "See you guys next week."

Yuugi stepped onto the elevator and locked eyes with an intense, amused crimson before the reflective metal of the doors slid to a close and the spell broke.


Yuugi watched the darkened streets fly by through the window of Ryou's Nissan, palm pressed against his cheek and amethyst eyes half-lidded with fatigue. The workday had taken more of a toll on him than expected...which wasn't a good thing, as he still had "guy's night" to go to.

This "guy's night," as Jou lovingly called it, was a monthly get-together between friends that had first started when he, Ryou, Jounouchi, and Bakura were in high school. They'd kept up the tradition even through their college years and saw no point in stopping it now they were adults.

He could sense Ryou's gaze on him from the passenger seat up front. "Are you sure you want to go tonight Yuugi? You look pretty tired."

"Nothing a little root beer can't fix." Yuugi replied, tapping the plastic bottle of soda in his lap. Bakura snorted from the driver's seat but didn't say anything else.



"Nevermind." Ryou smiled and turned forward, laying a hand over Bakura's callused palm in between both seats. Yuugi, puckering his lips, returned to staring out the window. Downtown Domino was alive as ever, clubs bouncing to some unintelligible beat and people walking down the brightly lit main streets in packs of five and six with the occasional pair in between. Bakura took a right and Yuugi watched a couple kiss as they drove by.

How depressing. Yuugi thought with a frown.

They eventually passed downtown and entered the upper suburbs. High end homes soon became classy, upscale mansions that housed the wealthiest of the wealthy in Domino city.  Yuugi eyed them with a bored eye as they passed by. He'd long become accustomed to the glory and splendor the rich possessed and showcased, having been going to Kaiba's for the past several years for their "reunion dinner."

Ryou's quiet voice broke the comfortable silence when they pulled up to Kaiba's black, ornate gate. "So Yuugi, did Jou tell you he invited a friend of his for dinner tonight?"

Yuugi drew his eyes away from the window to look at his best friend. Ryou was spun around in his seat, looking over the headrest with a wide, doe-eyed smile. He was innocence at its best. "No I didn't." Yuugi answered. "Who is it?"

"I have no idea, he never said." Ryou's brow furrowed. "Although there was some strange cackling on his end... You know, the laugh he makes when he's --"

"Matchmaking." Yuugi finished with a groan. Bakura rolled down his window to quickly address the guard at the gate. The man in the security booth took one look at Bakura and slammed his hand on the console in front of him, face paler than snow and terror bright in his brown eyes. Bakura cackled at the man's distress and rolled right on through, not even saying a word.

"You don't think..?" Ryou asked hesitatingly, his front teeth gently nibbling the tissue of his lower lip.

"He better not have." Yuugi glared at the white five-story house illuminated by flickering firelight just several hundred meters away, resting on sprawling green grass and paved stone. "Or else I'm shoving my foot up his butt."

Bakura took the car up the paved pathway to the front of the house and parked behind a black sports car. Yuugi didn't know enough about cars to even guess what kind it was but the vehicle was elegant, shiny, undoubtedly expensive and completely scratch free.

Bakura whistled shrilly and turned off the car. "That's a beaut, right there."

"It must belong to the guest." Ryou murmered, closing his door with a soft thud. Yuugi followed suit and, holding the root beer by the cap between his fingers, started for the door. Ryou and Bakura followed close behind, speaking in hushed whispers, and no doubt tenderly holding each other's hand.

Yuugi was about to knock on the door when Jounouchi opened it wide, grinning like the goof he was. "Yuug'! Ryou! Bakura! It's been a while!"

"It's literally been a week, Jou." Yuugi said with an equally goofy grin, despite the matchmaking scheme he knew Jou was cooking up.

"Your point?" Jounouchi slung an arm around Yuugi's neck and led the three friends inside. "Come along my groupies! There's someone I want you to meet."

Yuugi stole a glance at Ryou and they both exchanged worried looks. Bakura just looked amused.

"Boys, friends, buds of mine," Jounouchi began when they entered the living room. Yuugi choked on air when he saw the figure speaking to Kaiba on the leather sofa, leaning against the head frame as though he owned the place, "I'd like you to meet--"

"Yami?!" Yuugi exclaimed once he found his voice. Ryou jumped slightly beside him and Bakura was even more amused.

