Capture My Soul: A Lucifer Fa...

By poptastic749

466K 11.1K 2.3K

Lorelai Thomas is the poster child for being a Good Girl. Well mannered, outstanding grades and a need to suc... More

Chapter One: First Encounter
Chapter Two: Thoughts About You
Chapter Three: Dazed and Confused
Chapter Four: Wining and Dining
Chapter Five: Desire Unto Thee
Chapter Six: Foot Fetish
Chapter Seven: Consequences of Actions
Chapter Eight: Dark Haze
Chapter Nine: Dont Stop
Chapter Ten: Field Trip
Chapter Eleven: Distractions
Chapter Twelve: Interruptions
Chapter Fourteen: Lustful Antics
Chapter Fifteen: Beautiful Horrors
Chapter Sixteen: Cinderella
Chapter Seventeen: The Gala
Chapter Eighteen: Dance the Night Away
Chapter Nineteen: First Time
Chapter Twenty: Revelations
Chapter Twenty One: The Attack
Chapter Twenty Two: Reassurances
Chapter Twenty Three: The Doctor Is In
Chapter Twenty Four: Falling
Chapter Twenty Five: Inseparable
Chapter Twenty Six: Please, Sir
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Truth Shall Set Me Free
Chapter Twenty Eight: Torture of the Soul
Chapter Twenty Nine: Hope and Fear
Chapter Thirty: Sacrafice
Authors Note

Chapter Thirteen: Affection and Trepidation

12.9K 340 39
By poptastic749

"Hello? Anyone here?" I called, walking through the eerily quiet Lux. I had driven over right away, parking my vespa in the back again. Now, walking through the empty club I got chills. It was weird being somewhere where there was usually so much life, I could hear the echoes of party goers, the throngs of people moving around. Now the silence was deafening and I hurried my way over to the elevator. Stepping in I hit the penthouse button. I hope hes there...I thought. I hadnt bothered to call, figuring he had shown up at my place plenty of times unannounced so I could do the same. The elevator reached his floor, the doors opening up to the massive space.

I stepped in hesitantly, looking around carefully. "Lucifer?" I waited a moment, not hearing a response. "Are you here? Its Lorelai," still getting no response I walked around, running my hand along the piano as I walked by. The apartment was quiet and my shoulders slumped, he wasnt here. "Great, now what?" I muttered. I looked around, my eyes landing on the couch. I guess I could wait for him...I pursed my lips. Should I wait? I again thought about how he had shown up to my place without a call, when he had watched me while I was sleeping. Surely this would be fine? Just sitting in the quiet and getting some work done? I sighed, making my decision and sitting down. The leather was like butter underneath my fingertips and I couldnt help but trail my hands over the material longingly. I opened up my messenger bag, pulling out my glasses and laptop. I put my glasses on and opened up my computer, opening up the files I had been working on previously. Starting up my music, jazz again, I set to work.

Writing and rewriting was something I had grown so accustomed to that sometimes I would fall into this pit, my creativity and senses focused on nothing other than the words in front of me. Sometimes hours would go by without my notice, realization finally dawning on me when my body would protest some bodily function it needed to survive and I would be broken from my revere. Now, as my hands flew across the keyboard, I could feel myself slipping into that state.

Im not sure how much time passed when I was finally startled out of it. "Lorelai?" The sound of my name made me jump and I turned to see Lucifer standing a few feet away, a surprised look on his face. How long has he been there? I didnt even hear the elevator. "Hi," I smiled sheepishly, turning so that I faced him. "I-I hope you dont mind, I kinda needed to get out of my apartment and, well, I thought Id come here." Lucifer watched me, his hands in his pockets as he slowly made his way over. I couldnt read his expression so hurried on. "And well, you werent here so I thought I would just wait for you." He sat across from me on the coffee table, eyes shining. "How long have you been here?" He asked, expression still unreadabe. I glanced at my phone and gasped slightly, "three hours."

"Three hours?" He asked startled. I cringed, nodding. This was bad, where did the time go? Finally, Lucifer chuckled, shaking his head and I began to relax. "Well, it was a lovely surprise seeing you here, I just wish I hadnt kept you waiting so long." I sighed, relieved. "Honestly I dont know where the time went, I was so caught up in my work that it just slipped by me." He smiled softly, reaching out to run a finger down my cheek. "I like your glasses," he murmured, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Very sexy librarian." I chuckled and leaned forward, pecking his lips quickly. "Hi," I murmured. He smirked, "hello, love."

"How was work, dear?" I said ironically, my lips quirking up slightly. I saw amusement pass through his eyes as he moved to sit next to me, pulling me into his side and wrapping his arms around me. He sighed as I leaned my head back and I felt him relax against me. "Better not turn that leaf over, love." He muttered. I glanced up at him and saw a frown on his lips, his brows pulled together in thought. I reached up, running my hand lightly across his cheek, instantly pulling him from his dark thoughts. He turned to gaze at me and any form of agitation vanished. "Sorry I brought it up," I murmured, turning back and leaning into him again. "Not your fault, Lorelai. Its not important," he sighed and I felt him shift beneath me, sitting up straighter, "how was your day?"

