Say You Won't Let Go

By StrangeBlob

356K 9.7K 2.6K

I've always lived with my mother and sister. But things happen, lives change... People change. Best ranking: ... More

The News
The Flight
A Reunion
The New School
Beautiful Days & Ugly Assumptions
The Girl With Emerald Eyes
Dancing Under The Moonlight
Cookies & A Movie
Jerks & Rumors
Broken Eyes
Dinner Disaster
The Troublesome Adventures
Fights & Gazes
Wrong Doings & Wrong Words
Her Marks
After School
A Realization
Labs & Conversation
Truthful Lies
Words On The Lockers
The Question
The Final Words
Momentary Peace
The Fatal Answer
Running Free
The Empty Gun & Broken Bullets
Smiles & New Information
The Coward & The Hero
Cookies, Pizza & Grins
Flirting & Worry
Trust & The Stumble
The Reason Behind It All
The Demons Of Her Past
Dinner & Explanations
Friends & Their Advice
The Effects Of Emerald Eyes
The Truth Always Comes Out
Bathroom Stalls & Changing Times
Quiet Night
Revealed Secrets
The Gift Of A Lifetime
Past Reasons & Transparent Emotions
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Little Sisters
Purple Roses & Row Boats
The Strongest Of Them All

A Summer Night

4.8K 133 24
By StrangeBlob

"Throw me that blanket, Lo." I call to Lauren who is in the hallway, digging through the closet.

She chucks a red, velvety blanket at my face. "Ah!" I let out the muffled yelp. The blanket, still folded, falls into my lap.

"Sorry!" Lauren hollers back, carrying an extra pillow back into my room. She shuts the door behind her.

"I feel attacked." I deadpan, fixing my hair that the blanket messed up after a few seconds.

"I said sorry, my love." Lauren plops down next to me, kissing my cheek and then snuggling into me. I smile softly at her warmth.

"I just wanted to hear it again." I run my fingers through her dark hair. I hear her hum contently.

"You're such a little sneak." Lauren complains, pouting. I giggle, feeling her smile against my stomach.

"Your little sneak." I hum, laying back onto my pillow. I hear the green eyed girl sigh happily.

"Mine." She runs her fingers through my hair. "Are we going to watch a movie or...?"

"Yeah, we can." I untangle myself from Lauren and grab my laptop off the dresser. Plopping right back down by Lauren, I open the top. "What movie?"

I scroll through Netflix and Lauren hums at Beauty and The Beast. "This one?" I clarify, hovering my mouse over the movie.

"Yeah." She responds. I select the movie and get up quickly to shut off the lights and then climb back into bed with my girlfriend. I lay against my pillow and Lauren snuggles up against my side, her head resting on my chest and her arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I sneak my arm around her side, leaning the side of my face on her head.

She pulls the blanket up and hums contently into my pajamas. I can feel her heartbeat against my side. The movie plays and I sing some parts and when I do, Lauren giggles.

It's a good halfway through the movie when Lauren stirs and looks up at me. "I so excited for this summer—you, me, the sun, and all the time we want."

"Yeah?" I look down at my girlfriend's face and brush some of her hair out of her face.

"Yes. School was such a drag. The only good I got out of it was you." Lauren hums affectionately and I find myself grinning at emerald eyes.

"Good thing summer starts tomorrow." I smile and Lauren nods vigorously. "Staying up all night with you tonight will be the highlight of my year."

"Hopefully, neither of us fall asleep." Lauren comments, fiddling with the button on my pants. "I feel like you will."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I exclaim. She laughs softly and lifts her torso up to kiss my cheek.

"You're just a sleepy person." Lauren shrugs. "Do you have any activities for us?"

"Uhh, I have Monopoly?" I say slowly, looking from side to side sheepishly. I hadn't planned a lot out because finals were stressing me into the walls.

Lauren doubles over laughing, burying her face in my chest. "You're cute."

"It's like you're already sleep deprived. Sleep deprived Lauren is my favorite Lauren—so cute and loopy." I coo, stroking Lauren's head.