Yami looked up from his conversation and, spotting Yuugi, grinned devilishly. "Yuugi." His gaze shifted to Jounouchi then back to Yuugi, still grinning. "I do believe we've been tricked."

"Yes." Yuugi snapped, glaring his rarer-than-rare Glare of Sudden Death at his best friend. Jounouchi laughed sheepishly as he stated, "I think so too."

Ryou sensed the growing tension and quickly moved to pacify the situation, grabbing the soda from Yuugi's hand and dragging Bakura forward. He stepped to Yami's side and held out his hand in greeting. "Hello! I'm Ryou, and this is my boyfriend Bakura. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Yuugi took advantage of the distraction. "Jou, may I talk to you? Now?" Yuugi didn't wait for a reply and grabbed Jounouchi's ear, pulling him into the main hallway just outside the large foyer. He ignored Jounouchi's adamant cries and let him go with one last tug. "Why did you invite him?!"

"Ouch Yuugi, damn." Jounouchi grimaced, rubbing his ear soothingly. "That hurt!"

"Jounouchi!" Yuugi hissed.

"Fine, fine." Jounouchi crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. "He's a friend of mine."

"You know he's my boss!"

"Yes, and?"

"An intern can't be involved with their supervisor!"

"So? You know you're attracted to him."

"What?!" Yuugi blushed lightly and glared at his best friend. "No I'm not--"

"Don't deny it, Yuugi. I've known you for over ten years, I think I know what you like and don't like by now." Jounouchi grinned goofily. "Besides, the best relationships tend to start off a little rocky, don't ya think? Just keep the relationship secret at the workplace."

Yuugi stared at him, mouth open like a fish, for quite a bit before spluttering, "Jou!"


"I can't believe you!"

"You know you love me. Just give him a try, he may be an asshole but he's a good guy on the inside. Like, really good."

"I can't date my boss!" he exclaimed quietly. "Plus he's nothing but a total jerk! He's done nothing but stare at me lewdly since we first met!"

"That's what I'm saying Yuugi," Jounouchi said, completely serious. Yuugi was taken aback by the sudden change in his demeanor. "He's an asshole at first, but once you get to know him he's a decent guy. He's forward with everyone he likes but will only pursue that person if he really likes them -- someone like you."

"Why do you care, Mister Sennen?"

"Because I do. And, because I like you."

Yuugi swallowed air. Maybe Yami wasn't joking...

"Just see how this dinner goes, alright? If nothing changes by the end of the night I'll stop trying to get you two together. Deal?"

Yuugi considered this. It was obvious Jou held Yami in very high esteem, which was enough to put him in Yuugi's good books as it were. Jounouchi wasn't one to make friends on a whim, he had to have known Yami for quite some time. On the other hand, if nothing changed (and Yuugi was somewhat sure it wouldn't) Jou would stop this matchmaking business for the time being and maybe, just maybe, Yami would begin to leave him alone!

Something didn't feel right about that thought and it made Yuugi uneasy. Whatever it is didn't like the sound of Yami leaving him alone, in fact it wanted him to continue doing just what he was doing and maybe even more than that. Yuugi's throat practically dried, leaving him unable to speak. What was going on with him? Just earlier that day Yuugi was ready to smack Yami, but now..?

No. He had to stop. Yami was a pervert and Yuugi shouldn't be thinking about him. Yami would never understand him on a deeper level anyway. "Deal." Yuugi said.

Jou linked his arm through Yuugi's and led him back to the living room, where the gang and Yami had taken their places around the glass coffee table. Seven Pizza Hut pizza boxes sat on the table, four stacked on top of each other, with three open and already missing slices. The root beer sat forlornly in the middle of the mess of boxes, already half empty. Kaiba's large flatscreen was showing a rerun of some Duel Monsters duel that had occured a few months back in one of Kaiba's many KaibaLand stadiums.

Jounouchi sat beside his boyfriend on the sofa and quickly grabbed five slices and a paper plate. Yuugi awkwardly shuffled his feet side to side before taking a seat beside the sofa and Bakura, right across from Yami. Yami looked up from his pizza, catching Yuugi's gaze, and smirked his "why-hello-there-cutie" smirk before fixing his gaze on the television. Yuugi bristled and grabbed his own slice, stuffing his face immediately.

The gang was chowing down happily, however Kaiba was making strange faces at his slice as though it would come alive at any second and rip his head off. Even after the few years he and Jounouchi had been together it was obvious Kaiba wasn't quite used to eating "common" food, although Jou was persistant in getting him to try it.

