Alive [Lirry] EDITING!

By hopeangel11

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SEQUEL TO "TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY"! Please read "Irresistible", then "Truly, Madly, Deeply" BEFORE this one! Th... More

Alive [Lirry]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (NEW)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - LAST CHAPTER!

Chapter 11

672 22 7
By hopeangel11

Chapter 11 

"We're home!" Claire called out, looking around the front hall of their house hesitantly.

"So put it away before we see anything gross!" Ethan added.

"Dad! Papa! Where are y- AAAH!" Dylan screamed and covered his eyes. "I'm blind! I have to be! They're naked! It burns!"

Claire and Ethan followed their little brother cautiously to the living room, where Dylan was covering his eyes and muttering a silent prayer that this wasn't actually happening to his 'precious eyes'.They peeked their heads slowly from the entrance of the living, just in time to see their Dad scrambling for his clothes and their Papa just laying on the couch with a dazed smile. Both were clearly naked under a blanket - the only thing keeping their eyes from seeing inappropriate things.

"EWWWW! Oh god!" the twins chorused, running to the kitchen.

"Wait! Don't leave me here! I'm gonna die!" Dylan shouted after them, running while he kept his hands over his eyes to cover them.

He ended up bumping into the wall, letting out an 'Oof!" as he fell on his bum. He whined and rubbed at it, taking a hand from his eyes. When Dylan felt someone helping him up, he blinked and uncovered his eyes, just to see his Dad half-naked still.

"No! Dad, I don't wanna see that!" he protested, scrambling away from Liam.

"Relax, Dyl. I'm mostly dressed. I was just helping you up," his Dad said with a tired sigh.

"Why do you sound so... tired?" the boy asked, furrowing his brows.

"Think about it, Dyl. We just caught them in the middle of their 'baby-making' process," Ethan informed him from the kitchen, still refusing to see their parents in their mostly naked phase.

Liam sighed again and rubbed his temple. "For your information, Ethan, we just finished. We weren't 'in the middle' of that anymore."

"You got that right, love. I just made you cum five times while they were still at school," Harry chimed in from the couch, looking absolutely f***ed out and drunk in love. "And you were so loud and submissive... Those were exactly like the days, Li."

"Shut up, Harold," Liam grumbled at his husband, throwing Harry's boxers at him.

"Ugh," Claire said with a shudder, peeking her head out from the kitchen. "Uh, Dad? Can you and Papa, like, get dressed now? We really don't wanna see anything we shouldn't."

"Trust me. If I could get your Papa to get fully dressed, I would've done it a while ago," Liam responded. "You heard her, Harold. Get dressed and stop scarring our children from your nakedness."

The older father pouted, but started sitting up to grab his clothes from the floor. Liam rolled his eyes and ushered Dylan in the kitchen with his siblings, telling them to stay in there while their Papa gets dressed, so they won't see anything. They agreed happily and went to get snacks from the fridge to distract themselves from something they may never forget. 

Liam walked back in the living room, watching his husband lazily pull his boxers on. When Harry spotted him watching he smirked and gestured Liam over to 'help him'.

"No. Absolutely not," the younger father refused Harry's hidden request.

"But Li - "

"Shut it. I'm just gonna help you get dressed quickly for our children's sake," Liam cut in, tugging Harry's joggers on roughly and accidentally brushed his hand on Harry's slowly hardening cock.

Harry hummed in approval and leaned against Liam, mouthing at his neck. The younger lad grunted and pushed Harry off, leading him up the stairs to their room after keeping hold of their shirts. Harry smiled and pulled Liam in their room and shut the door behind them as he kissed his husband hungrily.

"Stop, Harold. Let's just go take a shower and a nap. We both need it," Liam scolded him.

"We're taking a shower together?" Harry asked excitedly, pulling Liam in the bathroom before the other could even reply.

"You wouldn't have taken a shower without me anyway," the brown-eyed lad mumbled, pulling his joggers and boxers off as he ignored Harry's lustful stare. "Take off your clothes, Styles."

"So demanding and sexy. I love it."

While they 'took a shower', their kids downstairs refused to even go up to their rooms, just in case their parents were at 'it' again. Of course, they were right, but they didn't have to know for sure at the moment.

"How long do you think they'll be at it?" Ethan asked cautiously.

"Until Papa's satisfied and probably knocked Dad up with triplets," Claire muttered in reply.

