The Female Alpha

By Wusstig03

557 0 0

It's been many centuries since the Second Supernatural War, since then, werewolves have been unable to commun... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 ✅
Chapter 9 ✅
Chapter 10 ✅
Chapter 11 ✅
Chapter 12 ✅
Chapter 13 ✅
Chapter 14 ✅
Chapter 15 ✅
Chapter 16 ✅
Chapter 17 ✅
Chapter 18 ✅
Chapter 19 ✅
Chapter 20 ✅
Chapter 21 ✅
Chapter 22 ✅
Chapter 23 ✅
Chapter 24 ✅
Chapter 25 ✅
Chapter 26 ✅
Chapter 27 ✅
Chapter 28 ✅
Chapter 29 ✅
Chapter 30 ✅

Chapter 5

16 0 0
By Wusstig03

3rd Person’s POV

Trish freezes when all eyes land her. She’s holding two large shoulder bags and a large plastic bag.

“Uh…”she sheepishly grins, “someone going to help?”

Daniel shakes his head and chuckles at her timing, he grabs one while Samuel snatches the one that smells of Rose. Trish rolls her eyes at him.

“Am I interrupting something?” She asks after she looks pointed at the ones in trouble.

“Nothing,” Samuel huffs as he hugs the bag close to his chest.


“Eh-em” Nick appears from behind her a minute later.

All eyes shift again, but this time to the two girls behind the doctor.

Rose is being held bridal style in Katie’s arms.

Samuel immediately drops the bag he’s holding and runs to Rose’s side. “I can carry her!”

Katie quickly glares at him and he stops a foot away, almost touching her. “I’m already carrying her. And be careful with my bag.”

He backs off and picks up the bag, but everyone can see the horrified expression on his face. “Oh,” he says downheartedly and gulps. “I’m sorry.”

Rose quickly tries to reassure him, “But thank you for the offer. It’s just…Katie is very protective of me since I’m weak and all…And don’t worry, most of my things are in her bag!”

Samuel smiles at her like she’s the Moon Goddess herself.

Jackson nods his head for them to enter.

With her head held high and holding Rose closer to her body, Katie steps into the pack house.

Immediately the other occupants tense.

“This is Rose,” Jackson motions to her, “and she’s Samuel’s mate. She’ll be recovering here at the pack house.” He then looks to Katie who is observing the rest of the members, “And she’s Katie. She won’t hurt anyone unless someone attacks Rose. They will not shift granted they get my permission to do so.”

At that, Katie finally looks at him like she wants to say something but doesn’t because it wouldn’t be wise to disrespect an Alpha in front of his pack.

He turns back to the members who attacked them, “And you all will go to the elders and train under their guidance for the next two weeks.”

Their faces fall at the thought. The rest of the pack members shoot them sympathetic and pity looks.

“You are to leave tonight. Keith and Tony, you two will right when you’re healed. Everyone, dismiss.”

The pack members all scramble out of the lounge; some heading up stairs, other’s elevators, and the rest out the mansion.

Katie’s POV

My eyes widen when the lounge is almost empty.

The place is so open, and there are several tables and chairs, couches and coffee tables.

I look at the left side and there is an area for the kids, on the other side of the entrance next to the elevator is a door that seems to smell like variety of foods and drinks, most likely the kitchen.

My head snaps to a few teenagers hanging out around an entertainment system on the right side.

“Nice isn’t it?” Trish bumps our shoulders together.

I take in the lounge as a whole, but don’t say anything ignoring the amused and pleased expressions of the guys.

“Katie’s not used to fanciness.” Rose comes to my rescue.

“Really? Aren’t you a female Alpha though? Your kind is only told in legends man! Surely you were given special treatment since your strong and all,” Samuel attempts to flatter me.

Instead that only pisses me off.

I glare at him and he jumps back most likely not expecting that kind of reaction.

“Katie was a member of the West Clan, but she was not officially accepted as one.” Rose says in a low voice like she doesn’t want me to hear it. But since I know her, I know she doesn’t want me to hear.

Even though she knows I don’t mind not being a part of that pack, I’d never want to be anyways.

Nobody dares question further when Rose looks at them.