This emitted a sigh from me, "well I got called after class to speak with my professor. She wanted to know why I hadnt submitted any of my work to any editors." I shifted forward, Lucifer's arm still wrapped slightly around me, pulling my laptop to me and saving the story I was working on. "She seems to think that doing so could be good, although I doubt that?"

"Why not?" Lucifer exclaimed. I turned to face him, bringing up my right leg to fold underneath. "Why not? Well no editor is going to look at this and not laugh," I gestured to my computer, "they arent anything that would get published."

"Thats not what I thought when I read some." Lucifer quipped. I pulled my brows together, glancing at the screen. I was torn, wondering whether or not to believe him. I had never contemplated that before, submitting my work, but Lucifer, someone Im sure didnt care whether or not it was published, thought it was good enough to do so. He could just be saying that to win you over more, some traitorous voice whispered to me. I silenced that voice, hoping that wasnt the case. I glanced back at him and saw him watching me with a curious gaze. No, I decided, he wouldnt do that. "So you think I should submit this?" I pointed to the computer, brows raised. He nodded, reaching out to grasp my hands. "Well, love, what is it you desire?"

I felt tingles run through me as he said those words. Those words that had initially drawn us together and had haunted me from the moment our lips touched. The words that seemed to follow him around. I bit my lip, "I-I want to be a published author." I whispered, breaking our gaze as I went on. "Its all Ive ever dreamed of."

"Then why not do it?" He looked at me earnestly and I found myself spilling my darkest fears to the man who made me feel safe. "I-Im scared of rejection," I whispered, fidgeting uncomfortably. This seemed to spark something within him, his eyes revealing he had a thought suddenly. I realized, with a start, that I was growing to read him more. Decipher what his features meant and what was passed through his eyes. He pulled me to him so that I was straddling his lap. My arms went up automatically, wrapping loosely around his neck. "You," he started, a fierce tone to his voice and a fire in his eyes, "have nothing to be afraid of. You stupefy me, love, with your intelligence. Your work is good. I know that submitting it would be a good thing." His proclamation had my heart fluttering; he always complimented me, calling me a vixen and goddess when we were in bed, but this was different. This was me, he was complimenting, my mind and not my body. A warmth filled me and I felt like I was glowing. I smiled, shyly, "you think so?"

"I know so." He leaned up to kiss me hard, leaving a trail of kisses across my cheek down my neck. I giggled, pushing him back slightly. "Ill think about," I murmured. He smiled slightly, a looking coming over him that I dont think I had seen before.


My heart fluttered and I tried not to let my elation show. "Anyways," I started, glancing back. "After that I went back to my door and Jade was, well, getting it on with some guy on our couch." I chuckled, shaking my head and looking at him again. There was a mischievous look in his eyes and before I could question what he was thinking, he threw me back against the couch, his body covering mine. I squealed, looking up at him. "Something like this, love?" His legs pinned mine slightly as he straddled my waist, reaching out to start tickling me. I squealed, laughing as his hands worked around my stomach and up my side. Thrashing with laughter I tried to buck him off but my small frame was no match for his. He pinned me down and I felt a few tears slide down my cheeks. "Lucifer!" I gasped, "uncle! Uncle!" I squealed breathlessly. He pulled his hands away and I caught my breath looking up at him. Pure and utter delight warmed his face and I was taken aback by his beauty. Yet another look I hadnt seen from; he looked angelic and I immediately thought of the irony that brought about.

"Youre very ticklish, love." He chuckled. I grinned, throwing an arm over my eyes. "Dont remind me!" He laughed, a bellowing sound warming the penthouse before I felt him shift, moving my arm from my face and kissing me. Happiness coursed through me and I pulled him closer. There was nothing dark or sensual about this kiss and I was again surprised at what a difference that was. Defiantly not something I would have thought Id felt when we first met, but it seemed like he was full of surprises these days.

We were comfortable where we were, kissing gently and just enjoying each others company. We had stayed on the couch for a while, the blazing sun sinking slowly and casting shadows across the room. When it had begun to get dark I sat up, stretching out. "What time is it?" I picked up my phone, freezing as I saw the time and a few messages from Jade telling me I could come back. "Shit," I whispered. "What is it, love?"

I sighed, "just Jade. She worries about me too much." I typed off a quick response, letting her know where I was and when Id be back. "Shes just looking out for you." I glanced back at him. His hair was slightly disheveled, his suit jacket discarded and vest opened. I reaching out, pulling at the vest and letting my hand run across his chest. "Why do you always wear suits? Dont you get hot?" This earned me a chuckle, his hand grabbing mine and bringing it to his lips where he kissed it softly. "Well I have to live up to my name, love. Cant leave people disappointed." I grinned, shaking my head, my hair swinging slightly. "Well, Ill admit I do like them," I let my eyes wander down him appreciatively. When my gaze looked back up at him there was amusement dancing across his lips. "Are you checking me out?"

I grinned. "Yes, sir, I am." I giggled and he pulled me on top of him, silencing our conversation.