"Triplets? We don't need three more siblings that are the same age! It's already bad enough with you two being twins!" Dylan complained, earning glares from them. "What? It's true!"

They just rolled their eyes at him and continued to eat some crisps as they watched a movie that happened to be on TV. Unfortunately, they swear they could hear their... Dad letting out some noises that they surely didn't need to hear. Ethan covered his ears in annoyance, while Claire and Dylan gagged and turned up the volume on the TV.

When that went on for another minute, they lost it and stood up from the couch. They could still here some inappropriate noises upstairs, making them angrier and more annoyed.

"I can't do this anymore! It's too much!" Ethan shouted.

"They're so gross! They know we're down here, trying to be perfect kids for them. And they're at it like freaking rabbits!" Claire added loudly.

"And you know what makes this worse?" Dylan questioned, looking at the twins with wide eyes. "We just sat on the same couch they did 'it' on! We're infected now! We're actually gonna die and there's nothing we can do about it!"

A silence fell on them, frozen from shock in realization. Then after a minute, they jumped away from the couch and started screaming. Like, really screaming their lungs off.

Ethan and Dylan were louder than their sister, shuddering as they tried to wipe off any 'remains' from their fathers' 'sexcapades'. Claire just tried to take in deep breaths after screaming initially, in order to remain as calm as possible, after this realization.

"We are so forever scarred," she muttered in disbelief. "I'm actually scared of not forgetting about this. Like, ever."

"I'd rather die now than have to remember all of this for the rest of my life. Anyone have something sharp? Just poke me to death, but make it quick, so it doesn't hurt that much," Dylan suggested desperately, shaking the twins' shoulders.

"I wanna take a shower to clean their 'stuff' off. I can't live like this, guys," Ethan added with wide, frantic eyes.

"Do you guys feel that? It's like, the walls are closing in on us," Dylan muttered as his eyes looked at the whole room. "And they're like, talking and trying to tell us to run for our lives now. We should listen to them, right? We might have a chance to survive this."

Suddenly, they heard one of their parents cursing upstairs, stumbling down the stairs. It was surprisingly their Dad, who rarely swore, if ever around his children.

Their Papa was right behind him, trying to get a hold of his husband as they descended the stairs pretty clumsily for a couple of vampires. Liam slapped Harry's hands away from his waist and walked into the living room, to see their children looking scared and desperate.

"What's with all the screaming down here?" he asked calmly. "Are you all okay?"

"No, Dad. We are so very not 'okay'. How can you even ask that?" Claire snapped back, shocking Liam from how angry she seemed. She never spoke to Liam like that.

"Claire, what's the matter? Why are you so mad at me?" Liam asked with a frown.

"And stop giving your Dad some attitude. He doesn't deserve that and you know it," Harry added with a glare.

She sighed and closed her eyes as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Sorry, Dad. It's just - we heard you two doing each other and we took a seat on the couch that you guys used minutes ago."

"Sorry for freaking out about being infected," Dylan muttered.

"What was that, Dyl?" Harry snapped, eyes narrowing at their youngest child.

"You wouldn't have gotten infected," Liam said quickly, then regretted saying it when he saw the reaction of their kids to his words. "Sorry. Shouldn't have started with tha- Look. Your Papa and I are sorry for all of you having to listen to all that. We should've been more considerate of you, and not just do... that while you were all around."

The children looked at each other, before nodding at their Dad. Harry crossed his arms and eyed the couch, smirking at the thought of their reactions after realizing their were sitting on it.

"How was the couch? Comfy?" he asked playfully, earning an elbow in the gut from his husband.

"I can't believe we forgot you just used it for... you know," Ethan grumbled, starting to walk up the stairs.

"You're welcome for reminding you!" Dylan called from behind his brother, followed by Claire.

"Let's just take a shower to clean ourselves. Hopefully with the memories of this will be wiped away too," she hissed at them to hurry along.

As soon at they reached their rooms adn shut the doors, Liam turned to his husband, who was chuckling softly. "You're absolutely awful to them. I even consider myself an awful parent because we forgot to clean up after ourselves completely!"

"Come on, love. You totally find this hilarious," Harry prompted.

"No, I really don't. They shouldn't have had to deal with that," Liam countered, starting to get some cloths to wipe up the couch.

"I know. And you're right; they shouldn't have. But it already happened and they'll deal with it. That's part of growing up, right? Having to deal with stuff, learning to let go and move on?"

