The Female Alpha

By Wusstig03

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It's been many centuries since the Second Supernatural War, since then, werewolves have been unable to commun... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 ✅
Chapter 9 ✅
Chapter 10 ✅
Chapter 11 ✅
Chapter 12 ✅
Chapter 13 ✅
Chapter 14 ✅
Chapter 16 ✅
Chapter 17 ✅
Chapter 18 ✅
Chapter 19 ✅
Chapter 20 ✅
Chapter 21 ✅
Chapter 22 ✅
Chapter 23 ✅
Chapter 24 ✅
Chapter 25 ✅
Chapter 26 ✅
Chapter 27 ✅
Chapter 28 ✅
Chapter 29 ✅
Chapter 30 ✅

Chapter 15 ✅

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By Wusstig03

“The Legend of the Female Alpha.

Once upon a time, the Moon Goddess blessed a female werewolf with the ability and status of an Alpha in a time where all werewolves were in one pack.

She was special and said to be loved by all creatures alike.

Her beauty alone held no rival and her personality was like Mother Nature. She welcomed all, but she was like a raging storm that could plow through if she felt like it. She was dangerous despite all the natural beauty.

Many Alphas tried to dominate her, but she didn’t let them.

She wanted to save herself for her mate.

And she did.

However, many objected to their mating.

Those who couldn’t bless the two werewolves who were meant to be together plotted behind their back and did many things to tear them apart.

That didn’t stop them from having a child together.

The Pureblood blessed the child and their descendants until the end of time.

Life was peaceful and all was right.

Then the Second Supernatural War happened.

Betrayed by her kind, the Female Alpha fell.

It was the greatest mistake the werewolves had ever let happen, but that didn’t stop those who betrayed the Female Alpha from continuing their horrible ways.

The mate of the Female Alpha was stripped of his title and blamed for what happened after his mate’s death.

Had he not allowed his mate to fight, she would not have died.

He and along with his loyalists were banished from their land and moved to another on the other side of the world, the New World.

The death of the Female Alpha had angered the Moon Goddess.

The Female Alpha was the favorite child of the Moon Goddess, some say she actually did carry the blood of the ethereal being in her veins.

Whatever her relationship with the Moon Goddess was had affected all werewolves.

Whether they did something or didn’t do a thing at all, all werewolves lost a part of themselves.

Weres lost the ability to communicate with their wolves. It was as if the wolves of Weres just disappeared in them.

Communicating in any way with their wolf soon became a myth.

But, there were those who didn’t lose hope. That one day the Female Alpha will be reincarnated to put the world back in place so Werewolves can feel the connection between man and wolf.

Legend has it her heart is the only thing that can right the wrong that her kind had done.”

“Stop lying Rose,” Katie glares at the red head girl wearing a fancy dress sitting across her.

“I’m not lying!” Rose exclaims incredulously, “My mommy told me!”

“Why hadn’t my mommy told me it then? I’ve never heard of such a legend.” Katie huffs indigently. Mommy, Rose is lying!”

“Am not!”

“Are too!”

“Am not!”

“Girls,” a gentle voice silences them.

A beautiful woman sat between the two and held their hands in her hand.

She had long black hair and grey eyes that mirrored little Katie’s. Her skin was pale and glowed as if she was the moon herself.

“Why are you two arguing again?” She asks softly.

“Rose is lying! I never heard of that legend!”

Katie’s mom’s eyes regard Rose curiously before she stares at her daughter. “I’ve heard about it, but I never heard the whole legend itself.”

“See!” Katie sticks her tongue out at the red head.

Rose’s eyes begin to tear up. “But, I wasn’t lying.”

Katie’s mom laugh is like music to their ears as she holds Rose lovingly in her arm, “I never said you were.”

Immediately Rose perks up and shows her tongue at Katie, “Told you I wasn’t lying!”

Katie pouts, “I don’t understand mommy.”

Her mother ruffles her hair and hugs her along with the red head. “You two girls have so much to learn.”

Rose’s eyebrows nit together in confusion, “But I’ve already learned a lot, Father even gave me a lot of teachers.”

Katie’s mother’s smile drop and she stares at Rose silently.

“Oh, sorry,” Rose apologizes.

Katie’s mom sends her a small smile “It’s okay, Rose. A child cannot choose the parents they're born from.”

Katie looks between the two and smiles.

I don’t understand a lot of things yet, but I’m happy with just these two.

“Rose,” Katie calls her only friend.