"Whatever you say." Lauren hums, snuggling up into my side again.

The movie comes to finish and Lauren yawns into my shirt. I look over at the clock. 9 o'clock.

"Okay, lets get into our pajamas and beg my dad for ice cream." I suggest. Lauren beams and rolls over me and off the bed. She crawls over to her bag she brought to spend the night.

"I can go change in the bathroom." Lauren says, standing up but I put my hand on her shoulder.

"You don't have to." I say softly, my girlfriend looking up at me with tender eyes. "We've been dating for three months, Lo. You don't have to change in the bathroom."

Lauren gives me a soft smile. "Alright then." She steps a little closer and whispers in my ear before stepping past me. "You can feast your eyes—I don't mind."

I feel my cheeks heat up, my heart starts beating a little faster, and grab my own pajamas from my dresser. I glance over at Lauren and am meet with the sight of her bare back. Her dark brown hair skims down a few inches below her shoulders, her loose curls brushing her pale skin. She then slides a gray tank top on and I advert my gaze.

Unzipping my jeans, I change into pajamas shorts, slipping a blue t-shirt over my newly bare torso. Turning around after picking up my clothes, I notice Lauren's eyes on me. I send her a flirty wink and her face flushes.

"Will your dad still be up at nine?" Lauren asks as we leave my room, making sure to switch the lights off.

I scoff. "Yeah. He said he'd be awake until 10, remember? And then he said so make sure—"

"—there's no shenanigans until 11. Yep, I heard." Lauren's face is bright red. I laugh and kiss her cheek.

"You're so cute when you're flustered." I coo, taking my girlfriend's hand in my own. She smiles at me.

Alejandro waves when he sees us enter the living room, closing his book. "Hey, girls. What's up?"

I walk into the kitchen and Lauren sits by my father and they begin chatting. Looking through the freezer, I find the tub of ice cream that I normally snack on when school use to decide to dump as much stress as possible on my shoulders. I take the carton out and set it on the counter.

"Want some, babe?" I ask Lauren who is still laughing and conversing with my father. She looks over at me.

"Yes, please." She hums, blowing me a kiss. I smile giddily and climb up on the counter to grab down two bowls. "Be careful, Camz." She comments when she sees me climbing. I flash her a crooked smile. Scooping some ice cream into each bowl, I find myself glancing over at my girlfriend. I love that Lauren and my dad get along so well. I wish I had the chance to introduce her to my mother.

Maybe I will one day.

After putting away the frozen treat, I grab our two spoons and put one in each bowl, picking them up and bring them to Lauren. She takes hers gratefully and leans up to kiss my cheek.

"You're the best." She coos as I snuggle down next to her. Dad reaches over and pats my knee.

"Hey, sweetheart." He says to me. "How's Sofi been? She hasn't called me in a while."

"Oh," I mumble through a mouthful of ice cream. "Sarah took them on vacation to California. DisneyLand—I think."

"Oh, yeah! She told me about that." Lauren comments, sticking another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

"She probably forgot her phone at home, Dad. Don't take it personally." I reach over to pat his shoulder and he sighs dramatically. Lauren snorts, making me grin at her.

I lay my head on my girlfriend's shoulder, finishing my bowl of ice cream. She takes both bowls to the sink and I whine in the absence of her warmth. Dad rolls eyes at how pathetic am. I stick my tongue out at him. Lauren grabs my hand and we head for the stairs.

Alejandro gasps, faking pain. "I can't believe you guys are leaving me so quickly? Ouch."

I laugh, shaking my head. "It's like I'm the parent. Will you be okay down here all by yourself, kiddo?"

"I guess." He pouts playfully before waving and grabbing his book off the coffee table.

"Love you!" I call out to him as Lauren and I head upstairs.

We head to my room and Lauren throws herself on my bed. "I'm tired."

"Hey," I coo, getting on the bed and kneeling beside her. I rub her shoulders. "No sleeping, sleepyhead."

"I know. I know." She hums, curling up into me and kissing my shoulder gently. I kiss the top of her head and she squeezing my waist.

