Double the Trouble (AoKaga)...

By KneelingAngel

103K 3.3K 790

When Kagami left to go to America after The Last Game against the Jabawock's, little did he knew he was carry... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author Update (DONT PANIC!)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Mini Update!
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's note
Update- Goodbye for now

Chapter 5

6K 224 54
By KneelingAngel

They both collapsed back in Kagami's bed, catching their breath after their 'work out'. Kagami didn't say anything as he looked up at the ceiling. They really should have used a condom, he felt sticky and gross, but he was too tired to move. He didn't look at Aomine though. Aomine would probably have something dumb to say that he didn't care about... But instead he got something different than expected. "You're leaving tomorrow, right?" Aomine asked, looking up at the ceiling himself.

He couldn't believe he had just had sex with his greatest rival, the guy that put a smile back on his face, that made him enjoy basketball again. Now he had to miss that. No more thrilling games... Nothing... Life would become boring.

Aomine woke up with a groan, opening his eyes as he awoke from his dream. Stupid dream. He hadn't really been thinking much of Kagami lately. Sure, when his greatest rival still didn't appear in the NBA after five years he thought of the guy, even tried to look him up on facebook, but he couldn't find him. He just wanted to know where he was now after getting such a big chance to go study back in America for the NBA. Though, he hadn't thought about being intimate with Kagami since they had sex- The best sex of his life, but he would never admit that to that Bakagami! Now even 17 years in since that night he never found a partner that satisfied him as much as the night with the redhead.

Aomine groaned in his pillow before getting up. It was 4 AM but his shift was coming up. Sometimes being a policeman sucked.


Kagami sighed as he walked out of his office to grab a bite to eat. He was starving and really could use a bite of the lunch he had made for himself. Finding a seat, Kagami sat outside in the shadows as he watched other coworkers have their lunches, some patients and visitors walking around to grab some fresh air.

"Oi, Kagami!" Takao called and walked up to his old basketball rival and now coworker. "Is it alright if we have lunch with you?" He asked, but before getting an answer, he took a seat next to the redhead. Midorima was somewhere in the back, slowly taking his time to walk up with an annoyed look on his face.

Kagami watched the man beside him and stuttered a little. "S-sure." He stuttered a little. It was still crazy to see these guys all grown un, in working uniforms instead of their basketball gear. He looked down at his bento, popped the top and grabbed a riceball.

"Hoo, you have really changed, huh?" Takao said. "You always used to be so loud back in highschool."

"Takao, be quiet." Midorima said with a scolding frown and sat down next to the raven haired. "Don't make him more uncomfortable than he already is."

"-I'm not uncomfortable." Kagami protested before shutting up again. He groaned and shook his head. "It's just still weird to see you guys grown up, that's all." He confessed and sighed. "Makes me realize how old I am."

"What are you talking about, we're only 33." Takao laughed as he bit into his sandwich that he had bought at the hospital cafeteria.

Kagami silently scoffed. "Yeah, try having two teens." He grumbled to himself, but Takao and the green haired man besides the other heard him and both choked on their food.

"What?!" Takao asked with a confused look on his face.

Kagami wanted to facepalm. Fuck. Why did he say his thoughts out loud? He was so stupid! "W-Well... Yeah..." He said with an awkward chuckle and scratched the back of his head. Once again, he WASN'T ashamed of his children it just wasn't easy to confess that he was a teen parent and that having his babies meant giving up the NBA.

"That's great!" Takao beamed at the redhead. "How old are they? I didn't know you were married." He said and looked at Kagami's fingers trying to see the wedding ring, but Kagami quickly pulled his hand away.

"... I'm not married." Kagami said to Takao and saw Midorima watching him closely as well. He sighed and took another bite of his food. "They're 16." He said, not having to look at them to know their reaction as they went quiet. They were smart, they would be able to do the math within seconds. Takao was about to open his mouth but Kagami spoke before he could even ask the question. "Boy and a girl. Twins." He explained.

Midorima and Takao's eyes were wide. The looked at each other for a moment before Midorima got himself back together. "Well, you might not have joined the NBA-" He said and fixed his glasses, Kagami felt an arrow through his chest. "-But you did do well in the end." He smiled. "You got a fine job and your children still with you, that's more than some single parents who had children as teens."

Now it was Kagami's turn to look at the pair next to him with wide eyes. To think that Midorima would ever compliment him. He quickly turned back to his food with a smile. "Ah." He smiled. "I never would have wanted it any other way honestly."


"What's your fucking problem?!" Kiseki snapped at Tsuki. Ever since she joined the team he had been giving her crap. Just because she was a girl didn't mean she sucked at basketball or sports. She had just as much rights to be here as him! "Just toss me the freaking ball!"

"I don't toss to girls." Tsuki huffed and glared at the taller blue haired. "You should just be the manager like all those other girls. This is a boysteam!" He growled. "Those are the rules here in Japan, go back to America if you want to play in a mixed team!"

Kiseki gritted her teeth and balled her fists as Tsuki started getting in her face. DJ raised his brows a little worried for a moment, this wasn't going to end well-


Daiki deadpanned. Too late. Kiseki had thrown a fist at the male and punched him straight in the face.

"I have just as much right to be here as you!" Kiseki screamed at Tsuki's face.

"Stupid bitch-"

Daiki quickly jumped in between his sister and Tsuki before either of them would attack the other again, but it wasn't like it was helping much as Tsuki and Kiseki still tried to get into each other's faces. Tsuki tried to shove Kiseki, only shoving Daik in the progress, who then turned to shove him right back. "Keep me out of this, asshole!" DJ snapped back.