"Where's Mokuba?" Yuugi asked, covering his mouth as he spoke.

Kaiba flicked his cool gaze to him but said nothing. Jounouchi rolled his eyes at his lover's antics and replied, "He's spending the night at a friend's. Said he didn't want to be around us old people." Jou huffed and crossed his arms like a petulant child. "Kid is rude but he sends his regards."

"So Yami, how did you and Jou meet?" Ryou asked, taking a bite of his pepperoni pizza. 

Yami set his pizza down and held his knuckle to his mouth as he finished chewing. "We actually met at a family reunion. This block of ice here," Yami motioned to Kaiba, who sent him an icy glare, "surprised everyone by bringing Jou and I had to know his secret of getting my cousin to smile."

Yuugi nearly spit out the piece he was chewing. He hit his chest with the side of his fist and gaped at his boss. "There is no way you two are related. Kaiba's... Kaiba and you're... you!"

Kaiba snorted and Yami chuckled quietly. "I'm afraid Yami is correct." Kaiba explained, crossing his long legs at the knee, "His father is brother to my adoptive father. We may not be true blood relatives but we've known each other long enough. It's practically a curse, knowing him."

"Come now cousin." Yami said, leaning against his elbow on the table. "You know you love me." Kaiba's answer was his signature "better-than-thou" snort of disbelief.

"Kaiba loving anyone other than the mutt is hard to believe." Bakura took a large bite of his pizza and ignored Jou's annoyed hey! "It's as you've said, he's a block of ice. No doubt his dick has fallen off by now."

Ryou whacked his lover upside the head. "Bakura!"

"What?" he replied indignantly, "It's true!"

Jounouchi and Yami burst into howls of wolfish laughter, Jou falling against the twitching Kaiba and Yami landing on the floor with his legs high in the air. The laughter was infectious and, as wrong as it was, Yuugi couldn't stop the giggles from escaping.

Kaiba blinked in annoyance and flicked his wrist dismissively, as though he were swatting a fly. "At least I had one. It's a wonder Ryou lets you use toys on him in the first place."

Yami and Jou's laughter grew even louder, Yami kicking his legs up higher and Jou crying tears in his lover's shoulder. Yuugi covered his mouth to stifle his giggles. Ryou covered his burning face, hiding his embarrassment, and Bakura snarled with the promise of death glinting in his dark eyes.

The rest of the night continued in the same fashion, one updating the others about their adventures with the occasional snide comment made (mainly by Bakura) in between. By the time they'd finished Jounouchi had inhaled more than four of the pizza boxes and was sprawled along the sofa like a lazy oaf, patting his stomach contentedly. Kaiba sat beside Jounouchi and was doing something no doubt work-related on his laptop. The remaining four gathered around the flatscreen and hooked in several controllers to the PlayStation in the corner.

"What have we not played yet?" Ryou asked as he rummaged through the numerous games Kaiba had available in the shelf beside the television.

"Mortal Kombat!" Jou shouted from the sofa, waving his arms wildly and nearly sliding off. "Do it! It's an oldie but a goodie!"

Bakura grumbled something under his breath and shot Jou a look. "Jounouchi there is absolutely nothing good about that game. It's mindless stab-stab shenanigans and no blood!" He turned to his lover. "Find us something graphic, violent, and has a good plot. With blood."

"'Kura, we get enough of that with your horror movie collection."

"So?" Bakura sighed at Ryou's look. "Fine. What about Heavy Rain?"

"Played it last time we were here." Yuugi responded.

Bakura cursed and went to go join Ryou at the shelf, leaving Yuugi and Yami sitting beside each other on the floor. Yami leaned back on his elbows and watched the two bicker quietly as they searched for an appropriate game. "Are they always like this?"

"Worse, sometimes." Yuugi answered, smiling softly. "They've been together since high school. They're like an old married couple now."

Yami whistled lowly. "Impressive." He added quietly, "They're lucky to have found someone to share their lives with."

Yuugi snapped his head to Yami's so fast he almost got dizzy. He was watching the two look-alikes intently, smiling so softly Yuugi almost missed the longing embedded underneath the surface. He could tell Yami was completely serious by how relaxed he was, how...vulnerable he looked as he thought. Could...Could it be possible Yami was lonely too? Just like him?