"Don't sleep." I poke her cheek when I feel her eyelids flutter against my neck.

"Fine." She drawls, lifting her face from my neck. Her green eyes gleam in the dimly light room. "Entertain me, then."

I lean forward and kiss her promptly. She immediately hums against my lips, wrapping her arms around my neck. She leans against my bed's headboard. I move up on her.

She runs her hand through my hair, tilting my head back slightly. She begins to kiss down my neck, sucking gently above my collarbone. I fiddle with her shorts as she kisses back up my neck to my lips.

I tilt my head to the side, smiling as she bites down on my bottom lip. I sneak my hands up her shirt and I feel goosebumps grow on her skin. She squirms slightly under my touch and I smile into our kiss.

Lauren pulls back slightly and we meet eyes. She slowly leans in again, our noses brushing. She captures my lips passionately before burying her face in my neck and hugging me tightly.

I lay back and run my fingers through her hair slowly. She has her forehead pressed to my stomach and her arms around my lower waist. Scooting up closer to my face, she curls around my body and I plant a soft kiss on my temple.

11:50 p.m.

"Pssttt, Camz." Lauren whispers from beside my head, to which I'm relaxing on her stomach as we stare at the ceiling.

"Yes, my love?" I hum, fiddling with her fingers.

Lauren lifts her head slightly upwards to look at me. "It's almost midnight."

Turning my head to the side to meet my girlfriend's eyes, I frown. "Really? It's been that long?"

She nods. "It's been a really long time."

"I don't know how we're still awake." I comment, shifting to look back at the ceiling. Lauren rests her hand down on my stomach and I place mine over hers.

"It's the summer air." Lauren concludes.

"Babe," I roll over, propping my body up on my elbows. Lauren looks over to give me her attention.

"Yes?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Can you believe we're going to be seniors when school starts back up? Then we can move into the future." I hum wistfully, tilting my head to the side fondly. "You know what the future holds?"

Lauren reaches forward and tucks some of my hair behind my ear. "What?"

"Lots more of you and me." I grin to which Lauren lets out a soft giggle. Her eyes gain this gleaming affection, causing the butterflies in my stomach to go wild.

"Quite a charmer, aren't you?" Lauren scoffs, a smile twitching at her lips.

"Not particularly." I lean down to kiss Lauren's bare shoulder. "You're the only thing I want in my future."

"Camz," Lauren crawls, this wide, giddy, grin plastered on her face. She runs a hand through her hair. "Stop."

"Stop what?" I tease, locking eyes with the green eyed girl. She rolls hers and rests her head against the wall.

"Being perfect."

My lips part slightly and a tender smile melts on my face. "I am sorry, I am incapable of your wishes."

The rooms grows strangely quiet. I can hear Lauren exhale before speaking again.

"You really want to spend a future with me?"

I shift my body so I'm sitting with my legs folded. Lauren has her body against the wall, her legs straight so her feet hang off the bed.

"Yes." I take her hand, running my thumb over her pinky. She wets her bottom lip with her tongue before meeting my eyes. "Forever and always."

She looks down briefly and then lifts her chin back up. "I can't wait." She decides, intertwining our fingers. "As long as you're in it, I can't wait."

"The best things are worth waiting for." I kiss the back of her hand before sighing loudly and smiling adoringly at Lauren.

3:27 a.m.

"All of your clothes look so cute on me." Lauren decides, pulling on another one of my sweaters. I throw some shorts at her and she sticks her tongue out at me.

"Come hold me." I pout, crossing my arms.

"So needy." Lauren teases, taking the sweater off anyway and climbing into the bed with me. I tug at her pajama shirt and she scoots closer to me. Placing my head on her shoulder, I can feel her body relax. My hand finds hers immediately and laces with her fingers.

Sometimes, silence says everything for you. Lauren makes me so happy. Spending my days with her in summer will definitely be the best times of my life. We've been dating for just over four months and just the presence of Lauren fills my heart with affection and...

"Lauren?" I say so softly, it comes out like a whisper.

"Yes, Camz?" Lauren replies, a touch of worry in her tone. "What's up?"