It wasn't long before Coach Hyuuga walked in with the team captain, both of them running to the fighting kids when they saw what was happening. "Knock it off!" Hyuuga shouted as it was Tsuki vs. the twins. "All of you, to the principles office!"


Kagami hurried as fast as he could after getting the phone call from the school. He couldn't believe this! He was embarrassed and angry at the same time. His twins always behaved well! That's how he raised them! They rarely got into fights back in America and if they got in a fight it would have been DJ, but this round it was Kiseki who threw the first punch according to the teacher. That had NEVER happened before. God, he hoped that they didn't expelled or anything like that. They hadn't even been on the school for that long!

Ugh... Maybe he should have expected this, they were his and Aomine's children. They had never been a good combination!

The school hadn't changed at all, it still looked the exact same from when he went there. The principles office was easy to find as he had been there a couple of times himself. He hurried down the hall before he knocked and entered the office. The twins were on the bench with another student who had an ice pack pressed to his face, Kiseki had an icepack on her hand and Daiki just kind of sat there waiting for judgment day to fall. Next to the student he didn't know there was a woman with blond hair much like her son's she clearly didn't look very pleased.

"Ah, Kagami-san, so glad you could make it." The principle said, the students and mother looking up. "As I told over the phone there had been a little accident between your children and Tsuki-san's son."

"Yes, yes, I am very sorry." Kagami said and bowed down. "I don't know how they could do such a thing, that's not how I raised them." He said, shooting his twins a glare before they quickly lowered their heads in shame. "It will never happen again." Kagami told the principle and the mother.

"I better hope not!" Tsuki's mother spoke, standing up from her seat. "Your children could have done some serious damage to my son. Do you raise your children like wild animals?"

"Hey! He started it!" Daiki snapped, standing up as well.

"No I didn't, Kiseki threw the first punch!" Tsuki snapped at his team mate.

"We wouldn't have had a problem if you just tossed me the freaking ball!" Kiseki saw now defending them as well. She couldn't just stay seated!

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Kagami snapped at his children. "Sit down!" He ordered and the twins did so, though a little hesitant at first. "This isn't how I raised you, I don't care who started it but we don't beat people. You should both be ashamed of yourself."

"This is exactly what happens when children don't have a mother."

Now Kagami had to bite his lip not to snap at Tsuki-san. That comment actually hurt. She had no idea how hard he worked to raise his children, he was their mother! He carried them for nine moths, raised them as a single teen parent. Kids fought from time to time, that was just how it was. He didn't accept it and the twins would be grounded for a VERY long time, but that last comment wasn't needed. It didn't serve any purpose.

"Once again, my apologies." Kagami said and bowed to Tsuki-san and the principle before turning to his kids again. "Let's go." He said roughly and walked out of the office with his twins on his heel.

They got into the car, dead silence. Kiseki and Daiki in the back seat with Kagami behind the wheel. Kagami was clearly angry and the twins ashamed of their actions. "We're sorry, dad." Kiseki said after a long moment of silence.

Kagami shook his head and clenched his jaw. "I raised you both better than this, didn't I?" He asked them, keeping back his growl. Everything he had done was to raise them like normal kids, like they had normal parents, he didn't need this crap! They were already judged, but did the kids have to make it worse? "You're both grounded. No basketball outside of training and you come back straight home after school. No excuses."

"Okay." The twins both mumbled, knowing it was a fair punishment, they really were in big trouble.

Kiseki looked at her dad and saw slight tears in the corner of his eye. She didn't say anything, but she was sure he was thinking about that last comment Tsuki's mother had said. They didn't need a female parent! They had always been fine the way they were.. it was her fault they got in trouble. She had thrown the first punch after all...


Later that night after dinner and after the twins had originally gone to bed, Kagami was sitting on the couch watching a movie. It almost ended, but he wasn't really paying attention to it. He was scrolling through pictures on his phone of when the twins were younger and how cute they had been.

He looked up suddenly when he heard someone come down the stairs. He looked up and saw Kiseki come downstairs in her shorts and tank top. She didn't say anything as she walked up and dumped herself next to him on the couch. Kagami gave a bit of a confused face before Kiseki spoke up. "We don't need a female mother." She mumbled, cuddling close to her father her head on his shoulder. "I'm really sorry." She said with a frown, looking down at her hands.

Kagami sighed softly before wrapping his arm around his daughter and kissing his daughter's head. "It's okay, you're forgiven." He said with a small smile, mumbling into her short blue hair. "Did you at least get him hard?"

Kiseki held up her hand, showing her parent her bruised knuckles. "I think I did." She said.

"I think his black eye is proof enough of how hard you hit." Daiki popped up and sat down on the other side of the couch. He couldn't sleep with his dad being angry at them. He just felt bad and it wasn't good for his conscious. "We don't do it again." He said, placing his head on his father's free shoulder.

Kagami smiled sweetly and kissed Daiki's red head as well, hugging both his twins close to him. He could never stay angry at them for long and there was nothing they could do that would make him love them any less. They were his babies and he would always defend them even if they were in the wrong. People could accuse him of being a bad parent, of raising his kids as animals, but as long as he had them he would gladly take it all. That's what he did as a carrier, he was their shield and he wouldn't let anyone hurt his babies.



I'm gonna start on the next chapter right away, but no promises that one will be up next week. I'm moving and painting my apartment, finishing up at work and I'm going on vacation. I will still try to write during vacation so don't worry. I will try to reply again as fast as possible!

Thank you all for your nice comments and support on this story. Is there anything you would like to happen during the next chapter? Something you're dying to read? Shoot me a PM or leave a comment. I hope you guys enjoyed a little bit of Aomine's POV ^^

Thanks again everyone!
XXX KneelingAngel

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