"Must you leave?" Lucifer asked as I stood at the elevator some time later. I sighed, grabbing his hands. "Yeah, Ive got an early class tomorrow and work following that." His words had my heart fluttering, the look he was giving me amplifying that. He smiled wistfully down at me, "we can always make a mad dash tomorrow morning." I grinned, shaking my head in amusement. "I actually like getting to class on time, thank you. And although you drove like a bat out of hell-"

"Theyre actually arent bats in hell, love. In some but not most." I chuckled, rolling my eyes and grinning. "Anyways, I dont like feeling that rush of late anxiety I get. So thank you, but I must politely decline." Lucifer sighed, pulling me to him. I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed him, feeling the wistfulness of his touch. "Dream of me, tonight." He murmured as we pulled back. I smirked, "very romantic, Mr. Morningstar," I stepped out of his embrace, moving into the elevator. He watched me and I gave him a parting smirk and wave as the doors closed.

* * *

Lucifer went to bed feeling as if he was walking on clouds. Coming home to Lorelai had been an unexpected surprise. Seeing her sitting around his home, so comfortably, working and being unaware of his presence, and then seeing him there. It warmed his insides, bringing back that odd feeling again. He enjoyed her company and spending the afternoon with her, lounging around, holding her, had been perfect. When he had tickled her it had brought him another feeling that was foreign to him: pure, utter joy. Sure he thought he had felt what that was before, but now realized that it wasnt joy with feeling, it was a materialistic joy that was shallow and hollow. Seeing her leave had troubled him and he wondered if they would see each other again tomorrow. For now, he lay in his bed, trying to imagine her there with him.

When he fell asleep, he dreamt again. He dreamt that he was in bed, wrapped in the silk sheets with Lorelai next to him. Her bare body was flush against his and he lazily ran his fingers up and down her back. "Wow, that," she breathed. They had just had sex for the first time and he felt at peace. Her breath tickled his ear and he shifted so he was now resting on his forearms looking down at her. "I am an angel, love." He smirked. That playful glint was in her eye and she reached out, stroking what he was horrified to discover was one of his wings. He glanced back and felt them stretched out in all their divine glory. Lorelai stroked one and chills went through him. Her fingers were so soft against them, but he was horrified at how they had suddenly appeared.

"So are you pleased?" She started, Lucifer looking back to her, his eyes widening. "You finally stole my virtue," she teased, eyes glowing a brilliant red.

Lucifer jerked awake, sweat misting his face. His breath came in loud gasps, images of Lorelai's sweet face marred by his glowing red eyes. He rubbed his hands over his face, just a dream, not real, he reminded himself. Climbing out of bed he grabbed his silk robe, pulling it over himself and tying it at the waist. He walked out onto the balcony, the cool night air chilling him and waking him up, shaking off the last remnants of his dream. He lay his hands on the cool, metal edge of the balcony, leaning forward. He glanced at the sky, his inward thoughts coming out.

"I bet that was your doing, eh Dad? A little warning for your fallen son? Dont go near that innocent girl or else?" He grumbled, venom lacing his tone. It was classic God, put the girl in his path but dont let him have her. The thought of Lucifer not seeing Lorelai anymore sent an ache through him, he'd miss her eyes and the way he lost himself in their green depths. He'd miss her gentle touch and the way she was so soft spoken but could curse and yell in a moments notice. He'd miss seeing her inner freak come out, how her body would shift and her eyes would darken as lust took over. But most importantly, he'd miss the way she made him feel. He'd grown to accept that strange warmth that rushed through him every time she was near and he knew without a doubt that if she left, she would take that warmth with her.

He clenched the railing as a flare of rage lit up his insides. "No," he growled, "I will not let you keep her from me." Turning his back he marched inside, stopping as he noticed a stack of white on the coffee table. He walked over to it, picking it up and leafing through the pages. It was one of Lorelai's stories. The last time he had laid hands on one of them she had looked terrified that he even touched it, last night she had admitted her fears to him. Although not in the way he had hoped. When he tried to use his devilish gift she was still immune, but she told him anyways and that had shocked him. He opened up to the first page, wondering if he should read it or not.

His curious nature got the best of him and he started reading, walking back to his bed. Her words flowed eloquently and he was soon enraptured in the tail she was weaving. He knew he wouldnt be able to fall asleep, instead deciding to just stay in bed and finish the story she had put together.

So he read, finishing the pages all too quickly. The story had been about a girl around Lorelais age and how she was transformed into this warrior of the innocent, protecting them and risking her own life. This girl fought through countless battles, finally defeating the big baddie of the story but nearly dying in her true loves arms in the process. The story had ended happily, with the warrior forging a bond with her love and dedicating her life to protect him and the rest who needed her. But while Lucifer read, he couldnt help but imagine Lorelai in that position, a woman so strong and fierce that it shocked the world. He could imagine her, charging in, guns blazing and laying down her own life. The thought was mildly unsettling as he wished to protect her from whatever horrors were out there, but at the same time, he enjoyed the image of her so brave and strong.

He soon found himself falling into the comfortable arms of sleep, this time dreaming of Lorelai as the warrior from her story.

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