Imagines : LOKI #Wattys2015

By villainousladyloki

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Imagine ... if you were to meet Loki. Put yourself in the story in my short imagines with the God of Mischi... More

Imagine (Loki Short Stories)
Imagine Loki having to rescue you
Imagine Loki having to rescue you (part 2)
Imagine watching Loki suffer
Imagine Loki finding you in a snowstorm
Imagine Loki playing with you in the snow
Imagine telling Loki your pregnant
Imagine Loki flirting with you
Imagine Loki saving you at SHIELD
Imagine Loki proposing to you
Imagine Loki teaching you magic
Imagine Loki appearing beside you
Imagine trying to stop Loki leaving
Imagine Loki asking you out
Imagine Loki rescuing you from kidnappers
Imagine Loki giving you a helping hand
Imagine Loki watching a Disney film
Imagine being kidnapped with Loki
Imagine earth being attacked and Loki & Thor save your life
Imagine Loki discovering you in Jotunheim
Imagine Loki finding you homeless
Imagine Loki catching Fandrall flirting with you
Imagine Loki dying with you
Imagine Loki helping you bake
Imagine having Loki's baby
Imagine Loki trying to calm you down
Imagine Loki and Sherlock fighting over you
Imagine Loki crash landing in your back garden, again
Imagine Loki coming back to you
Imagine Loki rescuing you from Jotunhiem
Imagine believing Loki had manipulated you
Imagine Loki coming to save you
Imagine Loki finding out you have cancer
Imagine you and Loki's first kiss
Imagine Steve and Loki saving you
Imagine Loki finding you after being mugged
Imagine seeing Loki cheat on you
Imagine being saved and threatened by Loki (part 2)
Imagine being saved and threatened by Loki (part 3)
Imagine losing Loki's and yours unborn child
Imagine Loki catching you with Thor
Imagine Loki being romantic on your birthday
Imagine Loki comforting you
Imagine Loki finding out you'd been raped
Imagine Loki being nervous to show you his Jotun form
Imagine surprising Loki with you being pregnant
Imagine taking Loki swimming
Imagine Thor setting you up with Loki
Imagine Loki asking you for help
Imagine Loki giving you a birthday present
Imagine Loki rescuing you being mugged
Imagine finding Loki in his cell
Imagine finding Loki in his cell (part 2)
Imagine saving Loki in battle
Imagine Loki introducing you to his family
Imagine Loki seeing you being forced to kiss another man
Imagine Loki being shy
Imagine helping Sherlock find Loki
Imagine helping Sherlock find Loki (part 2)
Imagine helping Sherlock find Loki (part 3)
Imagine helping Sherlock find Loki (part 4)
Imagine helping Sherlock find Loki (part 5)
Imagine cheating on Loki with Bucky
Imagine cheating on Loki with Bucky (part 2)
Imagine meeting Loki in Stuttgart
Imagine Loki fighting you
Imagine taking Loki to a theme park
Imagine Loki taking you on a date
Imagine disobeying Loki's orders
Imagine being in a cell with Loki
Imagine Loki taking you to bed
Authors Note
Imagine following Loki
Imagine following Loki (part 2)
Imagine following Loki (part 3)
Imagine marrying Loki
Imagine watching a film with Loki
Imagine the first time Loki sees you
Imagine you and Loki in battle
Imagine defying Loki
Imagine defying Loki (part 2)
Imagine Loki not recognising you
Imagine Loki not recognising you (part 2)
Imagine being told that Loki had died
Imagine Loki haunting your dreams
Imagine Loki haunting your dreams (Part 2)
Imagine Loki haunting your dreams (part 3)
Imagine finding out about Loki's past
Imagine being the centre of Thor and Loki's affections
Imagine your cat running away
Imagine meeting your cellmate
Imagine being stuck with Loki
Imagine meeting Loki
Imagine scareing Loki