Rose looks at her only friend too.

“Do you believe in the Female Alpha?” Katie asks. “Do you think we’ll be able to communicate with our inner wolves?”

Rose shakes her head, “Nope! Mommy said it wasn’t real! And she says that it’s impossible to have two separate minds in one body.”

Katie looks up into her mother’s eyes that have grown distant. “What about you mommy?”

She looks down at her daughter and stares at Katie for a long moment.

“I,” her mother hesitates, than decides better than to answer it. Instead she turns the question back on Katie. “What do you think Katie?”

Katie grins and her mother raises an elegant eyebrow. “I believe in the Female Alpha!”

Rose giggles at how Katie sounds so sure causing Katie to pout. “What makes you so sure huh?”

Katie glares at Rose and raises her chin up. “Because I can feel it!”

“Feel what?” Rose is suddenly curious.

“My wolf!” Katie grins.

Katie’s mother and Rose look at each other and then laugh. Their laughter bounces off the underground walls and Katie’s grin drops again.

“Did you not hear me?” Rose giggles at her friend. “My mommy said it’s impossible.”

Katie’s mother stops laughing and stares at her daughter’s face.

Katie looks completely betrayed.

Before her mother can cheer her up, Katie’s already talking.

“But a voice told me so.”

Katie’s mother frowns at her daughter. “What voice? Did you hurt your head when I wasn’t with you?” She looks for any injuries on her daughter’s head.

“Oh no, are you okay?” Rose looks genuinely concern.

Katie swats her mother’s hand away angrily, “I didn’t hurt my head! I’m serious mommy! A voice told me that the Female Alpha is real that’s why I asked Rose about it!”

“What?” Her mother’s mouth parts in shock. She grabs her daughter’s arm and searches her eyes for any joking or uncertainty.

“Mommy?” Katie questions.

“When did you hear this voice? What did it tell you?” Her mother forces out her tightening throat and stares at her daughter, praying she’s lying this time.

Katie tilts her head to the side not understanding why her mother is freaking out, “When I was asleep this morning, mommy. I saw a white wolf under the moonlight. The voice didn’t really say anything but showed me the picture. But, I don’t understand it. The picture was like a song with a lot of words in it.”

The clanging of metal has the little girls’ attention going to the barred doors. A man with a badge on his shirt walks into the room with a cake in hand.

“A cake requested by Lady Rose,” the guard holds out a vanilla cake covered in white icing topped with strawberries.

“The cake!” Rose exclaims and takes it from the guard who leaves soon after and locks the door again. Rose looks at Katie and smiles. “Happy Birthday Katie!”

Katie grins. “Thanks Rose!”

The two little girls look to the only adult in the room and wait.

Katie’s mother notices and forces a smile that the girls cannot tell apart from a real or fake one. “You’re nine years old, Katie. Soon you’ll be ten.”

“I can’t wait till I’m ten!” Katie grins even more. “I feel like I might even shift earlier than everyone, who knows maybe I’ll be like the white wolf in my dream!”

Katie’s mother hands her a fork and Rose grabs her own, the two begin to eat.

“You can’t shift until you’re seventeen!” Rose puts a strawberry into her mouth. “Just like how you can’t find your mate until you’re that age.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Katie hums as she savors the tasty cake. She can’t eat that in the prison cell. She smiles sadly down at her cake. “But I don’t want a mate.”

Katie’s mother’s eyes soften at her daughter and she caresses her cheeks lovingly, “My baby, not all mates are like mine.”

“I don’t need one,” Katie says determinedly.

Her mother could only sigh. Maybe if fate wasn’t cruel, her daughter will have an amazing mate and they can run away where the moon don’t shine.

Once they’re done eating the cake the topic changes.

“Oh!” Katie suddenly exclaims catching the other two’s attention. “What about the child?”

Rose tilts her head questioningly at her friend. “What do you mean?”

“The Female Alpha’s child, duh!”

“Oh!” Rose gasps. She then frowns sadly. “Nobody knows what happened to the child.”

“Oh,” Katie says, “that’s sad.”

“It really is a sad story isn’t it?” Rose agrees.

“It is,” Katie’s mother finishes. She engulfs her only child into a hug. “Hopefully your story isn’t as sad as hers Katie.”

Katie looks up at her mom. “Why would I have a story mommy? And what can be worse than the Arena?”

“Anything, and everything, Katie.” Her mother replies cryptically.

“I don’t understand.” Katie mumbles into her mother’s chest.

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