Maid For Him

By _foreignbloodXOX

189K 8.3K 516

Syd'nee Diallo is a beautiful-exotic eighteen year old maid working under the care of the infamous African Ki... More

Times Have Changed
New Beginnings
Revealing Truths
Lurking Evils
The Devil Himself
Beautiful Nightmare
Woven Hearts
Darkened Souls
Opening Crests
Pretty Hurts
Burning Fury
Fear Ignited
Sealed With A Kiss
The Last Night
Abduction Part l
Abduction Part ll
Abduction Part lll
First Cut Is The Deepest
Goodbye Is The Saddest Word Part l
Goodbye Is The Saddest Word Part ll
Homecoming King
Meeting of the Past
Sailing Mystery
Homecoming Queen Pt. 1
Homecoming Queen Pt. 2
Bad Romance Pt.1
Bad Romance Pt.2
Unfailing Truths
Beautiful Beginnings
Life Goes On
Authors Note
Limitless Love
Unspoken Secrets
Old Tales

Exposed Secrets

6.8K 274 9
By _foreignbloodXOX

Prince Cleo's POV

Long stealthy limbs padded against the rough asphalt whilst making my way toward the King and his damsel.

"Don't you dare touch me!" Sasha had managed to break free of A'yo's forceful hold, as her rubber heeled flat squished and stomped down onto A'yo's behind her.

He grunted, prior to dragging chipped, deft fingers into Sasha's onyx locks, grabbing onto a handful of hair whilst tugging her back into his arms. She struggled, pleading beady eyes now glancing back up to meet my orbs as I hid behind a tall pillar. I was shocked, no pissed at what was being displayed beneath my eyes. My thoughts progressively drifted to the first night I'd met Sasha and Syd'nee, the night they'd been caught by A'yo.

God, I'm such an idiot. I hadn't caught onto what A'yo meant when he explained that the girls would face extreme consequences. I believed it was more back arching chores.

"Nobody can hear you, you little worthless wrench!" A'yo spat with fury just as he chucked her to the ground, not even bothering to glance around him. He straddled Sasha's hips, keeping her steady and in place with his weight. At that moment, I decided to step out, not needing a reading to tell me what would be happening next.

"Stop!" I commanded, and winced at how dry my throat was. A'yo instantly raised his head, thick brows creased together in a way that'd he began to resemble an orangutan monkey. I took a long stride away from the pillar, and out of the shadows, shoving my hands into the depths of my pockets to conceal the fists they'd began to form into. He was clearly drunk, from the way his eyes would lose focus from me, to the cream coloured wall behind me.

"Ah.. my prince.. come, come." A'yo slurred, before cracking a half smile and beckoning me over with his stubby fingers. My gaze flitted toward Sasha's, slowly frowning upon realising that she wasn't moving. At all.

"Get the hell off her." I spoke through gritted teeth, as I began to advance toward them, my gaze plastered onto Sasha the entire time. "Get off her, now!" I roared, before tackling A'yo and sending him off Sasha. Her eyes were still tightly shut, as her breathing shallow and irregular. "Sasha? Hey, Sas-" "How dare you?!" I heard A'yo shout from behind me, but before I could utter a singular word, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck spread throughout my entire being. I groaned, arching my back in pain as I brought my hands around to grasp my head, the throbbing sensation now becoming far too much to bare.

"That vase was a gift from the Australian Government. I hated it." A'yo snorted from his position behind me as I groaned yet again. So he smashed a glass vase into my head? What, did he not know Men fought with fists not objects? "You're a.. ugh.." I lunged over, placing my damp forehead against the cool marble tiles whilst clenching my lids shut. What had I really gotten myself into coming all the way to Africa? "Yes, I know I am, Son." A'yo boomed a laugh as he began to walk around me, so I could get a good glimpse at his apparent designed boots, perhaps?

Son. Had he really just called me Son? At that I gradually raised my head, crimson blood dripping from my dampened roots, and into my eyes momentarily blurring my vision. "You know," He continued to which I sighed, glaring up at him through dangerous slits.

"Your Father , Jacob, was the most coward man I think I'd ever met. In no way was he fit to take responsibility of a country. The man couldn't even keep his family in check. That's why your Mama went out and slept with all different types of men. White, black, yellow, hell even blue. I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't Jacobs. But then again, you both have nothing called balls. Like father, like son perhaps."

I felt my blood begin to boil at each word A'yo spat out. How dare me? How dare he! I abruptly stood onto my feet before lunging, clearly catching him off guard. I used the pillar for leverage as I swung around and gave him a powerful kick to the gut, causing him to hunch over and sputter out a curse laced with blood. I held up his chin with the tip of my index finger, whilst standing in front of him.

"Like father like son; perhaps you're right. I do remember my father saying he kicked your ass before leaving Ghana. I intend on doing the same." A'yo exhaled slowly, as if waiting for the blow to come. But it never did. instead, I promenaded my way toward Sasha, carefully scooping her into my arms without a second glance to A'yo. Oh, I'd hurt him, alright. But when it was in front of a crowd, so he could get a sweet taste of humiliation. It'd be sweet.

Syd'nee's POV

I rapidly finished brushing through my thick locks, neatly placing it into a bun at the back of my head. With a sigh, I straightened the fringes of my black and white dress, making sure that I looked presentable for the day. I was annoyed-- pissed actually. Pissed for two reasons; One, being that today was the day I had to spend with the King's unappreciative daughters, Sharonia and Shawna. Every Wednesday and Friday was Spa day. For them only, of course.

I silently began to pack all the items I needed for the day to keep the girls happy. "Miss. Diallo?" A soft rap was heard against the closed door, causing me to jump slightly at the sudden sound. "Yes? I'm coming out now!" I called back to the voice I'd recognised as Nicola Boetang- a woman just a few years older than I, whom's morning job was to make sure all the female servants were up before the sun completely raised. If you asked me, she had the easiest job in the entire palace. I slung the large duffle bag with the distinctive 'G.R' initials encrusted with gold over my lean shoulder effortlessly, before walking towards the door. I'd spread my bed later.

"Morning, Nic." I greeted Nicola with a tight lipped smile, after passing her at Deja's room, where Sasha was meant to be in. "Good morning, Syd'nee!" Nicola called back just as I'd turned the corner. I rolled my eyes at her enthusiasm whilst walking down the corridor on my own. It was far too early for someone to be that giddy. I'd nearly forgotten the second reason I was so damn pissed this morning. I'd almost made out with a prince. A white prince. Now, don't get me wrong, I wasn't in the slightest racist, but growing up in a traditional African household, they tell you that the white man is never to be trusted, for they lie, steal, rape and murder. Well, at least that's what Grandma said before passing. 'Always stick to your own kind.'

She'd lecture to me and my siblings. The fact that I'd just met Cleo is what got me so irritated. I knew nothing about him. I didn't know what his favourite color was, or what was the name of his first best friend. Hell, I didn't even know the man's last name. And that's the way it's gonna stay. I spoke to myself, upon realisation. The less I knew, the better. Attachment was a pain in a---"Syd'nee, where the hell have you been?!" I glanced up to meet Sharonia's pissed off expression as she folded her slender limbs across her flat chest, standing in the threshold of her extravagant bedroom.

"I'm sorry, your majesty. It seems I lost track of time." I gave a curtsey, hoping she'd accept my apology, when in all seriousness I really could care less. I must've been an excellent actress, because next thing I knew, she snorted before moving to one side, granting me access to walk into the room. I resisted the urge to sigh, certainly not looking forward to today. Let the fun begin.

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