Suddenly, I lock eyes with burning red ones. I can feel his gaze trying to burn deeper. To see through places I’ve locked off from the world.

When I feel my legs about to give out I quickly look down to Rose and decide to stare into her eyes; calming down and drowning in the dark pools of her eyes to ignore the piercing stare directed at me watching my every move.

“Follow me,” Jackson says and I look up to see he’s not staring at me anymore.

As if they can feel the tension between the two of us, the others remain quiet in the elevator. Once we make it to the fourth floor the elevator dings signaling our stop.

“So this is the fourth floor you were telling me about?” I flick my eyes across the spacious hallway, studying it just in case.

Daniel nods his head, “Yup. The place is more like a hotel maze than a four-story mansion so if you’re going to explore, make sure you inform one of us so we can give you an escort.”

“You’re not going to leave Samuel?” I ask surprised. Earlier he looked like a little pup ready to follow Rose wherever she goes.

Trish snorts and crosses her arms over her chest, “He wasn’t going to leave even if we assigned someone else as your escort. So you’re practically stuck with him.”

“Which is good because this is my room,” Samuel knocks on a door we pass.

“Your rooms are up here?” I can’t help but ask because I’m not really sure how the whole pack member thing works.

Jackson looks at me from the corner of his eyes, “Only those close to the Alpha.”

“Hmm.” I hum thoughtfully. So if I—

Immediately I stop that thought. There’s no if’s here for me.

Trish knocks on another door we pass, “And that one was mine and Danny’s so feel free to call on me any time.”

We then come to a stop on the next door right before the door at the end of the hall.

“And this door is for special guests for the Alpha.” Daniel unlocks the door and we all enter.

“My room is that one at the end,” Jackson points.

I nod and quickly turn to Daniel who opens their door. “This is your guys’ room.”

“Wow…” I say in disbelief. Do people really live like this every day? I mean we’re only staying here a couple weeks, I wouldn’t have mind a simpler room like the one at the motel. Not that I’m complaining though, I’ll take what I can get, especially if it’s free.

Rose looks at me and smiles sadly, “Right you’ve only ever lived in the basement.”

I inwardly groan at Rose’s obliviousness. Of all things to say. I ignore the incredulous stares from the others.

I whistle, “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to these kinds of fanciness.”

“Well these could be all yours if you decide to stay,” Samuel wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

We all deadpan at him. Jackson has an unreadable expression directed at him.

“Samuel,” I say with a dark smile because he’s beginning to irritate me, “I’m a cheap person. I prefer something homey and welcoming, not something I’m scared to touch because I might break it from a little tap.”

Samuel salutes me and nods his head. I sigh. Is this really the person the Moon Goddess paired with Rose? I can see why they’re mates but I don’t understand. Why exactly?

The others sigh along with me. Rose continues to just smile.

Daniel puts down the bag he’s carrying on the bed, followed by Trish and Samuel. I gently place Rose on the bed and let her shift until she’s comfortable.

“Thank you guys,” I thank them at the door.

“If you need anything, here’s my number.” Jackson hands me a piece of paper.

I look at it, contemplating a little bit before finally taking it. “Right. Thanks.”

We say goodbye and close the door.

After the door closes, I slide down it. I spread my legs out and my arms lay limp at my sides. “What a day…” I say wearily.

Rose giggles at me. “What a day indeed. We met our mates!”

I can only chuckle, but it’s dead and doesn’t have any emotion in it.

I close my eyes and I can see the burning red orbs pulling me in, daring me. I don’t know what exactly, but it’s there and it’s burning my soul. And a part of me actually wants to burn. Like a moth drawn to the flame.


My eyes snap open and I’m staring at the worried dark blue orbs.

I smile at Rose waiting for me to tell what’s on my mind.

“I’m fine,” I reassure her.

That’s right. I can’t burn in those intoxicating red pools, because I’m already droning in the deep blue.

Rose doesn’t look convinced so I add, “Really, I am. I’m just shock about the whole mate thing.”

I half-tune out Rose as she goes on about our mates and whatever else she’s talking about to figure out what’s next.

I don’t close my eyes this time, because I don’t want to see the truth. The reality seems good enough at the moment.

“Mate…” I say to myself, low enough that not even Rose hears it.

He’s my mate.

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