Imagine being saved and threatened by Loki

14.3K 207 19
By villainousladyloki

Imagine being saved and threatened by Loki

"Here boy, come on", you called to your dog as he ran bounding up the footpath ahead of you. Nothing pleased you more than getting out of the house and taking a long peaceful walk with your dog. You were walking through the woods when you'd noticed a small path leading off the main one. Being curious, you'd decided to follow it, as you'd never been down this one before. Your lovely brown Labrador, Spike, had been your from when you were very young, and because you had no other siblings, you loved him more than anything, and he never left your side. You'd been walking down the small path for at least an hour now, and the trees were getting thicker and more intimidating the further you went. Their long claw like branches snagged on your clothes as you pressed further into the woods. You heard your dog whimpering from behind you, and turn to look at him. "What is it boy? What's wrong?", you ask him, bending down to stroke him. He quickly yelps, and runs off back up the path. "Spike! Come back!", you shout after him, but freeze as you hear twigs snapping behind you. You turn around slowly, and freeze in fear as a pair of black eyes stare at you from the thick undergrowth. You watch, half frozen in fear and amazement, as the huge black wolf like animal emerges out, sniffing the air, it's eyes fixed on you. You gulp as you see it lick it's lips, baring it's sharp teeth at you, snarling. You started to back away slowly as it slowly started to advance towards you, it's powerful muscles tensing at it kept it's eyes fixed on you. As you walked backwards, your foot snapped a twig, and it caused the beast to roar. You span around and ran for your life, as fast as you could, with the beast chasing you. You could hear it destroying the trees behind you, getting closer, feeling it's breath on you as it closed in on you. Suddenly, your foot found a rabbit hole, and you fell, twisting your ankle. You clutched at it and screamed in pain, as you turned to look, the beast jumped in the air, coming down to strike on you. You screamed in terror, curling up, waiting for it's teeth to tear you to pieces. "No!", you hear someone shout, and hear the beast roar and feel its claws swipe the air just in front of you. You open your eyes and see a man jump off the back on the beast, landing in front of you, blood dripping from the dagger he held in his hand. The beast roared and swung his claws at the man, who ducked and swung his dagger at the beast, stabbing it in it's chest. The beast roared and fell to it's side, before dying. The dark haired man stood up, and looked back around at you, before coming over to you. "Are you alright miss?", he asked, his green cloak swaying behind him as he offered his hand to you. You hesitantly took his hand, and he helped you up. "Thank you. What was that thing?", you say breathlessly, still in shock over what happened. You cry out in pain as you try to walk, your leg giving way underneath you. The man caught you as you fell into him, and he picked you up, carrying you over to a nearby fallen tree. He laid you down onto the fallen tree, and took off his cloak, wrapping it around you. "Thank you", you manage to say, wincing as you try to flex your foot. "It's quite alright. What fascinates me most is why a damsel such as yourself is walking through a dark wood like this?", he said grinning at you. You looked into his green eyes, admiring his sharp cheeks, his slicked back hair and pale completion. He made your heart flutter, but there was something about him that didn't seem right, his black and gold clothing looked like he was something out of a historical reenactment, and his voice was gently, but had an evil tone to it. "I was just walking my dog", you say plainly as he walked over to the dead beast and pulled his dagger out of it. "You mean that small pathetic creature that ran away at the whiff of danger. What is your name anyway, damsel", he joked grinning at you, spinning the dagger around in his hand as he walked back over to you. "He's not pathetic, he just got spooked, that's all. And my name is Y/N, not damsel", you say glaring at him. "Besides, you don't look like you're from round here anyway". He chuckled to himself, smiling at you. Something about his chuckle sent a shiver down your spine, and you pulled his cloak closer around you. "You're right Y/N. I'm not", he said darkly, coming closer to you. Now you felt intimidated as he now stood directly in front of you, his eyes darkly looking at you. "My name is Loki. I'm a god, and on the run. You happened to stumble across my hiding place and you set off my defences", he said slyly, gesturing to the dead beast. "It should have killed you, but I thought it would have been a shame to spoil such a pretty face", he said softly, reaching up to touch your cheek. You recoiled back in shock, not wanting him to touch you. "I scare you now, don't I?", he said darkly as he brought his face closer to yours. You gulp and nod your head, watching his hand as he continued to spin the dagger around in it. From off, you can hear a dog barking, your dog Spike. "Spike, over here!", you shout, relieved. Loki grabs hold of you, clamping his hand down over your mouth as you try to call out again. "Stay silent!", he whispers deadly into your ear. Your eyes now wide in fear, as you can hear more dogs barking, and hear voices of people getting closer. "He's over here! Move in!", you hear someone shout as the sound of approaching people increases. "Damn!", Loki curses loudly, pulling you up from the tree, his arm now wrapped tightly around your neck. "Stay where you are Loki! Your surrounded", an officer shouts as they all emerge from the trees and bushes ahead all pointing their guns at him. "Who's the damsel in distress now then?", he whispered darkly into your ear as you try to struggle out of his grip, holding you in front of him, using you like a shield. "Let the girl go Loki", you hear one of the officers shout at him as he drags you backwards with him, holding his dagger near your face, stopping you from objecting. "I will let her go when you are all dead at my feet!", he spat at them, continuing to move backwards until he stopped at the edge of a deep ditch. From nowhere, your dog came running up to you, barking. "Spike no!", you shout to his as he tries to run to you. Loki snarls and throws his dagger, and it hits the dog, sending him flying, before dropping to the floor dead. "No!", you scream as you try to fight Loki, hitting his chest as he tightens his grip on you, growling. "Open fire!", the officer shouts when he sees that you've managed to create a gap between the two of you. In the spilt second, Loki looks at you, anger in his eyes, and hurls you to the side, sending you falling down into the deep ditch. You scream once you've rolled down at hit the bottom, feeling your ankle snap. You cover your head as the sound of gunfire erupts above you. Your eyes screwed up in pain, your ears ringing, yourself in shock and fear, everything overwhelms you, and you pass out, not knowing if Loki was dead or if the officers were instead.

End of part 1

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