"Oh, hush. You were the one who was just struggling to let them grow up because they want to go on dates and have relationships," Liam said with a snort.

Harry rolled his eyes and took on a seat on the now clean couch. He pulled Liam on his lap and kissed his lips softly with a smile. His husband kissed back and pulled away to put his head on Harry's shoulder.

"You really think they'll get over something like that?" he asked seriously.

"They're gonna have to. I mean, it's not the worst thing ever," Harry replied nonchalantly.

"I guess you're right. At least they didn't walk in while we were doing it," the younger parent agreed with a sigh. "But still. Shouldn't have happened like that, okay Harold? We need to be more careful and mindful of our children."

With a nod, Harry leaned back against the couch and pulled Liam closer. The brown-eyed lad didn't resist, liking being this cuddly with his husband. He definitely enjoyed Harry like this after they have amazing sex like they just did for practically the whole day.

Not that he planned to tell his husband that; only to boost up his ego even more than necessary.

"I agree. We don't want them spreading this around to their friends and have them calling us 'uncontrollable, sex-crazed parents'. But who wouldn't be if they were us, right?" said Harry.

"Mhm," Liam hummed with a soft laugh. "You are sex-crazed, though. Very accurate, Styles."

"You weren't complaing today, though," the other muttered smugly.

"Control yourself, Harold," Liam scolded lightly, pushing Harry's hands away from his legs.

Their kids were now heading down the stairs cautiously, peeking through the living room entrance to make sure their parents weren't... you know, again. When they spotted their fathers just cuddling on the couch, giggling like a teenaged couple, they couldn't help but gag slightly, yet be grateful they weren't at it again.

"You can all come in, you know? We're behaving ourselves now," Harry called out to them, still staring at Liam adoringly.

"Thank the high heavens," Dylan breathed out dramatically, running in the room. He jumped up and landed beside their Dad with a bright smile. "Should we be expecting a new baby brother soon?"

"Baby sister," Claire corrected, sitting in between their parents purposefully. 

"She'll still be too young to gang up with you against me and Dyl," Ethan pointed out as he sat beside Harry, eyeing their parents sternly. "Please keeps your hands and other parts to yourselves to keep our sanity and innocence, fathers."

Claire scoffed and batted Harry's arm away from Liam when he tried to reach over her to hold Liam's hand. "Papa, seriously! Wait until we're fully asleep tonight before your 'nastiness'."

"I thought you wanted a sister?" he asked as he pouted for not being able to touch his husband.

"Yeah, I do. But don't work on it now. We, your kids, are present in the same room as you. And I seriously think Dad is already pregnant," she claimed.

"He should be. The amount of times we've - " Harry started smugly.

"NO!" their kids exclaimed, covering their ears.

Liam whacked the back of Harry's head and scolded him for being inappropraite again. "Let's just watch a movie as a family, then go to bed. We have two hours until your bedtime."

"I get to pick!" Dylan declared, running over to the DVDs to pick a film.

"Wait. Why does Dylan get to pick? Didn't he pick the movie last time?" Ethan demanded.

"No, I didn't! You did, remember? You picked some scary movie you ended up being scared of," the youngest argued, going through the DVDs.

With a roll of their eyes, the parents sighed and just let Dylan pick, promising Ethan that he could pick the movie next time. He grumbled, but accepted it, crossing his arms as Harry put an arm around him to console his moody son.

"You sure you're not the one with your period?" he asked jokingly.

"Ew, Papa! And of course I don't!" Ethan protested, trying to pull away from Harry's hold.

"Hush, child. Stay calm and embrace the love I give you as your father," Harry said calmly, hugging his eldest son tighter.

"Aww! Family bonding time!" Claire said happily, hugging her Dad as well. "Would be better if I had a sister, though."

"Don't ruin the moment, sister," Ethan retorted, reluctantly hugging Harry back.

Dylan just picked a movie and put it in the DVD player, pouting when he saw his family all cuddled up without him. "Hey! I wanna join the hugging! It's not as cute without me!"

"Come here, Dyl," Liam said as he motioned their youngest son over.

"Yay!" the boy exclaimed, jumping on Liam's lap and hugging him tightly. "This hug just got even cuter and better! Go family!"

Then they all watched the film he chose - "The Lego Movie". Because, why not? It was a really good movie anyways. not to mention Dylan's favourite. Who wouldn't wanna watch it with him and his family?

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