Yuugi turned away from Yami and stared at the floor. "Yeah," Yuugi replied just as quietly, mulling over his thoughts, "They really are."

Eventually Bakura gave in and the group played Mortal Kombat. Jounouchi slid off the sofa to come join the fray, leaving Kaiba to his work. They played in shifts, people playing winner, until Yuugi came out on top a few hours later by the very skin of his teeth. Yami had given him a good beating and would've won their game if Yuugi hadn't ducked and landed a well-timed blow when he had.

It was at this point Yami looked at his watch and, with a sigh, announced he had to go. Apparently he had someplace to be early in the morning and didn't want to risk oversleeping his appointment. The gang said their goodbyes (Kaiba dismissed him with a wave) and was about to walk out the room when he asked, "Yuugi, walk with me?"

It would be rude to say no. Yuugi sighed, "Sure." He ignored Jounouchi's grin, his arms raised in victory, and followed Yami to the front door. A butler was waiting to assist nearby but Yami waved him off, sending him away.

"Did you need something?" Yuugi asked once they were alone. Yami grabbed his jacket from the coat rack and actually gave Yuugi a smile.

Yes Yuugi, he is smiling at you. Stop gushing about it! No, it does not look good on him!

"I have a proposition for you."

"How forward of you." Yuugi replied with a smile.

"I may be forward, but even I know when to pull back." Yami paused, as though he were trying to decide what to say next. "I... I had a good time tonight, meeting Ryou and Bakura. It was nice being with you outside of a work setting -- at least for me. All that I ask is that we end this... tension between us and become friends?"

Yuugi eyed him carefully, sizing him up. He couldn't tell what Yami was planning by those soulful, guarded ruby eyes.

"No more flirty comments?"

"For the most part."

He already knew that was the best he was going to get. Yuugi considered the proposition again, remembering Jou's words from earlier. "He's an asshole at first, but once you get to know him he's a decent guy."

"No making passes at my ass?"

"I never touched -- did someone grope you?!" Yuugi blinked at how outraged Yami sounded and felt something warm lurch in his chest. Did he really like how possessive Yami sounded?

Trying to get his mind off the thought Yuugi snapped, "With their eyes, yes." It was clear who he was talking about. Yami instantly relaxed and had the audacity to grin. "I see."

"You're really not gaining my favor here."

He shrugged. "It's a package deal."

Yuugi groaned. Of course it was. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and sighed. "Alright, alright. Fine. I accept your friendship."


"One condition." Yuugi stopped held up an index finger and leveled Yami with a pointed look. "No staring at my ass. I'm not an object."

Yami scrunched his nose in distaste, as though object were a vulgar term. "No, you are not. I apologize for leading you to think I was objectifying you, but I can't help it if I'm attracted to you. I'll keep my eyes upward as you have requested."

Yuugi blushed heavily, the blood reaching the tips of his ears, and ducked his head. Holy shizznits... Jounouchi was right, there was something underneath that whole "asshole" business and boy was it considerate! That was rare to find in people nowadays! He murmered shyly, "Apology accepted...I think."

Yami heard him anyway and smirked. Something flashed in his eyes that Yuugi couldn't quite catch. "Thank you. Have a good night, aibou." Yami tucked his jacket into the crook of his arm and, with one flirty wink, departed the Kaiba residence. Yuugi watched him saunter into the black sports car and peal smoothly out of the driveway, making his way for the gate.

"So..." Yuugi jolted in place and spun, coming face to face with a grinning Jounouchi. "Aibou, huh?"

"Shut up." Yuugi muttered, shutting the door. He used his blonde fringe to hide the growing blush as he walked towards the living room where Bakura's mad laughter and peppering gunfire could be heard. He could sense Jou's knowing smirk as the blonde walked in step beside him. "You win."



Hmm, our lovely tendership seems to be bringing a lot of feels to our puzzleship, aren't they?

So I've been binge watching "Pretty Little Liars" on Netflix... and somehow combined it with Yu-Gi-Oh! to get the idea "Pretty Little Gamers". The plot bunnies of doom even gave me plot twists and everything! Sigh.

In other news, next chapter will be dedicated to MAJOR Yami/Yuugi development and Komomo part 2 will be out soon! Keep an eye out for its next installment, titled "Commander"! *wink, wink; nudge, nudge*

I apologize for any errors I didn't catch. Thank you for reading!

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