Connor X Reader Oneshots (Det...

By TrueGamerGirl99

179K 3.3K 4.9K

For when I'm bored and don't wanna write anything else. (And Can't be bothered to do homework) More

Connor x Android Reader
Connor X Escapee Reader
Connor x Reader (PARTY)
Protective Connor X Reader
Connor X Deviant Reader
Connor X Emotional Android Reader
Connor X Emotional Android Reader
Connor X Hanks Daughter Reader
Connor X Parkourist Reader
Connor X Android Reader
Connor X Reader
Connor X Reader
Connor X Android Reader
Connor X Android Reader
Connor X Reader
Connor X Reader
AI Generated
Connor x Reader

Connor X Android Reader

7.8K 131 36
By TrueGamerGirl99

(Bold = Memory(2nd half)) (Long)

I guess it started at training. We were both being tested to go on real missions, we have three weeks to prove that we are ready. I and Connor were to work together for the duration of the training.

I heard my door slam open and close again.

"Did you lose the game again?" I asked

"We won, too easy! You should have come!" Connor shouted, he practically flopped onto the couch

"I already told you, I had to study," I said calmly

"For what?" He asked stubbornly

"Detroit," I responded

It's meant to be Android heaven. All the latest tech and newest Androids.

"We are a team and let's face it, I'm not gonna get into Detroit," He said

"You need to at least try," I said

"We have a training at 10 pm," He said

"We always do," I said getting up

It was currently 9:34 pm. We decided to leave early.

We arrived and waited.

"Why do you want to go to Detroit so much?" Connor asked

"It's meant to be the best," I said, I gave him a smile and he smiled back

"What is the training for today?" He asked

"Basic obstacles," I said looking in the room

"We should get our hair done the same," Connor said

I just looked at him...

"Same suits, same hair... we could be twins!" He said

"I don't know..." I was hesitant, "They'll call us Deviants,"

"How?" He asked

"They'll think that we have fallen in love," I responded

"We will say it was so it didn't get caught in anything," He said

"We'll need permission," I thought for a moment, "Other than that, we should be fine,"

I could see a wide smile, I just laughed

We stopped when a few officers walked in, "Are you two ready for training?"

We nodded

Time Skip

We walked out the Android Barber, we had the same hair. Short, with a small bit that hung out. (Connors' hair) We walked to our rooms laughing.

"I must say, I love it," He said

"I look like a boy," I responded, He just laughed harder

We arrived at my room, We hugged then he walked to his. I laid on my couch and relaxed.

Bang, Bang, Bang...

I walked over to my door to meet an officer, "You are requested at the main office,"

I was escorted to the main office, just to be escorted to the bosses office. Apparently, I and Connor were suspected of being Deviants so we had to go through punishment...

"It was all me, Don't punish him," I said

He looked at me I could tell he was shocked but kept a calm face

"Due to you only being a prototype, you will only be punished and have your systems fixed, call your self-lucky..."

Time Skip

Connor's Pov...

I walked over to Lieutenant Hank, He was waiting for someone apparently.

"How long will this take Lieutenant?" I asked getting impatient

"How am I supposed to know?!" He answered

I heard footsteps coming out the bosses office, It was an Android, one I haven't seen in a long time...


She still has her hair the same but she truly seemed emotionless...

"How are we getting our hair done?" She asked

"I say short with a little bit that is longer," I replied

"Why?" She asked

"I don't know, let's just try it," I responded

"Hello, I'm Android RK800, also known as (Y/N)," She offered Hank a handshake

"Hank, and I already have an Android," He said shaking her hand

"Due to the number of failures, I have been sent in addition to this RK800," She spoke like she has lost all hope, nothing like before

"Are you ready for training?!" She asked, full of joy

"Nope," I replied

"Oh! Come On!" She was so excited

"Well we already know what case we are going to," Hank said, "We are checking out a Deviant that was seen exiting a bus and entering a store,"

She nodded

"Well, Let's go," I said

Hank was sitting in the front and (Y/N) and I was in the back. Silence except for Hank's music. Once we arrived we questioned the shop owner, We got an idea to check the abandoned house, That was until we saw the Deviants run, We chased them. They climbed a fence, Hank told me there was no point but (Y/N) thought otherwise.

Instead of stopping she kept on running, At the end she jumped, placing her foot in one of the gaps, she launched herself over the fence and bolted it over the road. Any car that got close was either dodged or jumped over. Amazing skill, better than in training...

I watched as we synced our moves, One was in control with the other planned the route, she was always in control and was damn good at it. When it was the race everyone was at the wall climbing while we were at the monkey bars, the hardest part, She decided that if we ran on top of the bars we would be even faster, she was correct. We ran, tucked in our bodies and went round and round until we were on top of the bars, we ran to the end, I picked the fastest route for us and she performed it with precision, She was remarkable We always won... Thanks to her...

She was about to catch the Deviant when they ran along the train tracks and Crash... She was gone like that...

It was two days until she returned, just as emotionless...

"Hey (Y/N)..." I tried to break the silence

(IDK what they do after work so I'm gonna say they stay in the CyberLIfe tower and wonder about)

She looked at me, she looked like she wanted to say something but looked back down. She was looking at her hand, I looked at it to see small bolts of electricity...

"You were given electromagnetic punishment?!" I said

She didn't say a thing

That was the worst punishment you could ever get... You could lose your memory, Voice, any of your senses or you could die...

"Do you remember me?" I asked, looking into her (E/C) eyes

"Connor?" She asked looking at me

"Yes?" I responded looking into her (E/C) eyes

"If anything happens, Will you remember me?" She asked

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked

"No reason," She said

"Would you remember me?" I asked her

"Duh, RK800 It would be impossible to forget you, dummy!" She said

We both laughed, She always made me laugh

"RK800 also known as Connor, We went through training together until we were caught laughing and hugging, We were both meant to take a small punishment but I took the large one for him," She paused, "That was the day I did this to my hair," She said pointing to her hair, She moved her hand down and looked at it again

"I'm sorry (Y/N)," I said

"I always loved you," She said out of the blue, "You always made me happy when I was in my darkest moments, Laugh when I no spirit in me, a Deviant when I was supposed to hunt them,"

"(Y/N)," Was All I could say

She looked at me, "I'm sorry,"

She got up and before she could leave, I grabbed her waist and pulled her close...

"I love you too," I said

I kissed her and she kissed back...

(1182 Words)

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