Breathing in the silence, I hum softly. "I love you."

This catches Lauren dead off guard. She whips her head to look at me and I sit up straight to meet her face. "You love me?" She whispers, leaning in as she speaks.



"Yes. Who else?"

"And it's not just some—?"

I take her hands and press my lips against hers to shut her up. "It will never just be overzealous friend feelings. Trust me—what we have could never be just friends."

Lauren's facial features soften and she grins widely. "I love you, too. So much, Camila. I didn't say anything because I didn't want you to not feel the same way."

"What do you mean, Lo?" I furrow my eyebrows. "Of course, I feel the same way. I'm your girlfriend."

"But love is gradual and isn't always mutual." Lauren shrugs, her body frame almost shrinking as she hugs herself.

I lean forward and put my hands on her knees, our faces inches apart. "I love you, Lauren Jauregui. My soul always has and always will."

She then captures my lips for her own and passion fills in the silence.

5:55 a.m.

I can hear Lauren faint breathing against my forehead and she holds me against her chest, in her arms. I know she's still awake because I can feel her finger occasionally draw a heart shape in my side.

Early sunrise is streaming in from the shut window. My heart beats steadily in my chest, making it seem like it could almost echo off the walls. Lauren shifts her body slightly, causing me to whine.

"What?" Lauren rasps, looking down at me.

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I melt into her warmth. "Say you won't let go."

She runs a hand through my hair. I hum with pleasure and lean into her palm.

"You know I never could." Lauren coos.

Rolling my eyes at my girlfriend, I find myself smiling anyway. "Good. Because I could live in your arms."

"I wouldn't mind that."

"It's a little impractical but I wouldn't mind it, either." I nuzzle my nose into her chest. Suddenly, I remember something I overheard a few weeks ago. "Hey, baby?"

"Yes?" The green eyed girl replies.

"Did you hear that..." my voice falters slightly and I lift my face from my girlfriend. Her eyes hold concern.

"Hear what?" She murmurs, running her fingers through my hair to try to soothe me.

"Clara and Michael," I spit out and Lauren facial features harden. "They changed their last names."

"What?" Lauren sounds almost hurt. "How? Is that even legal?"

I squeeze Lauren's hand. "Apparently. Lucy told me about it. I even looked it up afterwards. They probably made up some bogus last name and signed a couple contracts."

"Lucy?" Lauren sounds unsure. At first, I think it's because of her old feelings for the brunette but then I realize it's because she doesn't know where Lucy and I lay in friendship.

"Oh, don't worry. Lucy and I are friends. She's actually dating Vero now." I inform Lauren who lets out a breath of relief.

"Okay, good. I didn't know if she still liked you."

"She doesn't. She knows I'm yours." I smile tenderly at the green eyed girl.

Lauren takes a deep breath. "Back to Clara and Michael, I really don't care about what they do because my parents are Patricia and Jerry. Clara and Michael whatever-the-hell-their-last-names-are-now don't matter to me. They treated me like nothing other than garbage. I'm actually happy I don't have to share a last name with them."

"I'm so proud of you. You've finally moved on." I coo, kissing her cheek.

"Plus, it doesn't matter what their last name is or what my last name is because, in the end, mine's gonna end up being Cabello anyway." Lauren hugs me tightly and I almost melt into a puddle.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

She kisses me softly and I smile against her lips.

This summer is going to be the best yet.


A/N: OH MY GOD. I'M SO SORRY. I know it's been a month and a half since I updated :(((((( but I just couldn't put out any quality work so I just waited until I could. I'm so so so so sorry. The next chapter for this will BE OUT SOONER. I PROMISE. And it's also the epilogue sooooo. Get excited! It's almost over.

If you enjoyed this chapter, please star it. Have a BEAUTIFUL day! I love youuuuu!!


(P.s: If you're bored, you should check out my oneshot. It's called Until You Left (Or Had To Go). I'll also be starting a new story soon!)

(P.p.s: You should 100% check out Lauv's album I Met You When I Was 18. It's really good!)

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